Tanjong Pagar

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    • Jour 2 244

      The kindness of strangers

      19 janvier 2022, Singapour ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      After the Soju last night I'm not really in the frame of mind for my pcr test today at 9am today. The alarm is set for 7am and it's about a 25 minute walk bur I'm hoping that might blow the cobwebs away. I really wanted to write about the kindness of strangers today. When I first arrived the feeling of loneliness was so overwhelming I broke my heart crying and wanted to come home but now as I'm about to leave I really don't want to. The journey is always about the people you meet and I can honestly say I have been so blessed. From Alan and his beautiful partner on the night of New year's eve to the crew in the roof top bar , Kai, Jon, Dave and a big shout out to Geraldine and Daryl and Finally the Silosa beach crew. Everyone of you opened up your hearts and let me in and gave me experiences that I never would have had. I am forever in your debt and eternally grateful. During these times I haven't been blessed meeting travellers as there are not many people crazy enough to be doing it at the moment and without the support I definitely would have been booking my ticket home , but here I am moving on to pastures new and if Thailand is half as friendly as here I know I'll be fine. My last mission is to try and get a part for my go pro and the guys have advised me to go to Funan which is a big electrical mall . After asking round a couple of shops I begin to give up hope but eventually I find the part I'm looking for and am so relieved when I attach it and it fits. On my way home I received my negative pcr result so as long as I get on the plane its Thailand here I come.En savoir plus

    • Jour 2 245

      The last supper

      20 janvier 2022, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      As I wander to the laundrette this morning I pass shop fronts with all there fresh deliveries outside. No-one will take them here, the trust and ability to leave things without them "magically" growing legs is one of the most endearing things I've found about Singapore. Of all the countries I've travelled this is the one I could honestly live in. Obviously you pay a cost of living for that but it's actually the things that I love about here are things that don't cost money. The respect for rules and each other is what actually brings this harmony. The streets are kept immaculate by guys who sweep with old fashion brooms, not collecting rubbish but the leaves and gardens. There are no masks or rubbish dropped in the street like at home.
      I also haven't seen any homeless people here although im sure it exists, the closest you get to a beggar are the people who sell tissues. These are an important part in Singapore because when you visit the Hawker centres they are the way of saving a seat while you go and get your food known locally as copeing. The hawker centres weren't always in established places they started sprawled along the streets until 1968 when the government took the issue on and licenced the hawkers putting them in constructed pavilions with running water and electricity in areas around the city. This also increased hygiene. There are over 100 hawker centres housing more than 6000 food stalls and are without doubt one of the Country's national treasures.
      This is my last full day and I want the opportunity to say goodbye to the people that have made it special. I start at the upstairs bar and am shocked when they present me with a leaving present and the most beautiful card with words that bring tears to my eyes and after my usual g and ts refuse to let me pay. Finally I head for the last supper with the 3 amigos. We all meet at Somerset and enjoy a fabulous Mexican but with it being a school night finish up early ish before I head back to spend my final night in the cube. Singapore you've been amazing and the people even more so. As I always say it's not goodbye its till we meet again xx
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    • Jour 2 242

      Embassy revisisited

      17 janvier 2022, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      My first thing on the agenda today is the Thai embassy to try and get my Thai pass sorted . After a 40 min trek it's closed, even though o n the website it states they are open. Its not far from the major shopping centre so it's not a wasted journey as I have a few things to pick up here. The guys and girls from the roof top bar have been my saviours here and I missed Regina's birthday the other day so as a thank you I buy a 12 box at krispy Kreme to say thank you. I've been advised that I can buy a birthday card near to the hotel so I head back that way. My plan is to go to the bird park in jurong but after checking on the website discover its only open Thurs to Sunday. I decide that I'll change my plans and just go to the night safari instead, but again when I look that is also only open Thursday through Sunday. What is it with everything being closed today. I have plans Thursday night so it looks like I'm not going to make it there after all. Back at the hotel I drop the little gifts off not wanting them to melt and decide to have a siesta. The heat today is suffocating but when I wake and head to the lobby for a cigarette the sky's have opened and its pouring. As I stand having my cigarette I'm caught by the police and just about manage to blag my way out of it . This is the perfect country. Everyone adheres to the rules, everything runs on time and everyone is equal and respected. I could live here if it wasn't so expensive. At 5 I make my way to the roof top bar to drop off the gifts and after a couple of g&t the guys tell me about a crash less than 12 months ago which happened right on the road outside. 5 young men were in the car and died it puts into perspective how precious life is.
      Feeling a little bit peckish I just head local for various snacks of deed fried camambert and pork satay. I can honestly say I'll be sad to leave here. From the emotional wreck when I first arrived to where I am now, the flip-flops are definitely well worn in and I am back in the travelling mode.
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    • Jour 2 240

      Fine dining

      15 janvier 2022, Singapour ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      I spend the morning trying to find an adaptor for my go pro after 3 shopping centres the only thing i come back with is a mascara. The shopping centres here are as good as dubai and I'm so glad to be travelling as it helps me to resist the temptation of purchasing anything. I have arranged to meet the guys and Jon at our little place this afternoon and after trawling the shops I'm more than ready for a beer. I arrive first and reserve a table for 4 and shortly after I'm joined by the crew. Jon has bought Geraldine and I flowers and we enjoy a few bites and beers in Chinatown before Daryl heads off to meet the boys.
      I love the fact that the conversation flows so easily constantly learning new aspects and views about politics and culture. This is what real travel is all about. John suggests the 3 of us head to level 33 which lays claim to being the highest micro brewery i n the world and in his opinion is the best view of the city and when we arrive its obviously a regular haunt when all the staff come out to greet Mr Jon. The views are spectacular and without doubt the best of the city. Tonight is Jon's treat and Daryl joins us for the oysters and champagne beer. The thought of oysters and my gag reflex don't really agree but I'm travelling and everything should be tried once. I was right my gag reflex struggles and after several attempts eventually managed to swallow. Even though it brings tears to my eyes. Unbeknown to me he also orders food. A tomahawk steak with hasselback potatoes and the nicest sprouts I've ever tasted. The food, service and food blow my mind and certainly put Raffles in the shade. The evening is finished with a bottle of red and cigars and espresso martinis for the ditch. A wonderful evening spent with wonderful people ❤q
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    • Jour 2 232

      Creature comforts.

      7 janvier 2022, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I don't feel the best today and decide to have a chill day. The humidity here especially with the mask wearing saps your energy beyond belief. The hotel I'm staying at has kitchen facilities and with my stomach not up for anything spicy I head to the local supermarket to purchase something that will suffice. My purchases include fruit kellogs cornflakes bread and philladelphia as well as a mug and some milk so I can use the in house coffee machine( if I can work out how to use it)
      Singapore is by far the cleanest city I have ever been to , smoking is strictly prohibited in the streets and the only way to have a cigarette is down little back streets next to the bins. Facemask wearing is also adhered to strongly and if your not wearing it properly you will be fined. As well as this it is also one of the safest and people leave things like phones and laptops on the sides of bars etc ( if you know me this is a blessing) as I think the punishment for any breaking of rules is so severe that it puts people off, but there's the other side where people here work together to make there living together easier. Everyone just gets along and I think a lot of countries could learn from this. Another thing I've noticed here is there are no homeless people in Singapore although I believe that that isn't necessarily the case and that there probably are but they are very well hidden out of view. The affluence here is also very apparent with me seeing 2 different Rolls Royce within days of each other. The good old British car definitely making an icon statement here of status. Chatting with the guys and girls In the bar they also explain they use the British education system qualifications here eg. GCSE and that all papers are sent to the UK to be marked. I would definitely recommend a week here to anyone it truly is an amazing city that has so much to do and see. Just bear with me as I'm trying to space things out with at least another fortnight here before I'm able to move on if I can. Still no news from Thailand , but I've managed to find a southeast Asia lonely planet in the bookcase here so have managed to look up a few options on my onwards travels from there to malaysia. Anyway a quick beer in the upstairs bar results in the bonus of a thunderstorm with a view and a few Watts app calls home are the perfect finish to my day.
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    • Jour 1

      Ahhhh singapore

      2 mars 2019, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today we travelled from Brisbane to Singapore on Qantas Flight 51. It was a good flight, we both managed to watch a few movies. We were sitting on the middle section of 4 with a spare seat next to me which was lucky!
      Arrival in Singapore was efficient and we were at our hotel, Ibis Singapore on Bencoolen, an hour after landing which was 7:20pm local time. Taxi from the airport was about $28. We got settled in to our room then headed out around the corner to the Albert place hawker centre (open air food court). Most of the stalls were closed but we chose one which had a long line. I got some noodles with pork and veggies and B got the pork and onion with rice. Both meals were pretty good and $4 each, bargain! We went for a wander and found an ice cream sandwich wafer stand. I got mint choc chip and B went for red bean which was sold out so settled for vanilla choc chip. $1.20 each. There was a nice breeze blowing tonight so we wandered some more before returning for the night. I plan to blog every day again this holiday, but lack of internet on our cruise will mean a bit of a wait.
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    • Jour 128


      16 août 2017, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      • Saksan yleisradion studiossa •

      Im singapurischen Chinatown befindet sich auch das ARD-Studio für Südost-Asien, welches daneben auch noch für Australien und die Antarktis zuständig ist. Kurzerhand haben wir also einfach mal Kontakt mit dem Studio aufgenommen, und tatsächlich haben diese auch gleich zugesagt, uns das Studio mal zeigen zu wollen.

      Wir rechneten mit einem kurzen Rundgang durch eins, zwei Räume und ein paar Worten dazu. Tatsächlich hat sich das Team des Studios jedoch als so gesprächig und freundlich erwiesen, dass sie sich knapp zwei Stunden Zeit genommen haben! Insbesondere der Korrespondent des Studios, Philipp Abresch, hat uns sehr locker interessante Hintergrundinformationen mitteilen können. Im ARD-Studio Tokio war er auch bereits für Nordkorea zuständig, wovon er uns besonders spannende Eindrücke vermitteln konnte. Auch Cutter, also der für den Schnitt Zuständige, Kameramann, Tontechniker und Koordinatorin haben uns etwas über deren Arbeitsalltag erzählt.

      Das Studio selbst ist ein altes Gebäude aus der britischen Kolonialzeit, welches in ARD-Farben aufgehübscht wurde. Es steht unter der Obhut des NDR und beliefert neben der Tagesschau auch Reportagesendungen wie den Weltspiegel.
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    • Jour 179

      singapore sam

      20 novembre 2022, Singapour ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Singapore Biennale 2023.

    • Jour 3


      16 janvier 2020, Singapour ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Cheap city overview ;-) on a social housing (biggest living space owned by the government with 1848 appartments)

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