Tivoli park

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    • Dag 33

      Eine Runde um Ljubljana

      1. juli 2022, Slovenien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Heute gings auf einen großen Teil des 32,5 Kilometer langen Freizeitweg der dort verläuft, wo Ljubljana während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von einer Militärsperre mit Stacheldraht umgeben war.

      Auf dem Weg, der auch unter den Namen Pot ob žici (Weg am Draht) und Zeleni prstan (Grüner Ring) bekannt ist, trifft man vor allem Spaziergänger und Jogger, aber auch zahlreiche Radfahrer. Einige Abschnitte des größtenteils breiten, bequem zu begehenden Schotterwegs führt durch besiedelte Stadtteile, wo er zum Teil asphaltiert ist.

      Allerdings sind wir irgendwann in die Stadt abgebogen. Denn die Freitage in Ljubljana sind zum Essen reserviert. Von Frühling bis in den späten Herbst sollte man hier sein. Der Pogacarjev trg transformiert in einen großen Essensmarkt, bei dem du dazu eingeladen wirst, frisch gekochtes Essen, interessante Farben und heim- oder internationale Geschmäcker anzusehen und zu probieren. Viele Restaurants aus ganz Slowenien präsentieren ihre Menüs in kleineren und günstigeren Portionen, sodass man sie probieren kann.
      Asiatisch, Paella, Sushi, Muscheln, und und und...

      Leider ist bei 35 Grad im Schatten das Essen zweitrangig, sodass wir lediglich eine Portion Spanferkel probierten. Das war allerdings außen super knusprig und innen zart. Gegart in einem Metallgehäuse zugedeckt mit einem Deckel auf dem Holzkohle ihre Arbeit verrichtete. Diese Garmethode hatten wir auch noch nicht gesehen.
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    • Dag 12

      Nog 2 dropjes erbij, jippiejeej

      11. september 2022, Slovenien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C


      Om de Penguin van gisteren mooi te starten krijgen jullie een exclusieve preview van de toekomstige vlog. Zoals u kan zien was iedereen weer uiterst gelukkig. 😌

      Maar wie zou er nu niet gelukkig zijn als ze NAAR LJUBLJANA GAAAAAAN jeeeeeeeeuuuuj

      Eerst hebben we heel even kort Ljublublub bekeken met meer Arne-borden, maar dan zijn we al snel de nieuwe patatjes gaan verwelkomen want
      WOM EN TOK ZIJN EEEEER!! nog eens Jeeeeeej
      En hoe kunnen we de reis met 5 beter starten dan de Captains Cabin af te breken? (Niet)

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    • Dag 11

      De kapitein is (weeral) van ons!

      11. september 2022, Slovenien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C


      Vandaag zijn we naar Ljubljana vertrokken! En in deze prachtstad zijn we onze laatste reisgenoten tegengekomen!!
      We hebben eerst onze was en plas gedaan zoals echte housewives en daarna zijn we naar de Captains Cabin gegaan! (Aanrader!)

      Heel de club zat vol belgen, maar echt 20 man van verschillende groepen ofzo twas een prachtavond met veel prikkels en burek, maar dat hoort zo!

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    • Dag 17

      I ❤️ Ljubliana

      21. april 2023, Slovenien ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      OMG. We've only been here a few hours, but already we are in love. This place is unbelievable.
      The people are lovely (and speak fluent English), the countryside is beautiful, the city centre is like something out of a fairytale, and it is absolutely buzzing.
      If anyone is reading this and is thinking of where to go for a Euro city break then you would be mad not to consider coming here.
      We wandered out of our apartment into the centre (only a minute or so as it is not a big city), and fell into the biggest street food festival I've ever seen. By the look of it, it's a regular affair. Great fun.
      I will post more pics tomorrow, but just look at these for starters.
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    • Dag 19

      Faith in humanity restored!

      23. april 2023, Slovenien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      A bit convoluted this one, but bear with me.
      So after a lovely walk up to the castle and back around to the city, we came across a lovely little street. We sat down for a beer at a local bar and ended up staying for a couple. We got talking to a few young locals who were sat there, playing chess and having a drink. We watched them play and then paid up and went over to a restaurant over the road for some lunch.
      Ten minutes into the meal the bar tender from over the road came in and said that I had left 10 euros on the bar, and passed it on to me. It turns out that he was a friend of the girl we were talking with and she told him that we had crossed the road to the restaurant.
      So after the meal we went back to the bar and I asked if I could buy them both a drink for their kindness. So he poured some shots for us all! It was like firewater, but great fun.
      This occurrence just reinforces my opinion about how lovely the people of Slovenia, and indeed their country, really are. What a fabulous few days.
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    • Dag 23

      Tag 23: Trieste - Ljubljana

      7. juni 2023, Slovenien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Fazit der 100km, welche ich heute in Slowenien 🇸🇮 zurückgelegt habe: Landschaftlich sehr schön und könnte genau so gut auch in der Schweiz sein. Viele Wälder, Wiesen und Hügel.

      Highlight des Tages war der Besuch der Höhlen von Škocjan. Es fühlte sich surreal an. Wie aus einer Szene aus Indiana Jones oder Herr der Ringe (die Bilder sind heller, als es wirklich war).

      Und dann war es soweit: 5km vor dem heutigen Ziel hatte ich meinen ersten (und hoffentlich letzten) Platten. Mit 4-5 mal Pumpen konnte ich jeweils noch 500 Meter fahren. Dann war Ende und ich ging den Rest zu Fuss zum Hotel. Morgen habe ich Zeit, um das Rad zu reparieren oder es machen zu lassen 😜.
      Morgen fahre ich nicht und erkunde Ljubliana.

      Auf dem Rad: 102 km / 1‘040 Höhenmeter / 5h 35min.
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    • Dag 14

      Ljubljana’s Bicycle Commuters

      2. oktober 2023, Slovenien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ljubljana is considered one of the greenest cities in Europe. Among its many efforts towards this end is encouraging the use of bicycles to get around. Their weaving in and out of pedestrians on foot often looked rather treacherous - for both cyclists and pedestrians - but we witnessed no collisions. Even parents with little ones, on their way to school, were on bicycles first thing in the morning. Quite impressive!Læs mere

    • Dag 36

      B-Day (we missed you Bailey)

      2. august 2023, Slovenien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Reunited with Bailey! We spent the day exploring Ljubljana including the triple bridge (which is really just 3 bridges next to each other but apparently it's a feat of architecture), the riverside, an army barracks that the youth fought to keep as a street art and cultural centre when it was decommissioned, and a short photo stop at every billboard with a cyclist (looking at you @Pog and @Rog) on it in the entire city. The city feels more like a big town than a capital city - lots of cycling infrastructure and greenery and a much slower pace than a lot of the cities we have been to so far. We also stopped off at the market where apparently the president comes to do his grocery shopping 🤠 we might have met him but we didn't really know what we were looking for hahaLæs mere

    • Dag 21

      The City Of Dragons 🏰

      31. juli 2023, Slovenien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I’ll admit, after 3 weeks on the road I’m starting to wear out a little. I jump on the train out of Zagreb and after a bit of a tussle to get a seat I dose off. When I wake up I find myself in a fairytale. Green fields with lush corn grows along the side of the river running beside the train track we’re on. Mountains close us in, with quaint churches perched on the peaks. Hawks soar and dive across the fields. We’re in Slovenia and my goodness is it gorgeous. Slovenia is one of the greenest countries in Europe with forest covering over 50% of the country and it shows.

      As we get closer to the capital city, the spell wears off momentarily until I find myself right in the city centre, face to face with a large stone dragon and staring at a castle above. It’s straight out of a Disney movie.

      Ljubljana, nicknamed ‘the City of Dragons’ due to it’s dragon symbol which was used to evoke strength and courage while fighting off the Turks, is an enchanting little city. They’ve embraced the fairytale image as shops sell all sorts of tourist wares adorned with dragons and castles and for some reason, ladybirds.

      I meet with Nina, born and bred in Ljubljana, she’s a cheery, warm, and bubbly Spanish professor at the local university. She wears blue mascara and a pink, yellow and blue patterned dress which is almost as bright as her personality. I can’t quite shake the feeling that she’d be the ideal person to announce Slovenia’s points in Eurovision… she tells us Slovenia is the only country in the world with ‘love’ in the name and then recounts stories of the county’s poet laureate, and the architect who is credited with shaping the city.

      Unlike Zagreb which was bombed during WW2, during the 90s and has then had to contend with numerous earthquakes, Ljubljana has survived without a scratch. Even during the country’s 10 day war of independence, the city was never bombed directly although the nearby airport was. It’s left Ljubljana unblemished, with beautiful buildings intact and nowadays it’s rather easy to get lost in it’s spell.
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    • Dag 26–29


      29. maj, Slovenien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After Villach, we set off for a 75 mile bike to the capital of Slovenia ljubljana. Little to our knowledge 15 miles into the journey, we started a steep climb and carried on going uphill for 10 miles! So that took us over 4 hours to cycle on that 1 hill. It was so steep in some parts that it was impossible to cycle up with all our gear, so we had to get off and walk at least a good 5 miles, dam did it burn! Finally we reached the top which I was so happy about. At the top of the hill we cycled through the tunnel crossing into Slovenia and then down the other side of the mountain. But for some reason, both my satnav and cycle routes on maps on the phone did not work in Slovenia. I first started of following my satnav till about 5 miles in and realised it was taking me the completely wrong way, so that added another 5 miles on top while ending up lost in a forest but adventully after around 10 hours on the saddle I finally reached Ljubljana. Got myself the best macdonalds iv ever had haha while looking for a place to stay. Shower, bed!
      So, the next 2 days, I took off to chill and explore the city by bike and prepare for the next stage of cycling across into Croatia 🇭🇷
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