Güney Afrika

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    • Gün 3

      Krugerpark Lodge.

      17 Nisan, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Traveled 5 hours to paradise. Stopping for a Spur lunch. James sees his first Buffalo and Rhino. Megan thinks everything looks different but the same. First braai at KPL. Nadia koala is having her first drinkOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Fahrt nach Hazyview

      1 Kasım 2022, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Mit kleinen Hindernissen unterwegs: Baum über den Weg(der Rancher war aber Gott sei Dank bald da und hat ihn abgesägt), Büffel im Anmarsch und vielen Löchern in der Strasse haben wir heute unser Ziel
      Hazyview und das RISSINGTON INN Guest House erreicht. Leider mussten wir die Skyfalls ausfallen lassen wegen Regen. Dafür haben wir heute mal ausgeruht. Nach einem Bad im Pool geht es noch ins Restaurant.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Panorama-Ralley (Teil2)

      3 Eylül 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Und weiter gehts...
      Nachdem wir nun also all unsere Höhepunkte abgefahren hatten, hieß es noch einmal in einen Einkaufsladen stapfen und etwas essbares für die nächsten Tage finden. Tja Leute, ja wir waren gestern ziemlich schockiert über die Zustände in südafrikanischen Einkaufsläden. Doch es geht tatsächlich auch anders und sogar besser als in Deutschland. Keine Ahnung wo wir da gestern einkaufen waren, aber definitiv in keinem Standardladen. Heute waren wir in einem richtigen Paradies. So viele leckere Sachen, frisches Obst, alles feinsäuberlich sortiert und modern, sogar eine Theke bei der man sich sein Abendessen zusammenstellen lassen kann, gab es. Es war einfach nur ein Träumchen und so verließen wir stressfrei und mit guter Laune diesen Supermarkt. In unserem Chalet wieder angekommen, hieß es dann nur noch die tollen Momente vom heutigen Tag Revue passieren lassen und relaxen. Eine Runde Jacuzzi und Fertig-Minipizzen zum Abendbrot. Ja auch das kann Entspannung und Urlaub pur sein. Nun geht es aber auch schon fix ins Bett, denn Morgen früh um 4.40 Uhr klingelt der Wecker... eine Ganztagessafari im Krüger NP wartet auf uns! Wir sind gespannt wie sonst was! Also wir hoffen, wir können Morgen berichten wie es war und wurden nicht von den Löwen gefressen...Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Von Pretoria zum Krüger Nationalpark

      1 Kasım 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute sind wir vom Hotel in Pretoria Richtung Krüger Nationalpark aufgebrochen. Bis nach Hazyview am Rande des Parks waren es nochmal ca. 400 km. Unsere erste Rast führte uns an einen Autohof (petroport) mit Nashörnern und anderen Wildtieren 😳 Danach stand der Blyde river Canyon an. Mit bis zu 800 m Tiefe und 25 km Länge ist er der drittgrößte Canyon der Welt. Unglaubliche Aussichten! Schilder warnen an den Aussichtspunkten (z. B. "The three rondavels") davor, zu weit zu gehen. Anderenfalls könnte ein Absturz oder Schlangenbiss drohen. Ein Pavian hat sich bei unserem Anblick lieber mal ein ruhigeres Plätzchen gesucht 😅 Ein Spaziergang über zwei Brücken ("Bourke's luck potholes"), anschließende Folklore und ein Blick aus 1.800 m Höhe auf die Tiefebene mit Krüger Nationalpark und Grenze zu Mosambik waren weitere Highlights 👍😎Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Greenfires' Hazyview Plantation

      28 Eylül 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The last morning in South Africa was yet another late morning at 7 o'clock. We enjoyed yet another great breakfast, before joining Henni, the lodges' manager, for a tour around their plantation. Not only do they have room for Nyalas and other wild animals, but they also have a huge plantation. They grow their own lemons, mangos and macadamia and make their own coffee. Henni showed us, how the plant looks like and explained what process it goes through, until they can use their coffee at the lodge and sell it to their customers. First, the plant grows green berries, which become red over time. When they are red, they get plucked and dried for 3 weeks, only using the sun and some yeast. When they are completely dry and have a crinkly black outside, they are ready to be peeled. When peeled, you get the grey shadows of a coffee bean. These have to be roasted and voilà, you've got yourself some coffee.
      There were other things growing as well. For example, a very weird looking tree called the Knob fig tree, which actually grows figs out of their knobs. As it was pretty wet outside, we could also see some amazing spider web works on the ground between the green.
      The plantation tour finished after everyone cracked themselves a Macadamia nut and could taste the pure nut without any salt or sugar added. I honestly like them better just as they are.
      Back at the Lodge, we packed our things and said Goodbye to Henni. Now it was time to get to the airport to catch our flight. We stopped at one of the stands at the streets to get some bananas and drove back to Johannesburg. When we stopped at Milly's, a rest stop, we were surprised to find we haven't left the bush too far behind. There were Gemsbok, and Ostriches and Rhinos as well. That was funny. I was glad when a German rest stop had a free and clean toilet to use.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 28

      Second Full Day in Kruger National Park

      28 Ekim 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Our safari guide gave us another great day today. Saw the big 5 before noon: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo. We meet him at 5am and headed further along the highway to enter the park at a less used and faster entrance, and to access a different part of the park before it got hot. We saw some thing we had not seen before! A LEOPARD!! It was at a distance, but we got to see it coming down from a tree, waiting in the shade behind some grasses, and then walking a short ways before we lost sight of it. A herd of about 15 Impala took off running as fast as they could once they realized that the Leopard was endangering them. In a nearby tree, was the carcass of an adult Impala, probably from that leopard, who had killed it and carried it in its strong jaws, up to drape it over the branch of a large tree. That had been the day before, and the carcass was beginning to smell; the guides felt that its very close proximity to the road scared off the leopard with so many tourists in vehicles crowded in their bumper to bumper vehicles to watch her eat dinner. The other things that were new to us today were some Nyanga, an antelope similar in size to the Impala, but with vertical white stripes on its torso. We saw male Ervervet Monkeys, who have bright blue balls. We saw two extremely young baboons who were being nursed by their mothers. Another first for us what to see five different sightings of lions, some in pairs, others as a pride of up to 8 lions, lioness and small cubs; but most of the sightings were at a distance, only one was quite close to the road where we could get great photos. We also saw the usual constants: hundreds of Impala, lots of elephants, buffalo, giraffes, baboons, water bucks, kudu, rhino, hippos both in and out of the water, African fish eagles, a spotted hyena, wildebeest at a distance, and of course, quite a few zebras. It was very, very hot by mid-morning and then the afternoon was relentless as the sun beat down and the hot air blew into us as we rode in the safari vehicle; much like we think it would be to sit in a furnace or having a hair dryer on high, held in front of your face. I know it says here it was only 30C but truly it was at least 40C. We had 35 minutes break in mid-morning and an hour at 1pm for lunch and then were back at our hotel just after 3pm, anxious to get back to our air-conditioned room!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Kruger NP

      22 Eylül 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Durch den Krüger Park Tag 1

      Frühstück um 8:00 und dann Richtung Krüger NP. Das Eintrittsszenario war etwas holprig. Formular ausfüllen und bezahlen. Dann ging das Kartengerät nicht, nur Barzahlung möglich. Zum Glück hatten wir genug Bares dabei.
      Wir sind am Phalaborwa Gate in den Park gefahren, über Letaba, Satara und Skukuza zum Paul Krüger Gate, wo wir den Park wieder verlassen haben. Die erste halbe Stunde sahen wir gar nichts, aber dann ging’s los. Ein paar Geier, ca. 150 Elefanten, Büffel, Giraffen, Zebras und die ganzen Kleintiere. Elefanten mit Baby direkt neben dem Auto, wirklich wunderschön. Insgesamt sind wir 250km im Park gefahren. Vom Gate sind wir direkt zu unserem B&B in Hazyview gefahren. Super Anlage, die eine schwarzen Familie gehört. Die Chefin ist total locker und beschwingt und gibt uns noch einen tollen Tip fürs Abendessen. Chicken und Prawn Curry, wirklich super. Zurück vom Abendessen noch den Tagesbericht schreiben, eine Flasche Wein und noch ein bischen Karten spielen.
      Die Familie hatte noch eine Party, die Oma wurde 102 !! Jahre alt
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      First Day in Kruger Park

      27 Ekim 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      We got picked up from our hotel at 5:15am! Our guide, Elvis, gave us a good day, but there was a bit of rain first thing in the morning, so what may have been why we did not see quite as many animals as he usually sees. However, we did see some things that we have not seen before on this trip: a tortoise, wild dogs, turtles, big huge bird with red on its face, and white under its large wings when flying, and a baboon eating a yellow-billed hornbill (yuk). We got some excellent photos, especially of the Lilac breasted Bird, which is a beautiful combination of bright colours, and when it flies, the underside of the wings are an incredible purple lilac colour. The other things we saw were: hippos out of the water, two rhinos (one lying in the shade and one walking in the open), a whole group of elephants trying to get themselves covered in mud, three warthogs taking a mud bath in another mud hole, an elephant spraying himself to get cool, a lot of buffalo, kudu, a couple of hundred Impala, giraffes, blue wildebeests, vultures, lots of baboons, two kinds of monkeys, a group of 7 or 8 small hyenas sleeping in the shade, fish eagle, and tawny eagles. We didn’t get back to our hotel until nearly 4pm...a long day which ended up to be quite hot. After a dip in the pool to cool down, we relaxed and enjoyed the air conditioning in the room, and got to bed early because we have an early day tomorrow!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Panorama Route to Numbi Hotel

      26 Ekim 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Our driver, Elvis, picked us up at 6:15am, and we drove the long, scenic route to our hotel outside Kruger Park. We stopped at a viewpoint over a valley, lake with layers of mountains behind and three mountains called the three sisters. It was very foggy, a common thing for this area. We walked over bridges over potholes made with water from two converging small rivers, a high waterfall, and then God’s window which is a beautiful view off a tall cliff into the lush rainforest valley below. There was a lot of agriculture along this route, with millions of orange trees, acres of wheat, and some other crops. As we progressed along our route, the hills for miles and miles around were planted with pine trees, in rows, with lower branches removed. The trees grow much faster than at home, and can be harvested after ten or more years, depending on the market demand for size. There were also a lot of gum tree plantations. Pine trees produce soft wood, whereas gum trees produce hard wood, so they have very different uses. Privately owned, they employ a tremendous amount of people and are an excellent crop. They are actually TREE FARMS! Our hotel is fairly nice, but WIFI is poor, but the buffet dinner tonight was absolutely brilliant, it was one of the best meals we have had for years; such a variety and amazing quality.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      1.Safari im Krüger Nationalpark

      3 Mart 2017, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Um 4:30 aufgestanden 😟 die Tagessafari ging es dann nur mit einem Kaffee und einem Lunchpaket los. 😎 Ja es war toll 👍🦌🐾🐒🦁wir haben viele Tiere gesehen. Und kamen total erschossenen dann wieder gegen 17:00 in der Lodge an . Abends 🌚haben wir noch nett mit der Truppe gesessen 🍗🥒und bei einem Glas Wein 🍷🍷gesessen 😜Okumaya devam et

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    Hazyview, HZV

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