Alameda Park

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    • Día 25

      I did it!

      28 de abril, España ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Out the door for sunrise.

      Although you wouldn’t know it. Fog everywhere.

      I venture back to the Camino. Out of the mist I see a female pilgrim overtake, briefly asking if I’m okay because I’m limping.

      I only see a few others for the first hour.

      The roads a little creepy with the fog. Passing an electricity station, I think, the frazzle of light rain hitting the lines cause a buzzing.

      The mist is a might fine metaphor for my final day on the Camino. Symbolising the not knowing of what comes next, just being aware of the present.

      I am still unsure as to what the Camino has become for me. It’s certainly more than the reasons I set out for. The destination has become part of the journey, for me.

      The pain arrives, as I’m in the woodland. And now more pilgrims are coming.

      But it’s okay. It’s about me now. And I will get there.

      And I keep thinking of how it will be over soon, and try to keep present of all that’s around me. Mostly aware of the fog.

      The sun starts creeping through the fog. And it casts a sepia glow, highlighting shadows of the buildings up ahead in Santiago.

      I enter the city. It’s not the most charming of homestretches. Mostly urban sprawl. But I keep determined. And I arrive on the cobbled streets that take me somehow up to the Cathedral. But the arrows have gone now, and I while I start to see the turrets, my mind starts to work out if I am going to the right spot, will I end up behind it?

      There’s no grand entrance, arriving this side, you just become aware you’re here.

      Tears form. And I have a moment. Suddenly aware I did it.

      I am here.

      And it is grand. There’s a sense of awe for sure.

      I head back to the cloisters to take it all in.

      Make sure Hubba gets his view too.

      While I’m there. I see two people from the Camino.

      The man who was helping everyone with the locked toilet at Albergue Albor, 2 nights ago. And Mike and his wife. I give them both a hug and take a picture.

      While sitting. A man comes over to chat, he’s done the French way. And he talks about how meaningful the Camino has become, and you can tell he’s emotional. He helps me find my way to the pilgrim office.

      He makes sure I get in okay. I register and get my certificate, in honour of my mum.

      I then find a place for an orange juice before heading to my hotel.

      I take a long snooze and then head out to see the Basillica. I don’t spent too long as it’s heaving with people ready for the mass. I resolve I’m coming back tomorrow to have the time with the space myself. And to head out the door with the reverse alpha and omega, signifying my transformation.

      I grab a lil pizza and sit outside. Twas cold, but I had a sangria to celebrate.

      And then I drifted back to the hotel.

      Where I dreamt vividly that my Camino wasn’t over and I still need to walk…
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    • Día 16

      Padrón to Santiago!

      6 de mayo, España ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      It was a bit confusing this morning, to find our way back to the Camino. But NO RAIN! So no rain gear! Free at last — and dry!

      We made two stops, first for cafe con lèche and later for a ham & cheese bocadillo. We stopped for an emotional photo op at the 10k obelisk, marking that we two met 30 years ago at a 10k race (which we were power walking). When we arrived in Santiago, just around the corner from the Cathedral, we heard someone shout, “Linda!” We looked around and saw the first friends we had made on day one of the Camino, Aisling and Callum from Cork, Ireland. They said they had been hoping to see “the girls” before they left, and were watching for us in the crowd streaming by. After completing our journey standing in front of the cathedral of St. James (and a bit overcome with emotion), we laughed with them for almost 2 hours! We saved our visit to inside the Cathedral for tomorrow, when we will have all morning free.

      We met up with some other pilgrim-friends (Jason, Bill, and his friend Marco) for a last dinner together, and shared a plateful of the famous Padrón peppers (which weren’t available at our Padrón hotel dinner). “Most pimiento de padrons are as about as mild as your typical bell peppers, which have zero heat on the Scoville Scale. However, about 1 in every 10 peppers will give you a surprising jolt of heat. It's a bit like playing Russian Roulette with your tongue.” No one at our table appeared to get jolted!
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    • Día 16

      Santiago de Compostela

      5 de mayo, España ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      170 miles hiking with a 25-pound backpack and a fortnight later, I have finally at last reached my end goal of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Such a once in a lifetime changing incredible experience, I felt strange not having another 15 miles to go the next day. During celebration dinner, I saw Allison Rose, whom I met on my very first day of the Camino, and here she was at the finish line waiting to eat at the very same restaurant.Leer más

    • Día 36

      Santiago 11 km am Ziel ! vor Finestera

      5 de octubre de 2017, España ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Ein paar Tränen gab es bei meiner Emontionellen Ankunft. Berauschend nach dieser Zeit hier anzukommen. Stehe jetzt in der Warteschlange für meinen Ausweis, wird wahrscheindlich 2 stunden dauern. Auszeichnung erhalten. 2200 km von Roggliswil nach Santiago.Leer más

    • Día 28

      Twenty fith stop - Santiago

      26 de mayo de 2018, España ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      O Pedrouzo -> 21km -> Santiago de Compostela
      Ya estoy aqui, en Santiago! I made it! Very happy and proud of the achievement. It was challenging, it was hard but it was so worth it and getting here is really rewarding. Gracias El Camino por todo 😊 Buen camino a todos mis amigosLeer más

    • Día 53

      Ponte Ulla - Santiago de Compostela 2.7.

      2 de julio de 2018, España ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Santiago. Ich bin da.

      Natürlich bei Regen, wie sollte es auch anders sein 😎 auch wenn es nicht durchgängig geregnet hat heute, aber doch immer wieder mal. Mein Regenschirm war zumindest durchgängig im Einsatz. Beim Wandern stört mich der Regen auch nicht wirklich. Hier in der Stadt ist das etwas anders, die Stimmung auf der Strasse ist dann natürlich nicht so fröhlich und lebendig. Schade, aber nicht zu ändern. Ich habe es wenigstens schon ganz anders erlebt hier in Santiago 😎

      So wie heute morgen noch beim Frühstück bei Hilda 😁 Wenn es nach ihr gegangen wäre, würde ich jetzt immer noch bei ihr sitzen und futtern 😎 Eigentlich wollte ich heute die komplette Etappe im Grünen gehen, entsprechend bin ich auch gestartet. Der Weg, oder das, was davon übrig war, ließ mich dann umdenken. Es soll ja auch noch bischen Spaß machen, das Wandern. Also bin ich zunächst mal wieder auf die N-525 und wollte dann später auf die grüne Piste umschwenken.

      Das erwies sich auch als gute Idee. Nach etwa 8 km Asphalt ging es wieder ins Grüne. Da war das Marschieren nun auch wieder prima möglich. Der Weg nach Santiago rein war dann noch mal nicht ganz ohne. Es ging munter bergan und bergab und ich kam gut in Wallung. Da war es wieder mal ein Vorteil, dass es hier vor Ort mit ca. 20 Grad zur Zeit nicht gerade brütend heiß ist.

      Ja, und schlagartig war ich dann auch schon drin in der Stadt und trabte erstmal zu meiner Unterkunft, um einzuchecken und mein ganzes Gerödel abstellen zu können. Anschliessend ging es in die Altstadt, mir die Compostella krallen und bischen rumstromern. Und was futtern. Alles erledigt, auch das Anstehen im Pilgerbüro hielt sich in Grenzen, habe mit Schlimmerem gerechnet.

      An der Stelle muss ich jetzt ehrlich feststellen, dass ich mich etwas getäuscht habe. In Bezug darauf, dass es heute ein besonderer Tag werden würde. Hier in Santiago. Besonders regnerisch, ja, das kann man nicht leugnen. Aber von der Stimmung her ist das ein Tag, der nichts Besonderes in mir auslöst. Vielleicht, weil es wirklich nur eine Station auf meinem Weg ans Meer ist. Vielleicht, weil ich schon zu oft hier war und eigentlich alles kenne. Keine Ahnung. Aber das macht nichts, morgen geht es weiter 😁 Nach Negreira. Weiter meinem wahren Ziel entgegen. Vom Mittelmeer an den Atlantik 😎

      Stand heute: 1.212 km 🚶🍀
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    • Día 54

      We are in Santiago de Compostela!!!

      15 de octubre de 2018, España ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We made it!!! We are here and have photos to prove it. It was a rainy day, really, today...but still light enough that we stayed dry...feet, clothes etc, and on our arrival in Santiago the clouds parted and the sun shone!! It was quite a long walk, 22.4 kms, and seems endless as you enter a city. But we didn’t get lost this time, and found the cathedral properly! And we bumped into Jessica just about 15 mins before actually arriving at the cathedral square, which is the destination for all pilgrims, so we walked in nice! This is excellent wifi, have just sent yesterday’s photos which wouldn’t send, and will now add some to this, before we go on a reconnoiter of the town.Leer más

    • Día 62

      Photos from the very end..

      23 de octubre de 2018, España ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Finally back to proper wifi...the hotel at Finisterre was fine, but wifi came and went (and mostly went) can now show the beauty of the walk at the lighthouse just returned to Santiago and are in a room with an even better view to the cathedral! And another perfect sunny day.Leer más

    • Día 36

      Santiago Tag 2

      26 de septiembre de 2019, España ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Schon nachts war mir klar, dass ich mit dem Bein nicht mehr wandern kann, schon gar nicht 90 km mit Rucksack, also bin ich um 8 Uhr kleinlaut zum Empfang gegangen, um mein Zimmer eine Nacht zu verlängern. Nach längerem Gespräch mit einem Pilger in ähnlicher Lage ging's mir besser: Es ist jetzt auch okay, keinen Plan und kein Tagesziel zu haben 😅.
      Gegen 11 Uhr bin ich zur Kathedrale gelaufen, um noch Ankommlinge zu begrüßen und dann mit Camino-Freunden Essen gegangen. Den Rest des Tages im Garten und auf dem Bett verbracht, das Bein ausruhen.
      Und morgen?
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    • Día 27

      Withdrawal symptoms

      1 de octubre de 2019, España ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      It was a strange morning... Normally we would wake up early, quietly pack our bags (so not to wake the whole room) and head off for the day's walk before sunrise. Breakfast was as we walked and usually just muesli bars.

      But this morning, we slept in till 7:30am, had a hot coffee and toast on proper chairs/ table and got to call the boys. It was so nice and civilised. Our first day not walking... I'm not sure how we feel, I think we're having withdrawal symptoms already! We did see posters for "Camino Psychologists" in Santiago & Finisterre for walkers 🤔

      We also went out for lunch and pigged out on burgers at Goiko Grill (a popular gourmet burger place in Spain) and we felt a bit guilty. I guess it's the start of our "other" holiday now except we still look like hikers with our whole two changes of clothes 😬

      Tomorrow we are back to Madrid for a couple of days before flying home. I guess all good things must eventually come to an end.
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    Alameda Park

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