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    • Dia 9


      3 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Day 2 Burguete Spain
      Distance from Orrison to Burguete - 21kms

      Woke to a brilliant sunrise and a chilly temperature of 6c. The climb today was up and over the Pyrenees crossing the border between France and Spain. The Pyrenees again challenged us with it’s unbelievable icy wind but rewarded us with the spectacular views of green rolling hills whilst all the while climbing to the top Col de Lepoeder 1450m. We were thrilled to arrive at the top and make our way down through woodland where we spied a red squirrel climbing a tree. We ate our lunch in a sunny sheltered spot overlooking the valley and made our way to the tiny village of Burguete. We are staying at a delightful rural hostel with more than 100 years of history and was the habitual residence of Ernest Hemingway it still has the piano bearing his name.
      Spoilt tonite with our own room and bathroom (such a luxury) and after a big day will sleep well tonight.
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    • Dia 3

      Day 1 - St Jean Pied de Port to Burguete

      17 de abril, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Climbed a mountain today, crossing the Pyrenees from France into Spain. Rained pretty much all day, and was so foggy you couldn’t see more than 20 feet in front of you at times. And you certainly couldn’t see the amazing views this portion is known for. The first 5 miles were not fun. Steady sharp climb with no break - and a long line of people looking like they deeply regret their decision to do this walk. After that point though, it was tough but the climbs were broken up by little flat bits. The descent was steep and slippery in spots with mud, incredibly thick layers of leaf rot and wet rocks, but through a beautiful old growth forest. And then we hit flatish ground for the last 4 miles. Planned 16.5 miles today and did 19 - missed a turn due to fog and had to take the longer route down as the police closed the short route due to weather. Took 8.5 hours, and I was tired, muddy and hungry when done. Felt pretty good, but I will definitely be sore tomorrow. Met some really nice people I walked with off and on, and had dinner with. So far my Camino “family” represents Korea, Japan, Italy, Phoenix and Buffalo. Pics in order: starting out, lots of horses roaming free with bells on their neck that sounded like wind chimes, a food truck right before the last climb - the only place for good and water in 14 miles, the start of the descent path, part of the forest, the well known but not accurate sign outside Roncesvelles, a mural welcoming you to Burguete, my shoes after today, marker showing you entered Spain, and the foggy view from the top, my route today.Leia mais

    • Dia 3

      2 Etappe von orisson nach roncevalles

      5 de maio de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Zweite Etappe von Orisson nach Roncevalles. Ein anstrengendes aber auch ereignisreiches Erlebnis durch die erhabene Pyrinäen Gebirgswelt, mit steilen Anstiegen, dichten Nebefeldern, welche es manchmal schwierig machten, den richtigen Weg zu finden. Majestätisch und von der Thermik getragene Greifvögel zogen am Himmel ihre Runden. Im Kloster von roncevalles angekommen, hieß es nur erstmal, HINTEN ANSTELLEN, ehe man den ersehnten Schlafplatz und natürlich den Pilgerstempel bekommen hatte. Fortsetzung folgt.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      From Burguete to Zubiri

      23 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      So far Burguete is my favorite little village. Yes, I want to move there, open a little casa rural with a huge vegetable garden, make all my own garden food, have the best geraniums & other annual flowers & live happily ever after!

      Our 18.9 km trek (about 11.7 miles) today was filled with lots of different habitats, from treed forests & craggy rocked paths, to paved stone and open fields. Lots of cows, sheep, horses & goats. I never get tired of taking pics of these animals living the good life -- eating the grass & taking naps. Walking today was not the walk in the park I thought I was going to have. The end was a pretty steep decline with a rocky trail leading into the little town of Zubiri where we are staying tonight. The good news is that the rain held off until dinner time. By then we were showered, found several Camino friends to eat with & were enjoying an outside dinner at one of the cafes.The trail could have been a bit slippery if we were walking during the showers.

      Pretty excited about my end of the day purchase from the pharmacia after another killer day my for knees -- 2 knee braces! Hopefully I won't be whining in any other future posts!
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    • Dia 9


      27 de agosto de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Dzisiejszy dzień miał dużo przewyższeń, plateau i zejść. W sumie 21 km we mgle, deszczu, niskiej temperaturze i silnym wietrze. Zupełnie inne Pireneje niż w zeszłym roku. Właściwie, kto wie czy Pireneje ? Na szczęście wszystko co chcielibyśmy widzieliśmy w ubiegłym roku, więc teraz można było iść po omacku i wyobrażać sobie co kryje natarczywa mgła...nie mniej czasami idąc tą samą drogą wydawalo nam się, że jesteśmy zupełnie w innym świecie.
      Trochę trzeba nawiązać do wczorajszego wieczoru, a mianowicie obiadu . Wspólny posiłek osób, z różnych zakątków świata, które ruszyly w drogę szukając przeróżnych rzeczy. Po obiedzie, podobnie jak rok temu, każdy się przedstawił i w paru zdaniach mówił o powodach, czemu znalazł się tu gdzie teraz jest. Były to bardzo różne powody, ale jednocześnie bardzo łączące. Każdy szuka sposobu na dobre i pełne życie i celowe podjęcie codziennego wysiłku fizycznego i psychicznego idąc do przodu , i Camino daje tą szansę, aby zagłębić się "w drogę" w zupełnie inny sposób...piękny i wzruszający wieczór .
      Po ok 5 godzinach marszu w ruchu jednostajnym, opierającym się deszczowi , zimnie, mgle i wiatrom wiejącym z każdego kierunku, dotarliśmy do Roncevales, zatrzymując się w kościele z VII wieku podziwiając panujący spokój, ciszę i perfekcyjnie ułożone kamienie tworzące ta świątynię , dopiero co tworzonej wiary w tych rejonach w uwczesnych czasach. Jest tam również kaplica i miejsce spoczynku dle pielgrzymów, którym nie udało się przejść Pirenejów. Dzisiejsza pirenejska pogoda napawała nas przemyśleniami o szansach przeżycia uwczesnych pielgrzymów w takich extremalnych warunkach.
      Jeszcze tylko 3 km i znaleźliśmy się w Burguete, małym miasteczku w krainie Basków. Zatrzymaliśmy się w hotelu , w którym prawie 100 lat temu przebywał Ernest Hemingway. Hotel jest jak zatrzymany w czasie. Nasz pokój prawdopodobnie tym ( na podstawie zdjęć z internetu ) pokojem, w którym gościł Ernest. W jadalni stoi pianino z jego podpisem. Kasia zamówiła sobie danie, które bardzo lubił Ernest, pstrąg z szynką. Bardzo dobre. Będąc w Hiszpanii pisał książkę, bardzo słaba zresztą i jej tytuł to : The sun also rises.
      Jeszcze tylko jedna ciekawostka. Przed wejściem do miasta jest las, w którym ponoć żyły, a może i żyją do dzisiaj czarownice i wiedźmy. W czasach kiedy polowano na kobiety, które wiedziały więcej niż inni, kończyło się to paleniem na stosie i tak też się stało tutaj i niestety Świętemu Mikołajowi patronowi pielgrzymów, pod wezwaniem którego znajduje się tutaj wiekowa świątynia, nie udało się tego bestialskiego działania powstrzymać. Zbudowano stos i spalono kobietę na placu przed kościołem, a na skraju lasu stoi pamiątkowy biały Krzyż do dzisiaj...
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    • Dia 6

      Day 3

      24 de agosto de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Burgeute to Zubiri. Left at 7.20 am, and arrived in Zubiri at 5 pm.
      It was another long, hard strunus day. It's too difficult to stop and take pictures to really give an idea of some of the terrain we covered.
      The temperature got up to 40 degrees.
      Lyn has heat stroke, so we have decided tomorrow will be a rest day.
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    • Dia 14

      Vers une montée sans précédent

      2 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Le défi à faire sur le chemin Frances. 14 km de montée adossée à notre sac, nous avons vécu des escalades continuelles pour tester notre résilience devant l'élévation et la douleur.
      L'excuse de l'arrêt pour admirer le paysage fut régulière et le repos salutaire, avec fierté nous avons atteint le sommet,Leia mais

    • Dia 6


      23 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We have started day 3. First big decision was to send our packs to our next Pension in Zubiri. It will help us recover from yesterday tough hike. Sue is switching to going with the day pack from now on. I'll give my back

      We have made it to the first town, Espinal. Stop for cafe con lèche and fruit smoothie!
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    • Dia 6

      The Hills are Alive...

      17 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      "The hills are alive with the sound of music, a song they have sung for a thousand years." Ok, it's not the Alps but close enough for an Aussie. I may have spread my arms out, spun around and sung "these are a few of my favourite things" but there's no evidence and you'll never know.

      Started this morning being dropped at Le Croix, the point where the Camino trail leaves the road to traverse the wilds of the Pyrenees. Whoever was in charge of setting the scene for the day nailed it, the mist was thick and the way forward invisible. Manolo, my Camino spirit guide, materialised out of the mist to give me his morning wisdom - only 2 1/2 hours to Roncesvalles from here.

      Thankfully I bought a very expensive French Sim card just for this misty eventuality. I turned on my GPS, opened my Camino Ninja ap and made sure I stayed on track. Manolo had merged with the mist again but I quickly made a new friend (who had a flat phone and was walking in the wrong direction).

      The mist stayed thick for a while and the hill was steep. It seemed much harder than yesterday which could have to do with the 8kg in my pack and the altitude of approx 1000m.

      It was windy and cold for a while but not Tassie cold - puffer jackets not required as long as you didn't stop for long. At every necessary point the mists cleared and spectacular views across France and then Spain were revealed. Crossed a cow grid that was also the border and pilgrim greetings quickly changed from bonjour to hola, and bon caminho to buen camino.

      After a while the mists were gone and I rambled through some glorious beech forests with autumn leaves covering the path, and some moss covered forests that dropped away from the path at an almost 90 degree angle. The hillsides are extremely steep, and it's hard to imagine an invading army attempting to cross the narrow paths but this has been attempted several times in the regions past.

      Finally the highest point in the crossing was reached up above 1400m and the steep descent began. The views over Spain went for miles with the magical monastery the goal in the valley below.

      Four hours after starting I wandered into the 200 bed Roncesvalles Albergue (hostel), a massive stone monestary serving peregrinos (Spanish for Pilgrim) for centuries. I was greated at the front door not by a monk, but by Manolo of course. My deep and meaningful question for him this time was "where's the food?" After a short lecture of the 'we will meet again' kind, I stumbled across a few cobblestones and sat down to have lunch with Isobel from Germany and Jason from Colorado who I met somewhere in the mist earlier.

      Refreshed I strolled the last 3 km to my first hostel stay along a flat forest path known to have homed witches of old (several of whom were burnt at the stake).

      "Cow bells and sheep bells and horses that glisten,
      Pilgrims with tales which you really must listen,
      Mist drops and wildflowers covered in dew,
      These are a few of my favourite things

      When the wind bites
      When the blisters sting,
      when I'm feeling sad,
      I simply remember my favourite things, and then I don't feel so bad."
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    • Orisson to Burguete

      14 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We enjoyed a very good stay at the Borda. The young owner bloke bought an old farmhouse and barn and renovated it beautifully. He cooked a very good dinner and made us all say a bit about ourselves over the community meal.

      There was a young Korean newlywed pair; a group of 8 French friends of retired age who walk part of the Camino for 2 weeks every year; a very friendly and soon-to-be-retired business person from Portland OR, Lisa L. with whom we had many a good yarn at the albergue and along the track. She’s an expert long distance hiker and fine company.

      After a good breakfast we left about 8am and climbed for 4 ½ hours to the pass at the top, elevation 1430m. From the top we could see Burguete, our destination for the day.

      From there it was a pretty fast descent into Roncesvalles. After a brief chat with Lisa who was lodging there we parted company and walked another 2km or so to our albergue, the Lorentx in Burguete-Auritz. (The double barreled name has the Castilian Spanish name first and the Basque name second.)

      The scenery all the way was quite spectacular and in very fine dry weather. Just a great walk. It’s all farmed country, sheep, cows and a few horses. Astonishingly steep in places.

      Upon arrival at our lodging the next urgent priorities were shower, laundry and beers. Later on we’ll find a good feed.

      The toughest hiking is behind us and all dodgy knees seem to be holding up. One toenail of Kevin's is probably doomed.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Auritz, Burguete

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