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    • Dag 7

      Rocesvalles Kasia's addition 😊

      11. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Since Tom took all the space with his pictures, I'm posting few of mine I can't resist. Few pics from our walk to Roncesvalles, and some from the town, which has 20 people, who are residing there.... There is no paid workers at the albergue, they are all volunteers, this time mainly from Netherlands. Wonderful service and giving back to the Camino Community ❤️Læs mere

    • Dag 5


      9. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Day 2 proved to be another day of climbing 2700’. Conditions where perfect for hiking with cool temps, then mist and light rain. We topped the Pyrenees, crossed over into Spain and then the sun came out guiding us into Roncesvalles.

      Once we booked a bed at the monastery for the night we were off to build new friendships in town. We burned a lot of calories so the beer won’t hurt the waistline, right?! 😁. The good thing is, with the help of a pilgrim who did the Camino a few years ago, we were able to book a room for the following night. Hopefully we will get the hang of this new lifestyle (where we plan to sleep the following night) sooner than later.

      We shared a meal tonight with other pilgrims from South Korea, Brazil and France. It has been great to start building friendships and have conversations with others from around the globe. It is clear how similar our lives, families and goals are and that we are all navigating the world as best we can.
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    • Dag 27

      Hinter alten Mauern

      4. januar, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      "Santa María de Roncesvalles
      ist ein alter Pilger Krankenhaus und Enklave von tiefer epische Resonanzen, mit aller Sicherheit, eines der sinnbildlichen Orte des westlichen Europas, an deren ausgedehnte Grenze immer der wichtigste und beliebstete Grenzstein für die Compostela Route betrachtet wurde."…
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    • Dag 7


      11. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Piękny dzień choć nie ukrywam bardzo męczący. Długie podejście, które wbrew pozorom nie było, aż tak mordercze, ale zejście bylo bardzo trudne. Pewnie jest jakiś balans matematyczny biorący pod uwagę kąt nachylenia, odległość i czas. Dzisiaj tego balansu było około 38.6% na korzyść, ale poza tym po trzecim piwie pojawia się ponowna zupełnie nowa kalkulacja równania z balansem dodając wymazanie czynnika bólu z pamięci i wygenerowanie nowej współrzędnej przyjemności.🤩
      Co do innych istotnych rzeczy, to widzieliśmy wiele owieczek z gatunku Merino, czyli od nich mam skarpetki, koszulki i majtki. Było kilka czarnych pewnie zarezerwowanych na czarne skarpetki i pończochy. Konie i owce miały bardzo głośne dzwonki, a czarne nic.
      Zadziwiali mnie rowerzyści, którzy również pojawiali się od czasu do czasu napawając mnie odruchem ogromnego zadziwienia i bezmocy, ale patrzac im w oczy widziałem cygańska głębię podobna do komandorskich oczu i to wyjaśniało wszystko.
      Co do innych ciekawostek to przechodziliśmy koło źródła Rolanda pamiętam że musiałem się o nim uczyć w liceum i nie pamiętam za kim powinienem być Baskami, Frankami czy Maurami. Była to chyba Pieśń o Rolandzie.Wojska Rolanda i Franków zostały wykończone przez Basków z zasadzki.
      Jest tu też fajny kościół z XII wieku zbudowany na podobieństwo Katedry Noter Dame przez króla Sancheza VII Mocnego. Jego jak i również jego żony Klementyny grób znajduje się w tym Kolegialnym Kościele. Król Sancho Mocny był bardzo skutecznym pogromcą Maurów. Obok kościoła utworzono hospicjum dla uszkodzonych pielgrzymów pod opieką zakonu Augustianów.
      Jest jeszcze figurka Matki Bożej z XII wieku,która w desperacji przed zniszczeniem została zakopana opodal kościoła i po wielu latach na skutek objawienia Biskupowi z Pamplony znaleziona i odkopana. Do dziś świetnie się prezentuje na głównym ołtarzu.

      I was very tired yesterday to post anything, plus we had really bad internet at the albergue, plus when we showered, we made to the mass and the dinner and it was time for bed!😂 They turn off the lights at 10pm, and the early birds Pilgrims are getting up around 4:30 am and getting ready and you hear the flushing of the toilets and water in the sinks, and people walking to and back to the bathroom some in noisy flip flops . Then the lights go on at 6:00am😜. That's a great lesson to accept and tolerate all different sounds, smells habits of at least 183 women and men in one building on three floors🤪... I can't imagine to not expirence that being on Camino ❤️ it's a part of Camino🥾🦯🎒
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    • Dag 4

      Made it to Spain

      8. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today could be summed up with one word...ROUGH! It was, by far, harder then yesterday. But, after a lot of uphill walking and one panic attack, I finally got to the downhill part. That provided its own challenges, but I made it! My UK ladies left me behind first thing this morning. I've met more people along The Way to walk with. A special thanks goes to Dave and G, from the US, and John and Shon, from the UK, for talking me thru the last of my panic attack and walking with me the rest of the day. I was able to get a bed at Roncesvalles. Good thing. I know I could not have made it any further.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Etappe 1 - Roncevaux, Teil 3

      14. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute Abend waren wir noch in der Klosterkirche von Roncevaux. 20 Uhr fand die allabendliche Pilgermesse statt. Es war beeindruckend diese Messe in spanisch zu erleben, eigentlich kaum ein Wort zu verstehen und trotzdem alles zu fühlen. Abendmahl und Pilgersegen haben die Messe abgerundet. Danach habe ich zwei Kerzen für den guten Verlauf der Pilgerwanderung angezündet.
      Nach der Messe ging es zu unserem ersten Pilgermenü: Vorspeise Antipasta, Hauptgang Forelle mit Pommes und Apfel als Nachspeise. Wein und Wasser standen auf dem Tisch. Wir haben uns beim Essen mit einem jungen Pärchen aus London und Rotterdam auf englisch unterhalten (wurde bei Wein 🍷 immer lockerer!!!).
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    • Dag 1

      St. Jean Pied de Port - Roncesvalles

      20. februar, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nun bin ich den ersten Tag auf dem Camino! Nach der strapaziösen Reise über fast einen Tag und einer ruhelosen Nacht im Nachtzug, war es ein fast unwirkliches Gefühl, die ersten Schritte auf dem sagenumwobenen Camino Frances gehen zu können.
      Da die eigentliche Route der ersten Etappe aufgrund des Winters gesperrt war, nahm ich die Alternativroute über Valcarlos.
      Nach einer abwechslungsreichen Strecke war ich froh ein Bett in der Herberge in Roncesvalles zu bekommen. Hier traf ich auf die ersten Gleichgesinnten. Mit mir sind ungefähr 15 weitere Pilger unterwegs.
      Mit 25 km und ca. 900 hm eine ordentliche Etappe, um sich warm zu laufen…
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    • Dag 4–5

      Roncesvalles Monastery & Pilgrims Hostel

      17. april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      As history tells it, the doors to Roncesvalles Monastery were open for Christians and pagans, rich and poor, with no distinctions. Pilgrims could have a bath and have their shoes repaired. Sick people received the best attention and were treated with best medicine and they could rest in clean and soft beds. Fast forward to now, and it seems not much has changed—except perhaps the addition of indoor plumbing and electricity. Yesterday, after battling the elements through the Pyrenees mountains, we arrived at this ancient refuge, eager to experience firsthand the storied hospitality of this legendary stop on the Camino de Santiago.

      The promise of a hot shower, a soft bed, and a warm meal felt like a luxury—and in many ways, it was. The Roncesvalles Monastery, now bustling with volunteers rather than monks, offers around 420 beds and for $32 a person, we had access to sinks to hand wash our clothes, a shower, a warm dinner, a soft bed & a simple breakfast.

      After a much-needed long, hot shower, we partook in the pilgrim's mass, then enjoyed a communal dinner with new friends from Ireland, Germany, Italy & Washington DC.

      Sleeping in a dormitory style bed at the monastery is an experience akin to camping indoors with a chorus of nasal flutes. So. Much. Snoring. It seems that traversing over the Pyrenees in miserable weather conditions does wonders for the sinuses. 🤣But who's to complain? We were all in the same boat—or should I say, bed?

      The "lights out" policy at 10 PM was strictly enforced, as was the 6 AM wake-up call, which was not just a gentle nudge but a full sensory experience. Lights flickered on, and the sound of monks singing wafted through the halls, a reminder that it was time to rise, shine, and strap on those hiking boots for another day of adventure. Although it wasn’t the most restful night that either of us had, we are grateful for the experience 🙏🏼
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    • Dag 5

      Over the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles

      4. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      After watching Candi start walking from Saint Jean, we started from the Croix Thibault and walked up and over the Pyrenees. ⛰️🙂 Alan’s foot did ok (yay) so tomorrow he will see if he can do the whole 13 miles to Zubiri. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

      It wasn’t a blue sky day, but we had much better views than the thick fog we had in 2018. We kept commenting on the views we had today that were non-existent back then. We could actually see the beautiful, strong, stocky horses 🐴 (and a lot of 🐑 ) on the hillsides, instead of just hearing the bells around their necks.

      It was extremely windy, but the sound of it blowing through the trees was soothing - plus it felt so nice and cool on my hot face (because it takes hardly anything to turn me into a sweat ball).🥵 The descent down to Roncesvalles is steep and tough on the body. We were glad to finally finish, get our packs off, take showers, and put on our sandals. I know for sure we will be sore tomorrow, unless the cold beer 🍻 cures it. 😂

      Tonight, we are staying at Hotel Roncesvalles and our stomachs are full from an amazing pilgrim dinner…scallops, cod, steak, mushroom risotto, apple pie and a brownie with ice cream. YUM! It will be hard to top. 😋😋

      So far we have met some really nice people already at the beginning of this journey, but a few really stand out.

      Pierre - He’s from Australia and is doing this walk because his wife, who passed away two years ago, told him to take a little time once she died to mourn, but then she wanted him to spend some time doing something for himself. 🥹 So, he told himself he would do something his younger self would have done, and the Camino is it. We hope to run into him more in these next few days and maybe help him celebrate his birthday in Pamplona.

      Gunnar: He’s from Belgium. He’s working on a Camino video and asked us if he could ask us some questions. In talking with him more today he shared his wife passed away in 2019 from a brain aneurysm. He decided right then to not wait until retirement to do things in life.

      Australian Couple:

      We met a really sweet couple who are walking the Camino with there 9 month old son. 😳 The mom was carrying him in front for three hours while we was sleeping and then, once he woke up, his dad carried him in child carrier backpack. The couple said the little guy enjoyed all the people talking to him. It kept him busy and happy. Maybe he will be one of the youngest Camino pilgrims to make it to Santiago. 🙂👶

      Fun fact learned today: When stung by stinging nettles, grab some dandelion leaves, smoosh the leaves up and rub them on your skin. It takes the sting away! Thank you to the Dutch woman for that. :)

      Tomorrow, our plan is to walk 13 miles to Zubiri - slowly, with lots of breaks. 🙂
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    • Dag 17

      Pyrenees conquered, downhill from now!

      13. april 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      We have made it to Roncesvalles - even though we didn’t go the hard way over the top, we had a day with a lot of climbing and feel proud of ourselves. It was cold, but not freezing - I actually took off a layer before the final climb - and there was snow around, on the top of the mountains and around our path but nothing that impeded the walking…in fact for me it is rather magic to be amongst snow! It rained a little, but never pouring, just drops in the air, and sometimes it was snow showers - droplets of flakes!

      We are now in the very lovely hotel here that we remember from last time 10 years ago…it looks like a wing of the monastery and similar to the albergue, except with all the refinements of a hotel! It is warm and I have no intention of stepping outside till we leave tomorrow morning! We were expected, our bags were waiting, we are booked in for dinner and all is very good.

      Set off at about 9, or exactly as we heard the church bells bong the hour. We wore ponchos all day and I am very happy with my new voluminous blue one - it fits well over the backpack and didn’t let any drips in! Also very happy with my new sticks…We walked only about 14 kms, but it was strenuous and even Amr feels quite worn out! I had to plod on the LONG uphill but once finished I was very happy going downhill to Roncesvalles, and now don’t feel at all worn out, just happy that we are here!! It was such a different walk from 10 years ago. Then the trees were in full leaf and it was just like walking through a forest. Today the trees were bare enough that we were aware of the enormous rocks and mountains surrounding us, and the valleys…such a different scene, and magnificent scenery.

      Now the bar where we are having a wine (it was empty when we came) has filled with walkers all swapping stories of today…this is such fun. Some people walked all the way over the top, some walked our route, some were warned it was too snowy and difficult over the top and got a taxi!! Everyone is happy…mainly Americans, Aussies and Canadians right now…but many more…all good.

      Dinner was good…though it took ages as they were also serving a room full of pilgrims from the albergue and I think we got forgotten…but food yummy…Amr had the bean soup and I had a mixed salad to start (mixed means lettuce, tomato, tuna, egg, asparagus ) and Amr had grilled bass for main and I had a deer stew…so delicious…comfort food! Off to sleep now…
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