Barajas de Madrid

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    • Dag 44

      Heading Home...

      2. november 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Lots of mixed emotions, I can't believe this journey is over but excited about the next ones!!! Have a lot of photos to update from Madrid and the last few days but if you've been following any of this, hope you enjoyed some of the photos!!!Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Schon wieder Flughafen

      18. december 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Memo an mich: No smoking areas
      Schlechte Idee 3 Stunden vor Abflug durch die Kontrolle zu gehen.

      Allerdings habe ich heute auch die dunklen Ecken vom Flughafen gesehen und trotzdem ne halbe Kippe gerauchtLæs mere

    • Dag 1


      25. november 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      E anche quest'anno Christina ed io facciamo un viaggio insieme ed abbiamo scelto Madrid come meta. L'attesa come sempre è lunga, ma finalmente giunge il giorno della partenza...
      Partiamo da Venezia che ha sempre un suo fascino, ed arriviamo a destinazione con mezz'ora di anticipo.
      Una breve corsa con l'ormai testato Uber e siamo in centro città.
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    • Dag 55


      14. juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 39 °C

      Another very hot 40 degree day to be walking around!

      I bought a ticket for the hop on hop off bus so that I could see a bit more on my last day. While waiting for the bus near a fancy hotel there was a huge police and security presence. And out came King Felipe VI! He stood next to his car quite close to where I was waiting. But not as close to me as the guard with the machine gun.

      My first stop on the bus was the Museo Sorolla as suggested by Narelle. It was formerly the home of the artist Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida and was full of ceramics, furniture and his beautiful paintings. It was not crowded and there was a lot of information in English which explained his art and his family life.

      I hopped back on the bus and tried both the historic and modern Madrid routes until it became too hot to enjoy anything.

      I caught the metro to my airport hotel as my flight is early in the morning. I wandered around in the heat trying to find a restaurant with a kitchen that was opening before 8pm - not an easy thing! But lucked upon a Japanese one that was slightly air conditioned and so my time here fittingly ended with a meal and a glass of vino tinto.

      I have loved every minute of Spain but am very excited to get home to my family and friends, some different clothes and my own bed. And a trip to the hairdresser!

      Hotel Villa de Barajas
      11 kms
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    • Dag 16

      Laddar batterierna

      13. september 2016, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nu har vi mellanlandat i Madrid. Flygresan hit var både trång, obekväm och turbulent men huvudsaken är att vi kom fram iallafall.

      Nu sitter vi och laddar både våra egna och mobilernas batterier och vädrar fötterna i förebyggande syfte inför nattflyget till Lima.

      Egentligen skriver vi bara ett inlägg för att Fredrik vill ha en till plutt på kartan 😁 det är tydligen coolt att ha varit på många ställen!

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    • Dag 4

      Monday, Madrid

      25. september 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Little sleep on the flight over and we walked forever to wait in the customs line. When my turn came, the passport officer said not a word, but stamped my passport and I was on my way. Found an ATM that worked so got a few euros, and got assistance from tourist info to reach my hotel. Got to learn how to dial in this country. I'll try 011 in front of the number next time.

      At hotel, checked in and ready to take a metro to Puerto del Sol for food and sight seeing.

      Took the metro, but had lots of trouble finding it. I used my limited Spanish and was successful. Plazas Sol and Major were big and crowded . Folks here smoke more than Americans do and was it obvious. Tapas are wonderful and I made a meal of what I got. Rick steves audio guide gave me some difficulty as I had to restart often as the volume died.

      Anyway, after a fashion I realized that I gotta take a nap so all for now.

      Two hours and I feel great. Hope I can get some shut eye later. I've also learned that the Spanish have trouble giving directions that make sense. For example the directions I got this am for the metro seemed pretty simple...straight, then make a left. He even gave me a map. Wrong way as I had to ask multiple times and had all sorts of twists and turns before arriving at the metro, and finding a supermarket with directions proved to be an around the block twice effort. Go straight he says, but the street curved to the right. I found it and had a wonderful tuna salad sandwich for dinner.

      All for today...
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    • Dag 32

      Madrid -Flughafen

      24. maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Etappe 2 Rückreise ✔️

      Hoffe jetzt ne ruhige Ecke am Flughafen zu finden und 😴😴😴

      Später bzw morgen mehr

      Nachtrag :

      In Santiago gings mit dem Laufen wieder nicht so richtig, zudem hat es immer wieder geregnet. So hab ich beschlossen einfach im Bahnhof zu bleiben.

      Habe angefangen die Reise hier nochmal nachzulesen. Tja hat mich dann doch bewegt und mich stellenweise begeistert, und stellenweise auch erschrocken.

      Ein kommen und gehen am Bahnhof. Und je näher meine Zugfahrt rückte um so unruhiger wurde ich. Wann kommt end die Anzeige von welchem Gleis? Wo ist Wagen 3? Vorne, hinten, gibt es nen Aushang? Oh man Klaus!!!! Nimms doch gelassen. Und dann lief es reibungslos und eigentlich besser als in Deutschland organisiert 😂. Gepäck wurde gescannt, Fahrkarte und Ausweis kontrolliert, und dann war ich gleich auf Gleis 1 und es wurde mir gesagt wo ich ungefähr stehen soll für Wagen 3 und dann musste über mich selbst lachen. Typisch deutsch, alles mindestens ein Jahr im voraus haargenau geplant wissen. Fünfmal auf die Fahrkarte schauen, welcher Wagen nochmal? Welche Sitzplatznummer. Oh man ist man doch bescheuert. Könnte man doch auch bis 10 min vorher einfach ganz entspannt bleiben, sich mit anderen Dingen beschäftigen und dann einmal orientieren......... Vielleicht hats auch was mit dem zunehmenden Alter zu tun, dass man so kontrolliert und zwanghaft wird? 🙄 🤔

      Wie auch immer beim umsteigen hab ichs dann anders gemacht und siehe da der Zug fuhr am gleichen Bahnsteig gegenüber 😂😂😂😂

      Um 22 Uhr war ich dann in Madrid. Ich war ja schon mal in Madrid und wieder, nicht meine Stadt.

      Hab zwar die Metro gefunden und irgendwann auch einen Automaten zum Ticketkauf. Bei der Auswahl Sprache deutsch ist trotzdem alles in spanisch geblieben, bei englisch ebenso. Jeder für sich unterwegs und so spät kein Bahnhofspersonal in Sicht.

      Hab dann ein Taxi genommen und war kurz nach elf am Flughafen.

      Tja und dann war ich vom ganzen Tag nixtun total ko und habe meinen Schlafsack ausgerollt. Harter Boden aber warm und tatsächlich konnte ich ein wenig dösen und hatte nen weiteren Pilger in der nähe und so konnte ich auch mal eine rauchen gehen und musste nicht alles mit raus schleppen. Trotzdem unbequem und links fällt mir das Bein bald ab😢 ach menno

      Um 10 vor vier bin ich aufgewacht. Oh der Gepäckcheckin ist schon offen. Schlafsack eingerollt, verstaut 5min am Schalter gewartet und dann war der Rucksack schon aufgegeben.

      Personenkontrolle hingekommen, durchgeschleust, fertig 😂😂😂
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    • Headed Home

      15. juli 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We’re at Madrid airport, waiting for our flight to Atlanta. We returned to Santiago by bus on Sunday — no more walking! We had the rest of the day, and yesterday, to do our laundry and do some sightseeing. We also visited a couple of our favorite restaurants.

      The interior of the cathedral is empty of the pews and the massive organ pipes; scaffolding and plastic cover the walls. It’s being readied for 2021, the next Holy Year (when St. James’ birthday, July 25th, falls on a Sunday). The exterior was completed last year, and the Portico of Glory at the old entrance is now open to the public. This is the first time I was able to see the Portico, on my third trip to Santiago. But no photos were allowed, sorry!

      We had a great trip, no injuries or crises, and we’re actually feeling great. And now it’s time to go back to the “real world.”

      Thanks for coming along!

      Laurie and John
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    • Dag 21

      Always be fluent in sign language.

      10. juli 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After sleeping in (much needed after last night) we peeled ourselves out of bed and decided to head out on the second walking tour.

      We started in the Puerta Del Sol square where we saw the Clock of Casa de Correos (which rings in the new year) before heading up the famous Calle Arenal Streeet. On this street, we ate at the San Ginés Chocolate Bar next to the Monastery San Ginés - they serve quite literally the BEST CHOCOLATE CON CHURROS I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE. NO LIE. if you are ever in Madrid... Go here.

      After eating as much chocolate as we could manage (ie. A lot) we wandered past a few places great for photo ops. There was the Monastery of the Incarceration, Plaza de Oriente behind the Royal Opera House and the Royal Palace and Gardens. Afterwards came the La Almudena Cathedral, which was closed today, and the Plaza de la Villa square, which wasn't. We then stumbled into the Church of San Miguel (which was super creepy) before ending at the Plaza Mayor square, which housed fat superman.

      After our tour, we met our new Australian friend Pheobe for dinner - again! You may remember her from the lunch we had together in Barcelona... Turns out we ended up in Madrid at the same time as well! We ate at this cute little spot where we spoke about life, home, and asian nail salons (big boiiiiiiii) before going our seperate waya again. Pheobe is heading to Toronto and Montreal in September/October and we couldnt be happier!

      Afterwards, we went back Home to chill, watch Netflix and creep on instagram (i am looking at you mama Tay) until the wee hours of the morning. Oops.
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    • Dag 1


      16. december 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Zwischenstop in Madrid Problemlos pünktlich erreicht. Mal schauen ob die Reise für Kathi trotz Dinoattacke noch weitergeht 😜

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    Barajas de Madrid, Barajas, MAD

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