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    • Tag 38

      Barbadelo to Gonzar - a day of two parts

      29. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Today was very unusual because Caroline has damaged her ankle and had managed to get an appointment with a physio in Portomarin (the next large town) at 10 and was going there by taxi. So I set off on my own - although it’s already clear that from Sarria onwards you won’t be on your own for long, if at all, as there are many more people walking now. Also I was fortunate to have Anna leaving around the same time and walking to Gonzar too, so we linked up for quite large parts of this walk.
      Today we passed the 100km to Santiago mark - currently at about 80km - which felt an achievement having started at 800 and also quite melancholy as I don’t want this to end. I still love the walking and the whole experience, even tho I’m feeling very tired tonight, and I find myself beginning to plan how I’m going to get back here! Just hoping I can at some point in the not too distant future.
      It was a lovely morning and the first and longest part of the walk, to Portomarin, was beautiful. Typical Galician countryside with small farms and tiny villages.
      About 2 hours in we came to a doorway leading to a courtyard and garden where a very kind couple had laid out a fantastic breakfast spread - all donativo. As well as coffee and tea, there were home made cakes, tortilla, pancakes, cheese and meat, eggs, croquettes, fruit, walnuts - really everything you can imagine. All done with such kindness. It was an amazing stop and I really appreciated it. Anna and I sat there for quite a while before finally continuing on to Portomarin.
      There was a steep downhill section to the bridge over to the town and then steep steps up into the town on the other side.
      The main point of interest was a beautiful and simple Romanesque church. I tried to get another credencial but the information office, where I thought I might have been able to find one, was deserted. We had a drink and then continued on the final section, mainly uphill, into the tiny hamlet of Gonzar.
      This part of the walk wasn’t as attractive, lots of walking by roads and the day had clouded over so everything looked a bit grim. The temperature was good tho for what was, in the end, a pretty long walk.
      The place we are staying tonight seems fine. No cards so I was relieved that I’d managed to get more cash out in Portomarin. It’s been quite hard to use cards for the last few days and most of the places we walk through don’t have banks so it’s important to have plenty of cash!
      Reunited with C, who seemed to have had s successful appointment with the physio, we went to eat a late lunch at the nearby Albergue - salad and padrón peppers / and then came back so do the washing (!) and rest a bit. Have now had supper here and have eaten far too much - but the food was fine and managed vegetarian which is always a relief.
      Not such a long day tomorrow unless I do the 4.5k detour to a special church. I’m thinking about that!

    • Tag 9

      Tricastela - Barbadelo

      20. September 2012 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Um 7.30 Uhr verlasse ich Tricastela. Die Sonne geht mittlerweile immer später auf. Bis 8.15 Uhr sieht man kaum etwas. So lange warten kann ich aber auch nicht, zumal man meist bis spätestens 06.30 Uhr geweckt wird. Heute geht der erste Teil der Strecke an der Straße entlang in Richtung Samos. Das Stück ist auch im Dunkeln gut zu bewältigen. Der Weg heute bietet mehrere alternative Routen. Ich möchte von Tricastela nach Samos laufen und von dort aus weiter nach Sarria.

      Von San Cristoro do Real führt der Weg dann oft pfadartig in Richtung des Klosters Samos. Auf sehr schönen Waldwegen laufe ich von Weiler zu Weiler. Den Gässchen sieht man an, dass hier jeden Tag Kühe durchgetrieben werden. Leute sehe ich selten.
      Das Kloster in Samos soll eines der ältesten in ganz Westeuropa sein. Ich kann es leider nur von außen betrachten. In einem Kaffee an der Dorfstrasse bestelle ich einen Kaffee und ein Stück Kuchen. Mensch ist der lecker – sicher selbstgebacken. Den Kuchen, der so safrangelb daherkommt, esse ich hier in der Gegend noch öfters, aber der in Samos hat wirklich ganz vorzüglich geschmeckt.

      Von Samos aus könnte ich nun weiter an der Strasse bis Sarria laufen. Ich entschließe mich wie üblich für die Alternative, die mich durch ganz herrliche Landschaften führt. Durch Eich- und Kanstanienwälder geht der Weg ohne großes auf und ab. Ab und zu mal ein paar Gehöfte oder ein kleines Nest. Auch an einer sehr schönen Landhaus komme ich vorbei. Als mein Weg dann wieder die Variante trifft, die direkt von Tricastela in Richtung Sarria führt ist gleich merklich mehr los auf dem Weg. Man trifft auch seit Ponferrada merklich mehr Radfahrer an.

      In Sarria ist heute Markt-Tag. Zumindest findet oberhalb des Zentrums ein kleiner Markt statt, auf dem neben Kleinvieh auch Obst und Kleidung angeboten wird. Vielleicht wurden in der angrenzenden Halle am Morgen sogar Rinder versteigert – so sieht es nämlich aus. Die Leute sind sehr freundlich. So bekomme ich zu etwas Obst, dass ich mir als Wegzehrung kaufe, auch noch eine gute Handvoll Pfirsiche geschenkt.
      So gestärkt entschließe ich mich, trotz des „Mehrwegs“ den ich heute bereits absolviert habe, bis Barbadelo weiter zu laufen. Eine gute Wahl, denn die Herberge (mit selbstgekochtem Essen), ist sehr schöngelegen und einfach herrlich. Leider geht die Sonne mittlerweile auch viel zu schnell unter. Selten sitzt jetzt jemand abends noch draußen, denn es wird schnell frisch.

    • Tag 39

      Pilgrim Diner

      5. Juli 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      The best part of travel is meeting good people and recognizing how much we all have in common despite geography and upbringing and age and demographics.

      People are people.
      Love thy neighbor is good advice.

      At dinner tonight we had South Africa, Holland, Germany, California, UK, GA.

      Canada came by for a glass of wine and so did Iceland. Spain, France, and Italy also said hello.

    • Tag 15

      Portomarin from Sarria

      1. November 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Another mixed rain/sun day with lots of wind. Reports are that there is a major storm affecting all of Europe and northern Spain. For me it works out as mostly overcast, a little bit of sun, and then hammered by wind and rain, several times a day.

      It’s All Saints Day, so, a lot of businesses are closed. I think it’s most similar to Memorial Day in that people put flowers on the graves of their loved ones.

      The trails are running through chestnut and oak forests. I remember how much Dale and I appreciated the shade when we walked the camino a couple of summers ago. There is very little shade in the central part of this route (the Meseta).

      I passed the 100 kilometer marker today. This is the least distance you can walk an still qualify for the Compostela certificate. The number of people on the trail has increased notably. When I went looking for dinner, there was not much open because of the holiday. The only place I found was full of young people who were walking the Camino. They were also doing drink chugging contests with accompanying clapping and chants. I am so disappointed that today’s youth has not learned from my past mistakes.

    • Tag 37


      20. April in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A long walking day with spectacular views on the way to Triacastela in the valley. Then a climb over a forested ridge before descending into the valley of the Sarria river. After Sarria the path ascends 100 m steeply to Barbadelo.

      Taking this route (rather than the gentler but longer path through Samos) meant I was able to linger at the Arts Gallery of English artist Arthur Manton-Lowe and the Wisdom of the Way community run by Simon from Australia.

      [Day 33, 30 km walked, 670 km from St Jean Pied-de-Port, 114 km to Santiago.]

    • Tag 30


      18. Juli 2015 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Dagens härbärge är fixat. Det börjar bli trångt på pilgrimsleden nu. Alla vill vara framme till den 24 då firandet av St Jacobs dag (25/7) börjar. Nu gäller det att boka härbärge för att säkra tillgången. Vi bor fint ute på landet i en nerlagd skola. Här finns en pool vilket Måns gillar. Summering av dagens vandring är att naturen är mycket vacker vilket resulterar i en rogivande vandring. Underbar skogsvegetation. Massor med pittoreska platser med små fina hus och kyrkor.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      We are on our way to Portomarin!

      28. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      22.4km today. Really good so far but still a long way to go!! 😅

    • Tag 32

      Casa Barbadelo

      18. September 2016 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      This is a really nice albergue with a swimming pool. There are several buildings spread out over the grounds. It's in a rural area, and a great place to relax on a nice day. A few people that I've met along the way are staying here and we enjoyed some Galician style pulpo and sangria on the patio this afternoon.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 16

      Sarria and the last day with Franz

      4. Oktober 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Today Franz and I walked our last day together. Setting out from Samos in usual good spirits (in the dark) we passed through the small hamlets of Foxos; Teiguin; and then selected the choice of going through Calvor (to avoid walking along the road to Sarria) today would be our last day together. Franz would meet his wife in Sarria and together they would finish the Camino. Stopping at Sarria for one last cafe con leche (coffee with milk) together at the Hotel Alfonso IX where I guess Franz and his wife will enjoy slightly better hospitality than at an Albergue (although as Franz told me "no swimming pool !" Well Franz if we ever meet again, my Albergue de Barbadelo has one here!!
      Sarria holds the record for the most Albergues in one town. As the last city before the minimum 100km point set by the Catholic church to be eligible to receive the Compostela. But it didn't inspire me to stop, after yesterday's disappointment I wanted something more rural. So...I find myself in Barbadelo (with a pool). Barbadelo, small as it is, once housed a monastery on 874. The Albergue de Barbadelo is new and well equipped (oh did I say it's got a pool 😎). Don't know what I'll have for dinner tonight, and tomorrow is a slightly longer walk to Portomarin tomorrow (21km). And, I hope wearing my boots loose will get me there without pain, if not there's always my sandals to the rescue.
      As one friendship parts, tonight is for contemplation reflection and being alone. X

    • Tag 16

      Samos - Monastic Disapointment

      4. Oktober 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A short day today, only 11kms (3hrs) walked today into the village of Samos. Franz (from Germany 🇩🇪) and I opted for some religious immersion. Go to the monastery and rough it in a very basic Albergue, while witnessing the life and chants of the monks. Well disappointing was our experience ! We paid for a sanitised tour (the tour guide was an excellent young women) but we saw very little. The monastery is huge, but in serious decline with only 10 men in residence. So...onto the Albergue de Perigrinos Monasterio de Samos which we discover is separate from the Monastery and simply is housed in the same building. Despite both our guide books indicating the Albergue organised tours of the monastery and benediction - it does not. It is one long vaulted space full of hobbling pilgrims, snoring, and laughing!!! Well we arrived early and we're told in welcoming terms it didn't open until 1pm and NO we could not leave our packs at 12.30pm. So, Franz and I visited the 11th Century Capilla del Cipres, one of the oldest surviving buildings on the Camino. Simultaneously we received wisdom, and decided not to rough it, but to book into the Albergue Alboroque (across the road from the Monastery Albergue) who's welcome was genuinely warm. We were told to just go up and select our beds and then come down and pay. A small bedroom of some six beds we cherry picked the best and set out our packs etc. We ate at the restaurant with two very nice Australians and over some Galician food we put the world to rights. Franz and I went to mass at 7.30pm and then ate at the neighbouring restaurant where the internal issues of Catalan were being played out on the telly, and with an amazing multi-lingual German I enjoyed the translation. Bed and lights out followed a brief conversation with my beautiful Emma. Another day closer to being together again.Weiterlesen

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    Barbadelo, 27616

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