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    • Day 39

      A Salceda to Lavacolla 17.5kms 3.75 hrs

      October 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      It’s been a long time since we have had a rainy day in the Camino, but today made up for it. After our last rainy day walk a few weeks ago, I said never again so I got up this morning and headed straight to the bus stop! Todd is more embracing of all the Camino throws our way and he happily got in his rain gear and headed out at 6:30am for the 17km walk. From his reports, I think he loved every moment of it. I was quite content to get on the bus with all the locals heading into work.
      Dinner tonight with Ira from Brazil (from last night )
      Tomorrow we will make the final 10km walk on a sunny and dry day into Santiago!
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    • Day 20

      Verjaardag en aankomst in Santiago

      May 24 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Vandaag op de verjaardag van Cley liepen we onze laatste 10 kilometer naar Santiago. Natuurlijk via Monte do Gozó een iconisch uitzichtpunt op de de stad en de Kathedraal van Santiago de Compostela.
      Wat bijzonder weer om daar aan te komen en daarna kwam Georgina, een vriendin van Cley aan vanuit Barcelona. Een mooi weerzien na 4 jaar.
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    • Day 16

      Leaving Santiago

      April 23 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      After doing some laundry and having a wonderful shower, my sister Renee and I did the rooftop tour of Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. We took the narrow staircase up to the rooftop. The stairs were a breeze after walking the Camino. The views were spectacular and I enjoyed seeing the other Pilgrims who completed their Camino basking in the sun and laying against their backpack in the courtyard. We literally walked on the shingles and tried not to get blown off the roof. It was so beautiful to look out over Santiago. We rented a car and are heading to Fatima. The adventures continue…..Read more

    • Day 43 - Taberna Valha to Lavacolla -23k

      October 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Almost there. I walked the 23kms today without my backpack. That was a huge help. I was still very slow going in the morning. I took a break at 2.5 kms and had an orange juice and bought a coke for the road. I was feeling ok, but very weak. Another few kilometres in I was feeling a bit sick to my stomach, but nothing arose with that. At about the 8km mark I stopped on a bench and opened up my coke and decided to pull out my headset. It was almost noon already and at that pace, I would arrive at 6 or 7. I don’t usually use my headset except on parts near the road, but the people that are walking now don’t really engage with you and only about 1 in 15 will actually say buen camino. I figured I need it and I am not missing out on much.

      Well, that sure helped. It was either the tunes or the coke, but I was on the move at my normal pace. I stopped in A Rua to say hi to Peggy and Kristen, and then was on my way again. The last 5kms were long but I knew I had a bed and my bag was already there. The crowds actually thinned out now, so I took off my headset again.

      It was worth the extra long trip to only have 10km left to go for tomorrow.

      I am settled and showered and now that I am here, I am a feeling a little down. I am missing Jörg quite a bit. I think partly because I am sick and he would absolutely be taking care of me, but also just because he isn’t here. Our last evening before Santiago was wonderful. We ran into a lot of familiar faces and had dinner with them which made Jörg very happy. My camino family is all scattered but I will see them over the next few days in Santiago.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      The hike today was nice again. Lots of trees and green. The one difference is that we finally had rain. The rain brought out the greens more. Joerg laughed at me in my poncho as I look like an alien … after looking at the pictures, I agree.

      At dinner, we all got a table together, the Canadians and germans … it was so wonderful. It was a great fun evening for our last night.

      Oh, I forgot to mention my time alone. In the afternoon, I told Joerg I wanted a couple hours to myself. I lied in bed and listened to my Ipod. I spent it listening to my inspirational music reflecting on my journey. I cried. I am so happy and blessed. After my time alone, Joerg came by with an English Cosmopolitian and then lied down with me for our last nap together on the camino. It was wonderful.
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    • Day 29


      August 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was a really nice day of rest and reflection. Leaving later in the morning meant it was much quieter on the trail. I walked happily and was able to listen to the birds and the wind in the trees. The weather continues to be a mix of clouds, light showers, and sunshine. The light rain showers are refreshing and fun in their own way.

      I made it to Lavacolla and enjoyed a quiet afternoon journaling by a fountain in the courtyard. The stream that pilgrims used to wash in is overgrown and not accessible anymore, so it was nice to sit by a fountain and feel connected to the sound of water.

      Even though I’m only 9km (5.5 miles) from Santiago, it was nice to take today to rest mentally, physically, and emotionally and integrate what I’ve learned along the way before arriving in Santiago tomorrow. It’s always interesting when I notice myself doubting whether I really need rest and thinking, “I could have just kept going.” I’m almost always grateful I decided to rest even if I could have done more.

      I’m excited to get my Compostela certificate tomorrow. It feels like I earned it - not just because I walked the obligatory 100km but because it feels like I brought my full self to the experience and have been open to the lessons and growth I’ve gained along the way.

      Thanks for following along :)
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    • Day 27

      Tabernavella - Lavacolla

      August 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute stand die letzte richtige Etappe an, denn heute bin ich vor den Toren Santiago angekommen.

      Bereits in der Früh habe ich die Herberge bei Heidi verlassen und habe mich auf den Weg gemacht. Nachdem jetzt die drei Wege Camino del Nord, Primitivo und der französische Jakobsweg zusammengekommen sind, war zu befürchten dass der Weg voll vollen Pilgern ist.
      Glücklicherweise ist es nicht eingetroffen und es war ein entspannter Tag.
      Auch die Wegführung war schöner als erwartet, denn das umwandern des Flughafens von Santiago fand in Eukalyptus Wälder statt und der Flughafen war nur von weitem zu erahnen.

      Morgen stehen dann die letzten 10 km an, und dann stehe ich vor der Kathedrale in Santiago, und ich habe mein großes Ziel nach 610 km erreicht.
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    • Day 13

      Day 29 Salcema to Lavacolla 622

      October 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I began my day with an amazing breakfast 😍 See pics. It was at the restaurant where we had dinner at last night.

      I could almost see my breath this morning🥺 I am so happy that I have my merino wool clothes and down vest. Some of my friends on the Del Norte sent all of their warm clothes home during the heat wave🤔

      Beautiful peaceful walk until a couple of kms from Lavacolla. Huge groups of cyclists with no bells. I am sure they are going to hit a Pilgrim 😱 They are respect for walkers at all.

      I also saw a large group of Japanese people and a woman that looked like she was in her 80' s. WOW!!! More and more people appeared. It is very crowded at the Albergue tonight.

      I met a couple from New Brunswick that have done 7 Camino' s. The one they are completing now started in Lourdes. They talked a lot about that experience and said it was very beautiful. That is where I am considering to go after walking. I am also considering Fatima in Portugal.

      I loved the scent of the eucalyptus trees🥰

      I lost my second headlamp🙄

      Tomorrow Santiago😅👍👏🥳
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    • Day 55

      Day 43 - Lavacolla

      October 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Well, the penultimate day is done, Day 43 is in the books. The weather turned out to be nice, and tomorrow looks even better.
      We walk into Santiago de Compostela tomorrow with a short 7-mile walk. We will do a noon mass and then we will get our Compostela. This will the last day of our pilgrimage.Read more

    • Day 55

      Day 43-Lavacolla

      October 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      We had a pretty easy 13 mile walk today. I never thought I would equate 13 miles with being easy. The weather was nice and there was only about five minutes od rain. We met up with the Texans (that we met in Samos) today who are walking into Santiago tomorrow too.

      We walked past the Santiago airport today and realized it's been a long time since we'd seen an airplane.

      I can't believe this pilgrimage is coming to an end, although when I think back to some of our experiences, it feels like they happened a long time ago. I'm excited for the morning to come so we can be on our way.
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    • Day 137

      Die letzten Kilometer

      July 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      In der Herberge in Lavacolla kann ich nicht sonderlich lange schlafen: die ersten Pilger stehen schon weit vor sechs Uhr auf und das, obwohl wir nur noch etwa 11km bis Santiago zurückzulegen haben. Auch Alyssa und Sarah machen sich früh auf den Weg, da sie an diesem letzten Tag gerne den Sonnenaufgang sehen wollen.
      Als ich aus der Tür trete, ist der Himmel wolkenvergangen und, obwohl es schon hell ist, von der Sonne keine Spur.
      Ich mache mich schließlich mit Addie, Amy, Sam und Maru auf den Weg. Nach nur einem Kilometer legen wir die erste Kaffeepause ein, wo uns auch Till und Martin einholen.
      Auf dem Weg zum Monte so Gozo singen wir, wie so oft in den letzten Wochen, "Don't worry, be happy" vor uns hin. Es ist, sein Seán und Maru damals in Serdio damit angefangen haben, irgendwie zu unserer Camino Hymne geworden. Jetzt präsentiert uns Addie plötzlich ihre eigenen Lyrics, die sie seit längerem gedichtet hat. Darin geht es um unsere Gruppe und jeder hat einen eigenen Vers bekommen. Es ist absolut genial. Den Refrain singen wir jeweils alle gemeinsam.

      Auf dem Monte do Gozo suchen wir im Nieselregen die beiden bekannten Pilgerstatuen auf. Und da unten liegt es: das Ziel dieser Reise. Die Stadt, die die Sehnsucht so vieler Pilgerherzen widerspiegelt. Und die nicht das Ende meiner Reise ist. Noch nicht.
      Wir machen ein Gruppenfoto, dann machen wir uns an den Abstieg. Jetzt sind es nur noch wenige hundert Meter bis an den Stadtrand.
      Santiago de Compostela wartet.
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