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    • Day 17–18

      Von Comillas nach Colombres

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der heutige Tag war am Vormittag geprägt von zwei wunderschönen Strandwanderungen, bis es dann ins Hinterland ging. Dort traf ich in einem Dorf, in einem Cafe ein Vater/Tochter Paar aus den USA, sowie zwei Luxemburger und eine Deutsche. Nach zwei "Coca Cola con Jello" und einem Magnum ging es weiter, bis ich auf dem Weg auf Marine - eine Belgierin traf. Den Rest des Weges gingen wir zusammen und versuchten uns mit den uns zur Verfügung stehenden sprachlichen Mitteln zu verständigen. Heute ging es dann nicht mehr so weit, so dass wir bereits um 14.45 Uhr ankamen und dort bis halb 5 auf das eintreffen der Rezeption warteten. Ach ja - ich liebe Einknopfduschen in engen Duschkabinen, da kann man wenigstens nicht flüchten wenn eine von oben der eiskalte Schlag trifft. So spart man effektiv Wasser einfach nur kaltes Wasser zur Verfügung stellen und schon duscht Keiner länger als er unbedingt muss. Aber die Herberge ist sowieso cool, an der Straße hängt ein Schild "Full" und im Internet steht es ebenfalls. Es sind aber lediglich bis dato zwei Schlafplätze belegt, von sage und schreibe 123. So vermeidet der Spanier einfach Arbeit. Wenig Betten belegt, weniger putzen.
      Am Abend gings dann zunächst mit Marine zum Essen, bzw trafen wir dort auf Jil und Serge, aus Luxemburg. Mit Jil gings dann zum örtlichen Mexicaner. Sehr sehr lustiger Abend.
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    • Day 100

      Comillas - Colombres

      September 18, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Ein langer Tag, insgesamt 29 km (meine Füße melden immer noch zuverlässig die Überschreitung der 15km-Marke, die letzten 10 habe ich mal wieder in Flipflops zurückgelegt). Zwischendurch eine schöne Erholung, barfuss am Strand entlang nach San Vicente (wo mein Vater sich vor ca 45 Jahren die einmalige Chance hat entgehen lassen, in ein Grundstück zu investieren und uns alle zu Millionären zu machen). ;) Kurz vor Ende der Etappe haben wir die Grenze nach Asturien überschritten, damit habe ich inzwischen das Baskenland und Kantabrien durchquert! Abends dann die Belohnung mit Snacks und Kaltgetränken in gemütlicher Runde im Garten der Herberge, mit vielen lustigen und auch überraschend tiefsinnigen Gesprächen.Read more

    • Day 14


      September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      And then there were 2.
      Andrew joined Claire to let his blisters heal a bit more and they went on the train while Margaret and I walked. We were still on tarmac all day but mostly country lanes and stunning scenery. Very hot again in the afternoon. Staying at the Albergue where everyone is a lot friendlier that yesterday. For the first time we have met English speakers and are sharing with a couple of Irish boys and an older English guy.Read more

    • Day 27


      October 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Colombres ist die erste Ortschaft in Asturien. Colombres ist vor allem bezüglich seinen Casas Indianas bekannt. Die auffällig gestalteten Häuser wurden von Bürgern gebaut, welche in Südamerika zu Wohlstand gekommen sind. Sehr sehenswert ist das museo de la Integration. Es wird die Geschichte der Auswanderung der asturischen Bürger von 1860 bis 1930 dokumentiert. Das sind Bilder Originalmöbel, Schiffspassagen, Zeitzeugenvideos und vieles mehr. Auch fand hier heute ein riesiges Motorradtreffen statt. Hunderte der verschiedenartigsten Töffs Tourenmaschienen ,Rennmaschienen, Olttimer Crossmaschienen etc.waren zu bestaunen.Read more

    • Day 8


      June 23 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      I got an early start this morning - 7:30. I knew it was a longer day, and it felt good to be up and at ‘em. There was no one out at that time on a Sunday morning, so it was very quiet and peaceful. There was a light rain too, so my pack and I wore our rain jackets. The mist continued on and off throughout the day and it never got hot.

      18.5 miles between cities today. Tomorrow is a shorter 14-miler to Llanes. I’ve walked four out of the eight stages on my route and more than half the distance. So far, I’ve gone 96km, or 60 miles. Cool!
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    • Day 15

      14. Etappe:Comillas - Colombre

      May 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute durfte ich zur Abwechslung mal mit einem richtig guten Frühstück in den Tag starten. Ansonsten gibt's nicht viel zu berichten. Der Weg war okay, das Wetter... naja... Der Poncho kam wieder zum Einsatz. Das sagt schon alles. Aber bin recht zufrieden mit dem Tag. Strecke gut gemeistert in der Herberge eine nette Schweizerin kennengelernt. Leider geht sie morgen nur 10 km, da sie Probleme mit der Achillessehne hat.
      Meine Unterkunft für morgen bereits gebucht und bezahlt. Zum Glück morgen keine Sorgen diesbezüglich.
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    • Day 16

      To be here is a gift

      June 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      A slow start to the day today, getting on the trail at 7:45 am. I was feeling very fortunate to be on the Camino today. The complain train has left the station. 🚉

      Today's walk was quite pleasant. I walked past a number of lagoons and estuaries first thing in the morning. Before coming here, I was told how important it is to remember to look behind you because the best view might be behind you. That was absolutely the case today! The view of the coast from the top of the bluff was brilliant!

      As I was climbing this hill, I passed an older couple (Ms. Tennis Shoes and Mr. Cough All Night). They must be approaching 80-85 years old and are still carrying their own backpacks and walking the full Camino. There are two couples in this age range I’ve met in the past few days. I think they are so impressive. 💪🏻 As I walk past them, I see parts of my (hopefully) future self. No matter how hard we try to resist it and take care of ourselves, we WILL slow down. But slowing down doesn’t mean stopping. Slowing down to me means gracefully accepting what my new pace is, while also trying to push myself to maintain what is still available. Carrying your own backpack for as long as you can.

      I really loved the beach town of San Vicente de la Barquera. The people are so kind! 🥹 It's absolutely a surf village full of happy ocean people. 🏄🏻‍♀️🌊 I wish I had allowed myself a short day to stay there. I loved sitting on the bluff watching the waves and the surfers, and I really enjoyed walking across the sand. In San Vicente, I had a really weird yet filling sandwich called a "sandwich completo." It was absolutely complete. 😂 I would actually call it an "everything but the kitchen sink" sandwich. It had three layers of bread (I know, I know, bread won today), ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried egg, bacon-like thing, and tuna. I’m not sure I’d say it was tasty, but it was certainly filling. Which is good because I walked 17.4 miles.

      The landscape on today's walk was peaceful and beautiful. Everything was very green and full of foliage. I crossed many rivers, which is my favorite! Bastion and I took short breaks, and he took the opportunity to enjoy the tire swing. My favorite river was crossing from Cantabria to Asturias into Bustio.

      The day ended in Colombres, which is one of the first towns in Asturias. Colombres is important for its architecture. The residents of this town were some of those fortunate to have gone to South and Central America to earn a fortune and return to Spain. It’s one of the sleepiest villages I have stayed in so far.

      Tonight, I get my own room in an Airbnb. I’m going to sleep like a queen!
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    • Day 16

      Colombres - a long and hot 28kms

      September 27, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today was a long day and the weather was hot, hot, hot! However, there were lots of pleasant distractions along the way.

      Reflecting on the past few days, the coastal alternatives were amazing and I'd do them again in a heartbeat However, taking a different path can lead to a disconnection from other pilgrims. And since we had already parted company with lots of folk in Bilbao, we've been getting to know a bunch of 'new' people over the past few days.

      As on the Primitivo last year, English speakers are in the minority on this Camino. We were delighted to meet J. from England this morning and to walk with him to San Vincente de la Barquera. He started in Santander and will cross onto the Camino Lebaniego today. He plans to continue on Vadiniense and if his money doesn't run out, he'll keep on walking - perhaps on the Salvador and Primitivo. What a wonderful plan!

      It was also a lovely surprise to see M. from Barcelona who we last saw in the albergue in Markina.

      We're in the Colombres albergue, along with almost everyone we met today. It's a forgettable kind of a place, but we were all much too tired to be fussy. There are about 20 of us here.

      Tomorrow we'll walk to Llanes or Poo. Our big priority will be to find a place with a washing machine!
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    • Day 2

      Colombres / 332km

      July 10, 2015 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      8:30. We splited again. I went to the railway station Colombres, but the next train was at about 11am ( it goes 2 times a day), so I decided to walk little bit and take the train later. It was a good decision: very nice trail on the cost with beautiful scenery. It was much more easier to find the railway station in Pendueles, than the bus stop yesterday. Nevertheless I asked for the way: "para estatione?". "Si, si, blablabla once." That I knew already, but was thankful for the confirmation, who knows how old was the timetable in Colombres. The train came on time, fare : 1.65€Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Colombres, 33590

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