Donostia / San Sebastián

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Os 10 melhores destinos Donostia / San Sebastián
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    • Dia 48–49

      Day 48 - San Sebastián to Orio

      8 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We awoke in San Sebastián and went in search of breakfast. We witnessed a massive clean up operation sorting the city centre out after last night’s invasion, there were street cleaning machines spraying everywhere, dustcarts collecting all the rubbish - and an eerie lack of tourists, which was wonderful. Unfortunately nowhere was open until we left the warren of piazzas and headed for the main road. Avoiding the flower watering sprinklers we found an open bakery 🙌
      After breakfast we hit the road again. Today was overcast, muggy and with very little wind. We walked the first 3 km along the various large bays of the city. Then the inevitable uphill steep climb to the cliff tops. The way was through small lanes, woods and old Roman roads made of large uneven rocks. We met a steady stream of other pilgrims that the Plodicus picked his way past.
      Views were minimal due to overcast, misty, missley weather. Towards the end of the walk we came across an Armageddon cafe that catered for pilgrims for a donation, but left leaflets on the tables foretelling of the end of the world!!
      We headed into Orio over the bumpy Roman path, attempting not to break an ankle then had to negotiate a large motorway before getting here.
      We then had to order lunch at a busy bar and ended up with a large baguette rather than the salad we thought we had ordered!!
      The rain got harder and the gloom moved in. We went off to find our happy apartment, only to find out we are sharing it with the couple who own it!
      Eider, the owner was very interesting on Basque history and information. We need to learn some basque phrases as it is a completely different language to Spanish.
      We went off to sort out some food and due to large baguette couldn’t decide what we wanted.
      Simon insisted on 2 double Brandy’s to cope with the dilemma.
      In fact he threatened to throw himself in the harbour if he didn’t get them!!
      Tea ended up being a pecan plait and some cherries!!
      However we do have some eggs for breakfast as we can use cooking facilities.
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    • Dia 50

      San Sebastian

      1 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Première grosse ville espagnole, autant dire qu'on s'attendait à du lourd, mais on a été un peu déçu.

      Nous étions à la recherche de bons pinchos 🌮 et sangria 🍹, mais notre quête ne fût que partiellement remplie. En effet, la ville est très touristique, et il est difficile de trouver du bon "fait maison", à l'instar d'une bonne auberge à la française 🍖. Nous n'avons quand même pas boudé notre plaisir et nous avons testé plusieurs restaurants sur le midi. Après avoir déguste les différentes sangrias 😵‍💫 et bien s'être bien remplit le vendre de patatas bravas, il fallait un arrêt à la case plage 🏖️ avant de reprendre la route :DLeia mais

    • Dia 6–7

      Jetzt aber zum Konzert

      4 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wieder ausgeschlafen und von den Vögeln geweckt. Frühstücken und entsorgen geht dann auch fix und dann geht es los. Heute mal die Option ohne Maut gestrichen, denn wir wollen rechtzeitig beim Stadion in San Sebastian sein. Klappt auch, nur auf den Platz kommen wir nicht. Also erstmal auf die angrenzende Straße und dort einen Laternenplatz suchen. Klappt auch, ist aber iwie nicht schön. Also rufen wir beim ersten Campingplatz an: leider alles voll. Dann versuchen wir es über Wecamp, wir können direkt einen Platz reservieren und fahren dorthin. Alles wird gut, denn man kommt bequem mit dem Bus in die Stadt und morgen soll es auch eine Verbindung vom Stadion hierher geben. Perfekt…
      Wir verbringen den Nachmittag und Abend in der Stadt, krabbeln einmal auf den Festungsberg und genießen dann die heimischen Pintxos (Tapas). Dann geht es zurück und der Abend klingt aus.

      Angekommen: 57.099km
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    • Dia 31

      San Sebastian to Pasaia

      11 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Jeremy and I went for a 22km hike today, from San Senastian to Pasaia. The walk starts at the end of Zurriola Beach and heads over Ulia Mount, hugging the coast most of the way. Awesome views were found around each bend. The morning sun versus the afternoon sun cast different lights on the cliffs, so I stopped in awe on the return trip as much as I did on the way there. The walk covers some of the way of St James, so I felt a connection to Camino walkers. There was even the guiding yellow arrows along the way.
      On arrival in Pasaia, we chanced upon some boating/port festival...stores, demonstrations, music, and puppets. The huge puppets operated by 1, or in some cases, 2 people would have given me nightmares as a child. Had a great festival feel. If the 11km walk back and fancy dinner was not in front of us, we would have stayed and joined in on the street beers that were on offer.
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    • Dia 47–48

      Day 47 - Errenteria to San Sebastián

      7 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After a reasonable night we got up to a buffet breakfast to give us strength to navigate the way out of town and back to the trail.
      This went a whole lot better than the way in 😂
      Today was overcast with the odd sunny interval. We walked through to Pasaia following the coast past a huge cargo tanker, boat building factories and a breakers yard that held an enormous mountain of old boat chains.
      Pasaia was a quaint little place full of passages that you could imagine pirates and smugglers scuttling down. We had to get a little ferry across the estuary to then walk around to Donastia and Saint Sebastian.
      Leaving the other side was a matter of climbing 1.3 km of stairs - no mean feat carrying our rucksacks!
      The path then was along the coast and reminded us of many an Isle of Man walk, with rocky headlands, the sea crashing below, seagulls swooping about and much up and downhills.
      We eventually spotted the city ahead - which was quite imposing.
      After a steep descent we came to a long beach full of surfers, volleyball players and sun worshipers, despite the lack of sun!
      We sat on a bench and pondered the scene, very tempted to go running down the beach to dip our feet in, but too much with rucksacks and our gear - plus the Plodicus was starving!
      San Sebastián is a big, thriving Mecca for tourists, especially food lovers , from around the globe. It has big wide streets and piazzas full of bars and eateries.
      Great architecture and a wide and varied history. Another assault on the senses as you wander in after a days walking.
      Staying in a groovy modern room, right in the heart of the action. Hoping for a good sleep 💤 The map only covers part of the journey!! At least 16km walked today 👣👣👣
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    • Dia 43–44

      Chillida Leku Sculpture

      23 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      At the end of La Concha Bay through to the end of Ondarreta beach lies 'The Comb of the Wind' made up of three of Eduardo Chillida's monumental steel sculptures embedded in natural rocks rising from the Cantabrian Sea and where Jeremy and I strolled to on Thursday afternoon. Eduardo Chillida is considered one of the most influential Spanish artists of the 20th century.
      When installing the artwork, they also developed a viewing platform with blowholes that add to the dramatic effect of waves crashing around the sculptures.

      The following day, we headed out to Chillida Leku, an open-air museum of Chillida's work."One day, I dreamed of a utopia: finding a space where my sculptures could rest and people could walk among them as if through a forest." He is quoted as saying. In the 1980s, he and his wife acquired the land and did as he dreamed.
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    • Dia 7


      5 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Gemütlich ausgeschlafen und erst mal Frühstück. Dann den Bus entern und zum Monte Igueldo, Leuchtturm gucken. Wir erreichen das Gelände und zahlen erst mal 2,50€ pro Person Eintritt. Dann schauen, wo der Weg zum Leuchtturm beginnt, aber wir stehen vor verschlossenem Tor. Dann mal beim Kiosk fragen und wir erfahren, dass die Strasse wegen Steinschlag gesperrt ist. Also geht es auf den großen Turm und der Ausblick ist der „beste der Welt“. Jedenfalls im Moment…

      Dann geht es zurück und die Vorbereitung zum Konzert beginnt. Kleidung, Musik, Duschen und Essen. Wein und oder Bier geht wohl auch noch.
      Dann zum Konzert mit dem Bus 1 x umsteigen. Dann an die Schlange für die Feuerzone und es gibt sogar Ausweiskontrolle. Mit einem Mal können alle deutsch und das Konzert geht 2 1/4 Stunden. Der Bus zurück steht vor dem Stadion und so geht ein schöner Tag direkt in den Nächsten über…
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    • Dia 31

      Akelaŕe Pedro Subijana

      11 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      WOW! WOW! WOW! A Wow for each of Akelaŕe's 3 Michelin stars it's held since 2007. I could continue with the wows for each and every dish, the setting, the service... the whole experience.

      Getting to Akelaŕe located on the slopes of Mount Igeldo, San Sebastián nearly didn't happen... pouring with rain, no Uber on the radar, no taxi in sight, I was thinking we would not make it. Good fortune was on our side, and we chanced upon an available taxi. We arrived early, giving ourselves time for a predinner drink and a chance for me to dry my new silk blouse, drenched by the rain, under the hand dryer. A glass of Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) started our experience at Akelaŕe.

      A good conductor is of no use without virtuosos of each instrument... believes Subijana. This was evident through the food and the exemplary service.

      Amuse-bouche was delightful and not quite what was expected. The 'potato' was actually a delightful mouthful of Russian salad. The 'macaron', which seemed out of place as an amuse-bouche, was actually savoury and had the flavour of a gilda (a famous pitxos served in all the bars)

      For entreé it was hard to go past one called homage to the anchovy, and Jeremy was not disappointed. I opted for a steamed red prawn with txakoli flavours. Jeremy won that round.
      The codfish shaped in a beautiful rose just melted in the mouth, and the accompanying beetroot flavours was a great pairing.
      Following the codfish was the Foie Gras with salt and pepper. They tricked us again, and while I would have been more than happy with the pile of salt, the salt was actually sugar, and the pepper was fried puffed rice. Next level deliciousness!
      Iberian pork belly and cabbage with a crunchy crackling twirl was next to hit the palate. The palate was dancing!
      The dish of Barnacles and Pig's trotters and mussels with seaweed was well named 'a bite of land and sea'.
      With the sea element happily lingering from the previous dish, the grilled Turbut followed nicely.
      Baresarian suckling lamb was next for me, and pork with 3 different types of garlic was Jeremy's choice. The lamb was exquisite, and the silky, rich jus left me wanting more. Drinking a jug of it would not be out of the question for me.
      Accompanying our dinner, we had a lovely 1997 Rioja red.
      Two desserts and petit-fours rounded off a spectacular dinner. The chocolate dessert was nothing to write home about. However, the second one, which I forgot to take a pic of, was much better, as evident by empty plate. The apple iced wine we had was the best part of dessert.
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    • Dia 71


      7 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      7.6. bis 9.6. Bilbao
      Wir beeilen uns nach Bilbao zu kommen und tatsächlich bekommen wir um 14:30 den letzten der 72 Plätze (Area de Autocaravanas de Kobetamendi, 17€, mit Strom 21€.

      Die Aussicht auf die Stadt ist phantastisch. Das Solitär des modernen Bilbao ist das Guggenheim-Museum von Frank Gehry. Viele berühmte Architekten haben nach der Zeit des Niedergangs hier den Grundstein für das moderne, pulsierende Bilbao gelegt. Es entstanden großartige Brücken und Gebäude, die heute das Gesicht der Stadt prägen.

      Mit dem eBike können wir uns gut hinunter in die Stadt wagen. Auf dem Weg in die hübsche Altstadt viel Grün und immer wieder Kunst. Häufig kommen wir an attraktiven Spielplätzen für Größere und Kleinere vorbei, die überall auch sehr gut frequentiert sind.

      Wir fahren den Rio Nervión entlang bis zu einer großen Konzertmuschel. Davor etliche besetzte Stühle und auf der Bühne ein Konzert für Bläser und Schlagzeug. Einfach so für die Allgemeinheit. Auf einem Platz gleich nebenan, eine Art BuchmesseIn. Daneben die Kathedrale und dann die lebendige Altstadt mit Cafés und Bars ohne Ende. Wir „schwimmen“ mit in der Menge und landen auf der Plaza Nueva, gesellschaftlicher Mittelpunkt der Altstadt. Umgeben von Kneipen erleben wir in der Mitte des Platzes fußballspielende Mädchen und Jungen. Wir ergattern einen Tisch und gönnen uns ein paar Pintxos (Tapas) und Wein bzw. O-Saft.

      Das Guggenheim Museum ist wieder ein Erlebnis. Allein die Architektur ist einen Besuch wert und dazu die Ausstellung modernen Kunst. Besonders beeindruckend: der riesige Wandbehang aus Flaschenverschlüssen, Kupferdraht und Banderolen von El Anatsui.
      Seine Devise: „nimm , was du vorfindest“.
      Als wir nach 4 Stunden das Haus verlassen, ein Liegend-Demonstration für Palästinenser. Etwas abseits zwei Polizisten, ansonsten alles friedlich, keine Pöbeleien, keine Agressionen. Beeindruckend. Tolle Stadt.
      Abends setzt wieder Regen ein mit einer Feuerwerkspause. Dann gehts die ganze Nacht feucht weiter. Und wir machen uns auf.
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    • Dia 153

      San Sebastián mit Jonas & Markus

      17 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Hummel arrived 🐝 (Markus und Jonas im Gepäck)
      Los geht’s! Barhopping! Die besten Tapas und Tinto de Verano werden ausgecheckt!
      Leider Regen und Wind zu stark, deswegen kein Feuerwerk 🥹 Dafür Schwimmbad in den Schuhen, auch schön 👏🏼
      Am nächsten Tag müssen die Jungs bei Unwetter natürlich raus zum Surfen! Sind ja nicht aus Zucker 🤙🏼
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Donostia / San Sebastián, Donostia-San Sebastian, San Sebastián, Donostia, Saint-Sébastien

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