Picasso Museum

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    • Day 3

      Drei Museen am Montag

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Dafür dass am Montag viele Museen zu sind, war ich recht erfolgreich. Als erstes ging ich ins MOCO das mit vielen berühmten Namen geworben hat. Es waren viele faszinierende Ausstellungsstücke und tolle Foto Gelegenheiten. Vor allem auch digitale Werke. Interessanterweise musste ich aber im Rückblick feststellen, dass ich keine Inspirationen mitgenommen habe. Es fühlt sich hinterher leer an.
      Das war eine seltsame Beobachtung für mich.
      Im zweiten Museum hatte ich eine Idee für eine neue Serie. Die zwei Ausstellungen im dritten Museum waren leider nicht auf Englisch beschriftet. So konnte ich nur die thematischen Einleitungen online nachlesen.
      Trotzdem gab es mehrere sehr berührende Ausstellungsstücke zu sehen. Speziell die Portrait Serie von Mutter, Tochter und Puppe bei der in jedem Bild immer weniger von deren Individualität übrig blieb.
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    • Day 44

      Picasso Museum

      June 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      This morning we got tickets to the Picasso museum which houses Barcelona’s extensive gift from the artist himself. The van and seagull pic is because we watched the bird walk all the way along the alley in front of the approaching van, then across the street into a hairdressers doorway. We think the van may have been less tolerant if there hadn’t been 20 or more tourists watching and laughing.Read more

    • Day 30

      Picasso Museum

      May 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      First day in Barcelona took us to the Picasso Museum. This has the best early works of Picasso and it really gave us a sense of how the development of this artist. His father was an art teacher and encouraged his development from an early age; he mastered the realism of the paints of the Renaissance and beyond; doing copies of portraits by Velazquez (whose painting Las Meninas some say is the best painting ever and one which Picasso would do a study and reinterpretation in Cubist style on in his later life) and our friend El Greco. He mastered realism, dabbled in the light of the impressionists, pointillism; really experimented with many styles even though he is renown for his Cubist style. Very good museum.

      The Museu Picasso de Barcelona houses 4,249 works in the permanent collection with many from his youthful and formative years. The museum occupies five palaces in Carrer Montcada that constitute one of the best examples of civil Catalan Gothic architecture. The Ruiz Picasso family came to Barcelona at the end of the 19th century, when Pablo was only 14.Immediately he started studying at the Escola de Belles Arts de la Llotja fine arts academy and began his career as a painter. The first years of Picasso’s training were fundamental to his artistic career, and he always kept his link with Barcelona. So much so that, by express wish of the artist, and thanks to the help of his secretary and friend Jaume Sabartés, it was decided that the city should permanently house a museum of his work as a young man. Pablo Picasso himself donated the series Las Meninas de Velázquez to the museum, one of his best-known and most important works.
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    • Day 83

      Picasso & The Cup Spies

      June 23 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We made it to Barcelona! After a travel day yesterday we arrived early afternoon. Vela wasn't feeling too flash so we had an easy evening hanging around the hotel.

      But today we hit the streets. First stop was the Picasso Museum. There was a massive collection of sketches, paintings and other creative works. We particularly liked his collection of pigeon paintings from his time in Nice - all painted on about a weeks time. There was a short video as well which really impressed upon us the sites at which he worked. It was also interesting to see how his style developed over time, from realistic paintings, through his blue period, to the distortionate style he is most well known for. Despite all this, I'm not sure he's ever seen what a dog looks like...

      After Picasso we took a short stroll down to the Americas cup village. There wasn't much going on today, not sure if any of the teams were on the water. However we did play cup spy and noticed a white shrink-wrapped package tucked away in a corner... A little snooping and it turns out that ETNZ's race boat to defend the cup arrived into Barcelona last night, not long after we had arrived!

      We headed for a closer look, hoping to find someone we could volunteer our unwrapping services to - no luck on that front. We did get around the other side and made a human tower to peek over the fence, we got a good view of the Taihoro's stern, a view we're sure the defenders will get sick of seeing come race time!

      We've booked ourselves onto a boat trip to hopefully watch some of these machines fly around later in the week!
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    • Day 7

      Picasso Museum

      March 8, 2020 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      While Martin is dead to the world me & Lia decided to hot up a local flea market called Fleadonia. Unfortunately we waited to long and missed it.☹️

      So we decided to head to the nearby Picasso Museum instead. Well laid out exhibits about the artist life and close friends.

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    • Day 3

      Museum of Picasso - Barcelona, Spain

      August 23, 2016 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today I learned that I knew near to nothing of Picasso's works. When I went into the museum I very quickly discovered that he has more than just the scribble painting style. In fact, he has plenty of perfectly painted lanscapes, portraits and still lifes. What shocked me most was the full gallery of more abstract pieces that looked like they were drawn in pen. This was the largest pornographic collection I had ever seen. Now when I say pornographic I mean boobs, vaginas, penises and hairy balls everywhere. There was one piece that stood out to me, the title was something along the lines of: Three Prostitutes Among Themselves. Now this painting consisted of several awkwardly proportioned naked women laying all tangled up with one another. One of the women's legs are spread wide open and you get this full view of her hairy vagina made especially appealing by the three hands that are spreading it open. And the amount of detail that went into that vagina was shocking, especially since the women themselves were made with simple outlines and no shading. I really liked that painting.Read more

    • Day 6

      Museu Picasso

      August 4, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Pablo hardly needs any introduction (but just for a tidbit of "useless Trivia" his full name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso :))

      With a huge collection of works here that he himself bequeathed to the City of Barcelona (4,251 works exhibited by the painter), the museum has one of the most complete permanent collections of works and is housed in five adjoining medieval palaces in Barcelona's La Ribera neighborhood.

      As evident here he can REALLY paint
      Some of these are his early works when he was a teen!
      He also did some jewelry
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    • Day 28

      Gaudí houses and Picasso museum

      June 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Dad and I visited some of the houses (really seem more like buildings) designed by Gaudí, the architect who led the sagrada familia and Parc Guëll. They were really interesting to see and have a very unique feel to them. After seeing Gaudí’s stuff it’s easy to see references to his style and themes in architecture and decor all over the city. We also visited the city’s Picasso museum which was honestly a bit underwhelming. It was fairly small and all paintings Dad and I had never seen or heard of before, and lots of the art was just sketches. We had a great dinner with lots of seafood by the water!Read more

    • Day 30

      Barcelona MOCO Museum

      June 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      This was another modern/contemporary art museum that blew the other one I visited in Barcelona out of the water. They had a much larger exhibit with art by KAWS, Banksy, Basquiat, Murakami, Haring and Warhol to name a few. They also had some really neat immersive stuff as well as massive outdoor statues. It was my favorite modern art museum I’ve visited so far!
      Unfortunately at some point this morning or last night my wallet was stolen from the hostel - it was literally next to me while I was sleeping. It was gone when I woke up and I tried to track down the AirTag I have in it, which led me to a trash can a few blocks away - they must have seen it and thrown it out as they were leaving. Fortunately my passport and vaccine cards were separate, I had very little cash, and am able to still use Apple Pay (which is accepted literally everywhere here post-pandemic). So fortunately it is not much more than an inconvenience - and by the time I get home, my replacement cards and drivers license will already have arrived!
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    • Day 2

      BARCELONA Day one

      July 7, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      In unseren wunderschönen und zentralen Airbnb angekommen sind wir gestern in die Stadt gestartet. Mura Romana > Plaza del Rey > Cathedral Barcelona > Palau güell > Las rambles > Mercat de la Boqueria > plaça catalunya Barcelona > casa batllo > casa mila > Beach! Im Surf House haben wir fantastisch gegessen inkl. Sundowner am Strand. Now time to Party! Zufällig sind wir in einer Bar gelandet... geht nicht mit fremden Männer mit... jaja. Per "Shuttle Bus" aka Linien Bus ging es dann ins Catwalk.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    El Museu Picasso de Barcelona, Picasso Museum, Museu Picasso

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