Hospital de Órbigo

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    • Gün 28

      To Hospital de Orbigo

      27 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      September 27

      Today was a shorter day (10 miles) to Hospital de Orbigo, a place we only walked through five years ago, and a town with a fabulous medieval bridge that Alan couldn’t wait to see again.

      The bridge is one of the longest and best preserved medieval bridges in Spain and is one of the most famous landmarks along the Camino. It is known for a legendary jousting tournament.

      In the year 1434, a knight from Leon (Don Suero de Quinones) was scorned by the woman he loved. As a result, he challenged any knight who dared to pass over the bridge to a jousting battle. Knights from all over Europe took up the challenge and Don Suero successfully defended the bridge for a month until he had broken the 300 lances he had pledged to use in its defense. Thus, he retained his honor, although it doesn’t appear that the lady changed her mind. He later travelled on to Santiago to give thanks for his newly restored honor. There are indications that Cervantes may have used this story as inspiration for his character, Don Quixote.

      The Great Parts of Today

      1. The AMAZING sunrise!
      2. The birds chirping this morning
      3. Meeting Anna from Russia
      4. Alan seeing the bridge again
      5. Running into Candi as she entered town and then joining her for dinner.
      6. We have comfortable beds. 🛏️

      Tomorrow, we walk to Astorga. 🙂
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 45

      Hospital de Órbigo - quiet and eventful!

      11 Mayıs 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today was travel day to Hospital de Órbigo, and bus booked for 3.45, so we spent the morning having last walks round León, and left the bags for transfer. That was a bit of a kerfuffle as they knew we were making our own way here, and we weren’t on the transfer list…but our vouchers said transfer and they sorted it out and delivered them…good for us, as otherwise we would have had to lug them to the bus station in León, and as it turned out, to our hotel at this end! Anyway, that’s a boring aside, but we had a quiet morning in León, still lovely weather but cold - maxed at about 16°, and quite a breeze, making it even colder…I wore all my layers, and Amr has taken over my down jacket - he hadn’t anticipated these temperatures!

      A funny thing happened when we were sitting in the plaza outside the Gaudi house in León…we were sitting in the seat, which has a statue of Gaudi sitting there, and we were beside him. Well, an Italian group with a guide suddenly surrounded us, and we realised they wanted photos (but not with us in them!) so of course we moved with our backpacks etc - by now we were checked out of the hotel - and the guide was very grateful and we were presented as peregrinos, and asked how far we walked each day, and from Australia was a great hit…we were celebrities for a minute…fun…and I found I could understand the Italian guide talking about León and the camino so much better than the Spanish guide of yesterday…my Spanish has gone so fluffy..

      We had lunch at a bar we had sighted, and it was excellent..Amr had morcilla - blood sausage mixture, a specialty of León, and I had equivalent of sashimi cod on orange and some magic sauce, both on toast and both magnificent…Amr helped me with mine, still having small amounts.

      Anyway, we set off to the bus station - it is in a state of renovation which we knew from arrival, bit chaotic, but we got our bus on time, about half an hour to here. This was walking that Amr was missing, but actually quite boring, especially leaving León through endless industrial areas and suburbs, then even the countryside was not cultivated much or interesting, so I didn’t feel too bad. Tomorrow he will stride out and can have his full dose of exercise!!

      The bus driver knew we were going to Hospital de Órbigo (not its final destination) and when he said this was our stop we got out in bewilderment! Walking in we have always come from the countryside and walked over the very long bridge to our hotel - on the camino. We found ourselves in a village, rather desolate, no sign of river or bridge…Amr turned on Google and we found it was a fairly short walk to the hotel, so we followed directions, through little streets, all shuttered, very little sign of life, till it said your hotel is very close, and there it was - we approached from the opposite direction - the bridge isn’t a vehicle bridge - and at first we’re totally disoriented…but there was the bridge, and we settled in, our bags were here! Phew.

      We had a walk over the bridge, just for the sake of it , and a bit of a wander, but this town has nothing really to offer sightseeing wise, so we are now showered, done our washing and relaxing in the bar - Amr with a vino Tinto, and I have a “limonada” which looks and tastes like sangria! Dinner in about half an hour.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Hospita Orbigo nach Astorga

      27 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Nach einer guten Nacht geht es heute weiter bis nach Astorga. Im Vergleich zu gestern stehen allerdings nicht 31 KM, sondern lediglich 18 KM mit rund 250 Höhenmetern auf dem Programm. Wir wählen wieder den Weg fernab der Autostraße. Wir treffen zahlreiche Pilger aus vielen Ländern und Kontinenten. Es ist ein fröhliches Hallo verbunden mit dem Wunsch "Buen Camino". Auch auf dieser Etappe können wir uns wieder mit Früchten vom Wegesrand stärken. Überrascht werden wir von einem von Pilgern für Pilger organisierten Picknick. Es gibt Früchte, Wurst, Käse, Getränke, Kuchen, Eier und noch vieles mehr. Gegen eine kleine Spende kann sich hier jeder bedienen. Die Atmosphäre ist herzlich und es bahnen sich interessante Gespräche zwischen den Pilgern an. Das letzte Stück nach Astorga gesellt sich ein Holländer zu uns. Wir gehen dieses Teilstück gemeinsam, tauschen unserer bisherigen Erfahrungen sowie Erwartungen an den Weg aus. Ich schätze diese - wenn auch nur kurzen - Begegnungen mit anderen Pilgern sehr.

      Astorga ist eine kleine sehenswerte Stadt am Rande der Berge von León. Sie ist eine der ältesten Städte der Region, die während der Herrschaft der Römer auf der iberischen Halbinsel als Asturica Augusta bekannt war. Zu dieser Zeit war Astorga der nördlichste Endpunkt der römischen Straße Via de la Plata, die von Mérida im Süden nach Astorga führte und deren gesamte Wegstrecke von 470 KM gepflastert war. Auch wir nutzen auf unserem heutigen Weg ein Teilstück dieser alten Römerstraße und spüren so ein bisschen den Hauch der Geschichte. Unsere Straßenbauer sollten sich einmal ein Beispiel nehmen an der Nachhaltigkeit des damaligen Straßenbaus.

      Unser Hotel liegt in Sichtweite zum Palacio Episcopal (Bischofspalast). Er wurde nach den Plänen des Katalanen Antoni Gaudi errichtet und beherbergt heute das Museo de los Caminos mit Ausstellungsstücken zur Geschichte des Jakobswegs. Morgen geht es weiter nach Foncebadón. Mal sehen, was uns auf diesem Weg erwartet.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 34

      Hospital de Orbigo

      3 Ekim 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Day 30 - Walked 35 kms today from Leon to the town of Hospital de Orbigo. It was a brutal walk - almost all the way on the sidewalk along a highway. My knees were shot by the time I reached this place. It was a warm afternoon and I was out of water. At the outskirts of town I fell upon the water fountain. Aaaahhh!
      Being me, I signed up for a ‘free’ historical guided tour of Hospital de Orbigo . This very cute 20 something explained the story of the knight who had to charge with his lance and break 300 lances of challengers in order to win his lady love. This event was staged on the bridge leading into town.
      The town is very pretty and I stayed in a cute Albergue. I met a humanitarian nurse, Brenda, who walked to Astorga with me.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      Day 26, Mazarife to Hospital de Orbigo

      18 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Today life really felt like a bowl of cherries! Or a hatful - picked by our fellow pilgrims in the garden of our lovely albergue. On the Camino people are always saying it’s about the journey, not the destination. However, today it really was the destination which made this day so very special.
      We arrived at our albergue and were greeted with a cup of delicious herbal tea (the herbs grown in the garden). Lunch involved a lot of ladder-climbing in pursuit of the ripest cherries and was a social, happy affair. Fiona and I had bought gazpacho and were eating it when our fellow pilgrims joined us, shared our crisps and provided hatfuls of cherries.
      Later in the afternoon a fellow guest led an hour- long yoga session (with a little help from Fiona). And before dinner we were treated to a ‘sound bath’ held in honour of the founder of the albergue who died a year ago tomorrow. It’s hard to describe what this was - we lay on the floor while someone played Tibetan sound bowls. It may sound strange but it was deeply serene and meditative and felt like another significant spiritual moment on this pilgrimage. Afterwards, he offered to play the bowls on Fiona. I know this sounds stranger still, but a few of us volunteered to experience it too and it was really affecting to feel the music resonate through you.
      Next up was the most wonderful vegetarian meal in the garden polished off with cherry cake. One of the special things about this place is that it is a donativo - you only pay what you can afford for the food. The accommodation cost 13 euros. At the end of the meal the cook talked about the founder and how the three of them who worked with him had set up an association to continue his vision of looking after pilgrims after his death. She cried and was comforted by a lovely German woman called Ramona who had visited in 2016 and remembered him.

      Earlier in the day we had met Ramona, who we’d bumped into a couple of weeks ago and she said she’d had a couple of difficult days, had wanted to return to Albergue Verde today but they were full. When we arrived I asked if there might be a spare bed and they said they had one bed left so I sent her a WhatsApp and reserved it for her. She was delighted and very sweetly, said that we had been her Camino gift today. It was nothing at our end but very satisfying to have helped make someone happy.
      Another bonus today was being introduced to Nick, a vegan chef from Hove, who is helping out here. He shared a vegetarian map of the Camino which has set us trying to book up vegetarian places for the days we still need bookings for.
      Oh, and I have successfully walked without taping up my toes. I took the risk this morning of wearing a new pair of socks or, should I say, gloves for the feet.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      Tag 18: León - Hospital de Óbrigo

      9 Mart, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Nach dem gestrigen Pausentag war ich heute wieder deutlich fitter. Sowohl mein Knie als auch meine Achillessehne fühlten sich normal an und so startete ich, gemeinsam mit Mike (UK) und Andreas (GER), um 6:30 Uhr in León. Andreas ist Tischler aus Berlin und läuft seit 2 Tagen mit uns.

      Eigentlich hatte ich mit den beiden abgesprochen, ab León mein eigenes „Tempo“ zu gehen, also mehr Km/Tag, als in den letzten Wochen. Die Entscheidung war Konsequenz eines seit Tagen in mir wachsenden Gefühls, mal wieder länger für mich allein sein zu wollen.
      Doch am Morgen waren Mike und Andreas „zufällig“ um die gleiche Uhrzeit wie ich startklar, obwohl ich früher als sonst aufbrechen wollte.
      So liefen wir die ersten Kilometer zusammen, auch wenn ich am liebsten alleine gelaufen wäre. Trotzdem war die Gemeinschaft der beiden nett und wir kehrten nach den ersten 20 km in einer Herberge für jeweils zwei wärmende Kaffees ein… Man, waren wir durchgefroren!

      Der Weg führte heute hauptsächlich an und auf einer wenig befahrenen Landstraße entlang. Da hatte der Wind leichtes Spiel mit uns, der Kopf dadurch eher weniger.
      Als Motivationsanker wurde für mich heute das Bergpanorama am Horizont, was uns mit seinen schneebedeckten Gipfeln schon mal einen Gruß sendete. Denn in 1-2 Tagen geht es hoch in die Berge, da freue ich mich schon wahnsinnig drauf!

      Nach insgesamt 36 km erreichten wir dann die ‚Puente de Óbrigo‘, die für mich schönste Brücke auf dem Jakobsweg! Wahnsinn, was die Römer überall in Europa gebaut haben…
      Was mich an diesem Bauwerk so fasziniert hat; die Brücke bestimmt 200m lang. Sie mündet in eine alte Handelsstraße, auf der ich geradezu die Kutschen und Rittertuniere aus vergangenen Tagen hören konnte…

      In der danebenliegenden Herberge trafen wir Simone (ITA) wieder - was eine Freude! Gemeinsam freuen wir uns jetzt auf das Pilgermahl!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 34

      Camino Day 24: León to Hospital deÓrbigo

      4 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Total Distance: 41.5km
      Step Count: 58k
      Blisters to date: 2
      Tortillas to date: 21
      Injuries: shin splints

      Blippin’ longest day ever walking! Not just on the Camino but in my lifetime! - to date anyways.

      What was meant to be a 34km day (a bit of a stretch for my leg and the longest day I’d have so far) ended up being 41km! All the guide books and trail info about this stage were wrong as confirmed by the locals later.

      The walk itself was flat, uneventful, serene, with minimal stops, a very early start and some rain during the morning. I ended up walking the whole day with a Mexican woman who’d asked me in León if she could stick with me just to make her way out of town. It would be dark and she didn’t want to get lost but we found our way out easily thanks to another pilgrim who was heading out at the same time.

      Grumpiness kicked in after 30 odd KMs when I realised I still had another 8 to reach my destination but all the aches and pains disappeared in an instant when we arrived! Hospital de Órbigo was by far one of the most beautiful arrivals to a village with its long Roman bridge and the beautiful love story surrounding it (el Passo Honroso)! ❤️

      We were also going to stay at an Albergue run by Venezuelans which to my surprise was all dedicated to paintings by pilgrims. It was so colourful and reminded me of posadas by the beach back home! 💛💙❤️

      Lukas and I spent like an hour painting and then went to enjoy a well deserved dinner with Tim and then lots of sleep! The next day would be a short one 😊
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2–3

      Day 2 Hospital de Orbigo

      30 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Day two started without any troubles. I met two people from Netherlands so I practised my Dutch. The lady had a problem with her ankle and she could barely walk. They have been on Camino for seven weeks, me 2 days and I already feel quite beaten. The route was nice and quiet. The last stretch of La Meseta. Most of the time the route followed back country road with almost no traffic. One could see from horizon to horizon, nothing around. It reminded me of a story back in my hitchhiking days. One driver mentioned that he experienced something like that in Kazachstan. I strangely became happy when a car appeared on a horizon. I met a German peregrino. He called taxi since his ankle was also swollen and he could not walk anymore. He offered me a ride, I refused. First test? The bridge in Hospital De Orbigo is impressive, the longest on Camino, from 10th century. My albergue is just next to it. Super convenientOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Ur jousting me

      17 Nisan, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Compared to the Meseta, towns are beautifully spaced now, and I came, in time, to Hospital de Orbigo and its wonderful bridge.

      I was completely in my head until I got here, and it pulled me into the moment where I stayed the rest of the day.

      I was looking at the wooden stuff on the grassed side, making another Knights Tale joke to myself when I realised, later confirmed by a sign, no that is an *actual* jousting set up. Brilliant.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 25

      Hospital to astorga

      23 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      Had a easy day today. We slept in a bit and started walking around 730. We got into astorga at 12. We had lunch at one of the places on the square. I had a pretty decent crispy burrito. Then we walked down to find churros. On the way there we stopped at a vermouth bar. It was pretty tasty. I had one that had a mango finsh. Then we walked around town trying to find them the one place we tried to go to was closed. We found another one. The chocolate was good but the churros were old. One we were done with that we walked over to the gudi building and did a walk through of that. It was neat to be able to go through it a second time. Then we went to the church it was a neat walk through. I whis I brought my headphones with me. I took them out right before we left. Other places are getting away from the audio and just using a qr code and you can just use your phone. After that I got some ice cream and wanted to take a minute and have one more drink. And to watch the bells.Okumaya devam et

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