La Giralda

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    • Dag 8

      Zero in Sevilla

      5. juni, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Sevilla, Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024 - Zero -

      Auf geht's zu den
      Las Setas de Sevilla, ein Holzkonstruktion möchte besichtigt werden.

      Viele Fakten zum Metropol Parasol findet der geneigte Leser z.B. bei Wikipedia:

      Der Metropol Parasol (auch Las Setas de Sevilla genannt) ist eine Hybridkonstruktion hauptsächlich aus Holz, dazu etwas Beton und Stahl. Er wurde von 2004 bis 2011 gebaut.

      Irgendwann nach 3 Kilometern durch die Altstadt ist eine ausgiebige Pause mit Café con Letche plus Beilage angebracht.

      Und sonst so ... es ist schön hier in Sevilla.
      Später wird noch ordentlich genutzt und gewaschen.
      Nach dem Prolog (Via Augusta) folgt der Hauptgang. Die Via de la Plata wartet und ich freue mich riesig auf die 1000 Kilometer durch Spanien.
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    • Dag 4

      Die Kathedrale von Sevilla

      22. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Schließlich betreten wir dir riesige Kathedrale von Sevilla, eine der größten weltweit, umgebaut aus einer Moschee. Der Turm wurde nach der Reconquista um einen Glockenturm erweitert. Den ursprüngliche maurischen Turm findet man genauso auch an den Moscheen in Marrakesch und Rabat. Die Größe innen ist überwältigend, dicke mächtige Säulen, die im Abstand von 12m stehen, Bilder von 48 qm. Und dann noch eins der Gräber ( es gibt noch welche in der Dom.rep, in Havanna ) von Cristobal Colon (Christoph Columbus). Den Turm kann man über eine Rampe besteigen. Der ursprüngliche maurische Bauherr wollte dort mit dem Pferd hoch reiten.
      Anschließend fordern Hitze und die letzte kurze Nacht ihren Tribut. Wir setzen uns daher in den Schatten der Bäume i. Jardines Christina und gönnen uns ein Bocadillo Jamon. Gegen 17.00 haben wir noch die Möglichkeit einer Schifffahrt auf den Guadalquivir um die Stadt vom Wasser aus zu bewundern
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    • Dag 58


      5. mars, Spania ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Einen Eindruck dieser großartigen Stadt in 10 Bilder zu fassen, erscheint unmöglich . Eine Stadt, die uns auf den ersten Blick so gut gefällt, ist selten . Sevilla, die Hauptstadt Andalusien , eine Stadt mit Charme, die ihr maurisches Erbe geschickt verwaltet, so dass es beim Schlendern durch die Gassen nie eintönig wird .Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Visita: Cubiertas de la Catedral 🦅⛪🏹

      31. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Tras un desayuno en mi cafetería de confianza, me encuentro en la Catedral de Santa María de la Sede, la catedral de estilo gótico que posee mayor superficie del mundo. También se encuentra cerrando el top 3 de las tres más grandes del mundo, por detrás de la de San Pedro en el Vaticano y la de San Pablo en Londres ⛪

      La visita con altura por las cubiertas está llena de palabros como Rosetón, Yamur, Almenar, Balaustradas, Áspides, Pináculos, Cimborrios, Arcos Ojivales y Arbotantes 😂

      De entre las muchas curiosidades, me llama la atención que esta construcción se trate de una excepción mundial, y es que la planta de este edificio no posee una forma de cruz latina, sino forma cuadrada, ya que fue construida encima de una mezquita 🕌

      Otras curiosidades:

      💡 La Giralda tiene una inscripción en cada una de sus caras, que corresponde a un proverbio del antiguo testamento: "Proverbio 18: «Turris fortissima Nomen Domini». Esto viene a decir algo así como "El nombre del Señor es la torre más resistente". Una frase con mucha fuerza que se utilizó a lo largo del tiempo para simbolizar el mensaje de la iglesia católica.

      💡 Origen del nombre de la Giralda:
      La estatua de bronce, que se encuentra en su cúspide y representa el Triunfo de la Fe, hace la función de veleta, es decir, gira. Debido a esta razón se le llamó Giraldillo y, en consecuencia, a la torre que la alberga, Giralda 🗼
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    • Dag 16

      on the road again

      20. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

      While Andrew was at work, we packed and cleaned up the house. Then went to the base to pick up Andrew. It was a beautiful sunny day after much rain overnight. It was also cooler. We drove 90 min to Seville, where we will be for 2 nights. This is a beautiful town, the architecture, the greenery....
      but the traffic is a bit challenging. Andrew has adapted well to Spanish driving. He parked the car in an underground downtown garage, and then we walked to the hotel. We are staying in an area where it is very challenging to drive due to very narrow streets. And downtown hotels don't have any parking. The walk was less than 15 min, and I was grateful to see the hotel had an elevator as I was pushing my wheeled carryon suitcase over the cobblestone streets. I did carry it up 2 flights of stairs in the garage. This is such a neat neighborhood, called Barrio Santa Cruz. Andrew says it is one of the largest closely connected, mostly pedestrian areas in Spain. After checking in, we walked around the block to a Flamenco museum. It wasn't very big, then went downstairs to see a real Flamenco show. It was also a small venue, maybe 50 seats, in kind of a basement with exposed brick walls. We weren't allowed to take pics of the dancers, but they were really good. It was an hour show, from 7-8pm, then we strolled through the neighborhood, where everyone was out walking, drinking at bars, just hanging out. We had a 9pm dinner reservation, and the whole area was so crowded. And it was such a pleasant walk to the restaurant and then back to the hotel around 11pm. More of Seville tomorrow!
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    • Dag 38

      Seville, Archivo General de Indias

      12. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      John checked out the national archives 'Archivo General de Indias,'. On display there was a chart from 1512 by Juan Vespucci. Amazingly detailed for a five hundred year old chart.

      A rooftop drink watching the sunset prior to a great dinner at Pelayo Tapas bar; Tomato soup ( Salmorejo), Baby eels with artichoke, spinach and chickpeas, pork cheeks and mushrooms, and nice wines.Les mer

    • Dag 17


      21. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      We all slept in until 9am. Then went walking- it's another beautiful day-and crossed the river and visited Triana section of Seville where there are a number of ceramic shops. So I did get a few pieces as souvenirs. Then we stopped and had coffee and people watched for a bit before walking back across the river and had lunch at 100 Mandicitos(kind of like a sub shop but all the sandwiches are cute little ones, size of half a hot dog). Next we went on a guided walking tour of Seville Cathedral, third largest in the world, after Peter's Basilica and St Paul's in London. At the end of the tour, we had the opportunity to climb the Giralda bell tower, up 35 ramps, and then 17 stairs(338 ft or about 30 stories). I wasn't sure I could do it, but it turned out ramps are much easier than stairs to climb and the views from the top were amazing. The tower was in a picture that I took last night, I forgot to take a picture of it today. By the time we finished the Cathedral, it was after 5pm. Andrew wanted to get a run in but Dani and I just wanted to rest. We had a lovely Spanish dinner at a restaurant right around the corner from the hotel. It was a typical supper of tapas, small plates(that aren't really that small) more like appetizers. One was hummus and veggies, one was chichirrones, which is thin slices of roast pork with a creamy something, the last was fried large shrimp and fried cod with black garlic aioli. All were really good. Live music from a guitarist, and we were seated in a pretty courtyard outside. It was a really nice evening. 12000 steps today. Back on the road tomorrow.Les mer

    • Dag 8


      27. juli 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Dopo colazione camminiamo fino alla Basilica de la Macarena, attraversando un mercatino dell'antiquariato locale. Rientriamo in centro passando per l'Alameda de Hercules e visitiamo l'Archivio delle Indie.
      Ci rechiamo poi al Parque de Maria Luisa dove facciamo un picnic e dove ci rilassiamo.
      Infine, ritorniamo a Plaza de Armas per prendere il pullman per Lagos.
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    • Dag 48

      The Giralda and Seville’s Cathedral

      12. juli 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      The Giralda gives you a complete view of the city, even if the protection screens make it hard to get good pictures. Though, I wasn’t that impressed (except for the bells inside the tower).

      The Cathedral is the resting place of Christopher Columbus and a must see in the city. It is majestic, and competes with Toledo in style and architecture (Toledo wins for me, but maybe that’s because I didn’t do a guided tour in Seville).Les mer

    • Dag 61

      La Giralda, Seville

      24. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      With the Cathedral being moments from where we have been staying and visible from our apartment window we were looking forward to seeing inside this impressive and massive structure.

      Before we even started exploring the Cathedral and its many rooms and chapel we did the tower climb first. The Giralda is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Seville and is 105 metres high. It is the former minaret of the mosque that stood on the site under Muslim rule, and was built in 1184. It was converted into a bell tower for the cathedral and the statue on its top, called "El Giraldillo", was installed in 1568 to represent the triumph of the Christian faith.

      I was dreading climbing stairs all the way to the top and was praying for an elevator (knowing that would not be the case). Surprisingly it was a ramp that spiralled all the way up the high tower. With views out the windows on the way we could glimpse how high we were getting. Given my phobia of stairs I loved the ramp and it was so much easier on my old knees.

      Unfortunately getting to the top was a bit disappointing with only two of the four sides accessible due to work being done. We actually saw more out the windows on the way up and back down. Although it is always cool seeing a city from above.
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