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    • Day 23

      Part 3 of Day 18

      July 12 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Our hotel was built above ruins. Most of Leon is and the floors have glass, so you can see below. The Albergues is a part of the pilgrimage experience, but a hotel room is so lovely. We found a location for dinner that made tacos and quesadillas. We had to try them and they were good. Not taqueria good, but we're in Spain, not mexico.Read more

    • Day 22

      Part 2 of Day 18

      July 11 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The Cathedral of Leon... Built in the 1300's and it took 50 yrs to be built and 40 to restore it when a portion of the ceiling collapsed. It comes in 2nd in the world to have the most stained glass windows. I sat in front of the cathedral and had my 1st Gin & Tonic with Cas. I felt like I was an extra on Downton Abbey. I don't wanna wake up from this beautiful dream.Read more

    • Day 27

      Denios on the Way

      July 19 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      It’s the first day of the brother’s walk. Steven was a half hour late because he was still on west coast time and couldn’t fall asleep last night. We all got gourmet picnic meals from the parador to take with us. And we were off…

      15 minutes after we start walking they all want to stop and get a coffee. Sorry boys, no “go cups” in Spain. You gotta stay and drink your coffee onsite. Not long after that, we spot a peacock and some chickens strutting around in a park. We stopped to enjoy the moment. Let’s just say the day got off to a VERY…SLOW…START….

      But it was just fine. We aren’t in a rush. The time is ours. We know where we need to go and how to get there. The day would turn out to be one of the hottest days on the Camino for me so far. I’d normally finish walking by noon. Today we finished by 3 pm. 🥵plus I was still feeling the early stages of a gout attack and my stomach wasn’t doing all that great. Bonus challenge is that when I read the label of the pepto bysmol it said not to take if you are taking gout medication (sigh). No catastrophes. Whew!

      The unexpected joy from the day came when two new pilgrims who started their walk in León today walked with us for the day. They are Amerigo (19) and Lisa(18), a couple from Italy who decided to do the walk together. They met for a dual interest in playing guitar. Started a band together a d are heading off to university in the Fall. We all thoroughly enjoyed the two of them and had a great exchange about our different cultures. As per the usual, Lisa, when learning about my work got into a conversation about religion and faith. Again another young person who chooses to stay away from the church because she sees the church as not practicing what it preaches. It is one thing to know intellectually that all these young people have difficulty with certain practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church. It is another to hear a real persons story time and again share the same issues. I did my best to represent the Catholic faith and respond to her questions which I think at least helped Cheeto see some of the issues more broadly and differently.

      We said good bye to them as we went to our Alburgue for the night. A delightful owner but the accommodation are vastly different, with no a/c and 90 degree weather at 10:30 pm indoors is stifling- even with a fan! I’ll see of if I can sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a 20 mile day. 😱
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    • Day 26

      Denio de Leon

      July 18 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Our time in León was a delightful way to start the sibling segment of the trip. We spent leisurely hours between the main cathedral and the basilica, with time spent at cafes wasting the day away with nothing to do but talk. It was just perfect.

      What wasn’t perfect was that I began to feel the symptoms of my gout coming on. After some stumbles in my selection of food and drink (I learned that it’s not just beer but liquor that can instigate a gout attack. And red meat, which is most of the dishes in Spain, is a no-no.)

      Thank God there has been no flare up. I’m on an alcohol, meat, and fish fast for the next three days to flush my system. David provided me with some anti-inflammatory green juice so I’m hoping it speeds up the process.

      I’m the evening David bowed out to get some sleep (he hasn’t slept more than 4 hours in the last four days). Jim, Steve, and I had a dinner where they both asked about my faith and work. Steven said something so powerful about it - he said it’s the first time he understood what I do and the first time we had the chance to talk about what I believe. He said it was really helpful to him. The following night he said it was a moment where he saw God in the day by hearing me talk about the Catholic faith. It was an important moment to share with my brothers. And it was a profound thing for me to hear how much my explanation struck and helped him to understand the Catholic faith.
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    • Day 25

      Hermanos & Hope

      July 17 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      My first four miles of my walk today were all under 20 minutes per mile. I’ve been averaging a little over 20 minutes per mile generally. There certainly was motivation today for my walk…to see my brothers!

      I caught them on video walking into the parador where we will be staying in León for two nights. It will be my third “zero day” of four for our trip. I can’t wait to have a rest day, to spend the next few days with my brothers, and to stay in this stunning parador (the one filmed in the movie, The Way, if you ever seen it.)

      A day can feel differently when there is something anticipated to come ahead. It changes the way one sees the day. It’s a reminder to me of what it means to be a people of hope - a Christian. My life, hopefully, is lived differently because I call myself Christian and live in hope that this world and the world to come will be transformed by love.

      Today the brothers and I spent lingering hours chatting about our lives. It was so nourishing and exactly what I had hoped for. And this is only day one with them! We laughed and listened to each other. They were nice to say that out of all of us, I’m the only one of the four who could’ve pulled off getting all of us together. I’m glad they all agreed to come knowing, like Mary, that it’s a sacrifice for Angela, Heather, and their kids. I know that Jim also sacrificed as he is starting a new business and it’s an important time for him.

      True to form, upon seeing it was 12:30 am I told them I’m turning in. While they all decided to keep the party going. Hope to see them at breakfast at 8:30! 😳
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    • Day 4

      Walking Day 1, León to Villar de Mazarif

      May 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Walking through Leon was difficult for me because the yellow arrows were difficult to see while watching for traffic and the uneven pavement ect. Sad to say that because of my vision i would not be able to do urban sections solo. Once outside the city, i did well. I'm glad i made the commitment to learn some español, it was very useful today. I spoke with an older local man who visited his professor son in Mexico recently, and also my albergues roommate from Chile, A kind S Korean woman gave us fresh cherries. The only annoyance is the rude cyclist that fly by with no warning and don't give me. any berth. I'm learning to look behind me and hold my poles horizontal to force them over. We stopped for coffee and baño at an improv stand asking only for donations. He had a world map and asked us to put a marker dot on our home location. It's so amazing that I am actually here and doing this! (i just teared up writing that) My feet, however are not that thrilledRead more

    • Day 33

      Donkey town/The Pilgrim chapter 33

      June 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Met de 1e titel referereer ik aan het stadje Mansilla de las Mullos dit is zoiets als het thuis van de muildieren, waar geen plek was voor deze monkey. Een heerlijk loom liedje van Mark Knopfler en Emmylou Harris en zo ben ik mijn frustratie kwijt ha ha. Ben nu in Leon, ('the pilgrim chapter 33)' heerlijk rustige albergue. Vandaag slenteren door Leon, bakje cafe a leche, de kathedraal met haar pracht en praal, kunst en kitsch, bordje paella, sfeer proeven, mensen kijken, kortom bijtanken.Daarna even naar de supermercado, ende albergue.De 15000 stappen....ook goed voor vandaag. Opfrissen, eten en voetbal. Manana ri. Astorgia, mooi stadje.Read more

    • Day 19


      July 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Leon- only a 19K trek, (we got to sleep in until 5am), the temperature dropped to 25C with a cool breeze, beautiful city, it was like being on vacation! We dropped our packs at the albergue at about 10am, after our arrival, and toured the city. Something new; ancient; and fascinating to see around every corner, (including a tattoo shop where Marjory had to get some gage earrings- too many pictures of needles,😳, but nice guys; greeting other familiar pilgrims with yells and hugs, and really taking time to enjoy ourselves. When we returned to the Albergue, Daniel, from Germany, made a big green salad with muscles, and invited us to join him. Great conversation and delicious food! After our daily routine of showers, laundry, etc, back to the city central for dinner- burritos, salad, and churros con chocolate. Connected with several more familiar faces, several of whom had family members join them to finish the Camino!❤️ Many are spending an extra day in Leon to take a rest day and enjoy the city. Tomorrow, we will have a challenging 32k trek. Fingers crossed for continued cool weather! Side note- last evening, a BIG man from Germany decided pants were optional, and paraded around the albergue in his tight red chonies, including squeezing around people to sit at the dinner table.😨 Two women from Spain were especially horrified! This morning, as we headed out, into the silent darkness, I asked them: " Donde esta tu amigo? El no esta caminando contigo." We all started laughing uncontrollably, reminded of the crazy situation of the previous night. Marjory- "Pants are not optional- I may have to sit in that chair!"😂Read more

    • Day 21

      Best pilgrims stall

      August 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Just outside the city, we stopped at this stall believing it would be the usual kind of overpriced snack business we have seen at other places. We were wrong! This is a community service. It offers things a pilgrim may genuinely need (including dark chocolate), and we were invited to take anything we wanted and leave a donation for a value we considered fair.
      They also ask each pilgrim to mark their place of origin on the map. The maps in the photos are just for August 2022, and today is only the 12th. No wonder I'm seeing so many Italians and Germans!
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    • Day 34

      Leon (21.7km / 461.3km)

      May 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The most challenging day mentally. Dusty, dry land alongside busy roads and industrial areas didn’t provide much to occupy the mind and divert attention from the walk. But, that is a key part of the Camino at times.
      There were more impressive examples of irrigation systems and we had breakfast in the lovely town of Mansilla de las Mullas where we had hoped to stay but could not book accommodation. As we left the town we could look back to parts of the ancient town wall.
      Arriving in Leon was a major milestone for us. It was the end of 9 consecutive days of walking from Burgos covering 178km. In hindsight it was too much and probably an overreaction to the accommodation issue but it proved what we could do. It wasn’t just the mental side of consecutive walking days but the physical impact.
      I say probably too much because walking the last week I’ve witnessed silent acceptance of pain and discomfort from Jane who’s feet have had blister after blister despite all the preventative care. She’s become an expert at blister surgery at the end of each day! Hopefully a day’s rest and a calmer schedule will put an end to that.
      Tomorrow we will be playing “Tourist” in Leon and from here we are planning shorter legs and more stops so we can enjoy more of what will be around us.
      This evening one of the Franciscan brothers gave us a tour of the church and cloisters of Saint Francis church which is linked to our Albergue. Also a reminder to focus on the spiritual part of the Camino.
      This was followed by mass and Pilgrim blessing and then we went for local tapas with Rob (Canadian). The Tapas bar was 100% local and Spanish. Ordering beer was easy - we had a really nice 18/70! Food was a different story. They have the food behind glass and you point at it. They say whatever it is, you look a bit confused so they show you. The first choice he shows me his ribs. Perfecto I thought. Anyway it’s just as well the we like livers! The other dish was “Cayo”. ??? It was lovely and spicy. We googled it when we got home and it turns out idly was “callo” which is tripe stew but it was really good! A really authentic evening! …,
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    León, Leon, Leyón, Llión, ليون, Горад Леон, Леон, Lleó, Λεόν, Leono, Lión, لئون, לאון, レオン, 레온, Legio, Leonas, Leona, Lhion, لیون, Leão, लीओं, لیون، ہسپانیہ, 莱昂

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