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    • Día 16

      From Sansol to Logrona

      15 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Day 12 and 13 in Logrono - The Albergue Palacio de Sansol turned out to be an amazing place. It was a 320 year old palace lovingly restored by the current owner, José Maria. His family had owned it in the early 1900s and then sold it. Jose bought it back for €30,000 in the 1990s and more recently spent a millón euros to restore it into a really charming albergue.
      The pilgrim dinner was cooked by Jose and consisted of a watery soup of what looked like celery to me - but turned out to be artichoke stems. I was among the 5% that didn’t particularly like it (it needed some masala). Luckily there was a twenty-something sitting next to me who was starving and had my share - so was not wasted. This guy is an aspiring actor from LA - so we took a selfie I can show off one day.
      The next morning, yesterday, I reluctantly left Sansol - I had such a nice room, I wanted to hang out - and made my way to Viana, the halfway point. That path, all 11 kms - was a complete knee buster - there were seriously steep climbs and descents all the way to Viana. At Viana I found I had caught up with all my dinner friends who had left at 6 am because there was a bull festival happening in town and they were hanging out waiting for it. I watched the fireworks and the procession with them but didn’t wait for the bull run because of the timing. I had another 10km to get to Logrono.
      Logrono is a vibrant town. One neighborhood is devoted to tapas/pinchos bars and people hang around there snacking and drinking. Nobody eats dinner till 9 or 10pm. The town has a beautiful cathedral, Santa María de Palacio, and I got a much coveted stamp in my pilgrim passport - the lady at the tourist office said that it was hard to get.
      Last night, as I sat outside with a glass of red Rioja, some of my Sansol friends showed up and we ended up having more wine along with some a amazing but weird tapas. Surprisingly the 2 glasses of wine didn’t give me a headache!
      I spent 2 nights in Logorno. And btw, I’ve completed a hundred miles walking the Camino….
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    • Día 10

      Day 10: Logroño

      19 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We had a bit of a hiker jam at our lodging in Los Arcos this morning, when those of us trying to get an early start on the long day to Logroño were stymied by the albergue’s locked door.

      The instructions for pressing a button to open were not working. Eventually, someone woke up the hospitalera and she unlocked the door with a key.

      We were soon on our way in the dark, looking forward to breakfast in Sansol, the next town about 7 kilometers away. Alas, no food was available there but we scored delicious tortilla sandwiches in Torres del Rio, which was just 1 kilometer further.

      Much of the rest of the day’s hike was in full sun or on pavement, which makes for a harder walk. Which meant that we were pretty wiped by the time we arrived at our hotel in Logroño.

      Nonetheless, hot showers are always wonderfully restorative, so as soon as I post this we’re off to see about a barber for Allan, and then to sample some pintxos.

      Tomorrow, we’ll have an “easy” 12 1/2 kilometers hike to Navarrete.
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    • Día 21

      Aujourdhui congé - Lessive - relaxation

      9 de mayo de 2023, España ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Aujourd’hui on a déniché une “Lavenderia” afin de faire notre lessive. L’équipement était d’excellente qualité, récent, rapide et simple d’utilisation.

      Réservations: on a aussi réservé nos 2 prochaines nuits. Difficile de trouver mais nous avons réussi en choisissant des hôtels un peu plus dispendieux, mais le confort sera assuré.

      Nous sommes chanceux puisqu'il pleuvait aujourd'hui et nous étions en congé. Avant la « Siesta espagnole » nous en avons profité pour faire un arrêt dans un bar à tapas. Après une bonne bière, nous avons choisi de manger quelques tapas et un bon vin rouge dans la capitale de Rioja. Merci à mon complice de m’avoir fait découvrir les tapas. Quelle belle découverte... 🤗 Merci !!!

      Demain ce sera l’étape no 8. de Logroño à Nájera, une rando de 30 km. Ce parcours est considéré comme modéré. Nous attaquerons 5 étapes consécutive totalisant
      131 km avant les sections de la Meseta. « Pas par Pas, toujours devant ».
      Buen Camino
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    • Día 10

      Day 11. - Logrono

      9 de mayo de 2023, España ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      A long day, 27.8 kms, but good paths, cloudy , 20-degree temperatures with a sprinkling of rain the last 5 kms before reaching Logrono. We had been warned to fill up with water because of the few drinking fonts along this portion of the way. There were some steep sections, but generally short, or shorter than what we’ve experienced. As always, the descents are tougher -walking poles a godsend- but extra caution required, especially when using your knees as brakes.
      I started walking at 6:30, shortly connecting with a young teachers from Melbourne. As predicted, we compared our teaching experiences. Shortly afterward, a slim, 6-foot, four-inch, athletic man wearing a sombrero, garbed in a full priest’s frock, scampered past us while reading a book. He even had a white collar, only stopping long enough to acknowledge each of us as he passed by. I never saw him again.
      I also came across a young father walking the whole Camino with his six and eight year-old daughters. Their goal today was to do 17 kms, but he planned to do the whole route with them in 45 days. He was very impressive. He carried his six year-old up the steep climbs on his shoulders with the eight year-old in tow. As I passed them on the top of the hill I overheard the six year-old complaining about getting tired, to which he responded, “This is the discomfort we talked about dear. Life is about putting up with the discomfort.”
      I spent the rest of the walk into Logrono with a lady from North Carolina, and I reconnected with Thomas from Germany. At 2:00 I checked in to my hotel, rested a few hours then connected with a Kingston couple and a couple from England. We were hungry but nothing open until 8:00 when we went out for sushi. Long day again tomorrow.
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    • Día 9

      Los Arcos to Logroño

      10 de abril, España ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      117 miles done. 383 to go.

      Lunch was “the pilgrim’s meal” as typically served in establishments along the Camino. Huge salad with a local cheese selection, perfectly breaded chicken breast with potatoes, a flambéed apple dessert, espresso, AND an entire bottle of local sauvignon blanc. 15 euros! That’s crazy, right? I only had two glasses of wine from the bottle because I still had 6 miles of walking post-lunch.

      Listened to 7 chapters of Nadia Bolz Weber’s audiobook, Shameless, while walking this morning and afternoon. There’s so much that resonates with memories of my upbringing in nondenominational churches in the 80s and 90s and thus my theological understanding shaped by purity culture, “kissing dating goodby,” WWJD, and then 8 years of reparative therapy that I was a part of, between Illinois and Colorado, by my own volition. There’s a lot to unpack with this book/audiobook, and if you’ve had a similar journey and would find it helpful to ever talk about God, faith, sexuality, fear, shame, etc., I’m glad to listen and share our life experiences together. I’m very grateful to those along the way that have been a lifeline to me… some of you who might read this know that you have been that for me, then, and still now. Thank you.

      Today was a super long walking day. Not challenging in the ascents and descents, but challenging in length… stamina of keeping moving over the long distance. I’ve started to notice others who are walking the Camino route limping, slowing down, taking more breaks, and changing out bloody bandages on their feet. I’m grateful my feet are holding up so far, though I’m prepared in case I start to get blisters or hurt myself. I’ve got my routine of stretching, massaging my feet and calves, and applying body glide where I’m feeling the rub. It’s worked…so far.

      But, in all the care for my feet, I neglected to care for the rest of me. And I got sunburned on the backs of my calves after hiking my pants up in the afternoon heat AND I had some sort of allergic reaction to the hotel soap this afternoon. So, there’s that. Not a fun combo. 😞 I gotta be more careful!

      Also, they mix red wine and Coca-Cola here as a cocktail. Kalimotxo is what it is called.
      I had to try it. The verdict is in… it’s good and odd. Sweet and tart. Different. Like me 😜
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    • Día 10

      Calle Laurel

      29 de abril, España ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      La calle más famosa de Logroño, disfrutando de un Rioja con Jiri (Jorge en Checo). Un checoslovaco que vive en Tenerife y con una vida muy divertida. Aparte de los pinchos, estas piparras fritas estaban buenísimasLeer más

    • Día 9

      Day 9

      1 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      VEGETABLES!!!! How I long for some veg!.. to be fair I’ve been having some really nice meals, way better than I’d anticipated, but you don’t get any veg.. I have a mixed salad each evening as a starter and got quite excited last night as it included some sweet corn and asparagus 😀.. the main course, mine is obviously fish, is literally some fish! No accompanying veg or potatoes etc., …
      I’m not a big bread eater, but have found myself eating quite a bit of it so that I’m getting some carbohydrates.. I’ll probably end up twice the size and come rolling home 😳
      I started a bit earlier today due to my accommodation being 2km off the route. It was a lovely morning, considerably cooler ( I started in a long sleeved top !! ) although that didn’t last for long as it heated up really quickly.
      Once again I was walking through wheat fields and vineyards, no olive groves today though… but again, beautiful countryside and scenery.
      Usually when I first start, I pass / see quite a lot of people, but today I think I only saw about 6 in the first hour.. it was a longer walk today, so possibly some were keen to get going early to avoid being in the heat for quite so long.
      I passed the Aussie guy’s after about 90mins or so and they said they’d missed me last night ( they obviously don’t know me 😳 ) and didn’t blame me for not wanting to go back into town, but that I’d missed quite a good night..
      The terrain was a little bit uncomfortable underfoot for large parts today with large gravel sections which I decided I wasn’t a big fan of.
      Went through a lovely village about 12km from Logroño, but i didn’t stop for long as
      I’d bought a couple of nectarines not long before and had them to munch on.
      I get quite a few hello’s now from the same people.. thinking maybe I should take my three legs of man off my rucksack and see if I can get past unnoticed!
      A few short, but steep climbs today and fortunately the downhills weren’t too difficult.
      Logroño is really lovely, so after a refuel and a shower I went for a wander around the old town.
      Whilst out wandering I met, and had a chat with a few people I regularly see, but haven’t spoken to before.. umbrella man, it turns out has hurt his knee and so got a bus today to see if a rest day will sort it out enough for him to continue.. Another older man I see regularly that always says hello was finishing his Camino today feeling very disappointed as his wife had been supposed to join him for the last 100 miles, instead she’s coming to get him to take him home as after a fall the other day he has concussion and keeps getting a bit confused 😕

      Another long day tomorrow, but at least I’m staying really close to the trail tonight which is brilliant.
      Off for dinner in a bit… please please let there be some vegetables……
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    • Día 15


      19 de septiembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Droga dość przemysłowa dzisiaj ale pomimo wszystko dużo winogron bo niby jak ma być inaczej skoro jesteśmy w krainie win. Przez zupełny przypadek trafiliśmy na festiwal wina. Na rynku głównym po krótkim oczekiwaniu za parę euro dostaliśmy po dwie butelki wina i pinchos. Zapoznał się z nami Hiszpan,którego w ogóle nie rozumiałem, ale po jednej butelce wina mieliśmy doskonała dyskusję. Ma na imię Jorge i jesteśmy przyjaciółmi i po wymianie telefonów i zdjęć przeszliśmy dość płynnie na francuski.
      Chyba było dość ciekawie wczorajszej nocy bo nie wszystkie ulice są do końca posprzątane.
      Katedra już dzisiaj była zamknięta, także jutro rano. Mają tam jeden z obrazów Michała Anioła także niecierpliwie czekamy do rana aby to wszystko zobaczyć i pokłonić się szefowi. Widzieliśmy obraz Michała Anioła Ukrzyżowanie. Bardzo łatwo go przeoczyć, jest za głównym ołtarzem i trzeba go sobie za 50 c podświetlić,w przeciwnym razie nic nie widać. Poza tym jest bardzo mały...spodziewałam się znacznie większego.... Ale bardzo wymowny., Zdjęcia nie robią wrażenia, bo od szyby odbija się światło i zaciera wyrazistość obrazu.
      It turnout that the Cathedral was opened after siesta and we were able to visit. All the churches amaze me here... Most of them are have tiny boxes to put one Euro in and the church illuminates for few minutes. I learned to carry number of single euros to be prepared for the "show". The altars are amazing, every church has their own Mother Mary Figure and they all are different ❤️. There is also Saint James Figure in every Church and I'm touching his feet everytime I can reach them and praying for my and Tomeks feet to stay healthy 🙏.
      Tonight we had a corner room in the hostel with 2 balconies, one on the main street and the other one to the second main street! The party was on all night long because of the saint Mateo feast! It's every night like this since September 17-22! It was crazy at night! Party! Party! Party! Bands walking by, tiny streets with lots of wine and tapas and dancing people on the he streets. After, huge mess, they were washing the streets in the morning when we were leaving the town. The receptionist said, he was worring about us at night if we can get any sleep, but we were so tired, that it didn't bother us. We were happy to see people dancing and cheering, smiling, all the families, it was beautiful ❤️. We were surprised to see so many used napkins on the street by the bars and restaurants, but were told that thats a tradition to throw them on the ground and it means the place is worth to stop at and highly recommend. So no reason to get mad that people made a the mess on the street😜

      Impreza skończyła się okolo 6:30 rano.
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    • Día 14

      Logroño walkabout

      1 de octubre de 2022, España ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Just a few shots during our day off in Logroño today, mostly "Old City" around the Cathedral and inside the church.

      We found St Patrick's Pub earlier today, then found it again later on. We are now having a spiritual experience here across the plaza from the Cathedral doors!


      Adding the bells of the Cathedral during our dinner. It made dinner conversation tough

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    • Día 25

      A leisurely stroll to Logroño

      21 de abril de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We really did have an easy day today! It was about 9.5 kms, and no hills to climb. We left around 10 so we wouldn’t be too early to check in to the hotel, or to be before the bags arrived. And we did saunter, and stop now and then to admire the view, and sat on a shaded seat to eat some bread, ham and cheese at about 12. It is all very familiar, and a very comfortable feeling to walk on the stone bridge over the Ebro river, and right in front of us is our hotel. We have stayed here twice before and are here for 2 nights.

      Although only one o’clock our room was ready and bags here…all perfect! So Amr did his thing and collected all the dirty clothes and took them to the laundromat!! He is very perfect for that. And we have lazed round this afternoon…walked round the streets of the old historic centre, found the little streets where they have excellent bars and tapas, sat in the plaza del Mercado for a drink, and another bar for coffee, ColaCao and croquetas, and have had a lovely afternoon.

      We are now in the Rioja - no longer in Navarra and Basque country - so the signs are now in Spanish only and not as many words with X that look unpronounceable! We will go out to eat fairly late as that is when things liven up. In the afternoon it is always a bit sleepy during siesta time, though always people sitting in bars chatting. Pilgrims visible here, but it is a city with normal people living their lives here, so we probably won’t run into many people we know. Tomorrow we will probably have a bit of a walk along the river for a little activity, but otherwise sit in a park and read etc…it may rain but it won’t matter.

      Just have to add that we strolled out at about 8 and it was a different place…all the tapas bars were open and buzzing, in the streets people - old, babies and all in between were out…we found our favourite place and were just in time to get stools and have our favourite chiperones a la plancha and pimientos de padron…bliss, and 2 glasses of excellent Rioja red…as we came back, via an ice cream stop, everything was buzzing even more…we learn that after a drink and snack they go home for dinner but I can’t imagine having dinner at 10…but guess it’s true…so good!
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Logroño, Logrono, Logronyo, لوغرونيو, Горад Лагронья, Логроньо, Λογρόνιο, Logronjo, Logroñu, لگرنیو, לוגרוניו, Լոգրոնյո, RJL, ログローニョ, 로그로뇨, Lucronium, Logronjas, लोग्रोन्यो, Logronh, لوگرونو, 26001, लोग्रोंयो, Логроњо, โลโกรโญ, Логроньйо, 洛格罗尼奥

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