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    • Hari 14

      Los Arcos ! Our longest walk yet!

      19 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Yall these walks are stacking up and we feeling it!

      We left Villatuerta and headed to Estella for cafe con leche. Oops!!! It’s Sunday!! Most places closed. It’s interesting when business close on Sunday and mid day throughout the week. We see no one . Not a soul walking around . Ghost town.

      We did end up finding a coffee and then realized we might have a problem, no food to fuel us on our walk.

      As we left Estella we found a tiny food stall and I bought a tomato, tangerine, chocolate croissant and an Aquiriaus (Spanish Powerade).

      We walked with Kathy (Atlanta) and Fred (Netherlands). We helped each other navigate the arrows and stay on track.

      As we were walking I could myself getting weak. I could feel the tomato burn off and banana. I got concerned about my strength and then I saw in a town of closed businesses ONE that was open and they had a tortilla espanol. That did it! That food got me set for the day.

      We walked and walked and saw beautiful scenery. I haven’t tired of it.

      Pain and pleasure.

      My knees and hamstrings were screaming. I was barely taking a Six inch steps. I seriously considered taking a nap on a rock during the misty cool moring under the trees. I walked for about 5 hours and eventually caught up with Amy, Fred and Kathy at a cafe.

      We found a Roman aqueduct or pool or something that was gravity fed by the mountains. The water was cold. So I got in in it to chill my legs down and feet.

      After that Fred said let’s go and do this.

      We walked and walked through vineyards and mountains. I was delirious. Literally!🤣. I think I fell asleep twice walking. 😳

      I even at one point started running! My body just took off running for a few seconds a few times.

      It was a weird fun tiresome day.

      We arrived in Los Arcos totally spent and we realized we could not walk through town because they were doing running of the bulls (toros).

      Check Any Gaster Facebook page and find penguins posts for fun videos .

      We also released we booked our hotel at an out of town truck stop! Oops and yikes! It was another 45 minute walk!!

      It was funny for a lot of reasons and I was happy to have a warm bed and not share the room with 10 other people.

      For dinner I accidentally ordered the wrong meal. I meant to order the goat cheese salad and instead ordered cod and eels salad. Amy, Kathy and I had a good laugh at my blunder. I ate it! Sand gum hit sea worms on a salad!! 🤣. I also had pork ribs french fries and bell pepper. It was sketch for sure and I ate it anyways. I was fine! Yay!🙌. Yum!!!!!

      Oh and we found the wine fountain that pours out of the wall at the Monastery leaving Estella. Rose’
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    • Hari 15–17

      Rest Stop in Logroño

      20 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      After recovering from our 12-hour day on the Camino that ended with an exciting rainstorm and Bull run on Sunday, Trina and I decided it was time for a break, and one of our guidebooks recommended Logroño as a perfect rest stop. We got a ride on the highway A12 from our truck stop hotel to our two night rest stop in Logrono and checked into two nice private rooms located right in the center of town.

      My feet are in need of a break due to my pinky toes being very swollen and blisters are trying to form on my heel. Trina is fighting off a cold, probably from the sick New Zealand woman sharing our room of five beds in the Magical Albergi. She was coughing and admitted to being very ill and a nurse, one would think she should have known better than to be in a communal place. But, maybe there was nowhere else for her to go. Maybe she couldn't afford to take a taxi to the next town? Who knows. Anyway both of us now have sinus symptoms and I'm hoping it's just allergies. We've been walking through wildflowers for over a week and our bodies are adapting to this new environment and activity level. It'll be alright.

      In addition to resting up for our walk through the Rioja region, we have decided to use our two days of Camino "time off " to do some needed trip planning and other chores. First we had lunch at the classic Cafe Moderno, a vintage diner experience with lots of locals enjoying the 3 course lunch menu with vino.

      After a long lunch of salad, soup, chicken and fish, we strolled to check out the neighborhood and found we're staying right up from the famous Calle del Laurel a lively pedestrian Street in Logroño's old town featuring over 50 restaurants & tapas bars serving traditional pinchos. We tried a BBQ sandwich pincho on the way home with a cafe con leche, then went back to our hotel for a nap.

      We rallied around 5:00 and set out for the pharmacy, pop into the cathedral for a look at their famous art collection, and then to do our laundry while we plan the next stages of our trip through Sunday. We sat down in a bar on the corner and drank the Rioja de la Casa which came with a small bowl of pork rinds. Yum! We made reservations at the next 4 Camino stages in two hotels, one albergi, and splurging with a shared room at a Parador. We are breaking up our stages into smaller sections so that we do not overdo it. We have realized that 28 km in one day, with the assents and descents is too much for us at this time. And we are trying to get synced back up with two of the ladies that we walked with from St Jean who are one day behind is.

      Even though we didn't walk Monday, we made a lot of progress, including getting an excellent night's sleep in what would be considered a luxurious room comparatively speaking. There is a small Nespresso machine quietly luring me to get out of this very comfortable bed, that, truth be told, I could lie in all day. But, this town looks really interesting and it seems a shame to not spend some time exploring it. And there is an art deco cafe right next door with a lovely desayuno calling my name.

      Now that we have walked from the Navarra region into Rioja, I looked at booking a half day wine tour today, but we decided that may be too much to do if we want to successfully get back to our pilgrim life tomorrow.

      Today we will decide whether we will ship some items onward to Santiago at the post office to lighten our load. We will get our bags ready to take to the Albergi for transport tomorrow, and we will enjoy tapas and hopefully meeting up with our fellow Pilgrim Friends who are arriving in town today. And we will also rest so our bodies can carry us for the next 600 plus km.

      We are enjoying the journey.
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    • Hari 10

      Day 10: Logroño

      19 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We had a bit of a hiker jam at our lodging in Los Arcos this morning, when those of us trying to get an early start on the long day to Logroño were stymied by the albergue’s locked door.

      The instructions for pressing a button to open were not working. Eventually, someone woke up the hospitalera and she unlocked the door with a key.

      We were soon on our way in the dark, looking forward to breakfast in Sansol, the next town about 7 kilometers away. Alas, no food was available there but we scored delicious tortilla sandwiches in Torres del Rio, which was just 1 kilometer further.

      Much of the rest of the day’s hike was in full sun or on pavement, which makes for a harder walk. Which meant that we were pretty wiped by the time we arrived at our hotel in Logroño.

      Nonetheless, hot showers are always wonderfully restorative, so as soon as I post this we’re off to see about a barber for Allan, and then to sample some pintxos.

      Tomorrow, we’ll have an “easy” 12 1/2 kilometers hike to Navarrete.
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    • Hari 4

      La Laurel

      20 Julai 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This is a street in Logroño with dozens of food stands and street side food vending. And the best part is: everyone has at last one or two amazing vegan and vegetarian dishes and everything can be made gluten free, even the croquetas.Baca lagi

    • Hari 10

      Day 11. - Logrono

      9 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      A long day, 27.8 kms, but good paths, cloudy , 20-degree temperatures with a sprinkling of rain the last 5 kms before reaching Logrono. We had been warned to fill up with water because of the few drinking fonts along this portion of the way. There were some steep sections, but generally short, or shorter than what we’ve experienced. As always, the descents are tougher -walking poles a godsend- but extra caution required, especially when using your knees as brakes.
      I started walking at 6:30, shortly connecting with a young teachers from Melbourne. As predicted, we compared our teaching experiences. Shortly afterward, a slim, 6-foot, four-inch, athletic man wearing a sombrero, garbed in a full priest’s frock, scampered past us while reading a book. He even had a white collar, only stopping long enough to acknowledge each of us as he passed by. I never saw him again.
      I also came across a young father walking the whole Camino with his six and eight year-old daughters. Their goal today was to do 17 kms, but he planned to do the whole route with them in 45 days. He was very impressive. He carried his six year-old up the steep climbs on his shoulders with the eight year-old in tow. As I passed them on the top of the hill I overheard the six year-old complaining about getting tired, to which he responded, “This is the discomfort we talked about dear. Life is about putting up with the discomfort.”
      I spent the rest of the walk into Logrono with a lady from North Carolina, and I reconnected with Thomas from Germany. At 2:00 I checked in to my hotel, rested a few hours then connected with a Kingston couple and a couple from England. We were hungry but nothing open until 8:00 when we went out for sushi. Long day again tomorrow.
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    • Hari 18


      25 April 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      I discovered a new range of mountains today - the sierra de cebollera. They lie between Burgos and Logorno- and became my high point of the ride so far. Fortunately Burgos sits at 850m so there wasn't much climbing up them. However I didn't fancy much uphill Camino gravel for the first 20 k - so opted for the adjacent n102. This was undoubtedly the busiest road I've been on so far, with a procession of big trucks. The hard shoulder is broad and usually clean but never big enough with the lorries' draft. So it wasn't a hard decision to find a detour which was beautiful and quiet- but long.
      Over the hill and I drop out of the Douro catchment and into the Ebro which drains into the Med. I was strangely excited by this as a mark of my progress. The watershed also delineated the border between Castile y Leon and Rioja- the smallest Spanish county. And a return to vines. A shadow on the horizon delineates the next barrier- the Pyrenees.
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    • Hari 117

      Das Pincho ist dem Basken sein Tapa

      24 November 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Heute Morgen wollen wir um 10.00 Uhr in Barcelona aufbrechen und einmal - fast vom Mittelmeer an den Atlantik fahren…, weil wir in Logroño einen Zwischenstopp einlegen. Ina und Uli haben uns das nahe gelegt, deswegen wollen wir da jetzt hin.
      Aber erst einmal müssen wir unser Auto noch aus der Tiefgarage herausfahren. Das klingt trivial, ist es aber nicht. DieTiefgarage ist nur bis 195 cm zugelassen, unser Bully ist 199 cm hoch.
      Irgendwo ist also in der Tiefgarage eine Stelle, durch die wir nicht passen. Beim Reinfahren ging alles gut- hauptsächlich durch Mickys geschultes Auge….
      Nachdem Patrick zu Beginn unseres Aufenthalts ziemlich viel Zeit in dieser Garage zugebracht hat, begrüßt uns der Garagenmeister heute mit Handschlag. Er freut sich, dass hier mal was passiert und - weil er ursprünglich aus Marocco kommt - freut er sich auch, dass wir französisch sprechen. Gemeinsam schaffen wir das Auto aus der Garage und sind froh, dass die Spanier diesmal nur untertrieben haben.
      Bald schon liegt Barcelona hinter uns und die Landschaft beginnt sich zu verändern. Erst wird sie karg, dann wieder grüner, schließlich kommen die Berge dazu.
      Und immer wieder zwischendrin schwarze Stiere in Übergröße auf den Bergspitzen und Feldern.
      Micky hat diese Kuriosität sofort gegoogelt und dabei festgestellt, dass es sich bei diesen Stieren um den „Toro de Osborne“ handelt, die Silhouette eines Stiers - ursprünglich als großes Werbeplakat für die Marke Osborne an spanischen Straßen geplant. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde aus dem Markenzeichen ein Symbol für Spanien. Nun stehen die 14 m hohen und 4 Tonnen schweren Stiere ganz ohne Werbebotschaft da; insgesamt 88 verteilt über ganz Spanien. Kleine Randnotitz: die Katalanen haben keine dieser Stiere, dafür aber den Caganer. Der Caganer ist eine Krippenfigur, die es nur im katalanischen Kulturkreis gibt und die heißt übersetzt so viel wie „Scheißer“. Tatsächlich handelt es sich um eine Figur, die mit heruntergelassenen Hosen seine Notdurft verrichtet. Aufgestellt etwas abseits vom Jesuskind, soll der Caganer Glück bringen….Das ist so schräg, dass Micky sofort einen kaufen musste…
      Nach etwas über 4 Stunden kommen wir in Logroño an und freuen uns auf die Pinchos.
      Da es zum Essen noch zu früh ist, schlendern wir erst einmal durch die Altstadt dieser immerhin 150.000-Einwohnerstadt. Und die Altstadt ist schön.
      Außerdem lernen wir, dass Logroño eine wirklich alte Altsstadt ist. Erstmals mit Stadtrechten ausgestattet wurde sie um 1095. 1099 wurde Logrono zu einer wichtigen Pilgerstation am Jakobsweg. Wir haben die Muschel gefunden und sind ungefähr 150 Meter gepilgert…voller Selbsterkenntnis und mit wirklich großem Hunger sind wir dann Richtung der vielen Pinchos Bars gelaufen, die es hier geben soll….
      Und da ist es wieder…das Problem mit Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. Fast alle Bars waren geschlossen….🙈 Die verwaisten Bartische in den leeren Gassen machen uns fast depressiv. Micky googelt gleich, wie das aussieht, wenn hier was los ist.
      Normalerweise zieht man hier von Bar zu Bar, isst überall ein Pincho - in der Regel die Spezialität des Hauses und trinkt dazu Wein - Farbe egal, aber unbedingt einheimisch.
      Wir lassen uns den Spaß nicht verderben, finden zwei offene Bars, die gegenüberliegen und legen los. Vier Pinchos hier und später noch drei gegenüber. Micky trinkt einen Weißwein aus vier verschiedenen Rebsorten mit wenig Säure und ist begeistert. Dieses Partyessenkonzept gefällt ihr.
      Übrigens: Pinchos sind Tapas, die einfach nur anders dargeboten werden: auf Brotscheiben durch einen Holzspieß befestigt.
      Unsere Pinchos lagen schon länger in der Vitrine, deswegen essen wir nicht auf und gehen auf dem Heimweg ins Hotel, noch am Empanadastandel vorbei….
      Patrick drängt zurück ins Hotel…..Warum?
      FC Bayern, Stern des Südens, Du wirst niemals untergehen, weil wir in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten zueinander stehen……
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    • Hari 9

      Day 6- Los Arcos to Logrono

      11 September 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Let’s name today “ what a difference a day makes” .Today was to be our short mileage day from Los Arcos to Viana a mere 11 miles away. Had a great night of sleep , had breakfast and we waited to leave till 8am as thunderstorms were in progress. We got on our way and as the rain had just stopped it was really wet and muddy. My shoes are no longer the color they were ! Then the rain came again. Not bad but showers on and off for a few hours,. So now I had to learn how to get the pack cover on and still have access to what I needed, hold the umbrella and 1 walking stick while stowing the other stick conveniently, deal with mud in shoes and wet feet. CJ of course had answers for everything and it is fun watching him do things as he is walking as it looks so easy….it’s not:). BTW I forgot to mention that I have now mastered how to get the water bottle out of its pocket in the backpack and back in while I am walking. For those of you that think this is easy…it’s not but after 5 days of trying , I have mastered that arm move… for the most part anyway. Then through a pack cover on and that just makes that move more complicated!!!
      So we are about 8 miles in and my knee is feeling good. On ibuprofen I was at 90% normal and when it wore off like 75% so we decide that 11 miles was too short so we huffed to Logrono for a total of 28 km or about 17.5 miles.
      This morning we had cloud cover most of the way so it was a delightful walk and we made really good time. We arrived in Vianna just as they were wrapping up some sort of bull running event. We got there to late to see it but as you will see in the pics everyone was wearing white and red clothes. Very boisterous crowd….
      So we have passed from the Navarro region to La rioja region. All day we were passing grapes orchards, almond trees, and olive trees. CJ had quite the fun getting the almonds off the trees and was very inventive as to how he cracked the shells. never seen a walking stick used like that before:) the almonds were soft and delicious ! Got to admit we did taste the grapes today… OMG a were they tasty!
      The views were spectacular again today even with the cloud cover. A few great rainbows as well.
      Our afternoon was in the sun again , warm but not as warm as the last 2 days. We stopped for a break at the 5km left mark and for fun thought we would face time with Susan. Pretty cool how you can stay connected 4000 miles away! We arrived at Logrono at around 4 , checked into our hotel and then we went for dinner. In Spain restaurants open at 8 pm… Logrono is known for its Tapa streets. Very cool vibe!
      We visited the main church in town which is huge and very old. It also has a Michelangelo painting on display!

      So pondering today was about watching CJ in his element. This is what he does and I have never had the opportunity to watch him do what he does and what he loves. Very cool to see how he navigates all the issues and how calm and “ at home” he is “on the trail” . As parent you always want to see your kids go forward in life and shape their path to something that fits them. There is no doubt that this is one of the things that bring him joy and happiness. So glad I am getting to experience this with him.
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    • Hari 14–15

      Logroño to Navarrete

      3 Jun, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      The best day so far. We only walked 9 miles but the walk was so beautiful. Mostly a nature preserve. The Spanish love their parks and churches. It wouldn’t be a complete day without a visit to the local cathedral. This one was stunning. But I say that every time. They seem to be getting more and more beautiful. The church today is 16th century. And had the most wonderful alter piece.Baca lagi

    • Hari 17

      Ventosa (19.5km / 180.8km)

      29 April 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      That was the most active night outside our Albergue! It was Friday night and the locals came out to play Lograno! The wildlife could still be heard at 4am. Not sure if it was something special or a normal Friday night!
      We had a much slicker pack up process in the shared rooms and set off early and stopped at a local bakery on the way.
      The walk was through the city to exit (a lot more noise than we have been used to) and then past the dam and into vineyard territory. We only passed one town Navarrete where we had lunch and popped into yet another stunning church (Iglesia Santa Maria de la Asunción) for such small town. Then a beautiful approach to our destination, Ventosa. After the regular process of check-in (they couldn’t find our reservation for a private room but luckily had a bed in an 8 bed dorm, shower, wash clothes, dry and then head off to the town for a drink / dinner.
      We ate with an NZ couple at 1 of the 2 dining options in town then back for an early night. Beunos Noches!
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