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    • Day 12 - Viana to Logroño - 10km

      September 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      I am in Logroño, the city that wouldn’t accept Jörg and me. This was the city that I had decided to get a hotel but after going to a couple and them saying they were full, we decided to leave the city and make the extra trek to Navarrete.

      It is Sunday so most things are closed except the restaurants and patios which are full of people. I arrived around 11:30am but the albergue didn’t open until 2, so I had to just wander around (however, I could leave my backpack). I have very little energy and am missing Jörg like crazy today.

      After checking in, I took a shower and settled in. I wanted to wash my clothes but there were people waiting to shower, so I decided I will do it tomorrow in Navarrete. I realized when I unpacked, that I left one of my walking t-shirts in the last albergue so now I only have one shirt. I will just wear it again tomorrow without washing.

      When sitting in one of the plazas, I accidentally left my phone behind. My watch had sent me a warning that I have been away too long from my phone then I realized exactly where I left it. I quickly walked back there and the people who were sitting near me had found it and picked it up for me. I could hear Jörg’s voice saying “You are so lucky Julie”

      It is 4:30 now and I am bored out of my head. I really don’t enjoy the big cities along the camino. If I was here in different circumstances, I am sure I would visit lots of tourist things, but I don’t want to walk too far. I want to conserve energy where I can.

      I ran into Kangmi and we may have dinner together. Other than that, I am signing off now. Tomorrow is a special day (which is why I think I am feeling a little down today). Navarrete is where Jörg first kissed me. But you will need to wait to tomorrow to hear all about that.

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    • Day 26


      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Net terug uit de stad.. tijd voor mijn verhaal van vandaag..Toen ik vanochtend naar buiten keek zag ik iig de zon al en toen ik m'n fiets aan het opzadelen was voelde het ook al goed, beetje fris door de wind dus toch goed gekleed van start. Voor dat ik de stad uitreed fietste ik voor pelgrims door een hele oude poort van weleer en idemdito over een brug, zie foto's. Het begin van de route was een pittige heuvelreeks van wel 5 km, laat ik het zo zeggen, toen ik het erop had zitten had ik een natte rug en de eerste kledingwissel was een feit. Eigenlijk was het gehele traject een afwisseling van afdalingen en behoorlijke klimpartijen. Af en toe een stop voor een appel, stokbrood met jam en wat te drinken en zo sleurde ik me door de dag. Ik zag onderweg olijven boomgaarden en klaprozen staan, een mooi gezicht. Ik was te vroeg in Estelle om me daar te goed te doen aan de wijnfontein dus door... de wind was echt nog een frisse en soms wist je niet om wat aan te doen. Ik ben een paar keer bij een afdaling gestopt om toch weer iets extra's aan te trekken want als je naar beneden suist is het echt koud. De laatste 10 km denk ik scheen de zon zo lekker dat ik alleen een t-shirt met korte mouwen aan had met natuurlijk het reflecterende vest en zo reed ook uiteindelijk Logroño binnen. Ik zag nog net hoe een wandelaar van de St Jacobsroute een ambulance werd ingedragen, ik weet natuurlijk niet wat er aan de hand was maar dat kan dus ook gebeuren. Op een gebouw aan het water zag ik 2 ooievaars op een nest, fotootje natuurlijk en even een stempel scoren en daarna op zoek naar een hotel. Het is allemaal gelukt, bij een bierhaus een biertje en er is hier ook een Spaanse variant van KFC. Het was ok allemaal. Nu op m'n kamer en mijn verhaal op papier zetten en dadelijk weer lekker slapen. Vandaag was het 70+ km en dat zal er morgen nog eentje worden. Na morgen heb ik de 1700 km gepasseerd...
      Ik wil jullie bedanken voor de positieve opbeurende berichten, ze doen me goed!!
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    • Day 13

      Day 13. Logrono to Ventosa

      May 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Wonderful hotel in Logrono. The bath was a god send and the breakfast was filling. The signs out of town were not as frequent or noticeable. The locals were more than happy to help us by pointing or telling us the way.
      We were treated to a catholic mass the night before at the Santa Maria Magdalena cathedral. So beautiful!
      We are learning to be more adaptable. Usually when we get into town, bars and restaurants are closed and don’t reopen til 6-7. After all the walking, we are usually ravenous. We try to have crackers, protein bars and fruit at all times. We found a place and had a Caesar salad with chicken nuggets and a pasta dish. Was not one of my favorite meals. When we get in town, we usually check in and leave our shoes at the door. Then we are shown to our room( usually 3-4 flights of steps). Shower and bathroom are typically on first floor. We then shower and inspect our feet, change bandages and sometimes take a short nap.
      There was many street art pieces in town and out on the trail
      13.2 miles today with 30128 steps. Grateful for the many locals that kept us on the right path, grateful for the wonderful place to rest and thankful for the great food to nourish our body
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    • Day 14

      On the road again…

      June 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Nancy and I will frequently sing that phrase (we don’t know the rest of the words) whenever we start out on a trip—whether a road trip, a short journey to visit one of the boys, or one of our grand adventures.

      Tomorrow morning I will have my final dialysis session here in Logrono and then Sean and I will be “on the road again.” The next part of the Camino is a bit of a climb to Najera, so we’ll tackle the first part in the afternoon, hoping to reach Navarette by nightfall and have that much less of a climb on Saturday.

      Got to venture into “pinchos territory” this evening. Tapas are called pinchos in this region. Had a bit of success, after first wandering on the wrong street for a bit. LOTS of pinchos places in the old town. Have posted a couple of pics. We also enjoyed gelato, but too fast to take a picture!

      The last picture was prob our favorite: a quail egg on some meat mixture on a fluffy bun with a slice of roasted red pepper. Yum!
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    • Day 8

      In Logroño

      April 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Arrived around 1:30! Met ppl staying in my hostel and wandered around the city with them all afternoon, got dinner, and got back at the hostel at 9pm. This brought my distance walked to 25 mi and a whopping 56k steps 🫣🫣 might not have been the best idea seeing as how my trek tmr is longer and hotter hahahRead more

    • Day 7

      Day 6 walking!

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We had a lot of noisy rain last night and left Logrono in the drizzle, didn’t last long but at least we have now used our wet weather gear! Leaving Logrono was bit dull as the way was parallel to main road but eventually the way moved into greener and more pleasant land with lots of vine fields with the red clay soil very evident. Yesterday’s path included a stretch known as the ‘knee wrecker’ but so far my knees have been ok 🤞famous last words!! Although I do have a bruised big toe from going down steep slope on day 1 !
      We stopped for lunch in Naverette but there was cool breeze, and despite the lovely veg soup, we didn’t linger. It was a gentle climb again near a main road in places, to our current village of Ventosa after walking about 24 Km today. We did pass some interesting features including stork on large high nest, and the remains of a pilgrim hospital from 12th century. We’re at an interesting Albergue, the host is hospitable but sent us down the road to the local cafe for dinner, where we watched a lightning storm and the little road turned into a river! Hopefully we’ll have better weather tomorrow!
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    • Day 15

      Leaving Logroño

      October 2, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      A pleasant walk out of the city. We managed to get out before the start of the Logroño International Marathon this morning, which is going to close many city streets.

      The walking/cycling infrastructure is excellent here, but today was special . The Camino follows a Bike Pedestrian Superhighway. Bikes on the left, walks and runners on the right. About 4 km to a reservoir and park. A popular destination on Sunday morning!

      A great start to the day!

      Added some shots of Logrono valleyas we climbed a ridge. Plus some parkland entertainment!
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    • Day 15


      September 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Droga dość przemysłowa dzisiaj ale pomimo wszystko dużo winogron bo niby jak ma być inaczej skoro jesteśmy w krainie win. Przez zupełny przypadek trafiliśmy na festiwal wina. Na rynku głównym po krótkim oczekiwaniu za parę euro dostaliśmy po dwie butelki wina i pinchos. Zapoznał się z nami Hiszpan,którego w ogóle nie rozumiałem, ale po jednej butelce wina mieliśmy doskonała dyskusję. Ma na imię Jorge i jesteśmy przyjaciółmi i po wymianie telefonów i zdjęć przeszliśmy dość płynnie na francuski.
      Chyba było dość ciekawie wczorajszej nocy bo nie wszystkie ulice są do końca posprzątane.
      Katedra już dzisiaj była zamknięta, także jutro rano. Mają tam jeden z obrazów Michała Anioła także niecierpliwie czekamy do rana aby to wszystko zobaczyć i pokłonić się szefowi. Widzieliśmy obraz Michała Anioła Ukrzyżowanie. Bardzo łatwo go przeoczyć, jest za głównym ołtarzem i trzeba go sobie za 50 c podświetlić,w przeciwnym razie nic nie widać. Poza tym jest bardzo mały...spodziewałam się znacznie większego.... Ale bardzo wymowny., Zdjęcia nie robią wrażenia, bo od szyby odbija się światło i zaciera wyrazistość obrazu.
      It turnout that the Cathedral was opened after siesta and we were able to visit. All the churches amaze me here... Most of them are have tiny boxes to put one Euro in and the church illuminates for few minutes. I learned to carry number of single euros to be prepared for the "show". The altars are amazing, every church has their own Mother Mary Figure and they all are different ❤️. There is also Saint James Figure in every Church and I'm touching his feet everytime I can reach them and praying for my and Tomeks feet to stay healthy 🙏.
      Tonight we had a corner room in the hostel with 2 balconies, one on the main street and the other one to the second main street! The party was on all night long because of the saint Mateo feast! It's every night like this since September 17-22! It was crazy at night! Party! Party! Party! Bands walking by, tiny streets with lots of wine and tapas and dancing people on the he streets. After, huge mess, they were washing the streets in the morning when we were leaving the town. The receptionist said, he was worring about us at night if we can get any sleep, but we were so tired, that it didn't bother us. We were happy to see people dancing and cheering, smiling, all the families, it was beautiful ❤️. We were surprised to see so many used napkins on the street by the bars and restaurants, but were told that thats a tradition to throw them on the ground and it means the place is worth to stop at and highly recommend. So no reason to get mad that people made a the mess on the street😜

      Impreza skończyła się okolo 6:30 rano.
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    • Day 14

      Logroño walkabout

      October 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Just a few shots during our day off in Logroño today, mostly "Old City" around the Cathedral and inside the church.

      We found St Patrick's Pub earlier today, then found it again later on. We are now having a spiritual experience here across the plaza from the Cathedral doors!


      Adding the bells of the Cathedral during our dinner. It made dinner conversation tough

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    • Day 9

      Day 9

      September 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      VEGETABLES!!!! How I long for some veg!.. to be fair I’ve been having some really nice meals, way better than I’d anticipated, but you don’t get any veg.. I have a mixed salad each evening as a starter and got quite excited last night as it included some sweet corn and asparagus 😀.. the main course, mine is obviously fish, is literally some fish! No accompanying veg or potatoes etc., …
      I’m not a big bread eater, but have found myself eating quite a bit of it so that I’m getting some carbohydrates.. I’ll probably end up twice the size and come rolling home 😳
      I started a bit earlier today due to my accommodation being 2km off the route. It was a lovely morning, considerably cooler ( I started in a long sleeved top !! ) although that didn’t last for long as it heated up really quickly.
      Once again I was walking through wheat fields and vineyards, no olive groves today though… but again, beautiful countryside and scenery.
      Usually when I first start, I pass / see quite a lot of people, but today I think I only saw about 6 in the first hour.. it was a longer walk today, so possibly some were keen to get going early to avoid being in the heat for quite so long.
      I passed the Aussie guy’s after about 90mins or so and they said they’d missed me last night ( they obviously don’t know me 😳 ) and didn’t blame me for not wanting to go back into town, but that I’d missed quite a good night..
      The terrain was a little bit uncomfortable underfoot for large parts today with large gravel sections which I decided I wasn’t a big fan of.
      Went through a lovely village about 12km from Logroño, but i didn’t stop for long as
      I’d bought a couple of nectarines not long before and had them to munch on.
      I get quite a few hello’s now from the same people.. thinking maybe I should take my three legs of man off my rucksack and see if I can get past unnoticed!
      A few short, but steep climbs today and fortunately the downhills weren’t too difficult.
      Logroño is really lovely, so after a refuel and a shower I went for a wander around the old town.
      Whilst out wandering I met, and had a chat with a few people I regularly see, but haven’t spoken to before.. umbrella man, it turns out has hurt his knee and so got a bus today to see if a rest day will sort it out enough for him to continue.. Another older man I see regularly that always says hello was finishing his Camino today feeling very disappointed as his wife had been supposed to join him for the last 100 miles, instead she’s coming to get him to take him home as after a fall the other day he has concussion and keeps getting a bit confused 😕

      Another long day tomorrow, but at least I’m staying really close to the trail tonight which is brilliant.
      Off for dinner in a bit… please please let there be some vegetables……
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Logroño, Logrono

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