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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Markina-Xemein
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    • Dzień 5

      Markina-Xemein to Pozueta, Spain

      5 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Beautiful walking today, with a mixed bag of blessings. We had a quick, small breakfast at the albergue before heading out onto the winding trail that followed a relaxing creek. Some big ups and downs, of course, it’s the Norte after all. We had one really sketchy spot with a steep downhill in thick slippery mud. I was leading with about 6 behind me and I didn’t like being the leader so I carefully stepped to the middle and told people to go in front. They were following too closely and I was afraid someone was going to slip and cause a domino of everyone going down. Kinda like when you see bicyclists wreck, once one goes down, they all go down. As the last one passed, I worked my way down and then it happened, the lady in front of me slipped, landed on her backpack and butt, and her neck sprung back. I knew it was coming. Thankfully she got back up quickly and only her backpack and butt were muddy, only thing hurt was possibly her pride. Thank God. She simply said as she got up, “ohh well it’ll dry”. As we worked our way up the trail her husband, in front of her, didn’t know I was behind her, and said, “That gal who moved over made a smart move, that was really smart what she did”, I spoke up with “thank you”, he turned around, and we talked for a minute while continuing to walk. They are from Texas. Nice couple probably in their 60’s, upbeat, and so not bold and Texas like. I say that with the utmost respect for Texans, but come on, they have strong and passionate personalities. I snuck a photo as I walked behind her and as you can see, she’s a trooper walking on with mud covering her backside. So glad she wasn’t hurt, there is really no way out of the trail if someone gets hurt, they’d have to wait for EMT quite awhile. That part scares me. All the more reason to go slow and be careful with each step. Thank you Jesus for leading us out safely.
      Honestly, as intimidating as that sounds, the walk was gorgeous. It wasn’t nearly the challenge as yesterday was. I found myself saying “I love this” several times. I’m definitely in my element and loving it. Hard, yes, but the most beautiful countryside I’ve ever seen. It was really hot, 90’s, and really that was my biggest challenge of the day. I have a lightweight wash cloth that I wet down and wipe my sweat with all day and drape around my neck. It helps a lot. Often I am asked what’s the most valuable piece in my kit and typically I’ll answer that you need the right shoes and the right pack. I’m changing my answer to washcloth! It’s so refreshing. Funny thing, I had asked the gal that did my eyelashes before I left, “Does sweat affect them?” She responded with, “Do you sweat into your eyes?” I said, “Well no.” I felt silly asking that question, but now I know, yes, I do sweat into my eyes, all fricken day!!
      We are at the albergue now. All three of us are sitting at a table outside, drinking a vino tinto, Crianza from the La Rioja region, a form of muscle relaxer. Our albergue is another small, quaint place with a communal dinner. Love these. We skipped the city and I’m so grateful to be sitting at this little place. It’s quiet, besides the rooster crowing, and a few people having several beers. But, it’s safe and all good. No one is driving 😂!
      Tomorrow we go to the big city of Bilbao. Guggenheim museum is the most noteworthy place to visit. It’ll be a 25km day in the heat again (no rain, so not complaining!). Not too much time to explore, but that’s ok. Cities are a little jolting after so much quiet countryside.
      Thanks for following family and friends, you’re the best, and I love and miss you all. ❤️
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    • Dzień 15

      Ibiri Auzoa to Markina

      25 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      While yesterday was more difficult that I remembered today was much easier than I recall from five years ago. I took my time walking, and was still second to arrive at my albergue shortly after they opened at noon. It's a place where I enjoyed staying before, so I had made a reservation.

      My walk today was powered by half a bag of potato chips. The listing for the albergue where I stayed last night listed breakfast for €5, but it was a bag containing things that I thought that I'd only eat half of, so I declined, because my Camino apps said that there was a bar (restaurant) just a few kilometers away. Unfortunately, it didn't open until 10:00, so I finished a package of potato chips that I bought yesterday. I also had some cashews, an orange and a chocolate bar in case I really got hungry.

      At this point the Camino went inland and much of today's walk was on country roads with horses, sheep, and cows along the way. I won't see the ocean again until I reach Bilbao in a few days.
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    • Dzień 14

      Getaria to Ibiri Auzoa

      24 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌫 57 °F

      I didn't remember this stage as being particularly difficult when I did it five years ago, but maybe being five years older makes a difference. My calves never hurt, they just didn't want to take another uphill step. And this day had LOTS of uphill steps. According to my Fitbit, the equivalent of 380 flights of stairs!

      I walked all day with Emily from North Carolina who is only 28 and runs ultra marathons - she was kind enough to wait for me - a lot! We stayed in the same albergue last night, and it seemed that we were the only two there.

      Although it was a tough day it was really beautiful as we took the coastal alternative on the "Ruta de Flysch" so named from really interesting sedimentary rock formations that formed over millions of years.

      The albergue I'm at tonight is well organized with lockers for backpacks and bins to bring belongings into the dorms. They served a communal dinner. At my table there were two Italian men, and three women - Australian, French, and American.
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    • Dzień 8

      Day 4 Deba to Markina Xemein 98.65 km

      26 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Up at 5 am and caught the 620 bus back to Deba. I learned to never trust your memory in Spain for locations use Google Maps. I almost missed the bus 🙄

      Spectacular day. Beautiful scenery. mostly forest trails. I maybe saw 8 Pilgrims in total.

      I saw Lauren from Glasgow. She has the coolest accent.

      A lot of people are finishing in Bilbao. Many just walking for a week.

      This is my favorite Camino so far. It is very similar to walking between Muxia and Finisterre.

      The Albergue is very nice. There are 18 beds altogether in a loft. We will see how much sleep I get tonight🤞🍀
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    • Dzień 8


      17 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Schon um 7 Uhr aufgebrochen, um die härteste Tour zu machen, zwar nur 25 km aber gefühlte 3000 Höhenmeter und schlechte Wege, aber Traumwetter zum Gehen, sehr viel Wald, Wind,.... zwischendurch hatte ich das Gefühl in den Alpen zu sein, schaut teilweise wirklich so aus, Meer heute kaum in Sicht
      Aber endlich angekommen, brennende Füsse, schmerzender Rücken, Knie, die sich melden und hungrig, nur wie es hier so ist, zwischen 15 und 20 Uhr hat fast alles zu, so ernähren wir uns (Camino Michi und ich )halt wie schon die letzten Tage v.Pinxtos und dann fanden wir doch noch eine Burgerbar, ein Traum mit Tinto veran.
      Jetzt sind wir in einem ehemaligen Kloster, haben Wäsche gewaschen und freuen uns aufs Bett.
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    • Dzień 6

      Day 6 Markina-Xemein

      23 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌫 10 °C

      The cold and rain invited us to take a different and less challenging route than the Camino classic stage, along the coast to Ondarroa and then by bus up to Markina. I didn't expect these temperatures and may need to find an extra top layer if the weather continues like this.

      A most unusual church building at the Ermita de San Miguel de Arretxinaga - why these rocks?

      Heike had booked an Airbnb apartment with a kitchen, so for supper we ate in, Karaoke fish from the fishmonger in Mutriku, and scallops in the shell: I now have my pilgrims' symbol to carry!
      Uninspired to paint. Squeezed out some 'thunks' I've been sort of thinking instead.
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    • Dzień 7

      Königsetappe nach Markina

      6 września 2019, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Es ging in sehr steilen Serpentinen hoch hinauf auf einen Berg. Angeblich der Höchste des ganzen Caminos. Es war sehr anstrengend, aber durchaus machbar. In Markina haben wir wieder in einem Kloster geschlafen. 20 Leute in einem Raum. Ich hab wieder ein paar sehr nette Menschen kennengelernt. 😊 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 8


      4 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌩️ 84 °F

      We stayed dry today, but the climb was leathal!! The ups were way up and the downs muddy and super steep! Poles are my new best friend!!
      No rain. But wonderful breezes! It was muggy! So the breezes were much appreciated ‘. At the high point of some sections the wind was so strong we were glad we had poles to keep our balance. And poles were essential on the muddy downhills. A Tammy commented a speed would’ve worked
      No place to stop and eat in this part of the Camino. We had a 5 minute and a 15 minute break. We are sore and tired.👍
      Meeting amazing folks from different countries: Holland, Spanish/Mexican/Canadian, French, etc. stories and conversation. 😊👍
      Then dinner. The second plate….,I could eat everything!! And did!’ YUM!!9
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    • Dzień 43


      23 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      "I would've shouted if I knew you were British!" she gasped as she walked through the gate that I was holding open, her husband close behind. "I wouldn't have heard you anyway" I replied.

      I'd noticed her as I turned to close the gate. She was running, or making an effort to run, up the steep hill while waving three quarters of a stick of bread. I realised immediately the bread was mine and I guess I should've walked down to meet her but I'd just climbed that hill and I wasn't going to repeat the feat for seventy cents worth of bread.

      I had passed the two of them moments earlier. I said something in Spanish and they smiled at me blankly so I guessed, wrongly, they were German. Then I must have caught the bread, which was attached to the outside of my pack, on a branch and the bread broke off but the lady very kindly returned it to me. It was then I discovered they were British, from Manchester. We had a chat and went our separate ways. That was the first face to face chat in English I had had for over a month and it was great!

      I'm staying in a hostel run by Carmelite nuns tonight. The town where it is sited, Xemein, was the scene of a battle in 1936 during the Civil War. Reading the various notice boards really brings home the bravery of the people of this small town against the Spanish and German fascists.

      Photos - today's wonderful path through the hills, a chapel for sailors with a suspended boat, outside the chapel with a great dog, Deba is so steep it has escalators, the Roman road into Deba
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    • Dzień 88

      Deba - Markina-Xemein

      6 września 2019, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Jeder Tag ist anders - heute war wieder alles ziemlich perfekt und sehr kommunikativ. Spannend, wie viele unterschiedliche Nationen hier vertreten sind. Ich habe gefrühstückt mit einer Gruppe aus Schottland und Irland, Pause gemacht mit US-Amerikanern, dann ein gutes Stück gelaufen mit einem Rumänen, ein Bier getrunken mit einem Engländer und schließlich das Pilgermenü (gibt es hier zumeist für 10 €, kleine 3 Gänge plus Brot und Wein) geteilt mit zwei Damen aus NL und US. Auch zum Gehen war es angenehmer als gestern, weniger Asphalt, mehr durch die Hügel (und weg von der Küste). Insgesamt mal wieder 24 km und zusammen über 1000 Höhenmeter (sorry, so ganz komme ich von meinen Zahlen nicht weg ;)). Allerdings ist die Landschaft bei den ganzen Gesprächen etwas in den Hintergrund getreten. Ist aber auch nicht schlimm. Dafür hatte ich einen richtig schönen Tag. Und auch einen physisch guten, hab mich selten so fit gefühlt. Entsprechend hatte ich auch gegen 14 Uhr schon das Etappenziel erreicht. Die Sommerherberge in Markina befindet sich im Kloster, alles sehr einfach, aber ausreichend. Allerdings war zur Öffnung um 15 Uhr schon eine Schlange vor der Tür, und im Endeffekt haben etliche Leute noch auf dem Boden geschlafen.
      Und der lauteste Schnarcher natürlich direkt neben mir. Da die ersten in der Regel schon um 6 anfangen zu packen und noch im Dunklen starten, ist an ausreichend Schlaf leider nicht zu denken...
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