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    • Gün 10–11

      D9- Los Arcos to Lograno 29km

      22 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      First 8km today was fairly easy along a designated path with crops on either side of us. First village we came to today was Sansol, we didn’t stop here but continued on to Torres del Rio as was only 800m further on. Was quite a steep climb up through town and stopped for a coffee and sandwich at the Albergue Casa Mariela. From Torres del Rio to Viana there is a lot of steep inclines and descents and for this reason is known as the knee cracker. We pass more vineyards on the way into Viana. As we enter Viana the Camino goes through the centre of the old town. We stop for lunch and coffee in front of the church. There are many places to eat along this stretch in town and the architecture is just amazing. As we leave Viana we go down little alleys and roads. The walk from Viana to Lograno was about 10km, more vineyards and wild flowers along this stretch of road. Lograno is the capital city of the wine region Rioja. We finally reach Lograno and take the bridge over the River Ebro, widest river we have seen so far, and make our way to our accommodation, Pension Lograno. We have booked double rooms and only a few hundred metres from the streets of the old town and cathedral.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11–12

      D10- Lograno to Navarrete

      23 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A late start today as we had a sleep in. Had a look around the cathedral then stopped in the square for a coffee. The walk today was pretty much all on hard concrete. As we made our way out of Lograno we took the path through parkland which seemed to go on forever, very nice parks, approximately 3km. We passed over the dam wall where lots of people were fishing and made our way around to the other side. We saw quite a few squirrels in the park near the dam. We made our way up a gravel path for a bit towards the highway and followed the road until we came to Navarrete. Although only a short walk today was pretty hard going on concrete. We booked into the Albergue de Perigrinos de Navarrete, casa Angel. We freshened up and went out to explore the town. We had our first Paella at a little restaurant near the church Inglesia Santa Maria de la Asuncion. We went into the church and put 1 euro into the box and this lit up the church. It was an amazing and thrilling experience and so very beautiful.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 88

      la rioja

      19 Ekim 2019, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      die pilger haben uns heute morgen geweckt. so sind auch wir früh gestartet. die stimmung war phantastisch.... wir hatten beschlossen, nicht dem pilgerweg zu folgen, sondern dem gps. im ersten teil hat uns das gps auf eine unglaublich wunderschöne route durch das bekannte rioja-gebiet beschert. der zweite teil bis nach logrono war etwas "schneller". wir landeten mal wieder auf einer schnellstrasse. die autofahrer haben aber extrem rücksicht genommen. hier in spanien sind die leute extrem hilfsbereit, zuvorkommend und kontaktfreudig. was wir alles schon an positiven erlebnissen hatten, war unblaublich. in logronos haben wir noch bremsbeläge für das vorderrad für nik gekauft und hatten eine tolle unterhaltung. der besitzer des fahrradladens hatte eine alte autogrammkarte aufgehängt von miguel indurain. nik fragte ihn dann, ob er ueli sutter kennt; ebenfalls ehemaliger radrennprofi. und siehe da: er kannte ihn. wir nahmen dann gemäss gps eine angebliche abkürzung; welche etwas sportlich wurde. zuerst durch wunderschöne olivenhaine, rebberge und sogar quittenbäume und dann das nichts. alle kinder mussten die carla von hinten schieben und nik und corinne vorne ziehen; alles natürlich von hand. wir haben es geschafft und der lohn war, dass wir uns frische trauben geklaut haben. da wir ja keine unterkunft gefunden hatten, haben wir uns die option des camping-platzes offen gelassen. der camping war wirklich noch offen und wir geniessen nun wieder einmal das camping-leben. nik musste noch einkaufen und den offiziellen stempel des camino di santiago abholen. da gibt es eigentlich mehrere möglichkeiten: touristenbüro, kirche oder hostal. touristenbüro war geschlossen und im hostal wollten sie uns ja nicht. deshalb beschlosse nik, in die kirche zugehen. es war eine wunderschöne goldene kirche und die begegnung resp. die stimmung in der kirche war unglaublich einladend für eine meditation von 30 minuten. der wetterbericht meldet für morgen eigentlich regen; obwohl es momentan noch nicht danach aussieht. wir nehmen die tage, wie sie kommen und entscheiden spontan. es ist einfach zu schön.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16


      17 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ 🌩️ 64 °F

      We got an early start today and thought we would be in Najera by lunch, the maybe go further and take some distance off tomorrow’s trek. However, we took a wrong turn somewhere (or missed a turn) and got off course. Settled into a delightful old albergue on the outskirts of Najera just in time to shelter from a tremendous thunderstorm! Lights have gone out once or twice.

      Spotted a bar/cafe that offers a delightful selection of paellas so we’re headed there for dinner in a bit. And I’m hoping to pick up a walking stick before dinner. Left my trekking poles at home, never used them enough to understand their value, but will benefit from at least one for balance sake.

      Here’s a few pictures from today.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12


      26 Nisan, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      🚶‍♂️✨ Just took a serene stroll from Logroño to Navarette, walking through the stunning winelands. The journey was an easy blend of urban vibes and tranquil rural scenes. Every step was a view! 🍇🌿 #WalkingSpain #WinelandWandersOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 24

      23. Etappe: Santo Domingo (38 km 🙈)

      19 Kasım 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Huj, war das ein langer Tag!
      Ich wusste, dass es heute wohl nix zwischen 16 und 38 km gibt und ich mich trotz schmerzenden Blasen am Ende des Tages wohl für die 36 entscheiden werde - also bin ich schon um 7 aufgestanden, hab mir das Müsli-Beutelchen, das ich beim vom Halbmarathon in Den Haag bekommen und bis jetzt mitgeschleppt hab, über meinen Kokos-Joghurt geschüttet und noch ne Banane dazu geschnibbelt - also ganz viel gute Energie für den Start 💪- und los gings (trotzdem wieder erst kurz vor halb 9, wie immer 😅).
      Heut musste ich mich erst mal warm laufen - 5 Grad, Wind und Regen von vorn, das verlangte mir schon einiges ab und die Blasen schmerzten vom ersten Meter an, so dass mein Etappenziel schon früh ins Wanken geriet. Jedoch gewöhnte ich mich schnell an die Umstände und wurde nicht so Recht warm mit Najera, so dass ich weiterzog. Außerdem gab mir Pierre, der ja ein paar Kilometer vor mir ist, die Info, dass es auch schon nach 32 km eine offene Herberge gibt - jedoch in weniger schöner Umgebung, wie er meinte. Ich musste ihm zustimmen und so entschloss ich mich dann dazu die letzten 6 km auch noch durchzuziehen. Kurz nach 5 war ich in meiner Unterkunft, der kirchlichen Herberge Cofradia del Santo. Dort erwateten mich schon jede Menge neue freundliche Pilger-Gesichter. Auch ein junger Deutscher ist dabei, der mir direkt was von seinem Essen abgibt (nie mit leerem Magen einkaufen gehen! 😉). Und ich lerne von ihm, dass man Kartoffeln auch in der Mikrowelle kochen kann. Die ist nämlich das einzige Kochgerät hier. Ein Italiener "brät" sich darin sogar ein Omelette. Wow! Ich hab die Dinger echt unterschätzt 😂
      Ich werd heut wahrscheinlich ratzefatze einschlafen so kaputt wie ich bin. Für morgen nehm ich mir dann vor, ne kleinere Etappe zu machen und nicht einem französischem Pilger zu folgen, der morgen 2 Etappen zusammenlegen und gleich 45 km am Stück laufen will 😉
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 22

      Getting into the rhythm

      2 Eylül 2019, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      It has been a few days since I last posted an update and now I feel we are finding our camino rhythm. Get up,grab a coffee, walk,then stop for brekkie usually a potato frittata another coffee, walk some more. Eventually we reach albergue/hostal. Then first job is a shower 🛀and to wash our clothess then a Náp or rest. Then we go in search of food.🍕 .Bars And cafés offer pilgrim meals around 9-16 euros which are 3 course meals with Bread water wine. Often they can tend to be a very carby offering. They differ in quality and amount. sometimes we buy food and cook ourselves and sometimes we get a pilgrim meal.. Tonight we made egg bacon🍳(for mo)omelette(for mark)and chips.we are in santa domingo de la calzada staying in a cisteine monastery,not the cistine chapel as I first said!
      Luxury tonight as we have our own room for the princely sum of 10 euros. It was 7 for a bunk in the dorm. Its basic but at least we have it to ourselves and no one can hear us snore!💤
      We walked 15 klms to get here it was a beautiful mild day. In fact its a bit cool tonight. The landscape is fields and vineyards with mountains⛰ in the distance.blackberries, fennel,pink thistles and sweet peas Line the path. Today we had a few hills to climb but we are better at those now. Im still slower than others but i dont care,i put some music on my phone put my ear buds in and bop down the road. Im singing away and enjoying it so much. Sometimes i even dance if the song takes me.
      Today we had a discussion about happiness as we walked and what we think it is. A nice little bit of thoughtful introspection.🧠
      Since i last wrote we sampled the delights of tapas in Logroño. Theres a whole street of tapas only bars,each competing to deliver ( i didnt see any liver though,bum bum!)the tastiest morsels. So many yummy things.we got a mushroom fritters,cow cheese with berries and i had pork slice also. It was a buzzing place with familes out on friday Night. Back in our hostal we could hear the partying carrying on till the next morning, only at 6 ish did it cease. Just in time for me to catch an hours kip before we set off for Navarrete. 😪
      The path out of Logroño was through a lovely green expanse of recreation grounds so it was a walk in the park really.😂
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Day 12: Navarette to Nájera

      29 Mayıs 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Mileage: 10.5 miles or so
      Elevation gain: 722
      Elevation loss: 791
      Weather: beautiful and sunny until we were already in Nájera, when it rained pretty hard for a little while
      Total mileage: 121.75

      Today’s walk of under 11 miles and not too much climbing felt almost like a day off! I’m also figuring out how to help my feet feel better, which is a relief.

      We were expecting rain today, but clear skies met us on our leisurely 8:00 start. There was a bakery next to our lodging but they didn’t have coffee!! We had a couple of nice breaks today and the first one included cafes con leche, so it worked out.

      Even with the leisurely start we arrived in Nàjera relatively early, so we enjoyed some treats and actually did a little shopping! Nothing exciting - I’m going to try some new socks and we had run out of chocolate. Another great day.

      1. Not so many wildflowers now but these hollyhocks wished us well as we left Navarrete.
      2. The eponymous gate of Puerta del Cementerio.
      3. Detail from the gate. Was it St. Michael who slayed the dragon?
      4. So. Many. Vineyards today. Made for a beautiful walk.
      5. The town of Ventosa from a distance.
      6. and 7. More beautiful vineyards
      8. These distinctive stone huts served as shelter for farmers at one point, apparently.
      9. We enjoyed pinchos (tapas) and sangrias (which we saw hilariously translated as “bleedings” in Viana) at an outdoor bar before the rain started.
      10. Street in Nájera after the rain
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11


      15 Eylül 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      I started out the day taking a taxi to a sportswear store because I discovered last night that I had forgotten my second pair of pants at the last albergue. Geeze Amanda, get it together! At least the store was only 2 blocks from the trail.
      It was a 7 mile day. My knee is still hurting pretty bad. I've booked my night tomorrow so I'm going to send my bag ahead in the morning. That should give me a little easier time for tomorrow's 10 miles.
      I saw a guy hand feeding squirrels today. Quite the sight to see.
      The ruins are from an old hospital and church that served ancient pilgrims. It was at the entrance to Navarrete.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 15

      Rioja Vinyards on the way to Ventosa

      2 Ekim 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Rest stop at a café in Ventosa. About 7 km of walking so far. 11km left to Najera.

      There are lots of vineyards in Rioja, who knew. Still some grapes left to harvest.

      Bright sunny day, temps about 60 now, will get up to the mid 80's this afternoon. We should get a whole week of this weather!Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Navarrete, Navarret, Նավառետե, Наваррете, 纳瓦雷特

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