Palacio de Fonseca

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    • Giorno 56

      Tag 56 von Nájera Santiago de compostela

      26 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So heute war mein letzter Tag auf dem Weg.
      Ich bleibe noch 2 Tage In Santiago bevor es am Mittwoch nach Hause geht.
      Der Tag war wieder einmal wunderschön.
      Ich bin nur noch nie so langsam gelaufen.
      Ich wollte den letzten Tage einfach noch einmal so richtig genießen.
      Aber ich bin auch froh das ich es bis hierher geschafft habe.
      Heute geht's dann noch in die Messe um 19:30 Uhr.
      Morgen gibt es dann genug Zeit sich alles in Ruhe anzuschauen.
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    • Giorno 51

      Finisterre to Santiago

      10 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We caught an early bus back to Santiago de Compostela. It is very busy here - lots of pilgrims arriving and lots of locals as well. I have a different room in the same hotel facing another square and it is very loud and crowded but it still feels fun to be here.

      I bumped into Jenny Heesh down near the pilgrim’s office, you can never stop being surprised by the people you meet here when you least expect it. Jenny is from Cronulla and is the first person who gave me the idea about the Camino when we were volunteering together at the Sydney Writers’ Festival 3 years ago. So it was fitting to see her here when my Camino experience was coming to an end.

      Libredon Rooms (room 17)
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    • Giorno 45

      O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

      4 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Well I did it! Not the Camino I had so carefully planned but the Camino that I had. I left very early this morning so that I could catch up to Sandra who was staying 7 kms ahead of me. It was not as foggy but it was very overcast so it was dark for some time, especially in the forest. I did eventually catch Sandra and I was so glad we could walk into Santiago together. It was very emotional. We also caught up with Tony and Johan - the odds of the four of us arriving there on the same day are unbelievable.

      We received our Compostella and really felt we had earned it. It was a very proud moment.

      We had an exceptional Menu del Dia to celebrate and then I went to the laundromat so I could at last have some clean clothes. I would love though to have some different clothes! We all met up for a drink and some snacks in the evening and it was a great end to a great day. I am staying in a lovely hotel right near the Cathedral recommended by Narelle and and looking forward to a lazy morning.

      Libredon Rooms (room 24)
      25 kms
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    • Giorno 46

      Santiago de Compostela

      5 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      To all you patient and supportive family and friends - thanks for following my Camino. Your comments, likes and views kept me motivated and committed to keep going when I was ready to give up.

      My trip is not over. I have Muxia, Finistere, (by bus!) Santiago and then Madrid to do so I will keep posting but will not be offended if you stop following so closely!

      Santiago, like all the bigger places I have been so far, is very noisy at night. It takes a bit of getting used to and not waking after every merry person passes under your window throughout the night.

      It was so good not to rush out this morning. Sandra and I were on the queue at the Cathedral not long after 10am and seated inside for the midday Mass at 10.30am! Fortunately for us it is Pentecost Sunday so the Botafumeiro would be used. This only happens on special days so it was a big deal. And spectacular!

      Johan and Tony were also in the Cathedral and we met up afterwards for lunch. Sandra and I then explored the Parador Hotel which was a lot of fun.

      Then I went back to my lovely hotel to rest and enjoy the sounds of Santiago from my windows.

      Libredon Rooms
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    • The next day in Santiago

      13 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      I woke up to pouring rain today. But guess what, I didn’t mind, I didn’t have to put on my hiking boots and hike 20 kms in it. I did, however, have to get out of bed eventually as I had a 10:30 appointment with the Tattoo Artist, Ethan Clay

      I had sent him a photo of the original design and told him I would want some changes. I had done up in Adobe Fresco a really bad mock up of what I would want but he was able to work with it and he quickly put the tattoo design together.

      I will explain the tattoo. Obviously, you can see that it is the infinity sign and that there are a boy and girl walking holding hands. I had him do the shell in the bottom left imperfect to match Jörg’s shell which had a few chips. I had carried Jörg’s shell from 2009 with me on this trip. In the middle, you can see the mountains on the right and the ocean waves on the left to represent the trail. I also feel that the ocean waves have a double meaning in that after the camino, we moved to the ocean which was a huge part of Jörg’s life. In the middle is Buen Camino. Jörg absolutely loved saying those words to everyone he met. It always brought him great joy. It also brought me great joy and strength on both caminos. Nothing like when you are feeling tired and sore, passing through a village and a local person says the words to you, you perk up a little more and can go a little further.

      After the tattoo I came back and had a little nap. In the afternoon, Christina and I went to the shopping mall by bus. We were there a few hours but I only bought a few things. Still need to do more, but I can do some shopping with Baars clan when I get to Germany.

      In the evening I got together with a few of my camino family and had a wonderful time at dinner at a Tapas Restaurant. Sharing all our stories, good times, challenging times, and silly idiotic times. The one thing we knew, is that half these stories could only really be understood or appreciated by those who have walked the camino. That makes them even more special.

      I have made a slight change in my plans. I am going to Finisterre tomorrow instead of Sunday. The weather forecast is better. So Christina and I are going together for one day. I know some of you thought you heard the last of me but I have one more blog entry after this. Finisterre has a significant memory for Jörg and I and I will share that story with you tomorrow.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      It was so nice to sleep in today. My watch alarm went off at 7:00am by accident, but I quickly switched it off and went back to sleep.

      We finally got out of the hotel by 10 and went to the cathedral. We hugged St, James and then stayed for the mass. We were lucky today because they had the big incense burner going. It was really quite spectacular.

      After mass we caught a taxi to the mall and I went shopping for a couple hours. I bought a pair of running shoes, socks, underwear, backpack, and a shirt for Joerg (but I am currently borrowing because I lost the blue one he gave me) I also printed some pictures for both of us (mostly pictures of the two of us) but I did print the shirtless one of Joerg that I love.

      After shopping we relaxed in the room for about an hour and then went to the special pilgrim mass at 8pm at the cathedral. It was so great. It was in a smaller chapel with about 40 people. We first had to introduce ourselves and where we started. Then there was a reading, and then if you wanted, you could share how you felt on the first day. Another reading, then shared what experiences you had, or lessons you learned on the Camino. I almost got up and shared my “butterfly” and “you are loved” stories but I didn’t.

      After the service, Joerg and I walked the streets arm and arm talking about our experiences and sharing them. One of Joerg’s was that he realized it was not good to always be alone, it was good to have friends and people beside you, then he turned and said to me “and you beside me”.

      We then stopped in a restaurant and had a beer, tapas and lemon sorbet with cava. While there, we talked about what happens next. I was happy when he brought it up as it was on my mind for a while and I was going to bring it up soon. I told him that I wanted him to be part of my life. He feels the same but feels a little conflicted because of his devotion and expectations of his family. He said he sometimes thinks about moving to Canada but doesn’t think his father would want him to. They are very traditional and want their kids around.

      I asked him “even if it was for a woman? Don’t you think he would want you to be happy?” He said “maybe”. We talked about Africa, how he could work in a factory in Canada but we didn’t make any decisions as we know we still have a few days left as we rented a car.

      This day was very special for me. Joerg confirmed what I could feel that he wanted to be with me. The funny thing is that I have not cried yet. I am so unbelievably happy. I think sometimes that it is not real, that it really isn’t happening. But on the other hand, it feels so natural that I feel calm about it.

      I am also sometimes scared. My life is changing so fast and so much. I wonder what is next.

      The Camino, what a memory! I must admit, I found the whole thing pretty easy, but I know that is because he was beside me, taking care of me, loving me. The Camino is complete, but the rest of my life is just beginning.
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    • Giorno 14

      Day 12 Padron to Santiago

      6 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Finished with my Scottish Friends. Super great day. We somehow missed most of the rain again. Santiago is one big celebration, kind of overwhelming with all these people around. This is the place that pilgrims finish their way!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 15

      day 13 & ende

      10 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Halleluja! Nach 13 Tagen haben wir unser Ziel, Santiago de Compostela, erreicht. Die Reise war ein unglaubliches Abenteuer, geprägt von Regen und Sonnenschein, Lachen und Tränen. Es war eine intensive Erfahrung, sowohl körperlich als auch emotional.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 20

      Teo - Ankunft in Santiago de Compostela

      18 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      18 06 2022 Von Teo nach Santiago de Compostela
      16,82 km heisst für Claudia 24'741 Schritte
      Wir verbrachten eine Nacht in einem altehrwürdigen Parada de Francos, mit einem wunderbar grosszügigen Zimmer mit Terrasse unmittelbar am Camino, wo wir auch fürstlich dinierten. Entsprechend war natürlich auch die Rechnung. Aber auch als Pilger/Pilgerin soll man sich hin und wieder etwas Feines gönnen.
      Leider wurde die Freude darüber nach dem Essen rapide getrübt, als wir über einen Billiardfreund von Claude vernommen hatten, dass Hansruedi vermisst wird. Wir konnten es kaum glauben, denn vor knapp einer Woche haben sie beide noch zusammen telefoniert. Diese traurige Nachricht hat uns den ganzen Tag begleitet.
      Zum Frühstück ist Kathy zu uns gestossen . Wir hatten keine Eile, denn so konnten wir auf elegante Weise dem grossen Pilgerstrom etwas ausweichen, auch dank den etwas kühleren Temperaturen. Diese letzte Etappe vor Santiago wollten wir einfach noch voll und ganz geniessen. Je näher wir dem Ziel kamen, desto mehr kamen auch eine gewisse Melancholie und zugleich auch Freude auf. Täglich auf dem Camino unterwegs zu sein hat einfach einen besonderen Esprit. Besonders nach einer Weile, wenn sich Körper, Geist und Seele dem Pilgern angepasst haben, dann, wenn das Gefühl entsteht, immer weiter laufen zu können, ohne Schmerzen und Blasen etc., spätestens dann braucht es einen besonderen Effort, den Camino für den Moment abzuschließen .
      So sind wir gegen den späteren Nachmittag in Santiago angekommen, glücklich und zufrieden, natürlich auch stolz. Immerhin haben wir ca. 280km zurückgelegt. Das Ankommen-Ritual auf dem Platz vor der Kathedrale musste natürlich zelebriert werden, mit Fotos, Selfies, und anderen Ausdrucksweisen der Freude. Es gibt hier nur glückliche Menschen, denn der Camino ermöglicht vielen, sich von belastenden Erfahrungen und schmerzvollen Erinnerungen zu befreien, sie loszulassen. Manche geben dem lautstark Ausdruck, für meine/unsere Begriffe oft etwas übertrieben, sodass, wüsste man es nicht anders, man sich eher in einem Fussballstadium denn auf dem Platz vor der Kathedrale von Santiago wähnen würde. Man verzeihe mir diese Bewertung! Für uns drei war klar, wir zelebrieren unsere Ankunft, indem wir mit unseren Muscheln darauf anstossen. Eine wunderbare Idee von Kathy. So sind wir nach dem Einchecken im Hotel in den wunderschönen Park Alameda gegangen, Claude besorgte eine feine Flasche Wein, und wir freuten uns gemeinsam und erinnerten uns an viele schöne Caminoereignisse. Siehe Fotos.
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    • Giorno 15

      Santiago de Compostela -> Porto

      26 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute haben wir uns in aller Ruhe Santiago mit seinen Winkeln und Plätzen angesehen. Das war pure Erholung für die Füße. 😁

      Am späteren Nachmittag ging die Reise zurück ins wunderschöne Porto. Dort verbringen wir noch etwas mehr als einen Tag, bevor es Sonntag früh zurück nach Hause geht. 🤗Leggi altro

    • Giorno 53


      18 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Zurück in Santiago habe ich meinen Weg auch offiziell – wie es ein Pilger macht – zu Ende gebracht. Nach dem Frühstück war ich auf dem Platz vor der Catedral und habe meine Füße auf den „ Schlussstein“ gesetzt. Dann bin ich zur Pilgermesse in die Kathedrale gegangen. Ich musste eine Stunde warten – und die Bänke waren schon gut gefüllt, als ich kam.
      Die Messe nahm mich von Anfang an ein. Die Pilger wurde in vielen Sprachen herzlich begrüßt und der Ort wurde genannt, wo sie begonnen haben. Uns wurde gedankt, das wir den langen Weg auf uns genommen haben und zu ihnen nach Santiago gekommen sind. Die Lieder, von einem Priester mit sehr melodiöser Stimme intoniert, haben mich sehr berührt – ich war voll mit drin. Zum Ende gab es für alle 1.000 Menschen und auch für mich das Abendmahl. Dann der Segen. Ich erlebe das nicht sehr oft – vielleicht alle zehn Jahre – und nun schon zum dritten Mal während des Caminos. Es geht tief, wenn es stimmt – und heute stimmte es.
      Dann kam das Ereignis, worauf alle und ich gewartet hatten: das Botafumeiro – das Räucherfass – und alle zückten ihre Handys. Ich auch. Die Resultate seht ihr in den Fotos. Einfach ein Spektakel.

      [Der Botafumeiro ist ein etwa 1,60 m großes und 54 kg schweres Weihrauchfass und gehört zu den Hauptattraktionen der Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela. Er hängt an einem etwa 66 m langen Seil und wird zu besonderen Anlässen von acht Männern in Bewegung gesetzt und bis hoch unter die Decke geschwungen.]
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