Parco del Buen Retiro

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    • Tag 8

      2. Tag in Madrid

      11. August 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Um 8:45 Uhr standen wir heute morgen an der Bushaltestelle - heute müssten wir nur 17 Minuten warten 😃👍

      Einfach toll wenn man schon so früh in der City ist - eine Ruhe die man später nicht mehr findet.

      Unser Ziel war heute der „Parque de el Retiro“ mit seinen verschiedenen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie z. B. Das Monumento Alfonso XII.

      Der Höhepunkt heute war allerdings die Besichtigung des „Königlichen Palastes“ PALACIO REAL.
      Hier kam Amy voll auf ihre Kosten und konnte nicht genug bekommen.

      Um 16:00 Uhr kamen wir dann wieder auf dem Campingplatz an und ließen es dann mal richtig ruhig angehen.

      Vor dem Abendessen dann noch eine schöne Runde in den Pool um die körperlichen Temperaturen wider zu normalisieren 😎

    • Villeguillo To Alcazarén

      17. September 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Another day of pine forest paths. The day after having a feast put on by the local bar owner last night, Paul was having a hard day walking, suffering from last nights feast. Most of us are not too hungry today.

      Having a bit of a rest at our new albergue tonight. Tomorrow a 24 km day.

      Rob Lassche, there are a few pics of listings that you have to move fast on!

    • Tag 3

      Buen Retiro Park

      6. Januar 2020 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      We visited this park on a Spanish National holiday and so people were everywhere.
      The park features a large lake close to its centre that people row on and around the lake are various entertainers that busk.
      Interestingly in the park were a couple of “blue gums” that are common to Australia and we wondered how they came to be planted in Spain.
      The weather has been fantastic since arriving from England allowing us to do lots of walking. We both have averaged about 16k steps a day!
      We had a tapas lunch opposite the park and whilst the food was quite good our waiter was a sullen sort of guy who didn’t care much for customers it seemed.
      Madrid is characterized by lots of large roundabouts with hotels and cafes surrounding the area as well as having some big historical monuments in the center which again is quite characteristic of many European cities.
      Had some fun with one of the statue buskers who let me call him by phone...

    • Nava de la Asunción To Villeguillo

      16. September 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A vary nice walk today thru pine forest again. Our first stop was the city of Coca, which had a very nice castle. The castle was built by Moors on the orders of Bishop Alonso de Fonseca who had been given permission to build by Juan II.

      Our final destination, is the village of Villeguillo. Here is a tiny bar, run by the famous keekay. When we arrived, he asked what we wanted for supper, we all said fish. At 7:00 we went there, and he brought out a fish dinner that would feed 10! There was also a huge salad that we could not finish. It all was huge but marvellous. We were also joined tonight by Gerard from Ireland.

      Tomorrow 18 Kms to Alcazarén.

    • Tag 42

      Pintin to Marcadoiro

      18. Oktober 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      10.18.2017 Wednesday 15.5 miles

      Leaving at 8:30 we had cool temperature that required an extra layer under the rain coat. The trail through old farms was relatively easy compared to what we had been walking the last 2 days.

      Today we were happy to arrive at the100k mile marker to Santiago de Compostelo. Serria is the 100k town where many pilgrims start their Camino. 100k is the minimum required distance for a certificate from Santiago.

      We noticed the trail appeared much more groomed when we left Serria. Mostly wider and easier to travel. There were many fruit trees and thousands of chestnuts. A couple houses had set up food stands with fruit, cakes, drinks that were supported by donations. It's a welcome treat on the Camino. We were lucky to walk through only a few rain showers that lasted 10 minutes.

      Our auberque is Abergue Mercadoiro and we have an unusual private suite in a stone house with sitting room and 2, step down to "cave", stone bedrooms!

    • Tag 21

      Both my eyes are drunk

      10. Juli 2016 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      So we finally decided to venture out today. We headed to city center by metro (about a 15 minute ride). Where we did a "3 hour" self-guided walking tour. It took us about half that time. We call it European time because everyone things it takes alot longer than it does.

      We began at the statue of the Bear and Tree Strawberry monument which led to a street that house the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. The architecture around here was stunning! Next stop was the Cibeles Fountain and the Cibeles Palace, where we went in to explore for a bit and take in the history. A little further along was the Gate of Puerta de Alcalá - an archway commissioned by King Charles IV to commemorate the many battles waged by Madrid to keep control of the city.

      Afterward, we wandered through El Retiro Park where there were ample opportunities to take some awesome pictures. We stopped by a lake with some gigantic statues surrounding it where people were rowing and enjoying the warm day, and stumbled upon the Glass Palace (which is exactly what it sounds like). Near the glass palace was a pond that was absolutely filled with turtles and black swans.... That's right. Black swans. We sat and watched our animal friend for a bit before we ventured further into the park. Next stop was the fountain of the Fallen Angel (another photo op) and walked out of the park to continue our tour.

      Next up, we strolled around the Literary Quarter and Museum Quarter which were full of book shops and - you guessed it - museums.

      After the walking tour we decided to grab some lunch at this restaurant that had pasta, fries & sangria for 6.90€. Amazing right!? No, wrong. The food was microwaved... But honestly, we didn't even care cause we were so hungry. It wasn't the worst food I've had.

      We got on the metro to head back to our host's house to get ready to go out. We ended up just hanging out for a bit & watching a movie. Breanna obviously took a nap. Nap Queen. Shaunessa & I ate tons of fresh salad we made & watched Step Brothers.

      We got ready and went back into the city around 10:30 pm with our host Keri. She took us to a pre-drink bar.. Because the real bars don't open until 12. There we had one of Madrid's known drinks... Beer mixed with lemon Fanta. SOOOO good.

      We left the bar after our drink to grab a "street beer" (only 1€ *in Spanish accent) where we sat with all the locals and drank our beer.

      We then ran into someone Keri knows & ended up going with him to this rock & roll ish bar/club where we stayed the rest of the night.

      So this was a super local bar. Barely anyone spoke English. Whenever someone would speak to us, we would just point to Keri. Because of the humor we have, we obviously used this to our advantage. When people would try to talk to us in English, we pretended that we would only speak french. Later during the night, I started pretending I was deaf. We also taught some people in the bar sign language.

      We left around 3:30 to go get some pizza & headed home, where we got to bed around 4.

    • Tag 4

      Noch ein Tag in Madrid

      13. September 2016 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Gestern Abend waren wir noch in der Stadt und dank des guten Gedächnis von meinem Schatzi haben wir auch die schöne Straße von vor einem Jahr wiedergefunden, wo wir dann gemütlich und lecker gegessen haben. Es waren noch 30 Grad... Und eine sehr schöne Atmosphäre, viele Leute waren unterwegs und die Geschäfte waren sogar noch sehr lang auf.

      Heut haben wir uns ein langes Frühstück im Hotel gegönnt. Es war alles sehr lecker und wir hatten eine schöne Aussicht. Nebenbei haben wir dann die E-Mail zu unserer Elektroplanung fertig gemacht. Und nun sitzen wir im Retiro-Park und machen ein kleines Päuschen. Wetter soll heut nicht so gut werden, aber bis jetzt ist ea total angenehm und die Sonne kommt auch mal durch.

    • Tag 3

      Picnic in the park

      27. Mai 2017 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 75 °F

      I made it to Madrid! Finding my apartment ended up being more tricky than anticipated, but I figured it out. Our apartment is awesome, the neighborhood is super cool and full of vibrance and activity. Amanda and I went exploring and must have walked 10 miles.

      We got pan de chocolate and some drinks and had a picnic in the park. I got a sim card, but it wouldn't work for Amanda so we are investigating. Then we explored the metro , though we were both so tired that we went round in circles a few times!

    • Tag 19

      San Vincente de la barquera

      16. September 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      And it ends here for now.
      Yesterday, once again I walked far. The planned stop had no beds left. I could have got a hotel or hostel but I wanted my last night to be with other walkers.
      I met up with two Polish grandmother's, my age as we walked into the town we hoped to sleep in. One had a little English and the other backhanded my arm and said, ", food, tired, you ask".
      She was great and I walked the extra 7 km with them to the next available bed. We were tired at the point and hungry too. That was the plan to go right to the next available bed, , but we got off track, or rather we stayed on the track, which was winding and long, instead of the more direct, shoulder of the road route. . The rain was relentless and the wind was harsh. They both hand on ponchos which flapped and made noise like sails. I was singing, yes, singing, to try to lighten the mood. One of them was exhausted, I could not pronounce even an approximation of her name. When she was just about on her last footstep, and after many backhands from Ana, pointing to houses... "you go there, ask where albergue", as she points to a house with rabid, foaming at the mouth dogs, barking, growling and hitting the end of their chains trying to get at us.
      I said "no, we walk, will find bed"
      Then a double rainbow came out, and Ana blocked a cars exit from their driveway, motioned to driver to the driver to put down window, backhanded me "you ask where Albergue"
      I did, she gave us a lift. Less than a 2 minute drive, but it felt like heaven.
      Got a bed, dinner and breakfast this morning. Ana and Bodu.....? were great company. It was a huge challenge for the last few kms in the wind driven rain. We drank wine and ate dinner together and slept well.
      The Camino is a very personal journey, shared with so many others. No words to describe what it means. I will be back

    • Tag 10

      Lorca to Los Arcos

      16. September 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      9.16 Saturday
      Although quite long, it was a beautiful 18 mile mile walk. Enjoyed seeing local blacksmith at work.. A little further up the hill was a wine fountain where one could enjoy a free glass of wine. The last 7 miles were totally isolated with no towns or inhabitants. God watching over us, we were lucky to walk between heavy rain clouds all around us. Needless to say we were very tired at the end of the dayWeiterlesen

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