Caleta Beach

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    • Day 7


      December 14, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nachdem wir bisher an Cádiz nur immer vorbei gefahren sind, entschließen wir uns spontan hier zu halten.

      Einen Stellplatz finden wir im Hafen neben den großen Kreuzfahrtschiffen.

      Wir laufen an der Uferpromenade einmal fast um die Stadt. Schön angelegte Gärten mit tollen Gummibäumen, bestimmt 6-7 m Umfang.Read more

    • Day 198

      Hafenstadt Cádiz ☀️😎⚓️

      January 29 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wo wir schonmal hier sind, schauen wir uns Cádiz gleich mal an. Und es hat sich gelohnt ☺️. Eine wirklich nette Stadt ohne viel Tamtam und Chichi.

      Wir sind völlig überrascht von dem Frühlingserwachen hier. Alles um uns herum ist grün 💚, die Vögel 🐦 zwitschern fröhlich ihre Lieder 🎶 und überall am Straßenrand blüht es wie verrückt 🌸🌼. So wunderschön 🫶🏼😍. Wir freuen uns richtig dolle auf die kommende Zeit in Andalusien.Read more

    • Day 6

      Centro de Arqueología Subacuática

      April 19 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      El Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía is a specialized organization belonging to the Department of Culture of the Government of Andalusia, created in 1997 and integrated into the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. It has its headquarters in the city of Cádiz, in the Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real building, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

      The objectives of this center are the research, protection, conservation and dissemination of the underwater heritage of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, as well as the training of professionals in this discipline.

      To achieve its objectives, it has developed an exhaustive catalog of underwater archaeological sites, integrated into the Andalusian Historical Heritage Information System. In total, 81 sites are known, covering, chronologically, from protohistory to the Contemporary Age. Through this inventory, information has been obtained regarding 1250 historical shipwrecks in Andalusian waters.

      The centre is not open to visitors but the building itself, the Balneario de la Palma y del Real building, is definitely worth a visit. It is located on the Playa de la Caleta, on the western edge in the historical center of of Cádiz. There is a natural harbor by which Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans penetrated historically. Caleta beach is the smallest beach in the city, and is isolated from the others.

      The beach is perfect for enjoying the sunset and as it is right next to the old town it is very popular with the Gaditanos and they consider it one of the most emblematic places of their city, and use it as a recurrent song subject during Carnival.

      But what about this building?
      The Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real building was inaugurated in 1926 and replaced the traditional Baños del Real, a wooden facility that already existed at the beginning of the 19th century, next to which were also located those of La Palma, with a similar structure, which were later unified under the name “Real y de la Palma”.

      The poor condition of the barracks led the Provincial Council to call a competition in 1924 to build a new spa. This project was intended to offer an alternative for leisure, beach and sea bathing to the population that lived in the old town, avoiding the inconvenience and expense of moving to the beach of the Reina Victoria Spa.

      A wonderful building, I love it and I love that so many locals hang around there to take a swim.
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    • Day 100


      November 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Cádiz ist die älteste Stadt Europas und befindet sich auf einer Landzunge im Südwesten des Landes, weshalb die sie von fast allen Seiten vom Meer umgeben ist.

      Das beste Eis der Stadt haben wir uns bei einem Spaziergang das Altstadtviertel El Pópulo natürlich nicht entgehen lassen. Durch den schönen grünen Parque Genovés geht's dann auch schon wieder zurück zum Auto.Read more

    • Day 12

      Tapas Bar

      March 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Der Besitzer vom Camping hat mir die Adresse aufgeschrieben. Um 13 Uhr alles rappel voll und neben der Bar an der Wand ein strategisch guter Platz für mich gefunden. Alle Tapas die bestellt wurden, waren in meiner Sichtweite und ich konnte nur mit dem Finger zeigen und wieder eine Portion für mich bestellen. Alles war mega lecker, auch wenn ich nicht weiss was ich bestellt hatte. Der Tinto und der Sherry waren auch lecker.Read more

    • Day 10

      Cadiz Kulinarisch

      June 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Cadiz hat mich! Es ist so toll hier! Man kann an jeder Ecke etwas essen und trinken, die Preise sind wirklich sehr fair bis niedrig und man hat nie das Gefühl in einem Touri-Ort zu sein. Mit Englisch kommt man hier nicht weiter, mit Deutsch erst recht nicht. So mag ich das! Das ist Urlaub 😃. Sprechen mit Händen und Füßen. Es gibt viele Speisekarten auf Englisch, aber die Kellner verstehen DIE nicht und wir die Spanische nur zum Teil. So wird die ein oder andere Bestellung zu einem amüsanten Erlebnis😃!Read more

    • Day 12

      Corner protectors for carriages

      April 25 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      I found theses things all over the old town of Cádiz and was wondering what they are for. I had to do some research but finally found out...

      Cádiz is the oldest city in Spain and has profited from the conquistadors' insatiable greed for gold and silver: in 1717 their ships became too big and heavy to make it up the river and Seville had to hand over its overseas trade monopoly to Cádiz.

      The Gaditanos were never again as important or as rich as they were then.

      Misfortune always came from the sea: pirates plundered and burned, the most famous of which was Francis Drake. Yesterday I took a walk on the remains of the old fortifications. The forts were not useful in every attack: the coveted port city was destroyed several times in new wars, which is why there are hardly any ancient walls left, and most of the old house facades date from the 18th and 19th centuries.

      But the observation towers are still standing: merchants had them built on their houses so they could quickly find out who was sailing across the Atlantic. Almost 130 towers are still preserved today, some of which are apartments.

      You will also come across the old cannon barrels when walking through the old town. They were cut in half and placed at very narrow intersections: as iron corner protectors in case the carriage couldn't make it around the bend.

      So now you know what they are for and you also can see what happens if the corner does not have one.
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    • Day 47

      A Day Trip to Cadiz

      February 18 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Our cottage friends, Karen and Rob, visited Cadiz last Spring and loved it. Rob often talked with fond memories about the market and the wonderful seafood sold there. Karen had picked an apartment to stay in, next to the main square, and it was in the perfect location to visit most of the main sights.

      Since we are staying fairly close by in Jerez, we knew that we wanted to visit Cadiz too. On Sunday, we took the Renfe train #2 right to the centre of Cadiz in 40 minutes. It was a short walk to the historic centre.

      Founded 3,000 years ago by the Phoenicians, Cadiz is the oldest city still occupied in Western Europe. The peninsula that Cadiz sits on, is right on the Andalusian Atlantic coast.

      Here are a few fun facts about Cádiz -

      Cadiz is one of the sunniest cities in Europe.

      It was the home of the Spanish Navy and the port boomed in the 16th-century as a base for exploration and trade.

      Christopher Columbus set sail from Cadiz on his second and fourth trips to the New World.

      Cadiz is a beautiful city known for its numerous plazas.

      Cadiz has one of the world’s most famous carnivals.

      Cadiz boasts more than 100 watchtowers.

      Manuel de Falla, the composer, was born in Cádiz.

      In the movie, Die Another Day, James Bond (Charles Bronson) is walking down the seafront promenade in "Havana". But all the scenes in Cuba were actually filmed in Cádiz. Parts of Cádiz were remodelled or erased to look like the Cuba. The Playa de Caleta is a gorgeous beach! Do you remember Halle Berry coming out of its blue water?

      Thanks Rob and Karen for recommending this city!
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    • Day 12


      April 11 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Final port stop, and despite having been here before we could apparently remember nothing about it...and the memory did not come flooding back! We walked out and through Cadiz to start with, to San Sebastian Castle on a spit of land. The castle wasn't open but the rock pools underneath made for a fab stop, with crabs, shrimp and fish all to be found, and a beach full of stones for skimming. We spent the rest of the day zig-zagging the streets of the town to see the Cathedral, the roman theatre, the Parque Genovés and the City Hall. A lovely craft market at City Hall was great for souvenir shopping - I found a fab pair of Alice in Wonderland earrings. We also found a nice bar here for a restorative beer, before meandering on and heading back to the ship along the seafront. An afternoon of boardgames in Brodie's was a great alternative to the incredibly strong sunshine in port.Read more

    • Day 11

      Fähre nach Teneriffa

      January 12, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Außer mir fahren nur eine Hand voll Wohnmobile auf die Fähre. Diese Fähre ist noch kein Jahr alt. Der alte Seelenverkäufer, mit dem ich die letzten Jahre fahren musste war wirklich eine Zumutung. Dieses neue Schiff ist dagegen sehr angenehm, auch wenn es natürlich keinen Kreuzfahrt-Standart bietet. Dank Corona habe ich eine Viererkabine ganz für mich alleine- schöner Luxus. 42 Stunden auf dem Kahn eingesperrt sein empfinde ich trotzdem als eine lange Zeit.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Playa de la Caleta, Caleta Beach

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