Plaza de la Estrella

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    • Day 12

      Psalm 130 Forgiveness and Mercy

      June 12 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      Today our Psalm is a beautiful reminder that God is a forgiving God. When we cry out for mercy He is there giving his generous redemption to us.

      Today as we walk we consider the places we need to cry out for mercy and ask for forgiveness, knowing God is there.

      We also consider those who have cried out to us and we need to extend forgiveness to.

      May you have peace and joy today knowing you are forgiven, it is God’s habit!
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    • Day 18

      Golden Girls: Pontevedra-Barro

      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Walked along a train track today a la ‘Stand By Me’, but the crew I joined up with definitely had more a Golden Girls vibe.

      Soon after leaving Pontevedra’s lovely Old Town Shopping District (complete with Burger King in an ancient stone building), I run into Omaha sisters Ellen and Amy, childhood friend Jerry, of Phoenix, and “California Kelly”. Within minutes of starting up a conversation, someone drops an F bomb about all the walking. It’s followed by a crack about wine and ibuprofen.

      ‘No way I’m letting these ladies get away from me,’ I think. ‘These are my people.’

      What follows is a raucous day of story sharing and shit talking. The three friends are of my generation. Kelly is a youngish mom they adopted about 20 minutes before I came along. My foot was already feeling better (thanks in part to last nights Vicodin, because something had to give), but there’s nothing like a gaggle of kvetching midwesterners to make you forget your troubles and pick up the pace.

      We share life stories. We share our favorite freaky “Twilight Zone” episodes. We share lunch. The sisters, who are Catholic, can rattle off the specifics of the Fatima story as quick as they come up with a one-liner. How’s that for a combination?

      Within a couple of hours, they are giving me shit about my navigation skills. “Well, Tammy said we were three miles away five miles ago,” becomes a repeating jab from Jerry. I feel loved.

      Ten miles goes by like buttah, but I have to peel off at Barras while they trudge on to Caldas de Reis. I give hugs all around and collect What’s App numbers so we can stay in touch. Some folks you lose along the way. Some you keep.

      The next morning, the Omaha Three and Cali Kelly crew are checking on me after a harrowing stay in a private home, but that’s another story.

      Chances are slim I’ll see this crew again. They have limited time so are walking more miles per day. But I’ll hear from them when they reach the finish line and will cheer virtually for their accomplishment. Because they are part of my Camino family - the ones I’d want to sit with at the big family gathering, cause they’re the fun crew.

      What a happy, happy day it’s been.
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    • Day 21

      Pontevedra 2

      October 2, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We walked a bit more, checked out the path for tomorrow. We get to start with a lovely bridge across the Rio Lerez (Ponte do Burgo). Then we strolled through a flea market. Luckily nothing I need.

      We made sure to have a nice meal before siesta. Thanks to Katharine W, we went to Il Piccola and had a great time.
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    • Day 19

      Day 11 - Redondela to Pontevedra

      April 22 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Today started out hard. Tough hills to climb and as we expected, lots of pilgrims. You can always tell all the newbies to the trail as they look cleaner and smell fresher and they are more chatty. It seemed the 3 of us walked today in unusual silence. Maybe it was because after 11 days of walking together (plus days spent beforehand in Porto) we had run low on conversation topics. But I think we were subconsciously sad because we knew this was our last full day as a walking trio.

      Tomorrow Tom and I veer off on the Espiritual Variant of this route and Miquel will head straight to Santiago. Our route will take us a day or two extra to complete and we may or may not see Miguel before he flys out of Santiago for Barcelona.

      Today’s walk started hard but the whole day was beautiful. By early afternoon the pilgrims were all spread out and we spent the rest of our day on the most amazing trail that seemed to go on forever along a creek, in the shade, in 75 degree weather. Tonight we are in Pontevedra after a 13.8 mile day. This small city looks fun and our last night with Miguel will be celebrated. ❤️
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    • Day 12–13

      Day 8 walking

      April 24 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Walked 14.6 miles today. My knee is hurting, but I’m stretching and doing my exercises before I walk and at night. We walked from Pontevedra to Caldas de Reiss. Nice hotel. Exhausted. Dinner was not great. Basically ate bread and French fries and gelato on the way home. Cold tonight. Turned on the heat in my room. I’m happy to be sleeping in a queen bed tonight. My room has a nice skylight. Luggage service picked up our bags today and no issues. We put extra poundage in the van. Three more days of walking. Night. We continue to pray for so many prayers. Loving the new Anne Lamott book on audio and also started Remarkably Bright Creatures on audio. Also listened to NPC sermon from Sunday and Chelsea Handler’s podcast with Monica Lewinsky. Both great listens. Thanks for following along.Read more

    • Day 12


      October 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      The first big city since Porto. Today was hard! A Lot of uphill walking and not enough water. Lunchtime cerveza made me sleepy, might not partake tomorrow. I’m hoping to eat soon but have too many choices! So different from the last few places where there is only one option in town for food 🥘Read more

    • Day 15

      If it’s Tuesday, it must be Galicia

      September 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Today seemed a much nicer walk than the previous two days, though we walked our farthest distance yet. The rain has held off for the time being and we had blue skies most of today. The temperature is very comfortable, 75° or so for the afternoon high but chilly in the morning and evening.

      This morning we got an earlier start than usual since we knew we had a lot of ground to cover. We are at the far edge of the time zone so sunrise is much later than we’re used to. Though we set off just before 8:00 am it was still dark. As we left Redondela the fog slowly lifted from the hills and by our first café con leche stop the sun had begun to light up the valley. From the cafe we had a fabulous view of the bridge across the Estreito de Rande and the Vigo river which flows into the Atlantic just beyond.

      The terrain was a nice mix of back roads, dirt paths, a few short, steep climbs and some boulders just to keep the cyclists in check. Instead of bagpipers, the woods today were populated by little pop up rest stops with people selling cold drinks and lukewarm trinkets. We sat and ate our picnic lunch at one such place, exchanging Buen Caminos with the stream of pilgrims flowing by. We collected several stamps in our credentials today as every little stand we passed was offering. One must collect at least two stamps (“sellos”) per day to qualify for the Compostela at the end. Today we got about 6.

      We met a very sweet little dog this morning and another this afternoon. Many of the houses and farms we pass have dogs in the yard and you can usually hear at least one dog barking anywhere you are. The ones who live right on the Camino seem pretty bored by the endless parade of pilgrims clicking along with their hiking poles. The two we met today were eager to have their ears scritched though were probably disappointed we had no cheese to offer.

      Somewhere near the midpoint of today’s stage we met up with Ashook and Hesha again. We chatted for a bit before they took off at their much faster pace. They are here in Pontevedra tonight, too, but it’s a large city so I doubt we’ll run into them.

      We arrived in Pontevedra about 3:00. Checked into our room at Casa Sara, took our showers and have just finished our laundry. Our laundry game has slipped a bit in the past few days. At this point the rinse water is just as gray as the wash water. We’ve gotten pretty cavalier about wearing dirty clothes. I can see why some people burn theirs when the reach the end.

      The key to successful laundry on the Camino is in the wringing. When the wringing is poor you suffer for it the next day. If you’ve ever tried to put on a damp sports bra you know what I’m talking about. And I have developed a deep appreciation for a well-fitted sink stopper. They are to be cherished.

      DINNER UPDATE: Didn’t have the energy to deal with a tapas menu so we ended up in a doner kebab place run by a lovely Indian man named Abdullah. As we finished our dinner a fellow pilgrim came in and asked to join us at our table. Pilgrim Steven (“STAY-ven”), a postman from Northern Ireland, talked our ears off for close to two hours. He was a delight. We’re headed to the same place tomorrow but I doubt we’ll see him on the way as he walks extremely fast. Postman legs.
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    • Day 11

      Arcade -> Pontevedra

      August 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Auf der heutigen Etappe war einiges los. Da in Redondela der Caminho Central und der da Costa zusammenlaufen, waren mehr Pilger unterwegs als sonst. Der Weg war aber wirklich sehr schön. Er führte nahezu die ganze Zeit durch Wälder und kleine Dörfer. Hier gibt es tatsächlich Eukalyptus Wälder. Richtig schön. An den Wegesrändern wächst außerdem oft Minze als „Unkraut“, sodass die Wanderung durch ein gutes Aroma ergänzt wird. Zusätzlich gab es heute auch wieder Unterhaltung für uns: einen Dudelsack Spieler auf dem Weg. Naja, wem‘s gefällt. 😅

      Pontevedra ist eine wirklich sehr schöne Stadt, deren Altstadt einen Besuch wert ist! Da wir heute schon zur Mittagszeit ankamen, blieb uns auch genug Zeit die Stadt zu erkunden. 😊 Heute ist der letzte Tag einer Reihe von Feiertagen in Spanien. Ab 22:30 Uhr spielt ein spanischer Singer-Songwriter. Wir freuen uns. (:

      Es sind noch drei Tage und knapp über 60km bis Santiago. Bald ist’s geschafft.
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    • Day 30

      Arcade-Pontevedra #10

      June 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Just 13 km today and less than 70 km to Santiago de Compostela. Rain made the track muddy and slippery in parts and I didn’t even cyclists climbing some of the really rocky parts of the track. Had a really good walk with Livu from the Algarve. We walked for three hours and only exchanged names after he headed on for another 10km after we had coffee. Covid and lockdown took a toll on his marriage and he is searching for a new path. But reckons the Camino gives him a chance not to think. Our conversation lightened up when I took his picture next to a tree and suggested he could use it for his tinder profile !!! We parted in good terms. Pontevedra is on the Rio Lérez and is a bustling city, but quieter than Porto. Big churches, lots of squares, not too touristy and a beaut market.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 2: Redondela to Pontevedra

      May 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain.

      Second day walking and we cracked out more than 20km today, passing the beautiful medieval town of ‘Arcade’ (no 80’s driving machines or pinball tables; sorry!) and on to Pontevedra.

      It’s a strange observation that the caminho way seems to bring you utterly horrible ways into towns with the industrial and medium density housing on the edge of the town being underwhelming. However, the centre of town is historic, beautiful and for my post arrival wander around town also … sunny! (We shan’t mention it too loudly, but it would be nice if it stayed!!).

      Michaela has booked us into a hostel tonight, and it’s a dorm with 22 people in it tonight for us! It’s kinda lovely sharing camaraderie with follow walkers, and we’ve met some really cool people.. but the queue for the machines is kinda annoying!

      So far I’m very impressed though, it’s clean, relatively quiet and very modern!

      A longer day tomorrow onwards to Caldas de Reis, which is a spa town, and we have various activities booked to keep spirits high!

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