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    • Arcade to Pontevedra

      3. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Nice walk today. Weather was decent, humid, thick clouds. My clothes were clean and dry but even with multiple passes with the blow dryer, my shoes and insoles were still a little damp. I kept part of my awareness on my feet, as always, watching for hot spots. I adjusted the laces a couple times, and, knock on wood, all’s good with my feet.
      A long slow up climb, mostly in the woods or past farms. Then pretty steep down paths. I had wanted to stop at a particular village but there was no Bolt or Uber service so I kept on and I kept on, walking all the way to my hotel, praying for strength throughout the last 2 miles.

      Pontevedra is a hopping city. Even at 8:30pm, there’s very active street noise.

      Inner Journey: I came upon a section of big rocks like with the old Roman roads. “Oh, I hate these rocks, its so easy to twist an ankle.” Relieved when a dirt path appeared 40 yards up the hill, then discouraged when there was another stretch of the big rocks. I thought, hating them isn’t going to help, so what if I say I love them? So I did, on all the stretches of rocks. I suspected that loving them would either remove them from my testing grounds or I would actually transform my relationship to them. It did become more fun. I wonder if I could approach other things/people/situations with that attitude, would my experience of them shift?

      Any bets? How ‘bout the big Orange problem in the news? Could I?

    • Pontevedra rest day

      4. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      This city is so alive, just not between 1:30 and 4:00pm, siesta time. They’ve turned the old city area into pedestrian only(plus a few delivery vans) so there’s milling, there’s cruising, there’s dog walking, there’s shopping and of course there’s sipping and watching.

      Lots of old churches, some are open for visitors, some dating from the 1400’s. Old mansions with family crests sculpted onto their exteriors. Statues, classical architecture government offices. On and on with old.

      I totally enjoyed my helado 🍧 sitting on a wall, watching people. Two-cheek air kisses instead of hugs, older ladies walking arm in arm three across, teen boys with rock star hair cuts and cigarettes, teen girls with lots of skin showing. Girls singing along to the buskers. Kids riding dads’ shoulders, little dogs straining on their leashes, other dogs unleashed, exploring smells then catching up with their humans. Life baby! Here it is in this town of so much old.

      Inner journey: wondering what pilgrims of old might have sought. In the beautiful round church of the virgin pilgrim, feeling a sense of bigger spirit, not something outside but extended and all encompassing. Individual expression within but linked.
      I asked again, to my higher self there touched, what’s next. And writing about this journey, and other journeys, came up. I am ok with that.

    • Pontevedra to Combarro

      5. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

      Soaking rain then stinging rain. I separated from the Central Camino to the Spiritual Variant. This will eventually follow the path supposedly taken by St James’ (Sant Iago) followers when they returned his remains via boat to Spain. James went back to Jerusalem after trying to convert the folks of the Iberian peninsula. It didn’t turn out well for him in Jerusalem.

      At times the path is just wide enough for one and that’s with the brush fighting to keep your walking sticks. With the moderate rain, those narrow paths were muddy, a little slippery and the effort was finding the right next step to minimize soakage. My bladder lost it, then when I finally got to a cafe and changed out of my rain-soaked shirt, the zipper on my sweatshirt lost it. I scrambled to get a safety pin to cover some part of me and slouched through lunch.
      The hotel had laundry service, a tub, and a very good restaurant across the street. Such a blessing.

      A couple ladies from New Zealand crossed paths with me a few times. They asked what was my favorite part so far and I said the smell of eucalyptus. Makes me grin thinking of the conversation.

      Inner journey: sometimes all I can do on this trek is focus on the moment, where to step and to anchor myself with my poles, ready to stop any slide or fall.

    • Tag 8

      Redondela to Pontevedra

      19. September in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today we walked a very long, hard, steep uphill and down hill path. Thanks to our fellow Pilgrims we kept going and made it to our next town. My new friend today is Lisa, an oncologist from NYC who just retired. We were so engrossed in conversation I left my bag behind with our passports and money. An amazing angel of a man ran it uphill to me. I was both embarrassed and extremely grateful. It's all about taking care of each other. Strangers that you will never see again who treat you like family.
      We came to a little town called Arcade. The signs pointing the way were so confusing and everyone was stuck. I said we need another angel like the Vigo Angel. Who should appear but a little old lady with a cane pointing the way. She said everyone gets lost here. She had me run after 4 women who were walking the wrong way. All my angels have canes, it seems. We got back on track and carried on.
      There are lots of random shrines where pilgrims leave pictures, shells, rocks...symbols of grief and loss. The people we hold close on our walk.
      We are praying for all of you. For healing, for joy, for peace. There were lots of tears shed today.
      Love to all! Our hearts are full as we lift you in our prayers on this beautiful journey!

    • Tag 11

      Farms, Vineyards, Forests and Rivers

      26. Oktober 2023 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      We woke today to the sounds of church bells and more rain, actually a torrential rain! So naturally we laced up the boots, threw on our ponchos and took off heading North! As we get closer to Santiago there are more pilgrims and we are really enjoying chatting along the way with some very interesting people. Funny we’ve met a couple of sibling groups traveling the Way of St. James with us and it’s so refreshing to see other families like us having this bonding time. I have been so grateful to make the journey with Richard because he finds the arrows very quickly and navigates the best path and he’s always there around the corner making me laugh when I arrive thinking I can’t breathe or take another step. We both love animals and it was a treat to have had a little doggie escort for about a mile this morning through the first village until he finally had enough of us and ran back down the hill. Our first stop was at an austere little chapel, St Marta, in a tiny farming community. Even so early the door was open and candles were burning. God bless that caretaker because it gave us a chance to give thanks for our morning as well as to reorganize packs, wring out wet socks and catch a breath before marching on.
      After the chapel there were supposedly two options for the route (Tomaza Division?) but we only saw one and it turned out to be a very difficult stage. We walked through a forest along the rivers Dos Gafos and Pintos and the path started deteriorating rapidly as we made our way. The river was swollen and fast and the paths were just a series of large puddles. At one alarming point we were knee deep in cold water and we considered turning back but then 4 pilgrims popped up behind us and we all made the joint decision to push forward. We were all so relieved to make it to Pontevedra. It was supposed to be an easy day for us- only 9 miles- but probably a day I won’t forget soon because we worked so hard. We were lucky to arrive in town early enough for the menú del diá and had some lovely pasta with mushrooms, some fish and a pork chop. Delicious and only 10euro! The town here is beautiful, filled with shops and lots of people dressed very stylishly. I look a wet, bedraggled mess but people smile and nod and I guess they are used to pilgrims making their way through town. We were able to get into our hostel, shower and do laundry before going out to explore and lo and behold the rain had let up! Praise the Lord- we saw the sun! This was very encouraging so we strolled around and visited the ruins of the church of San Domingos- dating from 14th century and now a national protected monument. We sampled some Santiago tartas which are little almond cakes flavored with orange and lemon supposedly first baked in 1577 in honor of Saint James. They are yummy and of course I will find a recipe to make some when I get back home! We visited the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Shelter and the Divine Pilgrim- it’s square in the middle of town surrounded by modern buildings but it shines like a star and its architecture is breathtaking- we both stopped in our tracks when we saw it! Tonight we went back for a pilgrim’s Rosary and Mass and all I could think when I saw the church tonight was that it looked like a jewel box. Tomorrow we hope to get an early start, visit the Basilica and be on our way. As I close I hear people outside at the bars and cafés laughing and chatting and I hear the rain hitting the pavement- I think I will sleep good tonight!

    • Tag 29

      Getting Close!

      13. April in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Just 75 km's to Santiago now. In a lovely albergue in Pontesampaio. It was Katae"s last night. Unfortunately she will not go to Santiago, but onto her volunteer albergue job. Rafael , Blanca, and myself are still together. Today's land cross section was very tough. We had a few kilometers of steep straight down. Some lovely forest track tho. Have a look at todays pics.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 14

      Day 13 - Redondela to Pontevedra

      5. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      I know the saying “only mad dogs and Englishmen” usually refers to being out in hot weather, but I’m sure it also applies to the inclement, pour down, soaked to the bone weather we had today. When we looked out the window this morning, it looked like a drizzle, and then it came down harder. And harder. And harder. So, ponchos on, caps on to save ourselves from the waterboarding ahead, we took to the road.

      Ok, let’s be honest - it was a difficult day. But in a good way, in that, yes there were hills, and paths that became rivers, and not enough cafes to stop at, but none of it was insurmountable. It was what it was. And we did a grand job of it. We laughed, talked, sometimes said nothing, kissed on bridges, held hands, chatted to other walkers (why do they insist on talking politics???), and we made it to Pontevedra. Tonight we are staying in a hostel (Paul’s first), and we had a lovely dinner, even if the waiter forgot to put half our order through, and we had ice cream on the way back, and now I’m tucked up in my top bunk bed with Paul below, and I feel “good tired”.

      We met one cat.

    • Tag 10–11


      17. Oktober in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      In Windeseile absolvierte ich die heutige 22km lange Etappe. Ich wollte alle Pilger überholen. Hat aber nicht ganz geklappt. Als ich hier war, liefen immer noch welche vor mir🙄. Morgen geht es auf einen neuen Weg. Den Camiño Espiritual. Er dauert 3 Tage und endet mit einer Bootsfahrt nach Padron. Ich bin gespannt, was die neue Strecke für mich bereit hält. Laut Berichten soll sie was ganz besonderes sein. Schauen wir mal.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 6

      Day 2 from Arcade to Pontevedra

      30. August in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today was supposed to be an easy day with our walk being about 7 miles…. But we went about 10.5 miles. And there were many very steep hills. Turns out the Camino trail we thought we were going on is closed for construction for a week, and the alternative was the more challenging version with many very big hills.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 15

      Top of yet another climb!

      3. Juli 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      It’s another pleasant day to walk! Feeling much better today! On the way out of Redondela, we met Andrea from Portland who is also a teacher! 😄 I loved the walk through Arcade… although very hilly! And it’s been a steady climb ever since! Love the shaded trail that goes by creeks and has old Roman road stones still in place! Stopped at the top at a vendor for pilgrims and got a fresh squeezed strawberry lemonade! Letting the feet get some air and then we start a steady descent.Weiterlesen

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