Provincia de Cantabria

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Os 10 melhores destinos Provincia de Cantabria
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 81


      17 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Wir bleiben zwei Tage auf dem schönen schattigen Campingplatz. Abkühlung im nahen Fluss wird von uns allen sehr geschätzt. Die Temperatur ist so um die 35 Grad. Die frisch gewaschene Wäsche trocknet sogar im Schatten gut.
      Santillana del Mar haben wir gestern Vormittag noch bei recht angenehmer Temperatur besucht.
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    • Dia 11–12

      Castro Urdiales

      14 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Vanochtend na ontbijt om 7:15 vertrokken. Afstand vandaag was 22 km en het grootste deel weer mooie natuur in plaats van industriële stad.

      Gisteren kon ik bijna niet meer lopen na aankomst in Pobeña. De wreef van mijn linkervoet deed pijn en ik had een blaar op mijn rechter kleine teen. Ik vreesde problemen voor vandaag, maar het ging veel beter. Ik heb mijn blaar vanmorgen in getapet en dat hielp.

      Dinner was met Sandrine. De enige vegetarische optie was patat met twee spiegeleieren dus heb toch maar kip gegeten.

      Sandrine is vandaag 6 km verder gelopen naar een ander hostel en Reetta heeft haar achterstand ingehaald en slaap vannacht in het bed boven mij.
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    • Dia 16


      3 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Day 16 Camillos

      Today I made a voice note as I began to walk in the morning, just describing what I saw around me. I've transcribed it here, to give you a taste of what it's like to walk. Imagine this spoken. (I reckon I sound like Clare Balding in Radio 4's Ramblings).

      Cantabria is really REALLY green, and it's so ... so pleasant, it's just a wide open spread.
      I'm coming from Suances, where I spent such a comfortable night in the Casa Santa Ana.
      Way over to the left in a huge long chain are mountains, with snow on the top of the mountains
      ... and closer to me here is just a bowl of green ... and gently rolling hills
      ... rolling is a good word for it ... it's a depth of rolling like the undulating ocean
      ... some of the fields are cut for hay already, which seems to me ever so early in the year ... there are smaller and bigger houses dotted about, which all seen to be cared for, improved ... although there are some that are fallen down, dilapitated.

      And this morning the sky is blue ... blue blue blue , pale, bright, deep, blue, with gentle clouds ... although they are more grey in the distance ... it's gonna be a scorcher of a day.
      It's just blissful really.
      Walking round the other side of the flat mountain over there yesterday, with the industrial area and boatyards, and the estuary, was dry, and barren, quite ugly ... and arriving at Santa Ana was just .. just lovely, it felt kind. The two ladies at the desk were polite, but the man was really kind, the one who spoke hesitant German ... that was really warm and pleasant, and all the people that worked there were just sweet; that really helped make it a restful thing.
      I'm going through cow land, it smells of cow,
      ... and it's vibrant and verdant in the hedgerows ... speedwell, wild garlic, speedwell, red dead nettle, buttercups, dandelion, mint, fennel, little-robin ... so, farmland, but soooo pretty, the birds singing as well

      ... it feels simple ... simple and comfortable.

      (*AND, I later added: red, white and pink clover, dog daisy, sorrel, plantain, daisy, vetch, knapweed, horsetail, catsear, spurge, rape, hedge bedstraw, lesser trefoil, rockrose, stinging nettle,
      spearwort, aquilegia, curly dock, white borage, and occasionally blue borage, lords' and ladies' slippers)
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    • Dia 27

      La Batea

      28 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach Studium von Rezessionen einiger Restaurants nehmen wir eine Offerte des ein wenig abseits liegenden Restaurants La Batea an, mit einem 20 Euro Menü inklusive Wein.

      Lässige Bedienung eines jungen Mannes, sein Spanisch wahr wahrscheinlich gut... 🤗

      Gute Vorspeisen, Hauptgericht Fisch des Tages (1/2 Dorade), statt Dessert Espresso gewählt. Aber was tatsächlich erstaunt, eine Flasche Wein inklusive, alles gut. Mein Misstrauen hinsichtlich touristischer Restaurants hat sich heute Abend nicht bestätigt.
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    • Dia 25

      Santillana del Mar

      26 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Santillana del Mar, eine mittelalterliche Kleinstadt im Norden von Kantabrien, unweit von Santander und liegt an der Nordroute des Jakobsweges.

      Der Name täuscht ein wenig, das interessante Örtchen liegt nicht am Meer, sondern ist davon einige Kilometer entfernt. 

      Ein erster Rundgang offenbarte, hier waren wir bereits vor einigen Jahren. Seinerzeit konnte man noch frei stehen.
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    • Dia 25

      Stellplatz Santillana del Mar

      26 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      "Ein sehr gepflegter, terrassierter Stellplatz direkt neben dem historischen Städtchen. Problemloser 24 Std. Zugang über einen gut strukturierten Automaten. Je eine sehr saubere Dusche (ebenfalls wie Strom buchbar über den Automaten). Toilette bringt man selber mit oder geht in einem der zahlreichen Restaurants lecker essen :-) Solche tollen Stellplätze wünscht man sich öfter! Quelle park4night

      Netter Platz, Stellplätze leider eng, aber Platz auf der Wiese. Der Automat im Eingangsbereich, immerhin war deutsch wählbar, will viel wissen, bishin zur Nummer des Personalausweises. Es werden sogar die Nummern der freien wählbaren Plätze angezeigt. Man kann Strom und Duschen buchen. Jetzt in der Nebensaison kostet der Platz 12 Euro. Ein Gesundheitszeugnis wurde nicht gefordert... 🤗

      Jetzt sitzen wir zunächst das etwas feuchte Wetter aus.

      Tag 2 Nieselregen, wir stehen ganz alleine in der Reihe. Haben wir was falsch gemacht? 😳
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    • Dia 28

      Stellplatz Comillas "Cogiendo Aire"

      29 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      "Wohnmobilstellplatz 800 Meter vom Eingang nach Comillas entfernt. 15 Gehminuten vom Strand und 20 vom Zentrum entfernt. Es wird immer noch verbessert, aber es ist jetzt möglich, dort zu übernachten, und es gibt Dienste zum Auffüllen von Grauwasser, Schwarzwasser und Trinkwasser. Ideal für einen Besuch in Comillas und seiner Umgebung." Quelle park4night

      Der 12 Euro Platz liegt direkt an der Straße und ist relativ neu, noch im Aufbau begriffen. Duschen, Toiletten und Ver- und Entsorgung funktionieren bereits. Sehr freundlicher Empfang, leider noch keine Waschmaschine, so die Entschuldigung. 😳

      Bis zum Zentrum von Comillas sind es rund 1,8 Kilometer.

      Unterwegs im feinen Supermarkt "lupa" selten so entspannt eingekauft.
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    • Dia 17


      4 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 17 The day of flowers.
      I have had a wonderfully happy day stopping at every new flower I spotted, taking a note and/or a photo, (and using Google lens when I didn't already know what it was). I learned a lot! Who can guess how many wild flowers I have spotted and identified in these two days? I hereby offer a prize for the best guess!

      The BEST OF ALL was the bee orchid. Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?! Finding it today took me back to around 1974 when on a church walk one Sunday afternoon, and I (by anecdote) nearly sat on a bee orchid on Swifts Hill, near Stroud (where I grew up). We have the photo to prove my find ( ... for some reason it makes me feel a bit Winnie the Pooh-ish, but I can't remember why).
      And then ... at the end of the day, where I took the extra long route to be close the coast at last again ... take a look at the video.
      I did dip in the little pool, all birthday suit and peppermint feeling
      Sooooo happy
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    • Dia 40

      Camping Playa Arenillas

      10 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Skønt vejr. 20-24 gr og næsten skyfri himmel. Vandet stadig så koldt at Søren ikke vil i = så er der stadig isterninger i. 🥶
      Vi har været et par timer på stranden og vandet trak sig længere og længere ud. Det gav mulighed for en lille gåtur langs klipperne.
      Klipperne er smukke skulpturer med ruer, muslinger og østers på, hvor vandet normalt går op til. Når vi sad på stranden, var der nok 2 meter op til højvande kanten.
      Der ligger en lille restaurant over stranden, hvor vi fik lidt øl og drinks og en snack.
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    • Dia 10

      Laredo to Guemes, Spain

      10 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Another crazy difficult day! We clocked another 30Km day! No blisters for Holly and I yet, we have a system that’s working for us and we are sticking with it. Toe socks with Darn Tough Merino socks on top. I know it sounds overkill, but it has worked for me for years and I’m so glad Hollys feet are happy with it too.
      Today was pretty cool. We all walked a few kilometers and then had to take quick 10 minute ferry across and start hiking again. We did have a pretty scary little stretch from one end of the beach where we hiked straight up, very technical, no room for slipping. At one point I was on all fours dropping my foot placement just perfectly in order to make the next step. I also thought having poles were not a good idea and quickly realized that I definitely needed them to plant to test the ground before stepping. Before we headed up a local said it was very dangerous and that the trail slips away sometimes, so to be very careful. He wasn’t over exaggerating!! What made it more difficult was a group of like 8 who were older, not hikers, painted toe nails in sandals trying to maneuver in front of us. No place to pass. They were on a little day trip we think. We had 30k to knock out and they mine as well been in walkers they were going so slow. One fell, saw a couple other dirty butts, so they did too, I assume, but they were taking forever and it was so hot. We were getting a little anxious and finally Nathalie (of course she did!) shouted, “Hey move over, we have a long ways to go today”. A man shouted back “They are elderly, be patient” and she replied, “I’m not patient, come on”. Then she started saying “beep beep beep coming through on the right”, God I love this girl!! She made her point, got through the masses, and then they got a clue and moved over for several others that needed through. It was tough!! Really tough. I’m not sure why they were on that hill. A lot of other pilgrims took the road route because of the danger of falling off or slipping and getting injured. We made our way down to this huge beach and we walked for about 3 or 4km on it before getting back on a trail. I’ve never spent much time on the beaches in Spain..and coming from a puritanical society in the USA, I was a little taken back by what I saw! We were strolling along in our sexy hiking cloths, dripping in sweat, while families with kids and dogs, and couples young and older were enjoying their Sunday afternoon. I always notice dogs first and then the people they are with. I was checking out this dog playing around and here comes an older couple strolling along and they were naked. His stuffs just swingin, hers too, and it’s so natural for them. All I could think of was at least put some sunscreen on? Wouldn’t want all those parts getting burned!! I noticed it the first day in San Sebastián too. Women topless sun bathing. Such confidence! Here I was hotter than heck and I thought about taking my shirt off, soaking it in the water and then putting it back on but didn’t want to flash anyone with my bra!! Seriously! We come from a very different place, indeed. However I could do without seeing anymore old dingers swinging around.
      After we got through that stretch we walked through town and found the yellow arrows again that would lead us to Guemes. A lot of road walking after that. We were getting rummy and a little giggley. We were walking down this street and this younger man was walking towards us. He had nothing on but shorts that were tucked into the built in underwear. And I said ‘Here comes another naked man”. We all started laughing so hard. He must’ve felt so small after passing us because we were all losing it.
      We finally made it to our destination, Holly and I got our own private room, a lady washed our clothes and delivered them to our rooms. I had a shower and then a nice relaxing bath. It was perfect for the muscles!! Then Holly and I went for a lovely dinner at the place attached to this Posada. Unbelievably wonderful. Best meal yet on the Camino.
      It’s 11:30 now & need to get some rest. ❤️
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Provincia de Cantabria, Provinz Cantabria, Cantabria, Província de Cantabria, Province de Cantabrie, カンタブリア

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