Puente Nuevo

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    • Day 8

      Afternoon in Ronda

      April 18 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      One of the real advantages of having a relatively short day into a very nice place is that the afternoon is just there waiting for you to explore. Since we were both in our hotel rooms by a little after one, we met for lunch at two.

      After lunch, we walked down to the Moorish baths, which my Wikiloc guide (Island Walker) tells us are repurposed Roman baths. They are well preserved and very atmospheric. From the bottom, where the baths are, we had to go back up to the top, over to the other side, and then down, to get to the newly opened path down to the bottom of the Puente Nuevo. This is a very safe and easy to navigate path, which they call the Desfiladero (gorge). There is another phase planned, so stay tuned.

      I went to the church of Santa Maria La Mayor, got a stamp in my credencial, and walked up onto the roof. Good views. Clare had already been up there, so she waited down below and had a beer. Time for bed for this Peregrina!
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    • Day 8


      April 23 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute verschlägt es uns in den Südwesten und zu den berühmten "Pueblos Blancos", den weißen Dörfern Andalusiens. Also zumindest zweien davon. Wir starten in Ronda, das erhaben auf ein Felsplateau gebaut ist und deren Altstadt von der "Neustadt" durch eine tiefe Schlucht getrennt wird ("El tajo").
      Darüber spannt sich die "Puente Nuevo" und bietet atemberaubende Weit- und Tiefblicke - und mal wieder ein überraschend grünes Umfeld mit traumhaften Blumenwiesen.
      Nachdem wir zum ersten Mal durch die Höhe des Dachzeltes Probleme bei der Parkplatz suche haben, parken wir ein Stück außerhalb und laufen in den Ort rein. Obwohl theoretisch ja absolute Nebensaison ist, ist auch hier wieder richtig viel los und wir sind heilfroh nicht in der Hauptsaison unterwegs zu sein. Wir schlendern also durch die Gassen, steigen zu einem Aussichtspunkt mit tollem Blick auf die Brücke ab und genießen leckere Pocadillos zum Mittagessen. Tilda ist mal wieder neidisch auf unser Essen und darf auch mal kosten (So langsam müssen wir uns daran gewöhnen, alles teilen zu müssen und auch die Mengen entsprechend anpassen. Bananen und Pflaumen verputzt Tilda alleine, beim Weißbrot muss man sie schon bremsen und selbst Porridge, Couscous und Co. ist mittlerweile Familienessen).
      Dann geht es über die Brücke in die Neustadt und zur Stierkampfarena "Plaza de Toros", der ältesten ihrer Art in ganz Spanien.
      Durch wunderschön angelegte Terrassengärten mit Blick auf die Schlucht und die Puente Nuevo steigen wir zu den arabischen Bädern ab, den am besten erhaltenen in ganz Spanien (immer diese Superlative...) und zurück zum Auto.
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    • Day 44

      "Weisses Dorf" Ronda

      November 10, 2023 in Spain

      Adeus Sevilla! Trotz sonntäglichem Fussballderby zwischen FC Sevilla und Betis Sevilla ziehen wir weiter ... nach Ronda, einem der weissen Dörfer Andalusiens. Die knapp zweistündige Fahrt ist landschaftlich sehr abwechslungsreich. Offenbar ist Ronda eine der ältesten Städte Spaniens ... und die Lage ist spektakulär: auf zwei gegenüberliegenden Felsplateaus gelegen, durch eine 120 m tiefe Schlucht getrennt und mit der eindrucksvollen Bogenbrücke Puente Nuevo aus dem 18. Jh. verbunden - eine spektakuläre Szenerie, welche die Touristen anzieht! Wir schlendern beeindruckt durch die Gassen der maurisch geprägten Altstadt.

      Am Nachmittag fahren wir Richtung Naturschutzgebiet El Torcal in der Provinz Malaga und übernachten oberhalb der Kleinstadt Antequera mit Sicht auf die Alcazaba, einer grossen maurischen Festung aus dem 11. Jh.
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    • Day 57

      Beneath Puente Nuevo, Ronda

      May 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After the bullring tour we were able to visit the first level under the New Bridge and see things from a different angle. Inside was a small display outlining the building g process undertaken in the building of the bridge.

      Once we had finished exploring Ronda (it isn’t that big a town), we decided it was time for lunch and we were all tapas-ed out. We wanted a proper meal. We stopped at La Giralda and I ordered grilled chicken and vegetables and Brad ordered pork. We had no idea it would arrive at our table on a grill still cooking. It was delicious with the meat so succulent and the vegetables so full of flavour. It was a unique and delicious last meal in Ronda. We have loved our time here and are glad we fit it into our schedule.
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    • Day 12


      May 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      La fel ca Setenil, Ronda a fost construita pe o stanca. Orasul este insa mult mai mare si mai frumos ca Setenil. Stam intr-un apartament imens, cu o vedere incredibila - spre un pod roman. Am vizitat si terenul unde se tineau si ( din pacate) cred ca inca se mai tin, coride.
      Am prina o cina grozava, la un asfintit de poveste.
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    • Day 13

      Ronda - Puente Nuevo

      May 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Insbesondere die "Puente Nuevo" (Neue Brücke) ist zu einem Erkennungsmerkmal geworden und machen einen Besuch auf jeden Fall lohnenswert. Sie spannt sich über eine imposante 120 Meter tiefe Schlucht "El Tajo" und verbindet die Altstadt mit dem neuen Viertel.Read more

    • Day 30

      Ronda Guitar Festival

      June 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We happened to be here for the first day of the 7th annual Ronda Guitar Festival We had three musicians playing classical guitar, one each from Denmark, Italy and Spain It was held st the Convento San Domingo across the road from our hotel and gave us a tick in the “cultural improvement “ box. I’m sure they all were technically great but the last guy was really amazing!Read more

    • Day 13


      June 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      In Ronda angenommen hat uns beinahe der Schlag getroffen, als wir am Parkplatz vor der Ort all die TUI etc Busse gesehen haben. Da unsere Unterkunft noch nicht bezugsfertig war, sind wir zunächst durch die Stadt gelaufen bis zur Brücke. Umgeben von all den Menschen aus den Bussen.😱 Haben dann beschlossen, dass wir erst einen Drink brauchen und etwas im Magen, damit wir das aushalten können. Sind dann auf einer herrlichen Terrasse gelandet mit tollem Service und vor allem super köstlichem Essen 😃. Danach sind wir dann in die Unterkunft, haben eingecheckt und sind um 16.30 wieder los. Ab dann war es schön und entspannt.Read more

    • Day 25


      September 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      I was doing a day trip to the town of Ronda today, I didn't know much about it, but it had been recommended by Erin. I figured it would be cool to see a more rural town in Spain as opposed to the bigger cities, so I obliged. It is a 2 hour bus trip from Malaga, and there wasn't much in terms of scenery on the drive - just endless ____. When I arrived, it was incredibly hot in the town, and I didn't have much of a plan. I was here for 6 hours total, and it's a pretty small place, so I figured I could just wander. That being said, I started walking and ended up on the other side of town, where there is literally nothing. So I had to backtrack and head along the main walkway with plenty of shops and restaurants. This was nice as I looked for some Christmas gifts and some lunch. I stopped for a fajita that was very good before continuing my journey site seeing. Although Ronda was cool, it was slightly disappointing just because there wasn't much to do. The old cathedral and palace were the next most notable things, and they didn't take particularly long to get through, although they were quite cool. However, the most notable of the things to do in Ronda was the bridge. It was quite cool and impressive to see, but I think my overall visit was somewhat impeded by my lack of background or understanding of the town of Ronda. Perhaps a tour would have made this more engaging. I am sure it is littered with history, but just walking around, you never really got a sense of it all. Nevertheless the architecture was quite cool and well preserved, and the views from utop the town were also very impressive but other than that I never really got an idea of why the town is there and why it is such a popular tourist destination - a part from the bridge. The canyon that splits the town and justifies the construction of the bridge is quite impressive and cool to be able to look through. There were multiple opportunities to view into it, and it only added to the surreal effect of it and emphasised the size and grandure of the valley. At the end of the day when it was cooler (although only barely), I planned to walk down to the bottom of the ___ on which the town is situated, to get a bottom-up view of the bridge. But for whatever reason, the regular path to get to the viewing platform was closed, and I would have to walk 30 minutes around to see the bridge from the bottom. Given that I would then have to walk 30mins back up steep hill and another 15mins to the bus stop, in which I would be getting pushed for time, I figured I didn't need to do it. I got a good enough look and didn't need to risk missing my bus, which was the last bus of the day. As such, I headed to the bus stop after some more wandering and began the journey home. Tomorrow, I will be travelling to Seville from Malaga, but I still have to see the Alcazar and the Gibralfaro Castle (Castillo de Gibralfaro) in the morning before my bus trip. I got an early night to ensure I had enough time to see these main attractions of Malaga.Read more

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