Puerta del Sol

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    • Päivä 14

      Sevilla - > Madrid

      16. heinäkuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Jetzt in Madrid im Retiro Park und genießen das Wetter (obwohl es in Portugal genauso schön war, nur etwas windiger) und ein wenig Ruhe, nachdem wir uns ziemlich aufgeregt haben, weil wir einfach VIERZIG Euro für die Reservierung der Sitzplätze von Sevilla nach Madrid und dann nochmal zwanzig für die von Madrid nach Barcelona hinblättern mussten....Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Walking in Madrid

      14. syyskuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      》Part of the surrounding wall of the historic San Gil Barracks which was discovered during the redevelopment of the Plaza de España in central Madrid. It was moved to the surface as part of the renovated Plaza in 2021.

      》Statue of Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz

      1651-1695 , a self-taught scholar and poet of the Baroque school, and Hieronymite nun of New Spain Statue was dedicated in 1981 by the people of Mexico to the people of Madrid

      》Church of Saint Theresa and Saint Joseph

      The Church of Santa Teresa and San José is an eclectic church built between 1916 and 1928. When the convents burned down in 1931, it suffered serious damage. Finally, at the end of the Civil War, the building had to be completely restored following the fire that destroyed a large part of the church during the conflict. Today, the convent and the church belong to the order of the Barefoot Carmelites.

      》Casa Gallardo (The House of Gallardo)

      Projected by Federico Arias Rey, it is one of the relatively few modernista buildings preserved in Madrid. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1997. It is located in calle de Ferraz 2, near the plaza de España.

      》Monumento Cervantes

      In the centre of the Plaza de España of Madrid we discover one of the most important monuments of Miguel de Cervantes of the City.  A monument full of symbolism that remind us to the most important writer of the Spanish and International Literature around the world.

      The most well known literary work of Cervantes is the one that can be found at the front part of the statue “The history of the valorous and wittie Knight-Errant Don-Quixote of the Mancha ” (1606-1616) or “Don Quixote”
      Therefore, at the front of the monument we find to The most well known knights in the Spanish History! Don Quixote of the Mancha and his most fellow squir! Sancho Panza!

      And in the same way the novel spread around the World, The atmosphere created by the monument spreads all along the square by the olive trees…They are not typicall trees from Madrid, but they are the typical trees of the Mancha, the territory where Don Quijote celebrated its always crazy battles as errant knight and so the trees that inspired Cervantes to write his novel.

      》Monumento a los Caídos en el Cuartel de la Montaña

      A monument that was unveiled in 1972 is the work of Joaquin Vaquero Turcios. The image created represents a fallen defender of the mountain barracks, attacked during the bitter and bloody Spanish Civil Wall ,in an area of outstandingly beautiful architecture and peaceful park area's it's hard to believe the horrors that unfolded here and this striking image is a reminder of this sad chapter in the rich history of not just this beautiful city but of this magnificent country.

      》Puerta del Sol (meaning The Sun's Gate in English)

      One of the most renowned central squares in Madrid. The plaza was built in different stages. During the fifteenth century, La Puerta del Sol was originally one of the gates of the city wall and three centuries later, mid-eighteenth century, the Casa de Correos was established, today the headquarters of the Presidencia de la Comunidad.

      Finally, between 1857 and 1862, the architects Lucio del Valle, Juan Rivera and José Morer gave it its definitive form. During the twentieth century, the fountain was placed in the centre of the square and part of it was pedestrianised.

      The statue of the Bourbon King Carlos III It was placed at the center of the square as a gesture of Madrid’s appreciation for the improvements he commissioned for the city.
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    • Päivä 33–37

      Madrid, Spain

      9. joulukuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      Madrid was crazy busy. They just had their Constitution Day and the 8th is Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so most Spaniards have the week off I think. And lots of them come to Madrid to check out the lights and the newly opened Christmas markets. That must be why the room here cost 2 1/2 times what we've been paying!

      We've been to Madrid before and just love it, but the crowds and the weather put a damper on things. We went to the Plaza Mayor and could barely walk through the crowds. It was not fun. Luckily, we were staying in the La Latina neighborhood, and there was nothing for tourists there, and that was fine by us. We sampled neighborhood tapas bars and restaurants and walked around soaking up the sights.

      We did go to the Royal Palace for the first time. It was quite impressive. Supposedly, it's the 3rd most beautiful royal palace in Europe, after Versailles in Paris and Schonbrunn in Vienna. The line took 1/2 hour to get in, which isn't bad considering we didn't buy advance tickets.

      We also went back to the Prado art museum. It's hard to pass up. I've been 4 times I think and it never ceases to impress me. It's comprised mostly of the art that the Spanish Royal families collected over the years and that's a lot: Velazquez, Goya, Titian, Rubens, El Greco, etc. But my favorite is probably is "El Bosco" or Hieronymous Bosch. There's a whole room with his stuff, including the famous "Garden of Earthly Delights."

      Then I caught a cold, which really put a damper on things. I was masking up on buses and trains, but tapas bars here are crowded this time of year, and who could pass those up? I spent the last day and a half hanging out in the hotel room waiting for the flight home.

      It was another great trip. We loved seeing the different parts of the Iberian Peninsula. It's not like we planned to follow the coast, but it seemed like a logical thing to do. My favorite part of this trip was seeing the Northern Spain regions of Galicia, Asturias, and the Pais Basco. Their unique cultures and cuisines are fascinating. But, like always, it's good to be home.

      More photos and videos are here.
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    • Päivä 10


      6. lokakuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      - Prado museum (free evening entry)
      - Sofia Reina museum (free evening entry)
      - The palace (you guessed it... Free evening entry)
      - Walking tour
      - Real Madrid Champions League match
      - Row boat on the lake at Retiro Park
      - Toledo for the afternoon
      - Manchego cheese and local wine tasting

      Food and drinks:
      - World's tallest lemon meringue pie at Los Porfiados
      - Churros and Porras (like fat churros!) with hot chocolate at San Gines (multiple trips, too good!)
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    • Päivä 14

      Komplett satt in Madrid für 3,25€

      16. heinäkuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ratet wer in einen Supermarkt gegangen ist, um sich Chips zu kaufen und mit 27 Pâtisserie Teilchen für 3,25€ wieder rauskam, die dann im Dschungel von Bahnhof verspeist wurden (nein, nicht alle 27 und 20 davon waren auch eher klein....).Lue lisää

    • Päivä 1

      Madrid, Espagne

      5. joulukuuta 2018, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Petite escale avant le grand départ en Amérique du Sud 🌍🎉
      À nous le Pérou, le Chili, l'Argentine et l'Uruguay !!!
      On attend ça depuis presque 1 an, on y est enfin, y a plus qu'à kiffer ❤️

    • Päivä 1

      Madrid, Spanien

      21. marraskuuta 2017, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Zwischenstopp in Madrid perfekt ausgenutzt! Auf dem Weg nach La Paz galt, den einen 8h Zwischenstopp in Madrid zu überbrücken. Um die  Zeit typisch deutsch (effizient und humorlos) zu nutzen und noch einen kleinen Happen zu schnappen habe ich mich entschieden, nochmal die Tram in die Innenstadt zu nehmen. Bei dem Rundgang durch die Stadt durfte auch ein letzter Snack auf europäischem Boden in einem der zahlreichen 'Museen de Jamon' nicht fehlen.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 14

      Madrid private walking tour

      8. huhtikuuta 2017, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      After enjoying a free walking tour on the first day in Madrid I decided to book another one of the literary area of Madrid with the same company. The guide Tatiana was great and very friendly and the tour was only 10€. I turned out to be her only client so I had a two hour private tour while we chatted and she told me the history of the area.

      I learned about the life of Miguel de Cervantes a 15th Century Spanish novelist most famous for writing Don Quixote, it was the first modern European novel and is still top three on the most sold novels of all time. We also looked at prose written on pavements and statues of other authors and playwrights. We visited the private little garden behind the house rhat Crevantes used to live in. She pointed out many old shops and also recommended the fabulous Flamenco show I went to. A great way to spend a couple of hours.
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    • Päivä 2

      Cultural Madrid

      1. lokakuuta 2017, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Madrid turned out to be a lot more artistic and fun place than I had expected. A lot of cultural shows and street dancing. Some very cool graffiti.. Its a happening place with a lot of pubs and bars with a pulsating night life. And its hot here.. Believe me after the 12C in Stockholm, the 25C feels like an ovenLue lisää

    • Päivä 1

      Madrid, España

      1. elokuuta 2016, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Pokemon White en el emulador gasta demasiada batería. Chinese skills, tambien. Mi viaje no tiene más inconvenientes que esos, y el momento de aterrizaje con turbulencias en Madrid que pone en duda mi valentía. Veo el mediterráneo desde la ventana, menos mal, confieso a regañadientes que se me estaban congelando las bolas en el atlántico. Mañana me llega, en principio, el billete a Saigón. La vida pasa and shit starts to get real.Lue lisää

    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Puerta del Sol, Pordo de la Suno, פוארטה דל סול, プエルタ・デル・ソル, 푸에르타 델 솔, Porta Solis, Porta do Sol, Пуэрта-дель-Соль, 太阳门


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