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    • Päivä 36

      Weiter nach Sobrado dos Monxes!

      5. lokakuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ein wunderschöner Weg führte über 700hn nach Sobrado. Entlang an Weiden, mit tollen Ausblicken. Ich bin nur ganz wenigen Pilgern begegnet. Die Luft war schön frisch und ich musste mich warm anziehen. Es ist die Ruhe vor dem Sturm, die Ruhe vor Santiago!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 36

      Mein bescheidenes Domizil

      5. lokakuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Das Kloster was der Wahnsinn. Wunderschön. Und wir durften darin schlafen. Toll.

      Der Name: Iglesia de la Asunción im galicischen Barock gehalten.

      Die Katze hat über 8kg gewogen! 😁😁😁 Fast so schwer wie mein Rucksack. Die wird früh aber dafür sehr glücklich in diesem Kloster sterben! 😄Lue lisää

    • Päivä 18

      Second day on the Camiño Verde

      23. syyskuuta 2021, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wow the second day bore no resemblance as our transition from the Primitivo was completed in Sobrado dos Monxes.

      Yesterday in Friol I met a nice Dutch woman who had walked the obviously much better Verde route from Lugo to Friol. We had dinner together and I was fascinated to learn all about her job as a card dealer in a big casino. You just can’t stop meeting interesting people on the Camino!

      We started out together this morning, and the walk went from one lovely green tunnel to a lovely pine forest back to another green tunnel and then through some Meadows. It was just gorgeous. We arrived at Sobrado dos Monxes, which has an Albergue in a very old monastery. I wanted to continue on a few more kilometers and wound up in heaven. The Abeira da Loba was built on the ruins of the house of the owners’ grandparents. Super modern, super echo, just absolutely a wonderful place. There’s a very nice albergue upstairs but I’m in one of the oh so comfy private rooms.

      I am going to go out and lie in a hammock, but not until I finish the weirdest post-walking task I have ever undertaken. I am sitting on about five ice cubes. For the last few days I’ve had a bad pain in some muscle that must be in the middle of my butt, but runs down through my leg. And when I stumble on or kick a stone (not infrequently,unfortunately) the pain shoots up. Yesterday with some ice and anti-inflammatory cream, things got much better. So I’m hoping for some equal improvement today.

      Wonderful day of 32 kms and about 400 m elevation. My sweet spot is a few kms and a few hundred meters lower than last camino, but I’m still chugging along!
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    • Päivä 42

      A night in an ancient monastery

      27. kesäkuuta 2017, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      So today I am not feeling frightened or nervous, just kind of flat. Five us walked together (4 single women and one guy) into Sobrado dos Monxes, a town with a Cistercian monastery with 13th century origins. What's now standing is mostly from the 16th century onwards, and there is a much improved albergue. When Dana and I slept here 10 years ago, it was a hygienic disaster. Now there are decent and clean beds, clean hot showers, but tons more people than when we were here. This is good preparation for what we will find tomorrow when we get to Arzua and the Camino Frances.

      After a very nice lunch with ten other amigos, the topic turned to tomorrow's lodging. Turns out three of them had had a hard time finding a place, and the rest of us hadn't even started looking. Half an hour and many phone calls later, the rest of us finally found something. Same thing for the next day. I did have a reservation in Santiago but I had to cancel because I am a day behind. So things are unclear but I do have a bed for the next two nights!
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    • Päivä 23

      Tag 18 wir haben Zeit

      4. kesäkuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      In der kleinen Herberge werden wir herrlich bekocht und schlüpfen früh in den neuen Schalfsack. Am morgen sitzen wir alle am Frühstückstisch, es gibt Eier, Kaffee und Brot. Ready for another 15 km. Auf geht's. Kai läuft mit uns und der Weg ist kurzweilig, nur kurz verlaufen wir uns und dank einer aufmerksamen Bäuerin, sind wir bald wieder auf dem richtigen Weg. Um 14 Uhr sind wir schon am Ziel. Kai zieht weiter. Buen camino chico.Lue lisää

    • Three days to go!

      6. heinäkuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We just finished walking 20 miles!! That leaves us just about 60 kilometers — 37 miles — to go to Santiago. We’ll arrive in three more days, on Tuesday, and the weather looks great — very different from our arrival last year, when it was pouring rain and we lost our way in the last 1-1/2 miles through the city.

      We left the mountains early in the week, misty, drizzly days of walking through forests of eucalyptus, pine and fern. That’s Galicia! But wonderful walking weather in the 60’s. On Thursday we finally saw the sun again, a welcome sight!

      The countryside is rolling green hills with small farms of corn, vegetables and oats. The homes are of stone, stucco or brick, often clustered together in small hamlets. This is dairy and beef country; Galicia accounts for 40% of Spain’s total dairy production.

      Now we see crosses to mark the way of St. James, many of them quite old, with Mary on one side and Jesus on the cross on the other. And mysterious, mossy stone walls lining the paths, walls that would be right at home in Ireland. The local style is to group thin flat stones vertically instead of horizontally, cut so that they reinforce each other.

      We’ve also crossed bridges built hundreds of years ago. It’s a gentle, green countryside of soft paths and not a few pilgrims — more than we expected to see.

      Almost forgot — we also finally saw two storks’ nests!

      Here are pictures from the last few days.
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    • Päivä 27

      Tag 27: Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenschein

      5. toukokuuta 2018, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Strecke: 32km; HM: 750m; von Santa Leocadia nach Sobrado dos Monxes

      Füße lassen nach, aber es geht uns soweit gut. Laufen einfach langsamer und genießen das Wetter. Weil es heute schon so spät ist, schreibe ich auch nicht mehr viel. Wollen die Füße hochlegen. Morgen kommen wir dann auf den Hautpweg. Mal sehen was uns da so erwartet. Ein Belgier hat gemeint, da sieht man auch mal Leute in High Heels auf den letzten Kilometern und ein anderer Deutscher der gerade noch mit dem Fahrrad aus Santiago kam, meinte da ist schon massig was los. Wir werden sehen.Lue lisää

    • Paradores

      6. heinäkuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Beginning in the 1920s, the Spanish government began buying up historic structures such as military monasteries and palaces and converted them to hotels in order to preserve them and to build up the tourist industry. There are now more than 90 Parador hotels scattered across Spain, offering high quality lodging and cuisine.

      I spent one night in the Parador San Marcos in Leon three years ago, to treat myself after 9 days of walking on my first Camino. The only one we came across this year was in Vilalba, so we treated ourselves on Thursday night. While many Paradors include important historic structures, this one had only one medieval tower, with a very nice hotel adjacent. Funny thing was, we saw at least 5 other pilgrims who were staying at the hotel. So much for the suffering of poor pilgrims!
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    • Päivä 35

      Tag 35: Baamonde - Sobrado 35km

      20. elokuuta 2018, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Um einen Tag einzusparen, für Porto, bin ich die 35km nach Sobrado nicht gelaufen. Bin mit dem Zug nach Teixiero gefahren und von dort 15km nach Sobrado gelaufen.
      Das Kloster, mit Kirche, in Sobrado ist wirklich sehenswert. Alt, teilweise überwuchert sieht es an manchen Stellen aus wie Ruinen in Tomb Raider.
      In der Kirche traf ich Diana aus Münster.
      In Sobrado traf ich auch Sandra, die Schweitzerin und Corinna aus Hessen wieder. Zusammen mit Anthony aus London und Jörg aus dem Rheinland saßen wir bis Mitternacht in der Taverne bei Vino Tinto.
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    • Päivä 26

      Camino Del Norte - Day 25

      4. heinäkuuta 2017, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Camino Del Norte - Day 25

      Baamonde to A Roxica
      Distance 25km (6 hours)
      Ascent 150m

      Baamonde was a very small village that depends heavily on the Camino. The Albergue was modern and spacious as it is on the 100km mark to Santiago. This is the minimum distance, a pilgrim must walk to receive a compostela.
      Thankfully, the nearby restaurant served early dinner so I was in bed before 8.30pm.
      I set off alone this morning at 5.45am. Claudia was already ahead of me by 30 mins. It was still very dark but cool. It was easy to follow the Camino markers. After walking on the road for 45 mins, I found myself in very dark woods. I feel really strong and my feet are in good condition.
      After 14km, I caught up with Claudia and we stopped for breakfast. I had bought bread, cheese and a tomato the night before. Breakfast was quickly devoured and we were on our way. As we set off, I realised that I had dropped my guide book somewhere on the Camino this morning.
      Claudia and I stopped a short time for coffee in Miraz. We were joined by our French peregrinos who FOUND my guidebook. There was much celebrations.
      The scenery was stunning and the walking was a pleasure. We were joined by a Russian pilgrim and chatted as we walked along. The heat slowly built up to 30C.
      By noon, we arrived at our tiny Albergue in A Roxica. It is a small farmstead with a population of three. Thankfully, I rang ahead and booked us beds for the night as it was full. The Albergue is fantastic, very modern and perfectly suited to pilgrims.
      Admin done, it is a case of staying out of the fierce heat, avoiding the flies and relaxing before a communal dinner.

      Tomorrow is another easy 25km. I have booked a hotel in Santiago for three days with a private bathroom......bliss 😎

      I have included some pictures of the Baamonde Albergue, wildlife encountered and general pictures on the Camino....enjoy.
      Thank you all again for amazing support and donations to B.I.R.D
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    Sobrado, Sobrado dos Monxes


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