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    • Dzień 6

      Book of Morman (Español Edition)

      23 lipca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 33 °C

      I love musical theatre so when I saw that Book of Mormon was playing at a theatre a few blocks from my hotel on a walk yesterday, I immediately booked. It was only €49 including a drink. Sure it was in Spanish and I don’t speak a word of Spanish but hey, why not?

      I was in the first row of seats and had an amazing view. Having seen it in English before I knew generally what was happening but obviously didn’t get the jokes as they were very language oriented. It did give me more time to focus on the body language of the cast and listen to how that also added to the story telling without the distraction of understanding the words. It’d be different if you didn’t already know the story, but given this wasn’t an issue for me this was such fun!

      Would highly recommend seeing something in another language as it was a really fun night out. I also wish theatre prices were this cheap in Australia! Had a lovely night doing something that seemed weird but right.
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    • Dzień 3

      Day 2 Madrid

      26 sierpnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We found a lovely cafe for breakfast then walked to Madrid Atocha, the main railway with the intention of going to Toledo.

      By the time we got there and looked at ticketing, it was probably not worth it, so we bought our tickets for Barcelona and headed to Museo Nacional del Prado.

      Del Prado was amazing and a lot to take in. Hugh canvases with dramatic scenes and room after room of incredible art, including statues, sculptures, and the Dauphines collection. Heavy on religion and mythology and honouring famous pre 20th century Spanish artists including Francisco Goya.

      Lovely tapas nearby under umbrellas on the lane was perfect for lunch. We headed back to the apartment to try to locate our bags but no luck so we started the Rick Steve's Madrid city walking tour. It was free and excellent. We started at Puerta del Sol, the main square of Madrid, where people come for New Years Eve. The next main stop was Plaza del Mayor, which was a place of parades, games, bull fights, and inquisition events. We visited Mercardo de San Miguel, which is a constantly rejuvenated market with amazing food and beverage selections. We stopped by the church and convent of Corpis Christi, where the sisters are known for making and selling cookies. The next stop was city hall, and we walked past the oldest door (Muslim) in Madrid, and then we walked to the huge Grey Cathedral, which is opposite the opulent Royal Palace. We then walked through the park with lots of sculptures to the Royal Theatre and up the Callel del Arenal back to Puerta Del Sol.

      We had to do some more emergency shopping as the bags had not arrived and after a brilliant day but with tired feet enjoyed some Sangria and Mohito in Plaza del Angel.
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    • Dzień 1

      Day 1 Getting there

      24 sierpnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Oue flight went through LAX, but we had not realised you couldn't transit and had to go through customs. So, we had to frantically apply for ESTAs. they came through quickly but was too late for our flight. The upside was we got 5 hours at AKL Airport rather than LAX, phew.

      We made the next flight but our bags didn't, strange as there was lots of time. 3.5 hours at Madrid airport waiting for bags and then in the very long slow queue for baggage claim.

      Finally we ubered to the Hotel Blue Cruz apatments which were brilliantly located. We did some emergency shopping and had dinner down a local avenue. Eating on the footpath under umbrellas, the Spain way.

      Very warm, picturesque, and every street looks straight out of medieval postcard.
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    • Dzień 27


      24 listopada 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Madrid ist viel entspannter als ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Abends wird es recht geschäftig, aber untertags sind alle sehr gemütlich unterwegs. Okay, Auto will ich hier nicht fahren, aber zu Fuß geht es recht gut.

      Habe mich schon durch etliche Tapas durchgekommen. Selbst die winzigsten Tapas Bars haben extrem gute Tapas zu guten Preisen. Muss aber ehrlich sagen, für allein Reisende ist das mit den Tapas schwierig. Die Portionen sind im Gegensatz zu denen in Tapas Bars in Wien eher groß und ich bin meist mit zwei Tellerchen satt.

      Man bekommt überall guten bis sehr guten Kaffee (die dritte Welle ist hier schon lang angekommen wie es scheint).

      Bar Empfehlung für Madrid:

      La Osita | Craft Beer | Oso Brew Co
      C. de la Cava Baja, 10, 28005 Madrid

      eine Craft Beer Bar im der ich die zwei Abende die ich in Madrid hatte verbracht habe, da die Leute dort - sowohl vor als auch hinter der Bar - so extrem sympathisch waren und das Bier hervorragend.

      ###### english ######

      Madrid is much more relaxed than I imagined. In the evening it gets quite busy, but during the day everyone is very relaxed. Okay, I don't want to drive a car here, but it's quite easy to walk.

      I've gotten through quite a few tapas. Even the tiniest tapas bars have extremely good tapas at great prices. But honestly I have to say that tapas are difficult for people traveling alone. In contrast to those in tapas bars in Vienna, the portions are rather large and I'm usually full with two small plates.

      You can get good to very good coffee everywhere (the third wave has arrived here a long time ago, it seems).

      Bar recommendation for Madrid:

      La Osita | Craft Beer | Oso Brew Co
      C. de la Cava Baja, 10, 28005 Madrid

      a craft beer bar where I spent the two evenings I had in Madrid because the people there - both in front of and behind the bar - were so extremely friendly and the beer was excellent.
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    • Dzień 6

      Madrid ❤️

      1 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Madrid..... die unglaublich schöne Hauptstadt Spaniens ❤️

      Ausnahmsweise haben wir einen Campingplatz vorgebucht, was sich als wichtig erwiesen hat ! Das Wochenende über den 1. Mai haben gefühlt alle Spanier genutzt 🤗
      Der Campingplatz auf dem mein Schatz die nächsten drei Tage ohne mich ausharren muss, ist ausgebucht !

      Meine Kinder haben mir zu meinem "Runden" Geburtstag ein Mama-Tochter-Sohn- Wochenende geschenkt ❤️
      Sie kommen pünktlich aus Barcelona am Hauptbahnhof Atocha an.... übrigens sehr sehenswert !

      Drei wunderschöne Tage mit meinen wunderbaren Kindern in einer wunderschönen beindruckenden Stadt, die man einfach gesehen haben muss !

      Eine wunderschöne Altstadt mit kleinen gemütlichen Kneipen..... Flamencobars in die man einfach "reinstolpert" 💃 😊
      Wir hatten abends echt heiße Füsse, aber mit einem....oder zwei gemütlichen Aperölchen ,war der Brand schnell wieder gelöscht 😜

      Und das Überraschungshighlight..... Das Musical "Rock me" Freddy Mercury..... UNGLAUBLICH....ich hatte echt Pipi in den Augen ❤️
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    • Dzień 25

      Group Orientation Walk - Madrid

      8 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      This morning after breakfast we headed out to walk around Madrid with the tour group. First, we headed down towards the Cathedral and Royal Palace, passing La Latina and the Madrid Opera building. We also caught the tail end of a fun run with the final two runners shuffling past. We walked through a relatively new Urban Park (created during COVID to replace a road) where we had fabulous views back towards the Royal Palace and the surrounds. We passed an Egyptian temple that was brought over from Egypt and reconstructed brick by brick. It is called Temple of Debod, it usually has water running but it is currently turned off.

      We then walked to Plaza de España where we saw the monument to Cervantes, Spanish’s most revered writer, best known for his work, Don Quixote. We then walked through Plaza Mayor which was full of people. As we walked through Madrid we came across a bagpipe band from Galicia (Northern Spain) marching up one street. We then made our way to the very crowded Mercado de Sam Miguel, where we had a few tapas (all very delicious) and a glass of wine.

      Next we headed across to Puerto del Sol and down Calle de Alcala to near Paseo del Prado where the group went in several directions. Ian and I headed back across Madrid with Gabriele to find the Sunday markets, reputably one of the largest in Madrid. Most of the stalls we saw were selling clothes and accessories so Ian and I decided to go in search of a quiet spot for lunch.

      We found a lovely restaurant, Citynizer, full of locals. We had some tapas to share and drank a few wines, before heading back to our hotel.

      In the evening we had another group dinner, this time at a restaurant in the Latina area in which our hotel is located. Tomorrow we head out of Madrid and do a big walk.
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    • Dzień 51

      Madrid Centre

      21 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Madrid ist eine wahnsinns Stadt, da fehlen uns die Worte. Wir sind total geflasht, soviele Eindrücke und alles bunt gemischt, von Chic über Schnipes , eine Vielzahl von Gassen mit Geschäften und Gastronomie, die Menschen bunt gemischt und in Scharen unterwegs. Es kommt natürlich dazu, es ist Samstag. Totales Leben 💃🕺🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭👬👫 Diese Stadt berührt uns emotional 💞 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 32–36

      Madrid 🫶 (parte uno)

      1 stycznia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Am Neujahrstag fuhren wir mit dem Schnellzug in die Landeshauptstadt - Madrid 🫶

      Madrid war bis jetzt die sauberste Stadt die wir auf unserer Reise gesehen haben. Aber nicht nur das - Madrid beeindruckt mit den wunderschönen kulturellen Gebäuden, wie dem Palacio Real Madrid, Plaza de España, Plaza Mayor, Banco de España, Palacio de Cibeles, Metropolis, Puerta de Alcalá, und und und. Die Liste würde ewig lange so weiter gehen, den wir sind eigentlich nur an schönen Gebäuden vorbei spaziert. 😍☺️

      Teil 2 folgt 🔜
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    • Dzień 30


      3 sierpnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Gisterennamiddag onze vlucht genomen naar Madrid. Vandaag aangekomen in de luchthaven van Madrid. De eerste vlucht had 45min vertraging en hebben we nog meer dan een uur op onze bagage moeten wachten. Hierdoor hebben we onze aansluiting naar Schiphol gemist. We hebben geprobeerd een vlucht voor deze namiddag te boeken maar dat gaat niet meer online. Dan zijn we uiteindelijk bij een kantoor geraakt die ons een ticket kon geven voor morgenvroeg om 04u40 dus dat hebben we gekocht. Toen we de ticketten bekeken, zagen we echter dat het voor 16u40 is en dus niet 04u40! We hebben dan maar een hotelletje geboekt in het centrum van Madrid. Daar hebben we nog wat geshopt en heerlijk en gezellig gegeten. Bovendien is het ook het beste hotelletje dat we in een maand hebben gehad dus eigenlijk is het een hele 'leuke' tegenvaller 😉 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 46


      14 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      First day exploring Madrid today!

      📍Walked to Puerta del Sol - classic touristy area of Madrid. We kept walking through the city and enjoyed looking at all the cool architecture

      📍 Walked to the Flea Market. It was really cool but packed! There were actually some really nice stalls here selling linen, jewellery and prints.

      📍 Headed to Cava Baja which is an iconic street known for its tapas and bars. Stopped in at Taberna La Taba and then to another called Taberna La Cava, ordered a couple of small plates at each one! We had croquettes, grilled green peppers, calamari and anchovy toast.

      📍 Another vino at a cool little bar called Taberna El Schotis 🍷 We really liked this place it had a fun vibe! The bartender was really nice and got talking to us for a while - she explained the reason it’s so busy is because it’s San Isidro holiday who is the Patron Saint of Madrid, so everyone is out and about!

      📍 Walked to Plaza Mayor - they had a band playing and loads of people here. Such a pretty piazza!

      📍 Treated ourselves to churros for dessert @ the famous San Ginés, which was tucked behind a little alleyway near Plaza Mayor. They were yum!

      The rest of the afternoon consisted of us sorting out Jacques phone at Apple. We had the nicest guy helping us and were lucky enough that they randomly had one iPhone 12 in stock. We ended up being able to exchange Jacques phone for a brand new one of the same model and they gave us a report for the insurance company. Win win!

      📍 Dinner @ Entre Santos. This place was incredible, the food blew us away! It’s a funky cocktail bar with a modern take on Spanish tapas. It was actually my favourite food we’ve had the whole trip. We started by ordering a couple of things, then kept ordering because it was that good! We want to come back tomorrow 🤣
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