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    • Day 35

      Tag 35 Laguna de Casilla n Triacastilla

      June 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute ging es erst Bergauf bis auf 1300 Meter und dann wieder runter auf 600 Meter.
      Das Wetter war heute sehr neblig und windig.
      Die Sonne kam natürlich erst auf dem letzten Kilometer raus.
      Aber es war trotz allem ein Wunderschöner Tag zum Pilgern.
      Der Weg ging heute durch viele kleinere Dörfer mit jeder Menge Kühen.
      Was man dem Weg und meinen Schuhen dann auch angesehen hat 🤣🤣.
      Mittlerweile machen das Wetter und die Wege mir nichts mehr aus.
      Ich kann es sowieso nicht ändern und Laufen muss ich auch also egal 😉😉.
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    • Day 34

      Von la Laguna nach triacastella

      June 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hola und frohe Pfingsten. Von la laguna ging es erstmal bergauf nach o cebreiro, wo eine Grenzmarkierung steht, welche signalisiert, dass man die Grenze von Kastilien/Leon nach Galizien überschreitet. Leider war die Sicht auf fast 1300hm max. 50m. An manchen Stellen hatte man so eine Märchenwald Athmosphäre, dass es fast unheimlich wirkte. Meist begegnet man Menschen auf dem camino gleich mehrmals, vor allem so scheint es, wenn die Chemie passt. Da treffe ich zum x tem Mal Moyla und Bill aus california und wir unterhalten uns über das erlebte, machen ein Foto von uns dreien und pilgern weiter, thats camino, see you. Vor ein paar Tagen traf ich Kenneth aus Oregon mit deutschen Vorfahren. Er hat mir eine wunderschöne Widmung mitgegeben, der Inhalt ist Top secret, thats camino. So wieder zurück zur heutigen Etappe. Nach 25km, vielen kleinen pueblos und muy bien cafe con leche y bocadillos endlich Ankuft in triacastella. Erkenntnis des Tages: man sieht sich meist 2x oder 3x oder???? Buen camino.Read more

    • Day 6

      That’s a lot of rain! 🌧️

      May 18 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 45 °F

      Today it rained ALL 11.5 miles. 🙃

      My face: “This is the greatest day ever”

      Brett’s face: I hate every minute of this”

      Clearly we have very different perspectives on the day 😜😂

      But regardless we made it. 💪🏽

      Some sweet moments:

      👉🏽The neighbors put out a free spread to all pilgrims, it was a community breakfast, totally free for anyone who needed a bite in their courtyard. It was awesome. I thought this is how we should live everyday.

      👉🏽Going uphill in the rain, in the cold 🥶, in the mud , can test anyone’s faith! I think we passed, barely.

      👉🏽 Brett looks cute in a poncho. She doesn’t think so but I do.

      👉🏽 As we walked we prayed for our friends in our lives, their families and marriages. This was a sacred moment.


      Route Summary:

      Triacastela to Sarria
      Triacastela, Galicia
      11.5 mi, 1129 ft elevation gain

      Route Summary
      The route through San Xil and Pintin to Sarria is a journey through the essence of the Galician landscape. This section of the Camino de Santiago is characterised by its natural and peaceful setting, where the routes weave through lush forests and welcoming villages, reflecting rural life at its best.

      The stage from Triacastela to Montán is a beautiful introduction to the diversity of the Galician landscape, with paths winding through forests and meadows. The small village of Montán, known for its church dedicated to Santa María, offers a haven of peace and spirituality, allowing pilgrims a moment of reflection in the midst of nature.

      Sarria is strategically placed just over the 100Km mark away from Santiago which is the minimum distance to be covered in your pilgrimage for you to be eligible to receive the completion certificate (la Compostela) once you reach Santiago. For this reason, it is the ideal starting place for new Camino walkers.
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    • Day 31–32

      Day 28 to Triacastela

      June 5 in Spain

      Spectacular day... climbing ridiculous heights... with a special little bitch of a little climb... the raddler (lemon beer) at the top was exquisite!

      Had a good bit of running today!! I miss running- runner before walker... beautiful little abode in Triacastela with dogs and super friendly Xavier (who's doing our washing... at a few euros!)

      Supper with The clan from.SA & John, Bruce, Jo (female) from Aus and Markus from Germany - Achen!!!
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    • Day 206

      Camino Frances 14

      August 21, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Von Villafranca habe ich mich gestern auf den 30 km lange Weg nach O Cebreiro gemacht. Die Etappe war doch ziemlich anstrengend, denn in der ersten Hälfte läuft man fast nur auf Asphalt und bei der zweiten Hälfte geht es ordentlich bergauf. 🥵
      Aber es hat sich gelohnt, denn ich bin gestern im ersten galicischen Ort angekommen und der Ausblick von O Cebreiro aus war fantastisch.
      Nachdem es gestern den Berg hoch ging, führte der Weg heute wieder über lange Strecken bergab. (Was genauso anstrengend ist)
      Von O Cebreiro bin ich über Linares, Fonfria und Filloval bis in das kleine Dorf A Balsa gelaufen.
      Diese vielen (klitze-) kleinen Dörfer hier sind richtig schön.
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    • Day 31


      June 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Butternut squash soup
      Medley over veggies with hummus rice cake something looks like baba ganoosh... and maybe something else
      Chocolate cake

      And we also discovered that Chico's name actually Bobo
      When his dad said Chico he meant he was a male dog, so clear misunderstanding
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    • Day 26


      July 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      We reached Galicia today, and arrived in Triacastela, after 26k, at about 12:30. We started our trek at 5:30am, walking straight uphill, for the first 5k, our headlamps lighting our path. Walking in the dark is magical. The stars seem so close, as the full moon that guided our walk two weeks ago, has now decreased to a sliver. The tiny droplets that appeared in the beam of my headlamp, turned into a fog bank, and hid the view below the mountains when we reached the top. Walking in the dark is silent, allowing for things to emerge and transform. It also presents surprises, like the dog who was not sure that he liked me walking by his barn in the dark. After lots of barking, and a momentary standoff, he allowed us to continue on our way. As the sunlight emerged over the mountain range, we shared a cup of coffee and made a toast to the new day, and our last Tuesday, walking the Camino.
      Triacastela , our destination, is a small farming community, with gardens and cattle. The photos show some of the sites, including the cows who don't follow street signs, and the bathroom sign that gives explicit instructions, in case you need them.😂 Love to you all!
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    • Day 28

      Towards Triacastela

      August 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      More beautiful views while still high, before descending to Triacastela.
      The descent was long but not too steep. The day was warmer than yesterday.
      I walked at my own slow pace, at times coinciding with Jan and Klaus or Theresa and Nelly.Read more

    • Day 28

      Decision point

      August 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Leaving Triacastela there was another choice of route, but my mind was already made up.
      The other day at Pieros, Jerry, an older Irish man who has done the Camino a few times, spoke very highly of the monastery at Samos, and made me want to see it. The route is 7k longer but I have the time, so it was an easy choice.
      Nelly took the other option and later said she regretted it because it was hard (a lot of up and down) and ended up being longer for the day, as she went all the way to Sarria.
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    • Las Herrerías to Triacastela

      September 28, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Big climb today and the sharp drop after O Cebreiro. Walked almost the whole day in mist and rain. I’m sure we missed out on some fantastic views. Rain forecasted for tomorrow. Worried about the hurricane in Florida.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Tríacastela, Triacastela, 27639

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