Villafranca Montes de Oca

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    • Dia 21

      Villafranca Montes de Oca

      5 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      What a time we have had. We got to sleep in an extra hour today just a short walk of 9.25 miles. For us g to he heat is an issue but the wind kept it cooler. We are at a nice hotel but we either drink to get rehydrated or sleep so we don’t get to enjoy the whole thing. It is very rare that we stay up past 8:30 and sometimes we are in bed at 7:30 Buen CaminoLeia mais

    • Dia 14

      Day 15. Villafranca a Montes de Oca

      13 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I woke up this morning hoping to be halfway to Burgos - 48 kms away- by now, but I reached today’s hotel 12 kms into my walk, by 9:30 am, so I have a 36 km walk ahead of me tomorrow. I’m in a beautiful village of 60 people, staying in a hotel that’s a converted old hospital built for pilgrims in 1377. Much of the original design has been retained with classic furniture and elegant rooms. There’s also an auberge connected to the same building as the hotel. I’ve included some photos.
      I’d like to be walking by 6:30 every morning, but my starting time often hinges on when breakfast starts. Skipping breakfast has not been a good idea. At this place, breakfast starts at 7:00 , so tomorrow I’ll likely eat when it opens, then start walking after that. On my walk, I usually have fruit with me and some protein or nut bars. I, usually, reach my hotel no later than mid-afternoon, then chat with and eat with fellow pilgrims during evenings.
      The weather has been cool and cloudy, although there were a few sunny breaks today. It was 5 degrees when I started this morning and it didn’t get higher than 12 degrees. Rain is projected in the forecast for the next two days.
      On today’s walk , I did spend some time with Doug from California who has done 4 Caminos and he has his 19 year-old son with him on this one. His son wasn’t around when we were chatting. When I asked him what draws him back each time, his response was the physical challenge and the peace of mind that stays with him a long time after he completes it. He did share that his son, who has Asperger’s is enjoying this walk, but was extremely critical of the California education system for the damage they did to him. I could feel his frustration and sadness. It led to arguments with his wife, a subsequent divorce, and a lot of pain. I did a lot of listening, not disclosing that I was a teacher.
      Common questions we pose to each other of this journey are, “What prompted you to do this Camino?” And “What do you hope to get from it?”One guy from England I was just chatting to, who has done eight Caminos, told me that pilgrims who stayed at the Roncesvalles auberge (2nd night) are given a questionnaire before leaving asking them the reasons they are on this journey and the options are physical, mental, social, and spiritual. He says the response, on the second day is overwhelmingly “physical,” with about 10% who checked off “spiritual.” For those who finish the Camino in Santiago, they are given the same questionnaire, their responses are 85% “spiritual.” Interesting! I’ll let you know what happens to me. Right now, I would say physical-30%, mental-30%, social -30% spiritual-10%
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    • Dia 20

      Villafranca de Montes de Oca

      14 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Day 12 Villafranca de Montes de Orca
      Distance from Belorado to Villafranca 12kms

      Woke to a chilly 9c and light rain which required a warm outer layer and ponchos but we soon warmed up as we got into the walk. The path today was wide and at times muddy along open countryside and woodland climbing to a high point of 900m.
      After a nice short walk we arrived at Villafranca (population of 200) and 3 fabulous bars/restaurants) just in time for lunch with fellow pilgrim friends. We enjoyed a delicious oxtail stew whole mushrooms in a tomato broth and battered sardines we were in food heaven.
      Villafranca was once known for the bandits that roamed the area preying on pilgrims we are glad those days are in the past.
      We are privileged to be staying in San Anton Abad a 13th century building (and once giving shelter to pilgrims) which has recently been restored
      such luxury.
      A rest afternoon for 2 deserving pilgrims heading for Atapuerca tomorrow.
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    • Dia 16

      Day 13 San Juan de Ortega

      23 de abril, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      What a lovely morning leaving Belorado. Had a full breakfast at our albergue with eggs and bacon. Haven't had that since home. And our host made us bocodillos to have at lunch. Just when we think the climbing has ended we had to climb a steep 3km grade of 12 endless km making our walk today 25km. We are happy to reach San Juan. This is a monastery town with 3 churches. We can stay at the monastery for a donation but no heating. Thanks but we'll take the 15e albergue 😁Leia mais

    • Dia 12

      Day 9 - Misty Misery

      24 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      “Some people walk in the rain; others just get wet.” – Roger Miller

      Day 9 - Belorado to Villafranca Montes de Oca - 12.1km

      Neither Linda nor I actually wanted to walk today. We felt very righteous giving it a go when seeing all the people heading to the bus stop to take the bus to Burgos. Apparently, there are no rooms today at the next town from here - San Juan de Ortega, so they are heading to Burgos instead.

      Cloudy and overcast day with the promise of rain. We headed out just after 8 am to a cool morning. Normally I love to walk on a cool, crisp day. But, add the overcast sky and intermittent drizzle, and I was wishing I was on the damned bus too.

      Halfway to our destination for the day, we stopped in the small town of Villambistia for a drink and breakfast. We dawdled as we were still feeling tired and disinclined to continue. At the same time, we wanted to just get the days walk over with. As we sat there watching the drizzle, the wind picked up and the rain started pelting down. Hhhhmmm this place was also an Albergue…. It did cross both of our minds to just grab a room and stay put having a quiet reading day. But as it happens so often, the wind died down and the rain let up. So, we geared up and started putting one foot in front of the other again.

      We eventually reached our destination of Villafranca Montes de Oca. Appears to be a lovely little town too, with a quite impressive hotel / pilgrim’s Albergue. We of course checked into the Albergue side. Something finally to be grateful for: both were given lower bunks!!!

      It is cold out today too, to add to the misery. In the Albergue, I have not been able to get warm - I have been here 3hrs and still freezing (even after a hot shower!).

      Tomorrow is a bus day to Burgos where I will stay for 3 nights - if I can find a bed that doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg! Have an email appointment request in to a physiotherapist and will follow up with a phone call or personal visit, on Monday morning! I think I may also use the time in Burgos to look for some warmer clothes and a jacket. I can also take the opportunity to send a small package of things I won’t use now, ahead to Santiago to be held until I get there.

      Dinner was a prepackaged pasta meal and vegetable soup, with some chorizo slices. Couldn’t be bothered to pay 18€ for the pilgrim meal!

      Early to bed tonight!!
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    • Dia 15

      Villafranca Montes de Oca

      19 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Carol and I walked together again today. It was only a 7 mile day. In the beginning of my Camino, there was a lot of pasture land with sheep, cows, and horses. Over the last week we've been walking in an agriculture area. Lots of hay fields, some kind of beans, and sunflowers mostly. The landscape has been gently rolling hills. A big relief after the steep hills of the Pyrenees mountains.
      After reaching this tiny village, we settled in and got drinks while waiting for dinnertime. They never eat before 7:00...or 8:00. So late! But our little crew is having fun. So far we have me and Carol, Joan, Grite (Germany), and Dirke and his wife from Belgium.

      The last photo is a little "life of the Camino". You always take off your shoes at the albergues and leave them on shelving by the door.
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    • Dia 23

      Atapeurco (18.2km / 263.2km)

      5 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      A perfect sunrise to get us ready for a steep uphill climb after many days of gentle rolling hills. The climb wasn’t bad and we enjoyed the tree lined path through the forest. At the top of the hill there was a local who made our day. He had strong coffee and lovely fresh oranges. He was so friendly! He had painted lots of wooden stumps with birds , piano keyboard, chess board, etc. Jane spotted a painted bird that looked like a hoopoe. She asked him about it and he got really excited and pulled out his bird book. It turns out the Hoopoe migrates from South Africa to Spain. We also saw a pied kingfisher! Anyway a lovely unplanned coffee stop.
      The rest of the walk was uneventful although the landscape is becoming less green! Just before Atapuerco, in the caves outside of town, the remains of early humans have been discovered, some as old as 800,000 years.
      We arrived in Atapuerco, our village for the night. I think it is the original “1 horse town” and was half expecting to see John Wayne walking down the deserted main road toward me with his revolver! (A cowboy movie star for the younger readers).
      It’s a pity because it is a lovely little town that obviously survives on Camino Pilgrims and not much else. The church is Saint Martin and large but sadly locked.
      While we were sitting on the stair outside the church, hoping it would open after Siesta, a Canadian lady came to check too and we got talking. We mentioned a detour we are planning tomorrow (more on that tomorrow), she got really excited as she had planned the same detour (and even staying at the same hotel) and was looking to share a taxi - they say “the Camino provides”.
      Well, we have just returned from dinner and Wow! A fine dining experience! We had an outstanding 3 course meal and wine at Camino prices. It didn’t make sense in this tiny town but we believe that it is the restaurant that tour groups visit when doing sightseeing in the area. Lucky us!
      We joined an American couple, Robb and Susan and the Canadian lady we will share the taxi with tomorrow (Danielle). A lovely evening! Beunos Noches.
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    • Dia 22

      Villafranca Montes de Oca (11.9km/245km)

      4 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      “A Smelling the Roses day”
      Having a private room, we were able to wake up at a leisurely time, knowing we only had a short walk today. We had breakfast in the town we were at before setting off at a gentle pace and throughout the day we did everything at half pace. We normally manage to pop into a church either before leaving or shortly thereafter to offer a prayer. More beautiful farmlands with the main road a little further away than yesterday so it did not interfere with our tranquil setting. We passed by Ermita de la Penna, which is a hermitage built into the cliffs. More little villages to pass through today. We had a cup of coffee at Villambistia with a beautiful setting overlooking the farmlands. We approached our village, passing another hermitage, to Villafranca Montes de Oca and booked ourselves into the beautiful Albergue de peregrinos San Antonio. It sits at the foot of a pass, with a climb beckoning us for the start of our walk tomorrow. We had a very lazy afternoon, planning for our coming days and chatting to other pilgrims before setting off to dinner for the pilgrim menu of the day at our Albergue which we shared with the Canadian Grandfather and Grandson who we first met in Pamplona, which feels like a lifetime ago.Leia mais

    • Dia 16

      Viloria de Rioja to Villafranca Montes d

      20 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We travelled 21 Km in 7hrs. The sun was out but the wind was strong so we didn’t get too hot today. We have left wine country and walked past many sunflower fields. The highlight of the day was running into our friend Angela who we met at the train station in Pamplona while waiting for a taxi to St Jean. We walked with her the first 3 days then we separated. So nice to hear her call out our names as we entered the square in Belerado. Unfortunately she injured her foot and is taking a few days off. She said she may bus ahead and walk with us when she is feeling better. Our albergue, San Anton is lovely. No bunk beds and lots of space between beds so it feels like a 5 star hotel. We opted out of the pilgrim meal today and went to the supermarket and bought some bread, cheese, ham, tomatoes, wine, beer, chips and chocolate for a lot less than we would have spent on dinner. We sat outside and enjoyed the view of the church and our laundry….Leia mais

    • Dia 14

      Etappe 11 - Burgos 1

      25 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      In der Nacht hat mir mein Körper gezeigt was er von den Anstrengungen der letzten Tage hält. Bin erst gegen ein Uhr eingeschlafen.
      Heute alles okay. Habe wieder einen guten Lauf. Es ging jetzt seit halb acht Uhr fast ausschließlich durch Kiefernwälder. Die Ruhe und der Duft aus der Natur sind richtig wohltuend und beruhigend. Der gestrige Regen war eine Wohltat für die Natur. Unterwegs habe ich an einem Food Truck eine kleine Frühstückspause eingelegt.
      Jetzt bin ich am eigentlichen Tagesziel San Juan de Ortega.
      Pilgere jetzt weiter Richtung Burgos.
      Gegen 16 Uhr gemeinsam mit einem schwedischen Pilger am Stadtrand der eigentlichen Stadt angekommen. Zuvor waren wir ca. 1 1/2 Stunden durch das Gewerbegebiet gegangen. Die bisher längste Etappe, da ich an zwei Tagen drei Etappen gelaufen bin, ca. 71 km.
      Waren dann ca. 17 Uhr im Stadtzentrum und haben uns ein Hotel/Pension gesucht.
      Zimmer bezogen, geduscht und Wäsche gewaschen.
      Gehen jetzt nur noch eine Kleinigkeit essen und dann ist Zapfenstreich.
      Morgen habe ich einen Ruhetag in Burgos, einfach die Stadt genießen. Dienstag geht es dann auf die nächste Etappe.
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    Villafranca Montes de Oca

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