Arbon District

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    • Dag 2

      Die Schweiz

      16. oktober 2022, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Von Schaffhausen aus fahren wir nun Richtung Bodensee. Wir genießen die Sonne und die teilweise schöne Landschaft. Nur die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 80 Km/H ist auch für Markus gewöhnungsbedürftig. Zum ersten Mal wurde in der Susi der Speed limiter ausprobiert und für zweckmäßig in der Schweiz befunden.Les mer

    • Dag 118

      #28 Rhein- und Bodenseeradweg

      26. august 2022, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Der Start in der Schweiz war schweizerisch. Alles wurde steiler - und alles wurde teurer. Aber der Rhein und die schweizerischen Alpen machten beides definitiv wett.

      Radfahren in der Schweiz bedeutete außerdem: eine höhere E-Bike-Dichte, ein überraschend schlechteres Radnetz, dafür schönere Städte als auf der anderen Rheinseite in Deutschland sowie mehr Porsches & Co., die uns am besten so knapp wie möglich überholten. Bei einem der vielen Grenzübertritte zwischen der Schweiz und Deutschland gab‘s dann auch den ersten Platten.

      Das gemütliche Flussgeradel hatte in der Schweiz also erstmal ein Ende. So lag auch unser erster Campingplatz auf einer ziemlichen Anhöhe, die wir erstmal erklimmen mussten. Die Aussicht auf den folgenden Ruhetag spülte uns glücklicherweise die verbliebenen Watt aus den Waden. Und auch der Aufstieg wurde belohnt: mit einer tollen Aussicht über das Tal und dem restlichen Abendessen unserer niederländischen Zeltbachbarn.

      Den Zweck des Ruhetages verfehlten wir knapp. Statt die Beine hochzulegen, wanderten wir vier Stunden durch den wunderschönen Jurapark bei Gasingen, Wil, Mettau - wie auch immer. Es wurde auf jeden Fall sehr ländlich.

      Die nächsten Tage radelten wir dann am Rhein entlang, vorbei am berühmten Rheinfall in Schaffhausen und bis zum Bodensee. Von Konstanz ging es dann über Bregenz bisnach Lindau - den Bodensee stets zu unserer Linken.
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    • Dag 32

      B O D E N S E E

      11. juni 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Aujourd'hui il fait grave beau, je me rend d'abord a Lindau, une petite île sur Bodensee, y a un charme monumentale dans cette ville, c'est coloré, entre les façades pittoresques et les fleurs partout, des arbres et des plantes grimpent sur les murs.. je me perds entre les petites rues et le lac, même les gens rayonnent de bonheur !
      Puis je prend le bus pour Konstanz (j'ai rien compris à un moment il est monté sur un bateau !) qui a un peu moins de charme que Lindau mais sympa malgré tout
      Je me promène le long du lac dans un parc avec une sorte de fête foraine et un zoo façon, puis j'arrive à la fameuse statue de l'imperia, une prostituée qui a révolutionné son époque !
      Je finis ma journée dans un camping haut standing qui apparemment est en suisse ~
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    • Dag 3

      One Wonderful Day One

      14. april, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Our first full day, most of us had very disrupted sleep as we adjust to long travel days and the time change. But it's all so worth it as we awaken to sunshine, and hit the ground running.

      With typical Swiss precision, our cousins Migg & Bernadette have furnished us with the exact times and trains to meet up with them in Rorschach this morning. A sleek train glides us smoothly along, and we can get our first proper look at rolling hills, distant alps, and cows dotting the landscape.

      Migg and Bernadette meet us easily. It's such a genuine pleasure to see them, Migg with compact quiet style, and so many mannerisms that evoke our Dad to us. Bernadette has what I might call panache, aging elegantly, and is charmingly engaging, where her speech and stories are accompanied by gestures, sounds, and facial expressions. They have not seen Micheal in 40 years and have not met Barb before. So yet another element that makes this trip so very special.

      Migg is a skilled and experienced guide on this family history tour, and we swiftly head out to the shores of Lake Constance. The sun is bright on the colorful spring flowers bursting out everywhere. Our first stop is the big pink building with apartments above a bakery, our Dads first home.

      Then a short train just down the road to Arbon, where Dad served his apprenticeship from 1948 to 1952 at Saurer. This lakeside museum ends up being the highlight of our day. The Saurer company manufactured textile machines for embroidery as well as trucks and busses. It seems a curious juxtaposition. But the delicate beauty of the lace embroidery is achieved here with amazingly complex machines, looms and lathes. Its actually fascinating to admire the mathematical complexity of the lace patterns alongside the graceful curves of shining classic trucks. The occasional whiff of machine oil carries along with it whispers of a past active, clanging, hot noisy workshop. We admire the unique flooring, which appears to be 4x4 posts embedded vertically. These would soak up vast amounts of oil, and are still gleaming with thousands of tiny metal scraps embedded.

      A walk through the lovely medieval Arbon brings us to the bus station, where a 45 minute ride to St. Gallen gives us a needed rest.

      In St Gallen we walk to the school that Migg attended, which is alongside the cathedral. He tells us how the boys would watch from the windows as the girls walked demurely to church from their own separate school, and Bernadette tells us how the girls were taught to walk with their eyes downcast beside boys, to not make eye contact. The girls would attend the cathedral daily or weekly, but boys were only permitted at Christmas.

      There is a particular distinctive beauty to this cathedral. The baroque style is shown to absolute best advantage here, with a cream and green refreshing color and a perfect contrast to gilt trims. We are treated to the sounds of the vast organ echoing through before we leave.

      And finally we stroll through cobblestone streets, winding our way down the famed Speisergasse. This famous shopping street is where our mothers family Spanische Weinhall was located in the late 1800s, where 2 branches of the family had joined to create an import business. It was sold sometime in the 1920s, to my grandfather's lifelong chagrin.

      We are more than ready to feast on traditional St Gallen bratwurst for dinner. We have a wonderfully convivial meal, and walk together to the train station at the end of the evening to head back home in our separate directions.
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    • Dag 2

      Mittagessen im Seehuus

      3. september 2019, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Ich wollte unbedingt vermeiden, in der für uns Deutsche völlig überteuerten Schweiz mehr Geld als unbedingt notwendig auszugeben, deswegen hatten wir dann ja auch noch in Österreich und in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Schweizer Grenze übernachtet. Allerdings muss man schließlich tagsüber auch irgendwann mal etwas essen, so dass wir Mittagspause im wunderschönen und direkt am Wasser gelegenen 'Seehuus" in Wiedehorn machten ... Zwei mal Mittagessen, ein Hefeweizen und ein Radler für schlappe 65 Franken - die spinnen, die Schweizer!Les mer

    • Dag 4–5

      Der erste Tag in der Schweiz

      30. april, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Die Strecke ab Lindau war leider nicht so schön, wie wir aufgrund der bisherigen Erfahrungen erhofft hatten. Der österreichische Abschnitt hat sich mächtig ins Zeug gelegt, uns die hässlichen Seiten der Städte zu zeigen. Österreicher scheinen Beton zu lieben. Weiter ging es über baumlose Ebenen, zudem hatten wir mit starkem Gegenwind zu kämpfen. Unser Zielort ist allerdings sehr schön auch wenn ein self Check-in Hotel eine etwas eigenartige Atmosphäre hat.Les mer

    • Dag 43

      A Supermoon in Arbon

      29. september 2023, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today we continued our circuit of the Bodensee, riding from the Austrian city of Bregenz to Arbon in Switzerland. Once again the weather was almost monotonously perfect. It is hard to believe that, after so many days of cycling, we have only experienced one wet day. Even that day was not wet enough to saturate us, just enough to dampen our spirits.

      After leaving Bregenz, we are now rounding the south east corner of the lake and are now starting to make our way back towards Konstanz. This section of the ride also teased us with some great views of the snow capped Swiss Alps.

      One of the highlights of the ride was crossing the Rhine River, as it flows into Lake Constance. We stopped on the bridge for some time to make fun with our shadows projected onto the water so far below us.

      Since the day's ride was a quite modest 40 km, we reached Arbon quite early in the day. We were excited to find that our hotel was the oldest building in the city, having been started in 1330. It certainly is one of the most character filled places I have ever stayed in.

      When I learned that this evening would be the last supermoon for 2023, I suggested that we should have a picnic on the lakeside. This would also save us all being bankrupted by the hugely expensive prices at the town's restaurants.

      We stocked up with supplies from the nearby supermarket and then found a good vantage point to watch the moon rise. It not only was a lovely place to enjoy a peaceful picnic, but it also seemed to be a great source of mirth for every local who walked past.

      Although the moon did rise on schedule at around 7.20pm, it was partly obscured by broken clouds. In spite of that, it was still a most memorable evening.

      Tomorrow we complete our circuit by riding the rest of the way to Konstanz.
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    • Dag 15

      Lake Constance (CH)

      22. juli 2017, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today's route followed mostly the shores of Lake Constance (Konstanz) which borders Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Lake Constance, known as “the heart and soul of Europe". At some stage today I was back in Germany.

      Perfect weather and many families out on their bikes riding along the shores and stopping at all the recreational facilities on route.
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    Arbon District, Bezirk Arbon

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