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    • Dag 21


      1 oktober 2019, Zwitserland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      A late train led to a spontaneous stop in Genève, so took the chance to have a walk around while waiting for my bus to Annecy. Gorgeous, although perhaps a bit posh. The old town was nice, but not as cozy as in other cities. My favorite was probably the lake, with it’s crystal clear water and beautiful parks! Also bought some Swiss chocolate😋😋Meer informatie

    • Dag 1

      Äääääääntligen framme!

      29 november 2019, Zwitserland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Efter en resa lika lång som en tur till Mauritius kom vi fram till Genève! Snyggt att man åker gratis buss in till stan och väldigt olikt Schweiz att ge nåt gratis.

      Vi hoppade av vid Bel Air och rasslade oss upp över kullerstensgatorna till 6 rue Jean Calvin där vi möttes av Lech. Typ 100 år gammal, nästan blind men så mysig; gick igenom alla regler och tips från en lista skriven med fontstorlek 106 och med hjälp av förstoringsglas... det gick inte undan precis.

      Efter den mycket nogsammma genomgången och lite småprat stack vi ut för att hitta proviant (läs vin och chips) vilket vi gjorde i den lilla tobaksaffären runt hörnet. Mycket välsorterad! En kort paus, sen middag - vi fick boka om middag med Annika och Yves till söndag pga sen ankomst, så det blir bara vi. Mys!
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    • Dag 2


      30 november 2019, Zwitserland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Idag och imorgon går loppet Course de l’Escalade i gamla stan. Med en repa precis utanför vår dörr - Lech vår 100-årige värd är måttligt imponerad... och det var lite småspännande att försöka ta sig hem med hopp över liten avspärrning och ”luckrush”... Nu ska här sovas middag, man blir trött av sportande (den rätt rediga lunchen kan också spela in).Meer informatie

    • Dag 2


      19 augustus 2022, Zwitserland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Popolino era stanco e ha voluto fare il giro in trenino Citysightseeing per poco più di 11€ ci siamo goduti un tranquillo tour tra le attrazioni principali della città.

      Cosa mi è piaciuto di più di Ginevra?
      Il giardino Inglese con affaccio sul lago

      Cosa mi ha fatto dire WOW 🤩?
      la grandezza del lago e la limpidezza dell'acqua

      Cosa si mangia di buono a Ginevra?
      Mi sono fermata solo qualche ora perciò non ho potuto provare la cucina del luogo ma sicuramente da provare la famosa cioccolata svizzera che potrete comprare nelle tante cioccolaterie artigianali sparse per la città.
      Ho anche provato la quiche al formaggio che non mi è piaciuta molto ma devo dire la verità non mi sono impegnata a cercare.

      Per concludere consiglio assolutamente una visita a Ginevra magari inserita come tappa in un tour intorno al lago.
      Dal treno ho potuto godere di scorci meravigliosi dei dintorni. Ci tornerò
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    • Dag 3


      1 april 2023, Zwitserland ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Kurz hinter Bern beginnt die französische Schweiz. Das erste kleine Highlight folgt als ich nach einem Tunnel plötzlich den Genfer See erreiche mit Bergen im Hintergrund. Passend dazu scheint die Sonne auf die Weinberge.
      Der erste Eindruck von Genf: voll mit (lauten) Autos. Überall vierspurigen Straßen durch die Stadt.
      Genf ist der Sitz vieler internationaler Organisationen, aber touristische Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es nicht viele. Das Spektakulärste ist eine 140m Wasserfontäne im Genfer See.
      Am nächsten Tag besuche ich das Museum des Internationalen Komitees des Roten Kreuzes (IKRK). Die Ausstellung ist gut gemacht mit viel Interaktion und Audioguide.
      Die Hauptthemen sind die Arbeit des IKRK bei Naturkatastrophen, der Familienzusammenführung nach Kriegen und die Genfer Konventionen, z.B. Besuche bei Kriegsgefangenen.
      Direkt nebenan ist ein alter Palast der Vereinten Nationen, allerdings geschlossen.
      Den Rest des Tages spaziere ich durch einen botanischen Garten.
      Es gibt sehr viele internationale Restaurants. Ich entscheide mich für Mongolisch. Das Gericht Tsuivan ist ähnlich zu Pad Thai. Dazu probiere ich mongolischen Tee. Der besteht aus Milch, grünem Tee und Salz. Schmeckt wie warme Milch mit Salz statt Honig. Mal was anderes.
      Bevor ich abreise besuche ich am nächsten Morgen noch schnell das Museum des CERN. Am Vortag war es leider geschlossen.
      Die Ausstellung zum größten Teilchenbeschleuniger der Welt ist interessant aber nicht sehr umfangreich (nur ein einzelner Raum). Ich lasse mir viel Zeit und bin trotzdem nach einer Stunde durch. Man darf sich aber nicht beschweren, denn der Eintritt frei.
      Ein neues, großes Besucherzentrum ist gerade im Bau und wird leider erst später im Jahr eröffnet.
      Danach geht's gleich zum Bahnhof und Richtung interlaken zu den hohen Bergen.
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    • Dag 31

      Geneva Day 2

      19 juli 2023, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I have to start by saying that when people say Switzerland is expensive, they are NOT playing around. First, the hostels out here are the most expensive that I’ve paid for (Zurich will be 90CAD per night😭😭) I couldn’t find a meal for less than 15CHF (= 23CAD). My dinner and lunch each cost that much, and it was so sad. My lunch was a “smoked salmon sandwich” which was smoked salmon, butter, and lettuce on bread 😭😭. My dinner? What seemed like a microwave steak (which was cold when served) with some potatoes, salad, and a wedge of cantaloupe 😭😭. It’s tough out here. At a pub that I went to later, a long island was literally 30CHF (= 46CAD!!!!!) ISNT THAT INSANE. I did not get the long island btw. Sooo yeah I spent a lot of money today. Will be making as much use of the free breakfast here as I can. One thing that I will complement Switzerland on is that their water is DELICIOUS!! After drinking weird tasting water for the past month (bottled water included) this tap water is soooo scrumptious and cold and refreshing.

      So my day started with none other than the free breakfast which is nothing special, but is free 😝. After I went out to walk around and explore. I was feeling a bit groggy so I took a nap in a park LOL- but side note, everyone does that here, and I was not concerned for my safety at all. Honestly, Switzerland is the place that I have felt safest so far, maybe it’s because it’s just rich people who live here 😭 Anyways, I read a bit of my book before going to explore some more. I walked across the Mont Blanc bridge over to the old town, which is exactly what it sounds like. I did a lot of wandering before realizing that there isn’t even much to see out here. I did some research on free things to do around Geneva, and found myself in the “Maison Tavel” which is a sort of museum that documents Geneva lifestyle. It was kind of like a house, and showcased household items and furniture common to locals throughout history here. I thought it was cool, there also was like a big 3D map of Geneva at the top which was cool. After that I headed over to the next free thing, the art history museum, which I was reeeally excited for because 1. Free and 2. I haven’t been to an art museum in Europe yet!!! And i’m a sucker for art. This museum was huge and beautiful and never ending. There was soo much art, and thankfully, there were some English descriptions so I could understand some things. It was really interesting to see some of my Art History knowledge from school overlap with what I saw!! Made it even more captivating. I spend probably an hour and a half looking at the artwork, then went to the courtyard, where I took another nap in a comfy chair😭😭😭 I don’t know why I’m so tired today. After I got that sad excuse for a smoked salmon sandwich (they could have at least put cream cheese) and I walked over to a fountain to finish my sandwich. After, I walked close up to the huge water pump thing. “The Geneva Water Fountain.” It sprays the lake water up to 140 meters which is kinda wild. From certain angles it made a rainbow which I loved. After, I just walked home where I met new hostelmates- which was nice because last night I came when everyone was sleeping, so I couldn’t meet anyone. Funny thing, I had been in a group chat for some dinner and drinks tonight, and my hostelmate- Annabelle, ended up being the person that organized it! So, after a shower we went down to the place, where you have to pay 2 francs just to enter the area (main beach area). I had that sad steak an a tiny 8 franc (12.27CAD) aperol spritz, and the group headed to that pricey pub shortly after. We played some games of darts, which I really sucked at, and lost every game😭 we called it an early night and went back to the hostel.
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    • Dag 40

      Time to Come Home

      27 oktober 2018, Zwitserland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      After walking hundreds of kilometres on the Camino Frances and cycling hundreds of kilometres around the hills of Portugal, it's finally time. After staying in 26 different hotel rooms, after riding on numerous trains, buses and taxis, the time has come. We simply cannot delay it any longer, we must now face the biggest challenge of them all - the long journey home in economy class.

      It is also worth mentioning that the rain has also finally caught up with us. Steady rain has been falling in Geneva all morning, making the place look even bleaker and greyer than it did yesterday. When I checked the forecast for Zermatt, it promised that the snow would be falling there later today. When winter arrives in Europe, it can happen almost overnight.

      It is hard to believe that those hot days in Madrid were only six weeks ago. So much has happened since that time that it is easy to get just get information (and experience) overload. It has certainly been a pretty relentless schedule and the constant routine of moving from place to place does get exhausting after a while. We also gained an appreciation for just how hard the Camino is.

      When I was planning this trip I had a notion that walking the Camino would be something like walking the well known Warburton Trail. I knew that it would be challenging to front up day after day to keep walking another 20 km or more, but I did not appreciate that the terrain itself would often be so challenging. Anyone who completes the entire 800 km walk deserves a knighthood.

      At the start of every new adventure you also worry how all the complex arrangements will work out. With so many people involved, and with so many travel and hotel bookings, you always have the lingering worry that someone might have made an error. Now that the trip has all but finished I can honestly say that EVERYTHING went according to the plan. What a huge relief.

      All we have to do now is somehow get to the bus depot without getting saturated, catch the right bus to Geneva Airport and then endure 24 hours of air travel. Why does Australia have to be so darn far away ?
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    • Dag 35

      Got to Geneva-little rainy

      24 juni 2022, Zwitserland ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Today we got up early for our flight from Nice to Geneva, Switzerland! After a short flight, we took the bus to our hostel to drop out stuff off before walking around the town and exploring the side streets and river that runs through town. We stopped in a Thai place for lunch to get out of the rain and then went to see the new Jurassic World because it was still raining. After the movie, we walked to the bookstore to get a new one and then ended up at a music festival that was free and happening in the Old Town. Live music of all kinds and so many people buzzing about as people got food and listened to the music. Then we headed back to the hostel for the night.Meer informatie

    • Dag 19

      Retour vers Genève puis Paris

      13 juli 2023, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      J’ai fait une dernière petite course avant de quitter. Je suis montée dans la campagne derrière le village afin d’avoir une belle vue d’en haut. J’ai adoré courir en Suisse, même si j’ai moins couru que j’aurais voulu. Il y a du dénivelé partout ici, ça fait changement de ma Montérégie plate!

      Nous avons pu observer deux montgolfières s’envoler du village ce matin. C’est reconnu comme étant la capitale des ballons ici. Et du découpage de papier, en fait!

      Nous avons pris le train de Château d’Oex jusqu’à Genève. À partir de Nyon, on pouvait voir le Mont Blanc à l’horizon, de l’autre côté du lac Leman. Majestueux!

      Voyager en train en Suisse est vraiment parfait. Il y en a partout, tout le temps et ils sont toujours à l’heure. Avec nos Swiss Travel Pass, c’était super simple de se promener, que ce soit train, bus, tram, bateau ou téléphérique. Ça nous permettait de profiter du paysage et de ne pas avoir à penser au stationnement. En plus, ça nous a donné plein de rabais sur les activités et certains téléphériques. Certains musées étaient meme gratuits (comme Chillon, Gruyères, etc.).

      Nous avions quelques heures à passer à Genève avant le départ de notre TGV. Comme les Burger King d’ici offrent plusieurs options végé, on a décidé d’essayer ça avant de partir. C’était bien, on espère que le Québec emboîtera le pas!

      Les gars voulaient absolument essayer la fontaine d’eau gazeuse gratuite sur le Pont de la Machine alors nous nous y sommes rendus. Nous avons ensuite marché jusqu’au parc des Cropettes pour profiter de l’ombre.

      Notre train (français!) était 40 minutes en retard. Après trois semaines de trains suisses toujours à l’heure, on trouvait ça plutôt ironique.

      Arrivés à la Gare de Lyon à Paris, on a pris le train pour se rendre à Juvisy. L’ambiance est étrange. C’est le 14 juillet, fête nationale, il y a eu plusieurs émeutes dans les dernières semaines, on sent la tension. La police a décidé d’arrêter tous les transports en commun à partir de 22 h. On se retrouve donc sans transport pour aller à l’hôtel. C’est difficile de trouver un taxi qui est assez grand pour 5 personnes avec valises. Il arrive à 22 h 30, il nous reste 30 minutes pour arriver à l’hôtel. Ouf!

      Le lendemain matin, debout très tôt pour déjeuner rapido à l’hôtel avant de prendre la navette jusqu’à l’aéroport. Tout se passe sans problème et rapidement.

      Bye-bye l’Europe! À une prochaine fois!
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    • Dag 7

      Anniversaire de Cécile à Genève

      15 augustus 2020, Zwitserland ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Après un long périple en train et pas mal de réflexion sur le devenir du voyage... Nous voilà arrivés en Suisse, plus précisément à Genève.

      Un autre voyage nous attend, mais avant cela, on a un anniversaire à fêter ce soir. Alors qu'est ce qu'on dit à la plus belle des femmes, "Joyeux anniversaire 🎂 🎂 🎂 ❤❤❤💋💋💋🍾🍾🍾🎉🎉🎉
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Genève, Geneve, Genf, Geneva, جنيف, Горад Жэнева, Женева, Ženeva, Ginebra, Γενέβη, Ĝenevo, Xenebra, זנבה, जिनेवा, Ժնև, GVA, Jenewa, Ginevra, ジュネーヴ, ჟენევა, 제네바, Genava, Ženēva, Genewa, 1200, Genebra, Genevra, Cenevre, Jenwe, جنیوا, 日内瓦

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