Zürich (Kreis 1)

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    • Dag 12

      Zürich Altstadt

      28. juni 2016, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C



      走著走著看到了 ##蘇黎世聖彼得教堂St. Peter (Pic 3),它是瑞士蘇黎世老城的 4 座主要教堂之一。
      接著是 ##蘇黎世聖母大教堂Kirche Fraumünster (Pic 4)。
      最後是 ##蘇黎世大教堂Grossmünster (Pic 5,6)。以上三個教堂就是蘇黎世最著名、最主要的三座教堂!

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    • Dag 7

      never see this in California

      26. oktober 2016, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Fountains with potable water continuously flowing. These are all over the city. Some are very old and large and elaborate and some are very simple but they are all "wasting" water and it freaks me out.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Grüezi Zürich! Grüezi Motel One!

      30. desember 2018, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Die Fahrt ging zum Glück sehr schnell & problemlos und somit waren wir schnell am letzten Ziel unserer Reise. Auch die Fahrt durch Zürich selbst war nicht so schlimm wie befürchtet. Für den Sonntag konnten wir einen kostenlosen Parkplatz in der Nähe vom Hotel finden. Die zwei Übernachtungen im Motel One habe ich von Nadine zu Weihnachten bekommen und somit hat sie sich um den Check-In gekümmert. Für einen kleinen Aufpreis haben wir ein Upgrade genutzt für ein besseres Zimmer. Dadurch konnten wir auch noch direkt einchecken, was wir unbedingt wollten. Das Hotel ist sowohl von außen, als auch von innen wunderschön. Man fühlt sich einfach immer wie zu Hause im Motel One. Das Zimmer ist sehr schön & einiges geräumiger als gewohnt, Dank dem Upgrade. Unser Fenster geht zum Innenhof und somit haben wir unsere Ruhe. Einen kleinen Tipp haben wir für morgen bekommen, wo wir die Feuerwerke der Stadt am besten sehen können.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Snack in der One-Lounge

      30. desember 2018, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Nachdem wir eine Zeit lang die Beine hochgelegt & uns ausgeruht haben, haben unsere Mägen nochmal angefangen zu knurren. Wir wollten nicht ewig weit weg, da wir k.o. waren & Nadine um 20:15 Uhr den Film ‘‘Pretty Woman‘‘ anschauen wollte. Wir haben uns also entschieden, den Abend in der One-Lounge ausklingen zu lassen. Wir haben uns beide Tomate-Mozzarella Sandwiches mit Kartoffelchips als Beilage gegönnt. Die Sandwiches waren unglaublich gut! Nachdem wir aufgegessen hatten, sind wir ins Zimmer und haben uns zum Kraft tanken für Silvester hingelegt. Mit 15,14 gelaufenen Kilometern (20.745 Schritte) haben wir heute eine ähnliche Strecke wie gestern zurückgelegt. Jetzt heißt es ausruhen, Film genießen und Kraft tanken für morgen! Gute Nacht Zürich!Les mer

    • Dag 49

      Switzerland, Zurich

      8. mai 2014, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Alexander Seibt
      "I love this pic. It reminds me of life and how it is if I don't see it through the filter of my expectations. Hope for me is not about something that is not now, but could happen later. It's whats already is here, and true, but still undiscovered. I hope."Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Frühstücken im Motel One

      31. desember 2018, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Nachdem wir das Auto umgeparkt hatten, haben wir uns in den Frühstücksbereich des Motel One begeben. Es war relativ viel los, bei einem Buffet kommt aber natürlich jeder auf seine Kosten. Wir haben uns beide zwei volle Teller und etwas kleines süßes zur Abrundung gegönnt. So konnten wir gut gestärkt in den Tag, um unsere Sightseeingtour zu beginnen.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      first meal in Zurich

      25. oktober 2016, Sveits ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      We both were too tired and not hungry enough to go out last night. We didn't sleep that well, so we weren't up and out till noon. Russell went in to work (they will feed him there) and so I wandered around and found a beer hall in a 15th century building. Too late for coffee so I'm starting the day with beer.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Zurich Airport

      27. juni 2017, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Finally landed at Zurich after about 13 hours. Felt like an eternity. Did get some sleep which helped pass the time. Looking forward to coming back to Switzerland. Very clean, very green and lush and very systematic and we'll organised. Best souvenere shop ever. Swiss army knives/ tools, Swiss chocolate cook clocks. Nice airport.Les mer

    • Dag 2


      24. juli 2017, Sveits ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Fin tur ind til Zürich. Gåtur gennem Bahnhofstrasse med alle de dyre butikker. Sejltur på Lake Zürich. Alte stadt med frokost på b.good efter anbefaling fra Sabine. Lang gåtur rundt og kigge på den del af byen.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Zurich Aldstat

      7. september 2018, Sveits ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today’s been a good day, if a little slower paced than yesterday. I was awake at 5:30am and by the time I’d had breakfast and gotten ready I had some time to kill before heading out. I may have had a nap.
      I started at the Landsmuseum. I got a great overview of the history of Switzerland and can now understand why there are 4 official languages of Switzerland (basically numerous cantons came together to form a federal state.
      I also learnt that Switzerland may have been politically neutral in the past but that didn’t mean Swiss men didn’t fight. They just did it as mercenaries.
      I downloaded an app which gave me an audio tour of the museum and was well worth it. I also got to see a Swiss bank vault. It wasn’t all that exciting, just a bank of fancy lockers but interesting for what it represented. I also found out they have 200, 500 and 1000 Swiss franc notes. That’s nearly $1500 in one note!

      They had a special exhibition “what Swiss eat” and had a lot of memorabilia from the past. They had a small goods store set up and it was all knitted. From a distance it looks like the real thing.
      On exiting that exhibit they had someone handing out samples of insects. He had crickets, locusts and mealworms. There were a couple of guys there already and I watched them eat it before I tried. The cricket was okay, the locust not so good (even after removing the wing and legs) and the mealworm tolerable. If they were in a dish with other ingredients I think they’d be fine. They’d give the dish some crunch similar to nuts. They’ve only been legal in Switzerland for a year or so and still have a way to go before becoming a cheap protein source. The server indicated a bag of 50-100g would be 20-40 CHF.

      It was time for lunch, there was a cafe in the museum but as these can often be plain and expensive I thought I’d eat at the cafe just outside the museum. There were too many smokers sitting outside so I went inside. It was only when I sat down I realised it was the museum cafe. I picked out what I thought was a roll with cheese and some type of cured meat (no English translation here) but it turn out to be cheese with purple cabbage.

      Behind the museum is a lovely little park. I went and sat there for a while. It was nice and peaceful. I sat there a little too long as I got to the dock for the river boat just as it was leaving. So I sat for a bit longer.

      The next stop was the Grossmünster (Great Minster). It’s a grand church and again the audio tour was very informative. I wanted to go there as it played a major part of the reformation movement in Zurich and it was alluded to at the museum. I did feel slightly disloyal though as they talked about the great rivalry it’s the Fraumünster (Women’s Minster) and I didn’t have time for both.

      I was going to catch the boat back to the museum as it’s not far from the hotel but my ticket was on my phone and by phone was down to 1% battery power. I was hopeful it would hold as the decrease in battery power isn’t a steady decline. It was a moot point as I also just missed that boat. So walking it was. My phone was still on when I got back to the hotel.

      After a brief rest (and recharging of phone) I again set off for the museum to catch the boat. This time I got it right and arrived a couple of minutes before the boat. We then went down the river towards the lake. They say the boats are built especially to fit under the bridges and it looked like less than 30cm clearance. I had expected we’d stop just inside the lake but we kept going to Zurichhörn. I could definitely feel the difference from being on the river compared to the lake. It was choppier.
      The driver/pilot/captain/not sure what he is called and his conductor/offsider were having a great time, waving to all the other staff on boats we passed. They certainly seemed to be enjoying their jobs.

      I got off the boat and went in search of dinner. I found a place on the list of Swiss restaurants I got from the hotel staff last night. It wasn’t one of the ones personally recommended though (last night’s was). I had a half serving of raclette. I don’t think I would have coped with a full serve after last night’s cheese but I’m glad I got to try it. It was very nice. The same can’t be said for the main meal. I’m not sure whether it wasn’t well made or just not to my taste. It was mushroom sauce with some veal in it and rosti. Supposedly a Zurich speciality. I was kind of regretting not just getting some of the Indian two doors up from the hotel. The smells tempt me every time I leave the hotel.

      Tomorrow I head to St Moritz.
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