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Os 10 melhores destinos Kaohsiung
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    • Dia 181

      Welcome to Kaohsiung, Taiwan

      10 de junho de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      Welcome to another country on RTW2023.

      When we called on Kaohsiung on RTW2017, we did a private tour with the government taxi service, which guaranteed an English-speaking driver.

      On this visit to Kaohsiung, we are going to leave the city behind and go into the countryside. But first Insignia needs to dock.Leia mais

    • Dia 13

      Kaohsiung, klasse Architektur

      26 de maio, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Ich laufe am Skytower vorbei, Höhe 348m, ein Wahrzeichen der Stadt, zum Hafen. Dort begeistert mich die moderne Architektur der music hall, bei Nacht sieht sie noch spektakulärer aus. Mit der Bahn fahre ich in den Norden. Es ist morgens früh schon brütend heiß, gefühlt wie in Süditalien um die Mittagszeit. Auf dem Weg komme ich an einem Zelt, ca. 15x6m groß vorbei. Zuerst höre ich nur die Musik. Ein buddhistischer Priester führt ein Ritual durch, ihm gegenüber stehen einige Personen mit umgebundenen Sackleinen. Ich frage eine junge Frau, die außerhalb steht, was hier passiert. Sie erklärt mir, dass ihr Großmutter vor einer Woche gestorben ist und daher ein Gedenkgottesdienst stattfindet.
      Mein Ziel ist ein Flohmarkt. In einer Halle sind Stände aufgebaut. Im rechten Teil befinden sich große Berge von gelagerten Waren, unmöglich da etwas zu finden. Dazwischen hat ein Schreiner wohl seine Werkstatt. Auch Essensstände befinden sich am Rand, die Verkäufer/ Käufer wollen auch kulinarisch versorgt werden. Ich kaufe nur günstig ein Bild.
      Mit der Bahn fahre ich Richtung Hafen/Pier. Alte große Fabrikhallen wurden in kleine Geschäfte umgewandelt, außen wurde das Ganze noch künstlerisch gestaltet. Die Häuser in Hintergrund wurden schön bemalt. Es ist eine sehr schöne Flaniermeile geworden.
      In den angrenzenden Straßen finde ich die old street. Hier muss man melkfish, eine Suppe, essen, ist eine hiesige Spezialiät. Schmeckt interessant.
      Ich laufe Richtung Meer und suche die Fähranlegestelle zur Halbinsel Cijin. Alle 15-20 Minuten fährt die Fähre.
      Auf Cijin erwarten viele Essensstände, hauptsächlich Fisch und Meeresfrüchte, die Besucher. Wer möchte kann selbst mit einer Fahrradrikscha umherfahren. Im Norden findet man einen breiten Strand und an der Spitze zur Hafeneinfahrt einen Leuchtturm. Am späten Nachmittag fahre ich wieder zurück. In der zum Fähranleger angrenzenden Fischhalle wird Fisch versteigert.
      Die positive Beantwortung der Frage Bahn oder zu Fuß führt mich zum Glück wieder an Pier vorbei. Zwischen den Gebäuden wurden Stände aufgebaut, davor haben sich schon Menschen um Artisten versammelt. Ich schaue lange den unterschiedlichen Darbietungen zu. Als ich gehen möchte fällt mir auf, dass viele Personen am Wasser stehen und auf die supermoderne Brücke schauen. Schließlich beginnt sich die Brücke zu drehen, so dass die Enden parallel zum Fluss zeigen. Mit der Beleuchtung sieht es klasse aus.
      In weiteren Verlauf der Gebäude stehen weitere künstlerische Stände, offensichtlich ist es ein Hafenfest.
      Auf dem Rückweg bewundere ich die unterschiedlich beleuchten Gebäude und die phantastische Architektur, Ausdruck einer sehr modernen Stadt.
      Auf dem Lingya night market, einem mehr von Einheimischen aufgesuchter Markt, esse ich eine Wan Tan Suppe und wieder dumplings, beides sehr lecker. Zum Glück ist es nicht mehr weit zur Unterkunft, heute waren es wieder 22km, die ich gelaufen bin.
      Einwohner, 2,7 Millionen
      Hostel Backpacker 41
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    • Dia 147

      Kaohsiung, Taiwan - Overview 1 of 3

      10 de junho de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      Taiwan is the origination point for so many products we use every day and as was very evident by the size of the Kaoshiung container port where we docked. WOW, the containers went on and on. Taiwan is also known for producing more than 95% of the semiconductors used today in computers in the world. Therefore, many people work in that industry and Taiwan has a high GNP compared to all its neighbors in Asia.

      All of Taiwan is 14,000 square miles and with a population of 24 million people. Kaohsiung, a crowded city, is only 1,100 square miles but has a population of over 3 million people. It is surrounded by the East China Sea (north), the Pacific (east), Taiwan Strait (west), and South Island Sea.

      Taiwan and China split in 1949 (except for the time Japan occupied Taiwan) following a civil war that ended with the ruling Communist Party in control of the mainland. The island has never been part of the People’s Republic of China, but Beijing says it must unite with the mainland. The democratic island faces increasing military threats from China, which sees Taiwan as a breakaway province to be retaken by force if necessary.

      Just today (6/10), Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said the self-ruled island would work to improve its rescue and defense capabilities with new technologies (as practiced today in helicopter maneuvers over the Sea), adding that strengthening Taiwan through border security is key to maintaining peace. “The safer Taiwan is, the safer the world is,” she said.

      In trying to win diplomatic allies, China has just established relations with Honduras from Taiwan (embassy to open in Beijing tomorrow). Taiwan, called the Republic of China, in addition to the mainland, also has jurisdiction over 22 islands in the Taiwan group and 64 islands to the west, the Pescadores. Other claims include Matsu and Quemoy off of China and a group of islands that are claimed by Japan, Paracels claimed by China and the Spratly Islands claimed by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. What a difficult place with these looming borders always in debate and changing.

      Freedom of Religion is very important here and is in their Constitution! There were 15,175 religious buildings in Taiwan, 12,279 temples dedicated to Taoism (70%) and Buddhism (15%) and Christian Churches (15%). There more than 33,000 places for people to worship (2+ per square mile) making it the most dense religious country in Asia.
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    • Dia 8

      Kaohsiung Day 2

      30 de março, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Woke up a bit late, went to Duck Zhen for duck rice lunch. Duck rice was duck breast pieces with taucu pork mixed in as sauce. Ordered spare parts soup, vege and duck leg as sides.
      Then ferried over to Cijin Island (10mins only lol) , walked up to the lighthouse, down to the Cijin tunnel, along the beach and to Cijin market.
      Back to mainland we snacked on nougat and sweet meats from Namsan market (Taipei), then to the Love River boat ride. Short and nothing to write home about.
      Back to the hotel to snooze, but along the way a yakult milk drink.
      Out to FE21 for some browsing, bought some things from GU and a small collectible, then a simple dinner of steak+pasta and rice+ braised pork.
      Packed all our things in our bags - tomorrow mass then Korea!
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    • Dia 4

      Great Harbor Bridge

      4 de novembro de 2023, Taiwan

      Kaohsiung’s Great Harbor Bridge is a horizontally rotating bridge. We didn’t see it in action, but it has some interesting features.

      The octopus looking sculpture has tentacles, each of which lead to a drum. I tried playing the drums, but you really need a mallet to make a good sound with them. (Somebody must play them though, because the head of each drum has a sign asking people not to play them after 10 pm.)

      On the roof of a shop by the bridge are special horns that make sounds when the wind blows strongly enough. (They remind me of the cloud busting machine in the Kate Bush video.) We certainly would have appreciated a strong breeze today, not just to hear the horns but to cool us off.
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    • Dia 4

      Pier 2 Arts Center

      4 de novembro de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Kaohsiung’s Pier 2 Arts Center is sprinkled with public art as well as private galleries. We also found a cluster of air conditioned shops, which provided a must needed respite from the heat before we hoofed it back to the ship.

      One of my favorite sculptures was a dome made of wooden chairs. Sadly, the walking path through a nearby banyan tree was closed to the public. I would have loved to have climbed around in there.
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    • Dia 9

      Kaohsiung & Gimpo Seoul

      31 de março, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Attended easter mass in the morning. There's marching/brass band! Then head off to the airport and touchdown late at Seoul gimpo airport. Quite a long walk to hotel (regret not booking lotte hotel). But the night ended quite well. Hotel turned out very nice and dinner (boksam jokbal) was superb! Rest for the night before early flight to jeju tomorrow.Leia mais

    • Dia 16

      Kaohsiung: National Center for Arts

      17 de maio, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Coincidence!!! Luck???

      I attended TwoSet Violin's Concert in Kaohsiung! Was just looking around the archtecture of the gigantic modern structure in the middle of a square when I found out their concert was in an hour! I mean, WHAT?? Sometimes life plays funny games with you. They had a few shows in Canada but I couldn't go. Now I came across them in Taiwan by sheer luck!

      The ticket office said there was a seat left (in the expensive section), and I'd have been a fool not to accept fate's beckoning.
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    • Dia 9

      Sechster Tag

      19 de setembro de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      - Frühstück in Kaohsiung
      - Fahrt zum Kunstmuseum
      - Besuch eines Militärkulturparks
      - Mittagessen (Beefnudeln lecker, schmeckt so wie Gabi's Rindfleischsuppe)
      - Besuch von Qijin (Bier am Strand)
      - Sonnenuntergang am Meer
      - Koreanisches BBQ
      - Bier am Aiheriver
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    • Dia 94

      Random Observations 4

      1 de novembro de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Auf Reisen gibt es immer wieder ungewöhnliche, lustige oder überraschende Anblicke. Diese passen leider nicht immer in die Blogeinträge. Deshalb möchten wir sie hier teilen.
      English version

      While traveling one often encounters unusual, funny or surprising things. They don’t always fit into the regular posts which is why we would like to share them here.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Kaohsiung, 高雄市

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