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Os 10 melhores destinos Taipei
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    • Dia 156

      Jiufen & das Meer

      2 de abril de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Es gibt an der Nordküste irrsinnig viel zu sehen, aber da Sonntag war und wunderbares Wetter, waren die Massen unterwegs. Ich habe daher einige Sights an der Küste ausgelassen, habe mich an den Staus vorbeiheschummelt und nach Laune ausgewählt wo ich stehen bleibe (Susanne, da ist wieder was nur für dich dabei 😉).

      In der Gegend gab es Gold-, Silber- und Kupfererzabbau. Die Ruinen einer Raffinerie blicken als stummer Zeuge dieser Zeit auf das Meer.

      Juifen ist eine kleine Stadt, die sich an einen Hügel schmiegt. Die Straßen, Wege und Stiegen sind voll Menschen und durchziehen die Stadt wie die Ameisenrouten einen Ameisenhaufen. Zumindest an einem Sonntag. Es wird hier ganz viel Ghibli Studio Zeug verkauft, die Stadt erinnert ein wenig an die Stadt in "Spirited Away", vor allem abends, wenn die Lichter angehen. Ich wäre gern so lange geblieben um das zu sehen, aber die Massen an Menschen habe ich nicht ausgehalten.

      ###### english ######

      There is an insane amount to see on the north coast but as it was a Sunday and the weather was beautiful the crowds were out. So I skipped a few sights on the coast, cheated my way past the traffic jams and chose where to stop depending on my mood (Susanne, there's something just for you again 😉).

      Gold, silver and copper ore mining happened in the area. The ruins of a refinery look out to sea as a silent witness of that time.

      Juifen is a small town nestled on a hill. The streets, paths and stairs are full of people and run through the city like the ant routes through an anthill. At least on a Sunday. A lot of Ghibli Studio stuff is sold here, the town is a bit reminiscent of the town in "Spirited Away", especially at night when the lights come on. I would have liked to stay long enough to see that, but I couldn't stand the crowds.
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    • Dia 3

      Taipei Day 3 - Jiufen and Shifen

      25 de março, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Had breakfast at Tim Ho Wan. They didn't have any sauces for the dim sums, and gave us chop chillies.
      Took the bus from Taipei direct to Jiufen.
      Walked Jiufen Old Street, and had peanut ice cream roll (yum) and taro balls in ice (no taste, weirdddd). Bought some souvenirs, an Taiwanese ocarina being the more interesting one. Passed by A-MEI Teahouse which is the famous one. Nothing to write home about but took a few photos la.
      Tried to look for the kite museum but could not locate.
      Had a coffee at Hima Cafe which is a Cafe that had high clear windows looking out towards Youxin and Fanzhou coast which was minimalistic but very nice and cool to get out of the mad heat.
      Was supposed to go to houtong Cat Village but did not, went to shifen instead so we save a day later on.
      On the way to shifen we had to pass through ruifeng which is like the hub for going from Taipei to juifen and shifen. Had Lu Rou fan (25ntd only, small bowl but still, so cheap!) at a small side stall that reminded me of klang old town curry mee. Simple food but satisfying for a snack.
      Had a sarsaparilla at family mart, sat overlooking the ruifeng old street.
      In shifen we went to the waterfall (man made, nothing to write home about) walked shifen Old Street which is where the train literally runs through next to the street. Interesting and must go la, but very touristy, plenty of people sending big lanterns (with their wishes written on them) into the sky when evening comes, only for them to end up in the surrounding hills and rivers. Beautiful pictures, and commercially winning for the locals, but a big sad for the environment.
      On the way back from the waterfall had a bit of time til the train to Taipei (via ruifeng), had fried small crabs and tap beer.
      Arrived back in Taipei and felt tired and maybe a bit tired of eating, but we walked Taipei Main Station underground malls and found a Taiwanese Orissic hot pot restaurant for dinner. Choose a soup, choose a meat, and each person's soup is served individually. All veges and sides, drinks and dessetts are free. The lemon and winter melon slushie was the bomb. After the last few days of mainly snacking and not having a proper balanced meal, this one felt so satisfying. Had the milk cheese soup which was interesting and the winter melon lemon slushie was super.
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    • Dia 170–171

      Die alte Goldgräberstadt 🪙

      25 de abril, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Jiufen, ein Örtchen im Nordosten von Taiwan, bekannt für seine Altstadt. Jiufen ist etwas höher gelegen und war früher ein unscheinbares Bergdorf, bis ihm im Jahr 1893 die Goldgräber einen wirtschaftlichen Boom beschehrten. 🌟
      Heute zieht es Touristenmassen an, es ist wohl einer der beliebtesten Tagesausflüge von Taipei. Dies nicht mehr wegen dem Gold, sondern wegen den verwinkelten Gassen, den charmanten Verkaufsständen, der guten Aussicht und der hübschen Beleuchtung am Abend. 🏮 An einem solchen Ort, komplett an einem Berghang aufgebaut, teilt man sich die unzähligen Treppenstufen natürlich mit massenhaft anderen Touristen. Aber darauf haben wir und ja eingestellt...☺️

      Trotzdem hatte dieses Örtchen ein wenig Flair und gegen Abend wurde es deutlich ruhiger. In den wenigen Stunden, klapperten wir alles ab, was wir sehen wollten und probierten uns durch einige Spezialitäten vor Ort. Zum Beispiel "Taro Balls" oder "Tiramisu Erdbeer Mochi". 🍓

      Wir haben uns zudem, das erste Mal seit wir in Taiwan sind, ein Privatzimmer geleistet. Auch mal wieder schön, niemand fremdes schnarchen zu hören und sein Gepäck verstreut im Zimmer liegen lassen zu können. 😄

      Nun geht es mit dem Bus und Zug der Westküste entlang Richtung Süden. 🚄
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    • Dia 87–89

      Taiwan part 2

      30 de abril, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today, we planned a day trip out of Taipei to go hiking and visit some scenic towns. So, we donned our hiking boots and took the train to Hutong Cat Village. It was previously a booming mining town, but when the mines shut down, visitors began feeding the cats, causing the cat population to boom. Now, they have shops selling cat food to tourists and cat cafes.

      When we arrived in Hutong, we first picked up some small cat pellets and then tried to feed them to the cats, as a pretext to letting us pet them. It worked fairly well, but as they get fed so much, a few of them were a bit snooty about our dry food. The cats were cool, just lounging around in the middle of the street or asleep by walls, but the sound of a bag shaking quickly stirred them.

      In the village, they also have a huge free mining museum, which used to be the processing factory for the coal. It still has a lot of the old rusted machinery in it, and the exhibition is built up around it.

      As we wandered around outside in search of friendly cats, it began to rain heavily, so we took shelter inside a nearby cat cafe where we had lunch while watching the rain. It felt super cozy.

      Given the amount of rain, we gave up on our plans for a hike and decided to go straight to Jiufen, which has amazing street food and lanterns decorating the town. It's said to have been the inspiration for the town in Spirited Away.

      It was beautiful, and the narrow winding streets had food and tea stalls and trinkets, which was a feast for the senses. We walked up and down and then realized how tired we were, so we decided to head back to Taipei for the evening. We stopped off at a local fast food chain called Mo Burgers where I got a shrimp burger and James got a rice bun fish burger.

      On our 4th day in Taiwan, we decided to rent city bikes and see the town. The bikes cost about 20 cents for 2 hours, and the cycle lanes through the city and the parks were perfect, making it irresistible not to keep riding for hours. We cycled up to the National Palace Museum where we ended our cycle and bought tickets and looked around at some of the precious artifacts held there. After lots of days of walking, our little legs were too tired to do anything else, so we spent another quiet evening resting and doing any last bits of laundry ahead of our flight the next day.

      On our 5th and final day in Taiwan, we spent the morning apart in search of different things. We were catching our flight at 9 pm that evening but still had a whole day to fill. So we left our bags at the hotel, and I headed off to a bookshop in search of a guidebook for SE Asia, and James went to an Electronics plaza. After a couple of hours and success on both ends, we met up on the metro and headed out of town to the city zoo. It was £2.50 (!) for both of us to get into the zoo, which is insane and such good value. The zoo was huge and hosted a vast array of animals, some of which were more local to Asia than what we usually get in Western zoos. The enclosures were pretty big and well-stocked with structures and vegetation for the animals. The highlights were the aviary, where we finally managed to see the national bird of Taiwan, the mandarin duck, and another colorful pheasant that is the closest relative to the dodo. My highlight was achieving my trip objective of seeing a sloth! As they're only native to South America, a zoo version was the best I was going to get, but it was still pretty amazing seeing them in person and so close up. After we'd seen as much as we could at the zoo, we headed back to collect our bags and get to the airport. The airport was very quick and easy to get through and very empty. It only had one food outlet which played the same track on loop which basically only consisted of a chorus, that went '...I'll be happy tomorrow, so let's be happy...' 😵‍💫 The flight was thankfully smooth and pleasant and was a great way to start our time in Thailand.
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    • Dia 5

      Taiwan, Keelung

      13 de abril, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute dann schon in Taiwan. Nach einem Seetag gestern sind wir heute Ortszeit 6:36 Uhr in Keelung angekommen. Der Hafen ist wohl sehr bedeutend für Taiwan. Es gab jede Menge zu entdecken... Tempel Nachtmarkt, Essen, einen Fahrstuhl zum Tempel, tolle Natur und jede Menge mehr.Leia mais

    • Dia 182

      Keelung, Taiwan

      11 de junho de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

      New-to-us port #51 … with an overnight.

      We arrived at noon into the port city for Taipei and headed off to see what we could on a short afternoon before the sites closed down for the day.

      In the meantime, unbeknownst to us, this is what was happening in the skies over the Taiwan Strait … in the eternal struggle between Taiwan and China.Leia mais

    • Dia 167–170

      Erdbeben in Yilan 🫨

      22 de abril, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Taiwan ist eine kleine Insel, mit einem sehr guten ÖV System - das ist super für uns! ☺️ Während wir in Taipei waren, haben wir bereits die nächste Übernachtung für den Norden Taiwans gebucht. Nämlich sollte es nach Keelung gehen, von wo aus verschiedene Tagesausflüge geplant waren. Dafür haben wir das erste Mal eine Unterkunft über die Plattform "Couchsurfing" gebucht. Über Couchsurfing kann man kostenlose Schlafplätze bei Einheimischen finden. 💛

      Am Tag zuvor haben wir den Wetterbericht für den Norden gecheckt, leider sahen die nächsten Tage ziemlich verregnet aus und unsere Outdoorpläne fallen wohl wortwörtlich ins Wasser. Kurze Zeit später meldete sich unser Couchsurfing Host, dass es in der Region tatsächlich sehr stark regnen sollte und falls wir nicht kommen möchten, wäre das für ihn kein Problem. Nach kurzem Überlegen haben wir um 23:00 mal wieder den kompletten Plan für die nächsten Tage über den Haufen geworfen und buchten ein Hostel in dem Städtchen Yilan. Unser Ziel befindet sich nun ein wenig südlicher und ganz naiv (oder optimistisch? 🤔) hofften wir dort auf besseres Wetter. Also sind wir am nächsten Tag in de Zug gesprungen und waren bereits mach zwei Stunden an unserer Haltestelle angekommen. 🚆

      Das Wetter war oke und auch das Hostel sah nach dem Check-in ganz ordentlich aus.
      Jedoch hatten wir in den Stunden darauf kein Sonnenschein und blauen Himmel, sondern Regen und Erdbeben. Eine gänzlich ungemütliche Situation...🫣

      Am 03. April wurde Taiwan von einem schweren Erdbeben getroffen, das Epizentrum befand sich noch weiter südlich von uns. In der ersten Nacht in Yilan bekamen wir die Nachbeben nochmals deutlich zu spüren und an einen ruhigen Schlaf war nicht zu denken. Wahrscheinlich hatten auch die Taiwanesen durch die vielen Erdbebenwarnungen, welche vom Staat automatisch auf alle Smartphones geschickt werden (was wir super finden!), eher eine unruhige Nacht. Glücklicherweise sind wir genügend weit weg von den starken Beben und werden auch einen grossen, grossen Bogen um dieses Gebiet machen. Seit wir in Yilan sind, gab es über hundert kleinere und grössere Nachbeben. Etwa einen Viertel davon haben wir bei uns auch gespürt. Für viele Taiwanesen sind kleine Erdbeben normal und trotzdem wurde der Besitzer des Kaffees, in welchem wir unseren ersten Nachmittag verbracht haben, merklich unruhig als die Lampen zu zittern begannen. Auch unser Puls ist kurz in die Höhe geschossen, als das Sofa unter uns zu wackeln begann und auch nach dem x-ten Beben bekommen wir noch schwitzige Hände. Es gibt durchaus schönere Momente, als in der Nacht wegen einem rüttelnden Bett aufzuwachen.
      Für uns ist es extrem schwierig ein solches Naturereignis einschätzen zu können, daher gehen wir dem lieber aus dem Weg und fahren heute wieder ein Stück nach Norden, weiter weg vom Epizentrum.

      Zudem sollte es sowieso die ganze Woche überall weiter regnen, daher sind unsere Wanderpläne in den Nationalparks vorerst gestrichen. 🏞️

      Übrigens: Taipei ist eine der sichersten Städte wenn es um Erdbeben geht! Seit dem letzten verheerenden Beben 1995 wurden unzählige Massnahmen ergriffen, um möglichst viele Bauten erdbebensicher zu machen, Warnsysteme wurden eingeführt und die Bewohner wurden auf das Thema sensibilisiert. 💡

      Zu guter Letzt sind wir abermals sehr froh, nicht mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs zu sein und flexibel bleiben zu können. Für diese vielen Regentage hätten wir sowieso nicht genügend trockene Unterhosen mit dabei.... 😉👙

      Ansonsten ist Yilan nicht besonders spektakulär. Wir schauten uns einen Naturpark an, haben zwei verschiedene Night Markets ausprobiert (Zwiebel Pfannkuchen sind hier eine leckere Spezialität) und waren in einem Kunstmuseum, was uns überraschenderweise sehr gut gefiel. 🖼️

      Jetzt geht's ab in den Norden und später die Westküste hinunter. Weit weg von den Erschütterungen. 💪
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    • Dia 378

      Jiaoxi & Jifuen

      25 de dezembro de 2023, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      As a geologically active country on the Pacific ring of fire, Taiwan has hundreds of hot springs. Whole towns have sprung up around some of the springs, populated with public baths and hot springs hotels.

      As a Christmas treat I checked into a hot spring hotel in Jiaoxi. These hotels have private spas in each of the rooms, with the bathroom taking pride of place with full length windows overlooking the mountains. Wanting to make the most of this amazing hotel I spent most of my time chilling in the spa, with some local snacks, beer, and spirits.

      Jiaoxi is also a nice town to explore, with a good night market selling delicious street food and even mulled wine! It ran alongside a stream fed by hot springs lit up with Christmas decorations which was quite effective at putting me in the Christmas spirit despite my better intentions. The hotel even had Charlotte Church on the telly at breakfast!

      After a few days of pure relaxation I got back on the train and headed to Jifuen, an old mountain town that supposedly inspired the Studio Ghibli animated film Spirited Away. This makes the town very popular with tourists, and trying to navigate the famous old street was a nightmare as it was often packed with tour groups and day trippers. So after seeing this street once, which is mostly lined with souvenir shops anyway, I did everything I could to avoid it from then on! Luckily the town had many interesting and picturesque back streets which were fun to explore. Exploring the town felt a bit like snakes and ladders, if I came across a flight of stairs I took it to see where they took me, and the winding streets would often lead me back to where I started when I least expected it. It was also very wet when I was there, which meant that there was constantly heavy clouds covering the town, occasionally lifting slightly to give atmospheric views out over the mountain towards the sea.
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    • Dia 6

      Taipei Day 6 - Wulai

      28 de março, Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Breakfast of Mushroom noodles with egg, soy milk and ham in pancake. The condiment of ikan bilis, Chili padi and pickled radish was fire!! Made everything taste extra nice. Probably the tastiest breakfast so far.
      Took the bus to Wulai, 1.5 hour ride all the way. Visited a cliff side Temple, crossed the suspension bridge, walked Wulai Old Street, bought white water jambu and guava with pink flesh. White water jambu nice and sweet, the guava tasted like... Guava.
      Had coffee at 7-11 before the hour walk to and from Wulai Falls.
      Took the bus back to town and then jumped off to catch the train into the city, but first, bought a slice of cheesecake.
      Walked Q Squared mall, then had Sukiyaki style hot pot.
      Did laundry, then walked to Ximen to try to catch some dance performances. Was a bit late as the performances were over. Only a few people singing.
      Bought some clothes from NET (3 red tags, 50% off each), then on the way back stopped by family mart for snacks: onigiri, caramel pudding and yakult.
      Tomorrow: off to Kaohsiung!
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    • Dia 1

      Frankfurt - Taipei - Denpasar

      18 de maio, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Von Frankfurt aus nahmen wir den Flieger nach Taipei Taiwan. Bei dem letzten Flugabschnitt von 5 Stunden saßen wir getrennt von Elena und Marcel. Das Flugzeug war ein Eisschrank und verzögerte das Bier trinkenLeia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Taipei, New Taipei, 新北市

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