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    • Dag 99

      Home office?

      25. mars 2020, Tanzania ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Fight nature with nature: Toast à la Cheesus with onions, garlic, aromatic habanero and tomato for lunch (germ-free zone), polska szarlotka in the afternoons (Dagmara knows her business!), coffee all around the clock und nen guaden Grappa for sun set. Our night watchman patrols with a
      small brown sheep and the bush baby in the nearby tree always has an eye on me. Doesn't sound like the end of the world, does it?
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    • Dag 100

      Back in time 30 million years

      26. mars 2020, Tanzania ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Since March 22nd I’m relaxing here on the spot and preparing my mind for the dawning apocalypse. Today I break out for a hike into Shagayu Forest Reserve (part of Usambara mountains) with the local guides Joseph and David accompanied by five dogs from the camp, of which three are Dagmara’s imported stray dogs from Morocco (all Poles I know are crazy about dogs!). We accomplish more than 21 km within seven hours and again I feel the past three months of sitting behind the driving wheel. Back home I will have to order a replacement element for my left knee on eBay :-P

      The path leads us from Mambo through monotonous pine and eucalyptus forests which have been planted by Germans and/or Brits during colonial times, primarily to obtain fast-growing firewood and building material. Already back then the natives’ settlement pressure was intense in this fertile and smoothly-climatised region that the whites feared to loose more and more of the precious, pristine rain forest. This is why they erected a wall of eucalyptus trees to denominate a border between cultivated land and the Shagayu forest which has been declared a forest reserve during the nineteenhundrets. This tree wall persists until today and looks somewhat strange. The locals say that this system still works pretty well as they are allowed to gather firewood from the pine and eucalyptus plantations any time whereas from the primary forest they may only collect dead wood which indeed is strongly controlled by the current government. At least they seem to have realised that this old forest is the only source for fresh water during the dry season. It even sources water during droughts when it does not rain for two years in a row!

      This "firewood thing" is really a problem. Tanzania is poor and has a huge population which uses wood and charcoal for cooking and heating all year long. Getting a hot shower in rural areas involves firing an oven. But in Zambia it is even worse! There the water reservoirs are depleting which also leads to hydro power shortages and whole Zambia’s economy and life seems to be concentrated around “where do I get firewood and where do I get charcoal?”. Even in Lusaka we experienced power cut-offs from early morning till the evening and running water was not available from 9 am to 3 pm. In their fuckin’ capital they cook daily lunch on charcoal! Here in Usambara mountains 30 % of the ladies are carrying veggies on their head and 70 % are carrying ... firewood. By the way, I don’t see any guys working here. They are just hiding or sitting around on crappy Chinese motorbikes (they say that they fall apart after one year).

      So, back to Shagayu forest: it’s nice, you should go there. Don’t fear any leopards, they don’t come any more.
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    • Dag 138

      Cave hike

      3. mai 2020, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      This Sunday is hiking day and we explore some caves north of Mambo. Far more impressive are the great views we get from the rocks above the caves!

      Unfortunately during the hike one of the dogs tries to snack a sheep and we are forced to buy it from the owner. At the lodge it gets treatment and joins Dolly, the other sheep which has been attacked by a dog before. Two days later while trying to perform in home officing I will be going to witness sheep legs, a sheep's head and sheep ribs being carried through our premises. Dolly is alone again.Les mer

    • Dag 96


      22. mars 2020, Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Brown, heavy bread, jucy avocado, aromatic tomatoes, citronpeppar from Sweden, locally made rosmary gouda and passion fruit jam, accompanied with Tanzanian freshly ground coffee from fincas south of Kilimanjaro =)

      Apart from calling me "Jesus!" all the time, since yesterday the young generation sympathizes with the new nickname "Corona!" for all non-locals. From heaven to hell in one day! -_-
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    • Dag 11

      Mambo View Point is where I belong

      16. desember 2022, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      On my way to Kilimanjaro Airport were I will be picking up Franziska in two days I visit my beloved second home at Mambo View Point where I say hello to Dagmara and her staff. What a great feeling to be back here again! Tears start to flow when I walk up to the cottage where I stayed 3.5 months back in 2020. Even more tears when I walk further to the view point overlooking Pare mountains. Speechless!Les mer

    • Dag 24

      Heute Fahrt vom Tal in die Usambraberge

      15. desember 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Immer das gleiche, jeden Abend in der Runde: schlafen wir länger? Ja, nein vielleicht und am Ende: "machen wir es doch einfach wie immer, dann müssen wir uns nicht umstellen" Also 6 aufstehen, 7 Frühstück und 8 Uhr losfahren!!!

      Heute in die Berge zum Irente View Lodge. In den Bergen hingen die Wolken, so war es eigentlich nicht überraschend, Sonne zwischendurch ein Regen, warten und weiter gings.
      Das letzte Stück ging über Piste, bergauf und bergab. Ich hatte die Hosen voll, dass ich gleich im Matsch liege, aber es ging alles gut!

      Ankommen bei Sonnenschein und 1Std. später wieder Regen, das wird ja lustig....
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    • Dag 258


      15. juli 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wir kamen früher als erwartet in Lushoto an. Anstelle der 8h Fahrt waren es glücklicherweise nur 5h. Wir nahmen uns ein Taxi zu unserer Unterkunft, welche etwas abgelegen in den Wäldern lag. Danach liefen wir in die kleine Stadt "Lushoto" und gingen dort in das fast einzige Restaurant. Danach liefen wir zurück und spielten noch ein paar Kartenspiele bevor wir ins Bett gingen. Am nächsten Morgen sollten wir um 8:00Uhr von unserem Wanderguide abgeholt werden. Gegen 8:30 Uhr trafen dann unsere zwei Guides ein. Gebucht hatten wir eine 8h Wanderung mit ca 20km. Wir wanderten zunächst durch den Regenwald, vorbei an kleinen Dörfern. Überall hörten wir nur das Wort "Mzungus" und die Kinder winkten uns glücklich zu und gaben uns "high fives". So habe ich mir afrikanische Dörfer vorgestellt. Kleine selbstgebaute Häuser in denen eine ganze Familie lebt und die Felder neben dem Haus bewirtschaftet. Ein Kind wurde vor dem Haus gerade in einer Wasserschale gewaschen. Alle waren sehr freundlich als wir ihre Häuser passierten. Wir liefen schmale Pfade, welche ich selbst nicht als Weg wahrgenommen hätte 😄
      Dann ging es steil berghoch bis wir den ersten Viewpoint erreichten. Eine unserer Guides ließ sich mit einem Motorrad hochfahren und bereitete schon unser lunch vor. Es gab Chapati (das einheimische Brot), Guacamole und ganz viel Obst 😊 Dann ging es weiter zum eigentlichen Highlight dem "Irente Viewpoint". Die Aussicht war atemberaubend 😍
      Danach mussten wir noch 1,5h zurück nach Lushoto laufen. Wir waren alle froh als wir endlich ankamen 😄
      Wir liefen direkt in das Restaurant vom Vortrag und gönnten uns erstmal einen Milkshake 😍 Nachdem Essen ging es dann mit einem Taxi heim und nach ein paar Runden Karten fielen wir ins Bett, da wir am nächsten Morgen um 5:45 Uhr von einem Taxi abgeholt und zum Busbahnhof gebracht werden. Nächstes Ziel ist Stone Town auf Sansibar😍
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    • Dag 36

      Shagayu Forest

      10. januar 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      I finally manage to introduce a beloved person from far back home to Mambo View Point, yay! Two nights we spend in a cosy cottage and Franziska is fascinated by the magic of this place. Now, at least she can follow what I am always talking about, juhu 😁! The mornings are filled with great views down into the valley before rain clouds turn everything into thick grey mist. I kidnap her for a day's bush walk through the dripping Shagayu cloud forest to Kidhege Falls. In the evenings we chill out near the lodge's fire place.Les mer

    • Dag 37

      Spicy ginger chai mixed with coffee

      11. januar 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      At Mtae we descend from the western Usambara mountains and drive the northern route to the coast. What a wonderful and underrated road! No traffic at all and full of beautiful landscape views. We spontaneously stop at a place with lovely gentlemen in the shade for a spicy ginger chai mixed with coffee. As we continue our drive to the coast, passing the eastern Usambara mountains, heavy rain hits us and the dirt road turns into a soapy washboard within seconds.Les mer

    • Dag 105

      Lawns Hotel, Lushoto

      19. august 2023, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We were camping in the grounds of the Lawns Hotel in Lushoto, a former German colonial town. In those days, it was known as Wilhelmstal (William’s Valley) after Emperor Wilhelm II.

      When we arrived, we immediately saw another Intrepid truck, obviously being led by Laban. Before we could say hello, though, we had a tour of the camp ground and the facilities. Based on this, we decided to upgrade! After our sleepless night last night, we needed to get some rest. A double room with ensuite was only US$30 per night. We were here for two nights. It seemed a small price to pay for a decent level of comfort!

      After settling in, we went in search of Laban. It was lovely to see him again, and to catch up on all the news about our group who had gone on to Nairobi with him.

      We then went to the bar for a drink with some of our group. They all seem really nice, and we had a wide-ranging conversation before dinner. For dinner, Ibrahim had made a delicious courgette soup, followed by chicken curry with spaghetti. It tasted good, but I would have preferred my curry with rice!

      Afterwards, I was on wash-up duty, and Mark should have been on flapping, but they were showing the Spurs game in the bar, so Jordan subbed for him. When we’d finished, we joined them in the bar to watch the rest of the match. Spurs beat Man United 2 – 0, so Mark was a happy man! Laban came to watch the end of the game, so we were able to say our goodbyes before retiring for the night. He is such a nice guy. We wish him nothing but happiness in his life!
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