Ko Li Pe

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    • Dia 59

      Koh Lipe (Tag 1-4)

      22 de dezembro de 2023, Tailândia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Zunächst wurden wir mit einem Longtailboot an einen größeren Steg auf Koh Ngai gefahren, auf dem wir dann auf unser Speedboat warteten. Gegen 11:30Uhr ging die Fahrt dann los. Nach mehreren Stopps auf Koh Mook, Koh Kradan und Koh Bulon Le erreichten wir nach ca 2,5h unser Ziel - Koh Lipe 😍!
      Die Fahrt war sehr angenehm, kaum Wellen auf dem Meer, Milan hat die Hälfte etwa in der Trage geschlafen und die andere Hälfte gespielt.

      Koh Lipe ist eine unserer Lieblingsinseln, auch wenn es hier zunehmend voller, dreckiger und lauter wird. Vor knapp 10Jahren waren wir hier das erste Mal und haben die Insel sofort in unser Herz geschlossen 🥰. Damals gab es weder Straßen, motorisierte Fahrzeuge noch große Supermärkte oder Hotels. Man konnte mit dem Speedboat nicht direkt an die Insel fahren (wie wir heute). Wir mussten damals in ein Longtailboot umsteigen, um an den Strand zu gelangen - abgesetzt direkt in das türkise glasklare Wasser .
      Heute wimmelt es von Touristen, Bars und vor allem Marihuanashops 😅.
      Nur Mülleimer gibt es leider immer noch keine ..

      Wir genießen hier unsere letzten Tage in Thailand. Das Wasser und die Strände sind wunderschön. Abends gehen wir in eines der zahlreichen Restaurants in der Walking Street oder essen direkt am Strand 🐙🐟🦪🦞🦐. Beeindruckende Feuershows gibt es jeden Abend und Live-DJ s legen hier auf. So kann man den Abend gemütlich ausklingen lassen und hat dabei noch eine einzigartige Strandkulisse im Hintergrund 😍.
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    • Dia 18

      Open Water Tauchschein

      4 de janeiro, Tailândia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Schon seit längerem habe ich überlegt einen Tauchschein zu machen. Was bietet sich da Besseres an, als eine Insel in Thailand? Nach ein bisschen Recherche und Tauchschulen Vergleich habe ich mich dazu entschieden, auf Ko Lipe mit der DJL Tauchschule einen Kurs zu machen.
      Mit meinem Tauchlehrer Beng und meinem 11 Jährigen Tauchbuddy ging es den ersten Tag direkt ins Meer, um die 25 wichtigsten Tauchfähigkeiten zu lernen und üben, bevor es ins offene, tiefe Gewässer geht. Die größte Herausforderung, war definitiv die Maske unter Wasser komplette aus- und wieder anzuziehen.
      Nach 3 Stunden im Wasser und vielen neuen 'Tauchwörtern' im Gepäck bin ich abends k.o ins Bett gefallen. Nachdem ich die erste Nacht im Chic Hostel übernachtet habe, werde ich die nächsten drei Nächte im Bloom Hostel direkt an der Walking Street übernachten.
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    • Dia 18

      Ausgiebiges Frühstück und Fullmoon Party

      19 de abril de 2019, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Den Tag starteten wir mit fabelhaften Smoothie- und Oatmeal Bowls sowie Kaffee am Strand.🌸☕️
      Christian ging auf einen weiteren Tauchgang, auf welchem er Muränen, Skorpionsfische, Kugelfische und weitere Fischschwärme bestaunen konnte. 🐠
      Gemeinsam sahen wir beim Schnorcheln auch zwei Kugelfische und Fische, die durch kurzes zwicken zB ins Bein ihr Revier verteidigen. 🐡 🐟
      Heute ist Vollmond 🌕, deshalb gibt es am Strand eine Fullmoon Party mit Feuershow 🔥 🚀 🤪
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    • Dia 16

      Koh Lipe

      19 de janeiro de 2019, Tailândia ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Vous vous souvenez quand j’ai dit que j’étais au paradis à Koh Lanta? Et bien j’y suis toujours... si pas un peu plus...

      Après 3h de speedboat assez épiques, je suis arrivées Koh Lipe. Non seulement, l’île est paradisiaque (sable blanc, eau translucide, etc.) mais en plus, j’ai la chance de rester dans un superbe hôtel pendant 2 nuits! Ça va me faire du bien de dormir seule et de profiter de la piscine!

      Comme je disais... paradis!
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    • Dia 26

      Zodiac Beach Resort, Koh Lipe

      29 de outubro de 2018, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hier sind wir vom 29.10 - 01.11.18.
      Unser letzter Stopp in Thailand🇹🇭
      Dann geht es auch schon rüber nach Malaysia🇲🇾
      Koh Lipe ist eine traumhaft schöne Insel.
      Das Meer ist glasklar, der Strand weich und weiß und man kann direkt vor dem Hotel im Meer Schnorchel gehen und sieht eine Vielfalt an Fischen 🐡
      Wirklich der perfekte letzte Stopp, denn hier ist es genau so wie man sich Thailand vorstellt🌴
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    • Day 26 - Arse Over Tit in Sunset City

      4 de janeiro de 2022, Tailândia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We didn’t wake up until gone 9am, then it was down to breakfast. No new entertainment was on offer, but we had some new/trainee staff that still had some way to go. I ordered an omelette, but got scrambled egg, we didn’t receive our fruit platter & it took a while to order a 2nd coffee. I’m struggling to cope with such hardship!

      The sun was out & so we set up camp on 2 deckchairs for a full day of sun. At lunchtime Jackie popped back to our room & smuggled 2 cans of Chang on to the beach. Once drunk, it was my turn to get a couple more.

      After collecting my illicit contraband, I walked along the beach back to Jackie & didn’t notice the anchor rope of a longboat had risen up. I didn’t just trip up in my flip flops, but I somehow managed to a actually face plant into the sand. My embarrassing shriek of pain woke up the crew on the longboat as I picked myself up & walked on as if nothing happened, despite having a cut on the top of my foot.

      During the afternoon, the sun & fluffy clouds were threatening to provide us with a proper sunset. We weren’t the only ones to think so because the beach started to fill up. At 5.05pm, Jackie decided we needed to have a sundowner drink & she returned to the room to collect a bottle of Hong Thong & a can of coke. We are not cheapskates, just frugal!

      Whilst Jackie was away, I splattered a full mosquito against my leg resulting in a big smudge of blood & mossie carcass. Seconds later I was being attacked by another 2 mosquitos & I quickly, but with style, walked to the sea to clean my leg. Unfortunately as I was waving away the chasing mosquitos, I didn’t notice the rock in the sand that I smashed my left foot into, which again left me in a pitiful mess on all fours in the sand with a bleeding middle toe. The bastard mossies continued to eat my legs, despite me splatting another three.

      The sunset was still disappointing, no red skies, but I took a couple of arty photos for the sheer hell of it. We then returned to our room & did a bit of packing. Our dirty clothes had been successfully returned from laundry.

      We were just about to head out for dinner, when I went back into our room to put my iPad on charge & somehow managed to smash my left foot on the step, ripping the skin off the bottom of my arthritic big toe. What an absolutely clumsy tw^t, I’ve become!!

      After some serious swearing, hopping up & down & 1st aid from Jackie, we popped out for dinner. It was at La Luna, an Italian restaurant where I had gnocchi al pesto & Jackie had a spicy penne dish. We treated ourselves to a litre of red wine & garlic bread. It was very good.

      We managed to make it home & to bed without further accident or incident.

      Song of the Day: Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty.
      Sunsetz by Cigarettes After Sex.
      Clumsy by Cotter.
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    • Day 25 - Breakfast with a Mermaid

      3 de janeiro de 2022, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Woke up suffering the effects of eating too much curry the previous evening. It didn’t stop us going to breakfast, but Jackie could only manage coffee & some omelette. I ate all of mine & most of what Jackie would let me have of hers.

      Today’s entertainment at breakfast was the appearance of a mermaid sitting on a rock in front of us. It was like being in Copenhagen…….I imagine!

      After breakfast we collected up all our dirty clothes & dropped them off in reception (not literally) for cleaning at typically the dearest place we have so far found on our trip, 80 Baht per kilo. Jackie gave it all to the nice, but dim, girl to deal with. We have visions of our clothes being worn by all the staff, because no one has a clue who they belong to.

      With the tide being high & consuming most of our beach, we decided to have another march around the island to burn off that bloody curry. We started in reverse & explored the resorts to the west of us, including their toilets!

      We ended up on a now clean Pattaya Beach & saw 3 separate pontoons loading queues of Thais into speedboats to get them home for work in the morning. Apparently today was a Thai Bank Holiday.

      After Pattaya Beach, we did Walking Street, then walked Sunrise Beach to the ‘pleasing on the eye’ Zodiac Bar for a couple of large Changs. Black clouds gathered as we supped our beer, so we headed back through the locals village & almost undiscovered jungle tracks before arriving at the opposite end of our Sunset Beach.

      Over lunch of a Chang & onion bhajis, whilst a quick shower passed over, we googled accommodation & travel routes & booked a 2 night stay in a hotel in the place where the pink dolphins live. We aren’t going mad just yet!!

      The afternoon was spent on deckchairs on our beach, which promised to provide us with a decent sunset. The beach was fairly full with tourists with the same opinion as us. We waited until gone 6pm, but yet again it was another unmitigated flop.

      After giving it up as another lost cause, we didn’t hang about & an hour later we were heading into town. We stopped at reception & spoke to nice, but dim lady again & this time Jackie put her in charge of organising our return trip to Hat Yai Bus Terminal on Wednesday. We have now relied on her slightly more than I feel comfortable with, but hey ho!

      Tonight, we had decided that we would sample some of the fare on the street stalls, followed by a quick drink & cards back on our balcony. It didn’t end up that way.

      We started off with a couple of sausages that were reheated on the grill. Jackie started eating hers first & stopped half way through saying it wasn’t what she expected, then said it was cold/undercooked in the middle. I ate mine despite her best efforts to make me gag.

      We went to a different stall & ordered a couple of chicken sticks. Mine was nice, but Jackie said hers was a bit grisly. And who is the fussy one?Jackie then declared she wanted to go to OMG Bar for a little something else to eat & a beer.

      We arrived at OMG Bar just after 8pm & ordered 2 Changs & a Pad Thai to share from the waiters. It was a quiet night, we would eat & drink up & go. At 8.30pm, everything changed when a crowd of 30 plus people descended on OMG in a huge cloud of cannabis smoke. They were a mixture of Thais & westerners, but they all thought they were super cool. It transpired that it was the birthday day of one amongst them, a very loud dramatic transsexual in a white dress.

      This made for good people watching, but what topped it off was the same band from previously started up. The very talented duo turned out to be our waiters from when we arrived. We stayed until their final song, a decent version of Smells Like Teen Spirit.

      Song of the Day: Mermaids by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.
      When Mermaids Cry by Eagle-Eye Cherry.
      The “In” Crowd by The Mamas & The Papas.
      Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.
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    • Day 24 - Spider Mystery Solved

      2 de janeiro de 2022, Tailândia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      It was a Huntsman Spider!!

      If big spiders aren’t your cup of tea, we’re sorry to say that the Huntsman Spider is one of the largest in the world, growing as large as 30 cm!
      In Thailand they’re often as large as a grown man’s hand. With long, strong legs, and a fuzzy body, these spiders are a mottled brown and tan color, making them difficult to spot against a forest floor.

      The Huntsman Spider’s natural camouflage serves it well in the woodland and forest areas that it calls home. Unfortunately, they also are curious enough to venture into houses and dwellings in rural areas, most likely because they do not spin webs, but hunt for insects and small invertebrates.

      Fortunately, these spiders are shy and often scared of humans. Huntsman aren’t known to aggressively bite humans, but if you do get bitten, you’re likely in for a little discomfort and swelling that will subside in a day or two.


      At 6.30am I stumbled out of bed to the bathroom & was confronted by the spider for a 2nd time. It was on the wall next to the mirror. I edged back out & grabbed Jackie’s phone. The spider had hidden itself behind all of Jackie’s clutter beside the wash basin. I couldn’t turn her flash on, probably because my hands were a bit sweaty, so I had to resort to taking a long shot in the dark with a disappointing result. The spider is definitely living in the big gap behind the cabinet in the bathroom.

      Back in bed I got back to googling & was able to identify this spider, which was probably the same as the 1st one, as a Huntsman Spider. In my defence, it would appear that Huntsman Spiders are regularly mistaken for Tarantulas. It didn’t make Jackie any happier when I read out the description above & I know I will have to conduct a thorough search from now on before Jackie enters the bathroom.

      We were treated to a ‘glamour’ shoot on the beach at breakfast. The girl had absolutely no shame or embarrassment as she stripped off down to her bikini & pranced & posed in front of us bemused hotel guests trying to eat our breakfast!

      We were also amused by the peculiar sight of a girl sat on her balcony wearing a mask & snorkel whilst reading.

      We sat in deckchairs on the beach all day with just a few beers & went out for dinner starving. We went to the Bombay Indian Restaurant and started ordering. When I got to the rice & asked if we could easily get a 2nd rice if we needed it, the waiter replied “I think you’ve ordered enough sir”. That is when you know you’ve ordered too much!!

      Our dinner consisted of popadoms with salad & mint sauce, 10 onion bhajis, a chicken tikka masala, a chicken jalfrezi, 2 naan beads & just the one steamed rice. We ate it all except 4 onion bhajis that were bagged up for us to take home for lunch. It was delicious, but we were too stuffed to do anything else after but waddle home.

      During the day & evening, I sneaked into the bathroom with my camera primed, but unfortunately there were no further sightings of our Huntsman.

      Song of the Day: Tiptoe Spider by Ray Bonneville.
      Jumpin’ Jack Flash by The Rolling Stones.
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    • Dia 113

      Ko Lipe - Trash Heroes

      29 de janeiro de 2018, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Zeit für etwas Sinnvolles, neben dem ganzen Faulenzen. Jeden Montag trifft sich eine Gruppe von Freiwilligen und fährt mit den ‘Trash Heroes’ mit Booten zu einer Bucht auf die Nachbarinsel Adang. Auf den ersten Blick ein Paradies; weißer Sandstrand und klares Wasser. Ein paar Meter Landeinwärts und man stößt auf Berge von Müll - alles vom Meer angeschwemmt.

      Auf diesem Teil der Insel wohnen 5 Leute für ein paar Monate pro Jahr, die täglich 2-3 Stunden Müll in Müllsäcke packen.

      An diesem Montag sind wir 52 Helfer und füllen innerhalb von 2 Stunden 248 große Müllsäcke mit Glas- und Plastikflaschen, Flipflops, Styropor, Feuerzeugen, Glühbirnen und irgendwelchem Krimskrams.

      Einerseits ist es eine befriedigende Arbeit, andererseits auch frustrierend. Je genauer man hinguckt, desto mehr Müll entdeckt man. Es bleibt genug Müll für die nächsten paar Monate zurück.
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    • Day 22 - Saying Goodbye to 2021 in Style

      31 de dezembro de 2021, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Woke up at 5am to the sound of a small animal with claws (or a tarantula with clogs on) scuttling around on our ceiling. It was most unnerving.

      I got up at 9am, looked in the mirror & remembered that I had got myself a ‘Pompadour’. I started looking for Song of the Day for yesterday’s blog & found the perfect song to sum up my new hairdo.

      Breakfast was a repeat of yesterday except that we spread our Bovril on the toast and we had a splash of rain. The hotel manager, Lucas appeared & excitedly informed me that they had got some smoked ribs in especially for me from a new supplier & I’d be the first to try them. Great, I’m now going to be a guinea pig tonight!

      After a morning on the beach we popped back to our room for just one beer each on the balcony. During our lunch break, Jackie received a friends request on Facebook from Big Anne & within minutes they were conversing about the trials & tribulations (or lack of) of getting back home. I just hope that Big Anne doesn’t get wind of my blog!

      We returned to the beach for a somewhat cloudy afternoon, then called it a day at 4.30pm to prepare for our big night.

      At 6pm & all dressed up to the nines, we went back down to our Sunset Beach to join our fellow diners for pre-dinner drinks & to watch another non-existent sunset. Our fellow diners included a family of Canadians, who were teachers living in Bangkok, a German couple who accused us of being the spitting image of a couple of her friends & 3 Brits who we didn’t actually get to talk to.

      On the beach we had a couple of mojitos & chatted to the Canadians about our respective travels & life in Thailand during the last two years. Once darkness started to fall, we were ushered up to the The Hill Restaurant, which was a beautiful setting, an open air terrace overlooking the bay. The remainder of the diners were already sat in the restaurant.

      Each group, mainly couples, had individual tables. I was proud of the fact that I was the ‘special one’ until Lucas burst my bubble by telling me that there was another meat eater in our midst. It turned out to be the accusing German woman & it would seem I was more ‘special needs’ than the ‘special one’.

      Lucas did the rounds taking drinks orders. We, like many, ordered white wine & Lucas came back with two Spanish bottles for us to choose from. We made our choice without any mention of prices to influence us. I knew it wasn’t going to be cheap!

      The 5 courses came out as per the photos & the scheduled menu. Instead of the fish I had chicken satay, spicy marinated pork & smoked ribs. Jackie definitely benefited from my ‘fish intolerance’, because she had a whole lobster to herself while other couples had to share exactly the same sized lobster & she definitely had more sashimi. What was most impressive was the fact that Jackie ate every single bit of fish, it was only when & we got to the steak course that she suffered. I did help her out!

      Lucas was extremely passionate about the food & took great delight explaining to us what each course was & how it was prepared, which all added to the overall experience.

      Despite sipping the wine instead of our usual guzzling, we had to order a 2nd bottle of wine half way through the meal. Following dessert of chocolate brownie, mango & coconut ice cream, we had a small firework display on the beach in front of us, which was intimate and a nice conclusion to the meal. Jackie videoed the tail end of the fireworks on her phone & was so pleased with herself she started WhatsApping all & sundry her firework display & with a ‘Happy New Year’.

      Lucas then invited us to join him on a bar crawl to end at Pattaya Beach in time for the fireworks scheduled to take place at midnight. We were keen to go, but we were too stuffed to contemplate drinking for the next 2 hours. We have turned into a couple of middle aged lightweights!

      I apologised to Lucas that we were too knackered & then I signed for our meal. I had a minor heart-attack when I saw the cost of the wine, luckily we didn’t know what the cost was otherwise I would never have ordered the 2nd bottle, which would have put a minor downer on the evening.

      All in all it had been a fabulous evening & one that will live in the memory for a long time to come. Surely that is what life is all about!

      We ended our evening with a couple of cheeky Hong Thongs on our balcony & retired to bed at just before 11pm.

      The 20 minutes worth of fireworks on Pattaya Beach woke me up at midnight!

      Song of the Day: Special Needs by Placebo.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Ko Li Pe, Ko Lipe, Ile de Ko Lipe, เกาะหลีเป๊ะ

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