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    • Dag 3

      Landed in Bangkok at six in the morning after a very sleepless ten hour flight. The flight itself was smooth & comfortable, but I couldn't get any sleep & the food was inedible. We sleepily made our way through the city in a bit of a daze & left our bags at the hotel. We had five hours until check-in so we went for a walk around the neighbouring park and found an office block with a nice food hall where we had some brunch. Its insanely hot here - I'm not sure I've packed well. After finally being able to check in, we slept the rest of the day.Les mer

    • Dag 40

      Around our condo

      6. februar, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Explored some areas within walking distance of where we are staying. It has been 39 degrees with the humidity, so late afternoon, the last couple of days we chilled in with the AC in the condo. Some cool malls are nearby with high-end stores. One great thing about backpacking is that there is no room to buy stuff. Chinese New Year celebrations are starting soon, so there are some decorations happening in various locations. It is amazing watching the traffic here and even more amazing there aren't more accidents. Crossing the streets is always an adventure. You have to make sure your head is on a swivel. There are quite a few massage parlors around, some with and some without "happy endings" offered. You can tell by how the masseuses dress outside the parlors. Red light districts are also common throughout Thailand. We went to one last night and found a fun bar with live music. Lots of Ladyboys here. Some are really hard to identify.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Lovely thai dinner at I am aroi soi 11

      11. februar, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Simple straight forward pad Thai style prawn noodles, stir fried greens with garlic & oyster sauce, and green papaya salad. Nearly £20 including a large beer & a stonkingly strong g&t for Sarah.
      Followed by cocktails in a live music covers band doing requests & people watching. Bryan Adams Summer of 69 followed by Pink Floyd's Another brick in the wall & Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water and all accompanied by a female singer who mostly made sounds like aggressive hiccups. Also street vendors selling dildos, vibrators & strap-ons and one old lady with teddy bears nearly the same size as her!
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    • Dag 30–32


      9. februar, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 95 °F

      We flew from Phuket to Bangkok, got picked up from the hotel in a beautiful Mercedes S class. I have never been in a sedan with reclining back seats. 😂 An hour later we arrived at the hotel, checked in and walked to an Italian restaurant down the street for a great (non asian) meal. Walked back to the hotel and went to bed.

      Day 2 - Woke up, got ready, had a cappuccino and got a cab ride to meet the group for a food tour. We sampled over 15 items, many of which I did not try, lol!!! We rode a tuk tuk, the water taxi and public bus. It was a fun experience in this overwhelming super busy packed city. We went to one the super large malls called MBK, the malls are so big you can’t possible even see everything. After the mall we got cleaned up and went to the rooftop bar at the hotel for a drink and appetizer before walking to dinner. I had the brilliant idea of stopping at an abandoned mansion for an additional drink but after 45 minutes of walking around, we never did find an entrance and Klaus was pissed and sweaty. We gave up and went to dinner at a super cool rooftop bar with live music and DJ. we decided that the walk was a bit too much and took a tuk tuk , which is a crazy experience in itself.

      Day 3 - Woke up, had a coffee and took a taxi to the Chatuk weekend market, there is over 8000 vendors and it would take all day to see everything. We had to get back to the hotel to change and check out. Our flight was not till 8pm so we walked to the Italian restaurant from the first day and had lunch, we had to order quick because there is no alcohol served from 2 to 5 every day in Bangkok. Kids get out of school and they don’t want them trying to sneak it. After lunch, we walked to another mall called terminal 21 this is designed like an airport with a bunch of levels and the most massive food courts taking up two floors I’ve ever seen. We stopped on the way back to the hotel for a final massage (I will miss these and the warm weather of course the most). A quick aperol on the walk back to the hotel where the car was waiting to take us to the airport.
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    • Dag 4

      Part 2 of cracking day 3

      12. februar, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      After we successfully navigated that (& I seemed to have bought more clothes) it was off to the floating market where we boarded our vessel for the adventure. I nearly sank it as I landed on my seat rather abruptly. Then it was to sample the wares. Some really special items on offer as you can see..😲😜
      And some impressive customised out board motors!!!
      We were dropped off at a "shopping centre" which apparently had bugs brands for sake somewhere but we enjoyed the madness of the ground floor stalls & eateries. Spit roast alligator was a new sight for me! Then off to find ourselves the ferry across the Chao Phraya river to get the SkyTrain & metro to our home neighbourhood of Nana. Ended the day with another foot massage - this rather surprisingly included my eyebrows neck scalp & arms!
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    • Dag 4

      Another cracking day

      12. februar, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Early ish start to meet our tour for Maeklong Railway market & Floating market . The guide had tryed to stress the importance of avoiding being run over by the train as it pulls into station while stallholders move their produce. So we were feeling a little anxious about It was so crowded and we were walking along in-between narrow gauge rails on loose stones trying to avoid turning an ankle, being pushed over by yet another reversing Insta-moment cameraman or walking into the props for the stall tarps!!!
      But we were reassuringly reunited with our guy "A" and as he so accurately described it his "cock stick" aloft 🤣
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    • Dag 3

      Benchakitti Forst Park

      3. mars, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Die Nacht war, danke Jetlag, kurz, haben aber wie die Toten geschlafen. Nach dem Frühstück sind wir den Tag entspannt angegangen ( 19.827 Schritte ! 😂) Nicht weit von uns gibt's zwei wundervolle Parks und trotz Sonntag war absolut wenig los. Viele Seerosen, Bäume und ein Lauf- und Radstrecke. Danach auf der Green-Bridge Richtung Lumpini Park, vorbei an ursprünglichen Häusern von Bangkok.
      Im Lumpni Park fährt man nicht Schwan sondern Reiher!😂
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    • Dag 15

      Bangkok shopping und Songkran

      15. april, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Bei der nächtlichen Taxifahrt vom Flughafen zum Hotel bekamen wir gestern bereits einen Eindruck, was Songkran in Bangkok bedeutet. Die Straßen waren verstopft von ausgelassen feiernden Jugendlichen. Nach einer kurzen Nacht gingen wir heute gleich vor dem Frühstück aufs Dach unseres Hotels und schwammen eine Runde im Pool. Mit dem Skytrain ging es als erstes in ein großes, knallbuntes Shoppingcenter. Auf dem Rückweg war der Skytrain schon gut gefüllt mit wasserspritzenden Thais und Touris. Da wir uns einen neuen Koffer gekauft hatten, nahmen wir uns von der Trainstation ein Tuk Tuk zum Hotel. Auf der Fahrt dorthin wurden wir wieder klatschnass gespritzt. Es war sehr lustig :) Den Rest des Tages verbrachten wir am Pool und aßen hier in der Rooftopbar auch gleich bei Lifemusik unser Abendbrot.Les mer

    • Dag 23

      Downtown Bangkok

      20. april, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      Nach dem letzten (heißen) Tag in Laos, dem Nachtzug und dem Kochkurs habe ich mich nach meiner Ankunft im Hostel rieeeesig auf eine Dusche gefreut und mich dann auch wieder wie ein Mensch gefühlt.

      Am Nachmittag habe ich etwas im Hostel entspannt, bevor ich am frühen Abend aufgebrochen bin Richtung Lumpini-Park und etwas durch die Straßen geschlendert bin. Ziel meines Spazierganges war wieder Downtown, hier wollte ich mich nochmal mit Thomas (den Franzosen von letzten Jahr, den ich in Vientiane wiedergesehen habe) und einem Freund von ihm treffen.

      Ich fand den Kontrast zwischen den Luxus-Hochhäusern und den Slums dazwischen sehr krass und kann mir nur zu gut vorstellen, dass (leider) immer mehr der traditionellen Wohngegenden für neue Bauten weichen müssen.

      Wir waren dann gemeinsam mit Nico (lebt auch in Bangkok, hat eine IT-Firma, klar…) Essen und haben überlegt was wir weiter machen. Plan war, später in eine kleine Bar eines Freundes der beiden zu gehen, hatten aber noch etwas Zeit zu überbrücken. Da ich bislang noch keine Massage in Asien hatte, ist Nico mit mir in das Massagestudio seines Vertrauens gegangen. Vorher sind wir aufgrund einer Promo noch in einem neu eröffneten Shop abgebogen und haben…ähm…Gummibärchen gekauft und vier gegessen. Die Massage soll so wohl entspannter sein.👀

      Die Thai Massage war wirklich gut! Krass, wie die zarten Frauen einen da mit vollem Körpereinsatz durchkneten! Mein Körper war sehr entspannt, mein Kopf aber voll an und ich trotzdem hundemüde.😅 ich wollte danach also nur nach Hause, also fix ein Grab gerufen. Der arme Kerl musste leider während der Fahrt ranfahren, weil 4 Gumminbärchen MINDESTENS 3 zu viel waren. Kennt ihr das Sprichwort „ich hab schon Pferde vor die Apotheke k***** sehen.“? Naja, denkt euch euren Teil.😂 ich bin nach dem kleinen Zwischenfall auf jeden Fall gut im Hostel angekommen und habe geschlafen wie ein Stein. Von Gummibärchen habe ich jetzt aber erstmal genug.

      After the last (hot) day in Laos, the night train and the cooking class, I was really looking forward to a shower when I arrived at the hostel and then felt like a human being again.

      In the afternoon I relaxed a bit in the hostel before setting off in the early evening towards Lumpini Park and strolling through the streets. The destination of my walk was downtown again, where I wanted to meet up with Thomas (the Frenchman from last year who I saw again in Vientiane) and a friend of his.

      I found the contrast between the luxury high-rises and the slums in between very stark and can only imagine that (unfortunately) more and more of the traditional residential areas have to make way for new buildings.

      We then went out to eat with Nico (also lives in Bangkok, has an IT company, of course...) and thought about what to do next. The plan was to go to a small bar belonging to a friend of theirs later, but we still had some time to kill. Since I haven't had a massage in Asia yet, Nico took me to his favorite massage studio. Beforehand, we stopped at a newly opened shop because of a promotion and... er... bought gummy bears and ate four. The massage is supposed to be more relaxing that way.👀

      The Thai massage was really good! It's crazy how the delicate women knead you with their whole body! My body was very relaxed, but my head was full and I was still dead tired.😅 After that, I just wanted to go home, so I quickly called a grave. Unfortunately, the poor guy had to pull over while we were driving because 4 gummy bears were AT LEAST 3 too many. Do you know the saying "I've seen horses pooping in front of the pharmacy"? Well, think for yourself.😂 I definitely arrived safely at the hostel after the little incident and slept like a log. But I've had enough of gummy bears for now.
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    • Dag 25

      Bangkok 1 Night

      10. mai, Thailand ⋅ 🌩️ 30 °C

      Went to Pastel with Louis. Then when the place closed at 1, I went with 2 French dudes I met in the elevator to a place where "y'a pas de putes et de touriste". It wasm't that good. Then walked back home amd stopped for ramen on the way.Les mer

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