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    • Gün 49


      19 Ekim 2022, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      „Anıtkabir (türkisch für „Grabdenkmal“) ist die Bezeichnung des Mausoleums des türkischen Staatsgründers Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara. Es ist zugleich ein Nationaldenkmal und ein Museum. Das Grab des ersten Ministerpräsidenten der Türkei, İsmet İnönü, befindet sich ebenfalls in der Anlage.“

      Die Anlage ist sehr gelungen und gefällt uns sehr.
      Das Mausoleum sehr schlicht und doch sehr imposant gebaut.

      Zur Zeit ist wohl ein Staatsbesuch hier, viel Polizei und Militär und noch mehr Personenschützer. Aber alle sehr freundlich.

      Die Anzahl wird nur von der Menge Kinder übertroffen. Jede Menge im Kindergarten Alter.

      Wir sind von der Iranischen Botschaft mit Taxi hierher gefahren, knapp 3,50 €. Zum Stellplatz gehts zu Fuß. Am Bahnhof trinken wir noch eine Türkischen Kaffee und als wir uns so umschauen, hat der auch Parfüm. Und wie heißt das Parfüm: Kolonya = Köln

      Quasi 4711, nur anders. Liebe Grüße an unser Cousinchen
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 48

      Museum für anatolische Zivilisationen

      18 Ekim 2022, Türkiye ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Da uns die Ausgrabungen heute morgen so begeistert haben, machen wir uns noch auf den Weg zum Museum.

      Dafür gehts noch ganz schön den Berg hoch, aber das Museum entschädigt dafür. Es ist in einer alten
      Karawanserei aufgebaut und eines der bedeutendsten Museum der Türkei. Man könnte mehrere Tage darin verbringen. Wir entdecken auch die Ausgrabungstücke aus Juliopolis. So hat man nochmal einen anderen Eindruck, wenn man weiß wo die gefunden wurden.

      Der Abschluss des Tages geht es noch auf das Riesenrad, in dem Park direkt neben unserem Parkplatz .
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 64–66

      Ankara 🏁

      19 Kasım 2023, Türkiye ⋅ 🌬 3 °C

      I arrived in Ankara, the final cycling destination of this trip on this continent! And fittingly I arrived in a snowstorm, with climactic and heroic conditions. And unfittingly, I don’t like this city very much.

      So, a recap: no baloons at sunrise in Cappadocia due to brilliant, beautiful, stunning fog, and serious cold in the morning (well, relative to what I experienced so far in Turkey). Glad I had all that thermo clothing with me. Of course komoot first tried to send me to a non-existing road in the beginning, but that was easily fixed by just following the busy road — this one was remarkably quiet actually and made for relaxed cycling.

      My route then quickly went into a smaller route to Kırşehir, which made for some of the quietest cycling ive had all trip. Just farmlands with villages where I encountered no-one whatsoever. Quite beautiful actually and a nice contrast from Cappadocia; it kind of seemed like all people stopped drinking tea and smoking, and this was the day they all had to work. Or they just somehow didn’t care for working in the other villages, what do I know. At some point I found myself without energy, and was quickly (15-20 km) offered food: the offer was communicated by a eating gesture, frantic waving, in the middle of farmlands, next to some tractors, and consisted of a huge, huge box of etli ekmek (literally bread with meat). Just stacks. And I ate… like 5 of those things. Turned out the guy had a brother living in vienna, so a phone-call to austria was made and I had a fun conversation with a turkish guy in Vienna. Plus, energy to continue.

      Kırşehir was a nice small little city with a busy center, with so few headscarves I thought the place wasn’t islamic. Of course it is, but it’s just different from Konya. Nice friendly, and very Turkish, place, where I had two bowls of lentil soup and icecream with helva (a really good match, I guarantee).m

      So, next days the weather turned shittier, and I wanted to make it as far as possible in reasonable conditions before it being, possibly, too cold. On the way I had another huge piece of pide (another name of etli ekmek ;) sort of) with cheese, egg, and of course, meat. That (and snacks) gave me so many calories I could push on and on for 130-140 km to Kırıkkale; and there the weather got really bad. Ended up looking for a hotel in terrible rain.

      Well, the third day the weather got really cold, but I just wanted to have this over with, and so just put on extra clothing and got myself ready for headwind, 800 meters of climbing, and busy car roads into ankara. Really. F*ck*n. Heavy wind at the top. What’s more, it was partially crosswind, which made it very dangerous with trucks which don’t give you any space. Ended up pushing the bike for 2 k, almost got run over by a truck (i have never waved so aggressively at a car or truck ever, I really cursed this guy to death, sorry), stuffed myself full of cake of which I could not tell the taste anymore, and somehow made it past the top where the wind turned into headwind, and got slightly calmer.

      Ok. In ankara it started snowing and I was super happy for this: the first snow is always nice.

      Let me just wrap up by also adding by Ankara experience: this city is busy with cars and people going everywhere, but not busy in a nice way. I did go to visit a hamam (turkish bath) to celebrate my arrival; I accidentally took two massages as I thought the massage and scrubs are two separate concepts, but nope, same thing here. That “thing” involves a really thorough wash (I needed that) where they scrub so hard that your arm almost gets dislocated, and confusingly being led to many places where you don’t know what to do in what order but which somehow works out in the end. And a hot hot sauna (like I want it) with a ice-cold swimming pool (that no-one ever uses it seems) which you can dive in (so awesome): a fitting celebration. I also visited the museum of Anatolian civilisations which taught me so much about the beginning of civilisations here, and is really, really good.

      But yeah, I don’t like this city: had to look for ages for a coffee, and the coffee they serve is really quite terrible. (In specialty places.) The tomb of Atatürk closes at 4 (…) and the metro system was too confusing for me at first due to a terribly designed metro map. (If I ask a ticket officer if he speaks english, I don’t have to be asked in return whether I speak turkish… But I just give him a shitty reply to that in English in return.)

      It does have some things going for it: a massive mosque in the city center which is too massive for any pictures with a smartphone, an ok-ish city center (which doesn’t have any cultural feeling in my opinion but isn’t bad) and a nice market. The museum of the independence war is just a recital how awesome Ataturk was, how they beat all allies in ww1 and greeks (the allies made such terrible strategy decisions — or lack of strategy, rather, like I already wrote about) and it was just felt like a “we are awesome awesome awesome” show. And come on, you were on the side of nazi Germany and committed genocides. Show some ability to put things into perspective. But its funny to see them do some march to change the guards.

      Oh my god I write too much. I could go on and on but it’s turning into a madman’s personal diary. Let me just upload some pictures for you…
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10–11

      Türkeis Hauptstadt

      10 Nisan, Türkiye ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Ankara hat sich schnell zusammengefasst. Kaum was los auf den Straßen weil Feiertag(e), nur der Vergnügungspark mitten in der Stadt war voll.
      Bissle rum gelaufen und die Öffnungszeiten der „besten“ Sehenswürdigkeit verpasst… Klassiker.
      Morgen geht’s Richtung Kappadokien.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 187


      1 Mayıs 2023, Türkiye ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ein bisschen Sightseeing gehört trotz Hochzeit dazu. Also fahren wir am zweiten Tag nach Ankara, der Hauptstadt der Türkei. Mit 5,6 Millionen Einwohner ist sie kleiner als Istanbul mit 15,5 Millionen Einwohnern.

      Ankara liegt in Anatolien, in der Mitte des Landes, fernab jeglicher Gebirge und Strände. Hier befindet sich neben zahlreichen Moscheen die Staatsoper, das Ballet, das Präsidentielle Symphonieorchester und mehrere nationale Theater. Und es ist Amtssitz des türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Von den Wahlen für Präsident und Parlament am 14. Mai bekommt man (zum Glück) noch nicht viel mit.

      Oberhalb der Stadt auf einem Hügel liegt Anıtkabir, das riesige Mausoleum Kemal Atatürks, des ersten Präsidenten der modernen Türkei, der Ankara 1923 zur Hauptstadt machte. Die bekannteste und für uns einzigste Sehenswürdigkeit die wir auf unserem Besuch sehen werden. Denn nach einem leckeren Mittagessen, mussten wir auch noch ins Einkaufszentrum Schuhe für den Bräutigam kaufen. Die Zeit ist knapp.

      So war unser Ausflug nach Ankara kurz aber schön.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 73–75


      4 Ekim 2023, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Vom Schwarzen Meer aus nehmen wir die Autobahn nach Ankara. Nicht ohne ein besonderes Ziel im Auge zu haben. Die Auflösung kommt im nächsten Beitrag...! Ankara, die Fünfmillionenstadt, ist wirklich wirklich riesig. Im Zentrum pulsiert das Leben. Zu viele Menschen! Wir machen die Kültürtour und begeben uns ins Museum der anatolischen Geschichte. So vielfältig und beeindruckend, was Menschen schon vor 5000 Jahren an Kunstgegenständen entworfen haben. Da sind die Ureinwohner in unseren Breiten noch mit der Keule ums Feuer gelaufen 😆. Das Mausoleum von Atatürk erklimmen wir am Abend. Die Basare rund um das Castell laden zum Bummeln ein. Nun geht's weiter ... Wir sind gespannt.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Mitten in Ankara

      6 Mayıs, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Sind jetzt mitten in Ankara auf der ehemaligen Festung.
      Sind gemütlich durch die Altstadt hochgelaufen und genießen den wunderschönen Ausblick.
      Die Sonne scheint zwar, ist aber ziemlich frisch.
      Shirt und kurze Hose muss trotzdem sein 😃
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10


      19 Ekim 2023, Türkiye ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Day 10. Stopped at a spectacular ceramics shop with a great demonstration. Didn’t purchase anything but the pottery was beautiful. Then did the long drive from Capadoccia to Ankara. Stopped at the Museum of Anatolian Civilization as well as the tomb of Ataturk. At at a great restaurant with Lee and Dawn Gayer.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 42–44


      9 Nisan, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      📌 Last stop in Turkey, the capital city. A short bus trip of a few hours was refreshing and a smooth check in to a neat hostel. We had one night booked here and we basically had 2 full days as the flight was booked for almost midnight on the 10th.

      📌 Ankara doesn't appear to have a whole lot of attractions, it appears similar to Canberra, a capital due to location more then anything. As a result there are less tourists and prices are cheap.

      📌 Day 1 involved me getting back on the Turkish doner kebabs which was a good choice. We were super full from those, so we decided a wine bar and a late dinner was ideal. Where we were staying was quite busy and had plenty of pubs, bars and restaurants. Italian for dinner in a small restaurant playing old school jazz and blues. The ravioli was delicious. We finished the night watching the MAFS finale with some chocolate.

      📌 Day 2 was an interesting start, it was the holiday for the end of Ramadan, hence the place was a ghost town. The city got busier as it was lunch time and the shops started to open. Lucky it was a day for not much, organizing some work and accomodations in the UK, visiting the tomb of Atarturk and having a slow coffee. We were able to hang out in the hostel and sort out a few things also which was handy. Off to Georgia next, which we were both keen for.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 90

      Ankara the capital of Atatürk

      29 Ekim 2019, Türkiye ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      After the end of the Ottoman empire and several "liberation wars" it was general Mustafa Kemal Pascha who founded in 29.10.1923 the Republic of Turkey. He became the first president, later to be nicknamed "Atatürk" (which means "father of the Turks"). Separating religion from the state (unlike Turkish politics nowadays :S), he is considered the founder of modern Turkey and is still a kind of Superstar. You find his portrait and name everywhere, especially when you by chance visit the capital on the country's foundation day and thousands of Turkish people come to worship the tomb of its idol.
      As Judit followed her dream to go surfing on a longterm in Sri Lanka and I could manage to get my Visa in the Iranian embassy, Ankara was the place were after 3 months of adventure we said goodbye to each other for some weeks..next chapter together: India :)
      Okumaya devam et

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