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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan İstanbul
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    • Hari 6

      5. Day Istanbul IV

      5 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After our cruise trip, we took the ferry to Kadiköy to discover the asian side of Istanbul. A lot of fantastic restaurants, bars, businesses and people.

      The Ciya Restaurant is a must do, if you are in Kadiköy. I heard the first time from it on Netflix chef’s table.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 6

      5. Day Istanbul V

      5 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      After we visited a live music club. We took the ferry from Kadiköy to Karaköy and from there across the Galata-Bridge from Eminönü with the Metro (T1) to Sultan Ahmed Station.

      Our residence is in the old town of Istanbul.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 7

      6. Day Istanbul (Bursa Trip) IV

      6 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      From Bursa back to Istanbul we had to take the Metro not far from the old town to Emek and from there the bus to Mudanya where the pier docks are.

      After we arrived in Istanbul with the boat cruise, we treated us with some sweets and drinks on the rooftop that belongs to our apartment.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 139

      Another day in Istanbul

      7 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Miles: 4.4 Steps: 10482
      Flights stairs: 9

      We had a pretty low key day today - went looking for the Grand Bazaar to find it was closed. Maybe tomorrow?

      Walking around the city is interesting. When near the mosques, there is what we think to be prayer music being broadcasted. Turn the sound up on one of the videos and you’ll hear some of it.

      There are stray cats and dogs everywhere. People tend to take special care of them on the street tho. There are bowls of food and water set out on the streets, and even home made houses for them. And I have to say all the strays we’ve come across so far are really friendly and sweet. Tonight we started to walk over to a couple and a police officer asked us not to, as the cats were sleeping and we needed to respect their need for rest. Very cool to see them protected like that.

      Nighttime is especially nice here. It cools down quite a bit and they light all the mosques up. Very pretty.

      We’re definitely not enjoying the constant harassment by the men trying to sell us things. We experienced the same thing in Mexico, but this is so much more aggressive and intense. They even follow us for a block or more yelling at us trying to get us to buy whatever they are selling. It has definitely made us feel the least “safe” yet, which is too bad because this appears to be a very beautiful country.
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    • Hari 2

      Dag 2- Dubai na Istanbul

      7 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      So, ek begin die dag maar by 00:01 vanoggend, aangesien dit omtrent is hoe laat ons in Dubai aangekom het... Die mense op Dubai se lughawe is vreeslik vriendelik en behulpsaam, nog voor jy dink dit lyk of jy verdwaal spring daar iemand iewers uit en help jou. Ons het tot omtrent 4 uur rondgeloop (Ja, die oggend!), kossies gekry, Damian sy droom winkel ontdek ('n Hele Nutella winkel!) En toe gaan slaap ons... Ons het nooit gedink dat ons so diep sal slaap in die publiek nie, maar ons het verseker uitgehaal en gewys! Ek het myself boeglam geskrik toe die interkom net na ek aan die slaap geraak het aangaan en 'n mannetjie begin sing... Moslem area en so... Heellaas het ek herstel van my hartaanval en toe nou baie lekker verder geslaap. Ons het na ons slapie toe nou gaan board om verder te gaan vlieg. Baie pret toe ons uitvind dat ons toe nou nie langs mekaar op die vliegtuig sit nie. Ek eindig op tussen twee Turke en Damian darm saam ander Suid Afrikaners. Ek kan nie veel van die vlug onthou nie, want ek het weereens te lekker geslaap! Die kos was well baie lekker! Aangekom op die lughawe het ons gou geskarrel om n simkaart te koop, tasse te kry en toe gaan soek ons 'n bus in die rigting van waar ons bly. Die mense jok nie as hulle sê Turkeye se strate stink en is vuil nie, mens raak gelukkig soms gewoont aan die reuk. Na die bus is ons toe nou op 'n tram vir die volgende stukkie. Die mense is vreemd en die mannetjie wat langs my gestaan het, het sommer 'n paar keer net daar in die treintjie gespoeg! Ek het hom amper maniere geleer! Ons moes die laaste 2 km omtrent stap tot by ons hotel en ek kan eending sê, die hitte is nie 'n man se maat nie! Die mense hier help darm as mens verdwaal en vertrou blykbaar die samelewing vreeslik baie, aangesien hulle sommer die hotel ooplos en heeltemal iewers anders was. Ons kry toe darm ons kamer, baaaaaaaie trappies op en toe raai raai... Vat ons 'n slapie! Heerlik! Die naglewe hier is nogal indrukwekkend en ons het 'n HEERLIKE aandete geëet! Ons het toe nou maar bietjie gaan rondloop en is nou weer by die hotel, 23:45 en verseker reg vir my volgende slapie! Oh ja! Fun fact... Ek verbaas my aan hoe vet die "stray" diere hier is! Die mense kyk definitief steeds na hulle...
      Baie groete en liefde uit Warmland!

      Okay, I'm starting our day at 00:01, seeing that that's more or less the time we landed in Dubai. The people at the airport are super friendly and you can just think that you might be lost and then someone jumps out of nowhere and guides you. We explored the Airport until 4ish (Yes I know... No one believes me when I say that I stayed up for so long), got some food, visited Damian's dream shop (A Nutella shop!) and then we went to sleep. We never thought it is possible to be sleeping so deep in public! Just after I fell asleep, the intercom guy decided to give me a mini heart attack with his prayer... After I recovered from that, I took an amazing nap! We went to our gate and boarded after we woke up. We realised with a shock that we are not seated next to each other. I ended up sitting between two Turkish people and Damian had South Africans next to him. I cannot really remember anything about the flight, seeing that I took another amazing nap! The food was amazing though... We quickly went to get a sim card as we arrived and then we took the bus to get closer to our Hotel. We then changed from our bus and hopped onto a tram. The streets are very dirty and stinky, but you get use to the smell... The guy on the Tram spat a few times (IN the tram!) And I almost taught him some manners... We then walked the last 2 km's to our hotel and I almost died of the heat! The people here are very trusting, seeing that they left the hotel open, not being close to it... We eventually found our room and then... You guessed it... Took another nap! The night live here are quite vibrant and we ernt for an amazing dinner at one of the restaurants. Afterwards we scrolled through the streets and eventually got back to the hotel now, 23:45 and I'm definitely ready for my next sleep... Fun fact I'm amazed about how fat the stray dogs and cats are, the people are definitely still looking after them...
      All our love from this oven!♡
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    • Hari 3

      Dag 3- Istanbul

      8 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Die mense begin al vroeg vroeg raas hier in die strate, maar ons kon darm bietjie inlê... Na ons opgestaan en reggemaak het, het ons die strate ingevaar... Oppad na die Grand Bazaar ( Een van die grootste en oudste onderdak markte in die wêreld), het ons gou by 'n straat restaurantjie gestop en "ontbyt" gekry. Die kosse hier is vreeslik vleis gerig en dit maak ons net gelukkig! Ons is toe na die Grand Bazaar toe, waar ons vir lank rondgeloop het. Daar is miljoene (okay, ek oordryf seker so bietjie) winkeltjies met die mooiste goedjies! Ons het na die Bazaar toe gou hotel toe gegaan om bietjie af te koel en 'n slapie te vat. Na ons slapie het ons 'n haarkapper gaan soek en toe nou bietjie my hare baie korter gesny... Die haarkapper was baie oulik en snaaks. Soos hy my hare afgesny het, het hy dramaties neergegooi en na die tyd vir my gesê; "I feel so relaxed now!" Shame, die arme dingetjie het my hare probeer uitkam... Na die uitstappie salon toe, het ons na die Blue Mosque toe gegaan, maar dis onder konstruksie en mens kan basies niks sien nie. Goeiste en die mense se voete stink! Ons het toe op die Arasta Bazaar afgekom en heerlik daar rondgeloop. Daar was so oulike winkeltjie waar mens kan aantrek soos in die Ottoman dae en dan 'n klein fotosessie het. Ons het dit gedoen en die vroutjie wat die foto's neem is nogal op dit! Na dit het ons by 'n Hookah restaurant gesit, Turkse tee gedrink en 'n rerige Turkse Hookah gerook. Ek rook oor die algemeen nie enige iets nie, maar when in Rome... Of well, Turkye dan... Dis nogal indrukwekkend met die heel pynappel as geur middel. Daarna is ons na 'n Rooftop restaurant vir aandete. Dis rerig nogal iets besonders om die wêreld van daar bo af te beskou. Ons het uitgekyk oor die kanaal en die liggies van die Asia kant van Turkye. Ons het so oulike aandete bestel wat hulle die vleis in 'n kleipot gaar maak, dit dan voor jou bietjie in die vuur warm maak en die pot dan oopbreek en jou kos uitgooi. Baie nice! Hagia Sophia Mosque is 24 uur oop en ons besluit toe net na tien om daarna toe te gaan, want dit sal mos stil wees... Toe nou nie! Ons het op die mat gesit en wag dat die klompie klaar bid en toe bietjie rondgekyk. Dis oorspronklik gebou as 'n Christelike Katedraal, toe 'n Katolieke katedraal, toe later verander in 'n Moskee, daarna in 'n museum en nou is die weer 'n Moskee. Daar is beide Christelike en Moslem goed op die dakke geverf. Ons het verby so mooi fontein met liggies geloop oppad huistoe en gaan nou weer lekker slaap. Dit voel vir ons of die mense hier nooit slaap nie, aangesien nog baie winkeltjies oop was oppad huistoe (na 11 die aand), hulle asbliklorries asblik sake optel en hulle strate skoon maak in die aand. Daar is nog baie mense wat rondloop en dis eintlik nog baie besig. Maar die twee besige bytjies het nou weer ons slapie nodig!
      Baie groete en liefde!♡

      The people here start their day quite early and make a lot of noise. Atleast we had some time to stay in bed a bit later. After we finished preparing for the day, we went to the Grand Bazaar. It is one of the biggest and oldest underroof markets in the world. On our way there we stopped for a quick "breakfast". The food here are very meat oriented and we love every second of it. We then scrolled through the Bazaar for quite some time, it's got thousands of little shops, with the most beautiful things in it... After that, we went back to the hotel to cool down and take a quick nap. When we finished our nap, we went on a hunt for a hairdresser and I cut out a lot of my hair. The guy who did it, was very nice. He threw my hair very dramatically as he cut it and afterwards informed me that he feels very relaxed now. Shame, he tried to brush out all of my knots... From there we went to the Blue Mosque, but it's currently under construction and we could barely see anything. Oh my word, a whole building full of people taking of their shoes, can be stinky stink! We discovered the Arasta Bazaar and scrolled through there. There was this cute little shop where you can dress up and they have a mini photo session with you. The lady taking the photos are quite on it. We then went to a Hookah restaurant, drank some Turkish tea and smoked a traditional Hookah. It's impressive when they bring it to you and the "flavor" consists of a whole pineapple! Afterwards we went to a rooftop restaurant and had the amazing view of the Turkish Asia across the water with all its lights. We ordered a dish that they cook in a claypot and then break it open for you to enjoy. We finished off the night at Hagia Sophia Mosque, thinking it will be quite. The complete opposite. It's very impressive. We finished the night by scrolling past a wayer feature with lights and everything. As we walked back, after 23:00, we realised that these people never sleeps. They also do cleaning of the streets, as well as pick up the garbage bag at this time. We are going to have a fantastic sleepy time now...
      All our love and regards!♡
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    • Hari 140

      Last day in Istanbul

      8 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Miles: 5.0 Steps:13306
      Flights stairs: 10

      We headed over to the Asia side of Istanbul today!! Took a tram across the river and a funicular up the hill to wander a bit. It was so different on that side! Much less chaotic, more friendly, less sales pressure … much more enjoyable time wandering the streets.

      We tried to do some shopping - I’m not prepared to head into Egypt in a few weeks as i guess I can’t wear shorts anywhere. 😩 so I’m looking for capris, or long shorts or something and just can’t find anything. All the stores are obsessed with selling denim here, which is way too hot. May have to break down and buy a wrap around skirt to put over my shorts …

      We went to dinner and I finally was able to see a whirling dervish. And then we headed over to the Hagia Sophia mosque at night - wasn’t prepared. Women have to cover their heads, shoulders and knees. 🤷. So we made up an outfit for me so we didn’t have to go back to our hostel to change. We couldn’t enjoy any of the mosques for long, as they require you to take off your shoes. The stench is REALLY bad at the entrance, and then in the entire mosque. Hard to describe, but it definitely effected our enjoyment of the visit.

      So stray cats are EVERYWHERE in Istanbul. Like EVERYWHERE. They estimate there could be anywhere from 200,000 to a million! They don’t really consider them strays as much as “community owned”. There is food and water left out on every corner, as well as little “dog houses” - and they are the friendliest, least scared, healthiest looking cats I’ve seen.

      Apparently cats are protected by law here. They view them as living beings, not commodities. They have a blanket no kill, no capture, zero tolerance on abuse policy punishable with severe jail time.

      The Turkish have a long history with cats dating back centuries. Muhammed was the first to bless the cat and prohibit all abuse of it in 600 ad and ever since it has been revered by Islam. Kind of fascinating.
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    • Hari 30


      11 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Kumpir, the turkish jacket potato where they whip up the inside with cheese, butter and salt until it goes SO creamy followed by subway style pick your own toppings. Amaze even with just salt, unashamedly had 2 more (altho somewhat less appealing now having left one overnight to eat on the train which the stomach did not agree with)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 30


      11 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      More hot meals on the first day than the rest of the trip combined (also I think they thought I wanted my tea in a mug??? Clearly not a good undercover brit). Thankfully hostel friend did wrangle a free round at the endBaca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31


      12 Agustus 2022, Turki ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Grand bazaaring. Nearly got mobbed by the staff in a carpet shop after I jokingly said I was indeed sadie sink with the owner excitedly proclaiming he had also met the likes of hillary clinton and ben affleck and declaring me 'so young yet so talented.. only up from here!'Baca selengkapnya

    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    İstanbul, Istanbul, اسطنبول, Истанбул, Ισταμπούλ, Provincia de Estambul, イスタンブール, Стамбул, 伊斯坦布尔

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