Jinja District

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Os 10 melhores destinos Jinja District
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    • Dia 11

      Last day........

      15 de janeiro de 2023, Uganda ⋅ 🌩️ 27 °C

      Been a Sunday we felt we deserved a little lay in. So we got up an hour later and asked if our driver could meet us at 9am.
      We had decided last night that we would visit Jinija to buy some hola-hoops for the children to play with. We told Paula and she made it her mission to find them. Whilst on the search we found a pack of bubble blowers so we brought them all up.
      5 more shops later and we found the Hola-hoops. With everything packed into the car we traveled to Bugiri which was a little quicker than before because it is a Sunday.

      We arrived at the children's home and this time park our side. The children all came around the car and started peering into the boot. Great cheers and shout came has they spotted the bubbles and the Hola-hoops. They carried them to the main hall and then asked if we would could move our chairs to be out side because the children wanted to dance for us again.
      Part of visiting God In Action was to see if the children were safe and secure. You can tell just feel how happy they are, particularly when they are dancing.
      Mandela suggested that we go on to the playing area again with the bubbles and the Hola-hoops for the children to play.
      Whilst they were all playing Mandela and 2 other started to play volleyball not something I have played since my school days.
      With the sun burning my skin it was time to go back to the home of the children.
      We then were then treated to the kids giving us a fair well dance and Nkosie treated them to a Zulu dance.
      Once all the dancing and celebration finished Mandela's father and mother turned up. In what I thought was respectfully I went up to he's father and dropped to my knees to shake his hand as the children had done to me. The soon pulled me to my feet and no no your are our guests. Manadela mother was beautiful. You could see where he got his looks from and that huge smile. With all their children around them
      It was time to take a few photos to capture the moment. They are Alson so proud of Mandela and what he has achieved. It was one huge happy family.
      Mandela and his brother presented us all with T-shirt's and also one for Pete and Hannah from Club House in the UK.
      We made our way to the car where our driver was once again waiting for us. We were surrounded by the children and the team. As we stepped into the car the emotion started to hit. I always find it strange often when you travel we are all nervous but people are so kind around the world 🌍 always wanting to help and show the best of their culture and country to you. You quickly become friends and then the parting is always a challenge. But I always say to be people you have to go home to come back......

      Through out this whole trip we have had our trusted driver beside us and Paula our guide which seems like of an insult really to call her a guide. She is a female version of Nkosie who has guided, supported, laughed and cried with us, who has now become a great friend.
      Never afraid to speak her mind always fights for the underdog and has the children at the heart of everything she does.
      On the drive home she said we could of came to Uganda without seeing the source of the Nile and she had planned a little boat trip that evening up the Nile to the source.
      Reflecting is not something I do I tend to look forward all the time but has we made our way up the Nile with the sun going down, Uganda has been kind to us and as a Charity that supports children that can not be heard it is our time to allow them to shout very loudly.
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    • Dia 17

      Source of the Nile

      26 de outubro de 2023, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      I woke up still unsure of what my plans would be for today. Some were doing white water rafting, but my travel insurance didn't cover me for it, despite the fact I paid out the ass for it. Either way, I was keen to see what the others were doing. After a chilled morning, Nick, Vic, and I decided we would do a kayak tour that showed the source of the Nile. They told us that it was a bottomless drinking event. Which was shocking and strange given it isn't easy to drink and kayak at the same time, but we were excited. Given it was barely 11am when we started, the guy loaded up the esky, and by the end, the 3 of us had finished a whole bottle of gin and 9 beers. So it's safe to say we were hammered. In terms of kayaking, there wasn't much, it was mostly just drinking liquor. We paddled out into Lake Victoria, where he showed us a prison and explained some of the history of Uganda, and we basically began chatting and drinking with him, while we floated downstream and crossed the end of lake Victoria and the beginning of the Nile River. This is interesting because it is the longest river in the world and flows north up to Egypt. So we basically did very little actual exercise and essentially just got caught up chatting amongst ourselves... and drinking, of course. Because we were on the water, I did not get any photos, which is a shame, but it was too difficult to do. At the end of the 3 hour tour, we were smashed and had to head back to the campsite drunk as all hell in the early afternoon. We hung around for a bit before Nick, Jack, and I decided to do a huge slide that the campsite provides. It was massive and quite scary but so much fun. I chose to go first, and was so shocked at how far you flew when you hit the water. Going feet first was fun but after that they give you the option to take a body board and go head first. It was hilarious to see how much distance you could make skimming the top of the water after the slide. It's definitely worth listening to with sound to hear everyone reaction. After this we had a few more drinks, and went to bed a bit early. We were meant to go tubing this afternoon but chose the slide instead as we were too drunk and slack to do tubing (which was also bottomless drinks).Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Breakfast in Jinga!

      13 de fevereiro de 2023, Uganda

      - Lisa and Sam woke up early to bird and spotted 20+ varieties of birds!
      - Sam graciously cooked us a traditional Ugandan breakfast including Milk Tea, Fried Eggs, Toast, Ground Nuts and Jackfruit straight from the tree outside our door. Issac the property manager cut it down for us and we invited him to join us for breakfast!
      - I enjoyed the pool, Sam and I played some volleyball and we got back on the road!
      - We stopped back by Igar Cafe on the way out because we wanted to get Lisa’s treat for the road, fresh Mandazie (a sweet baked good).
      - On our drive we stopped for some excursions including a local fruit stand where we had fresh pineapple! It was my first time having pineapple in over 15 years because I have an allergic reaction to the ones in the states. But for some reason, not this one! We also made a stop to learn about how tea is grown and harvested from the local farmers.
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    • Dia 3

      Tag 3

      7 de setembro de 2021, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute haben wir den Vormittag im Büro verbracht und dort gemeinsam Optimierungsmöglichkeiten für die fundraising Strategie gebrainstormt. Nach einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen mit den anderen Volunteers und den zwei Mitarbeiterinnen der NGO sind wir zu dritt mit Tony ca 1 h nach Najja zur, während des letzten Jahr gebauten, ersten eigenen Schule/Internat gefahren. Die Autofahrt durch die Landschaft war grün, friedlich und wunderschön. Die Schule ist in einem orange und dunkelrot angestrichen und es gibt bereits große Tafeln und einen eigenen Brunnen. Die Kosten von ca. 90.000 Euro wurden von einherzfürkinder aus Deutschland übernommen. Am 15.9 soll der Bau offiziell abgeschlossen sein. Bis dahin ist noch einiges zu tun, weshalb wir für die nächsten zwei Nächte in einem Guest House in Jinja in der Nähe der Schule übernachten um ab morgen mitzuhelfen.
      Vor Sonnenuntergang hat Tony uns noch zum Victoria Lake gefahren. Wir haben viele Hühner und kleine Affen gesehen und einen Spotttölpel gehört (Video am Ende).
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    • Dia 1


      5 de julho de 2017, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Been a busy couple of nights with James on cooking duty, buying and cooking dinner, breakfast and lunch with two others followed by Louisa doing dinner and breakfast with a different cook crew. It was a quite a challenge with 20 meat eaters, 5 vegetarians, a small budget, three coal burners to cook it on as well as the hot water for washing up! We crossed the border yesterday and instantly noticed the difference as it looks quite tropical with fruit trees, rice paddies and many mud round houses in the rural areas. We have had quite a few storms as the wet season has come late (it's now the dry season). We are having a couple of nights on the banks of the River Nile, supposedly the source as it flows out of Lake Victoria. This morning, before the storm, we used a cut out kayak to slide down a ramp that launched us 10 foot in the air! Whilst travelling along we get so many waves from everyone along with massive smiles - such a great reception.Leia mais

    • Dia 28

      Day 28: Jinja

      1 de março de 2019, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Remember Jinja? I have been here before. Only this time I had half a day to spend in this nice town. So I have decided to get a local guide and take a tour through Jinja village 🇺🇬

      The guide was the sweetest man. Very, very smart!!! Actually he knew more about what is currently going on in the world than I do 😂 And he taught me about his culture and believes 🙏

      You will find some pictures of the town. I will make another post just about the children I have met today - they were very sweet 💛
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    • Dia 54

      Bye bye Nile river

      31 de janeiro de 2022, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nous avons longé sur une vingtaine de kilomètres le Nil que nous ne voulons plus quitter. Pourtant il est l’heure de se dire au revoir.

      Au bout du chemin, nous arrivons à un panneau qui indique le Haven à très exactement 212m. La précision de ce chiffre nous donne envie d’aller voir. Grand bien nous a pris car nous pouvons nous offrir le plus beau coca devant les rapides que nous avons traversé sous l’eau il y a quelques jours.Leia mais

    • Dia 117

      Jinja en Ouganda !

      2 de março de 2019, Uganda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      L'Ouganda, c'est un peu notre pays bonus, celui pas prévu initialement mais qu'on a eu envie d'aller voir de plus près. Liberté permise par le temps qui s'offre à nous et notre itinéraire qui s'écrit au fur et à mesure du voyage.

      C'est aussi notre pays "vacances", sans RDV ni projets à visiter ! Nous commençons par Jinja, petite ville située au bord du lac Victoria, 2ème plus grand lac au monde derrière le Lac Supérieur entre le Canada et les USA ! C'est également le point de départ du Nil Blanc, une des sources du Nil et surnommé ainsi du fait de ses nombreux rapides. Amateurs de rafting, accourez !

      Nous on a opté pour une version plus tranquille et économique, et avons parcouru en kayak une zone calmée par la construction d'un barrage en amont. L'occasion d'approcher une végétation luxuriante, de nombreux oiseaux, chauve-souris, singes et loutres.

      Pour nous y rendre, nous sommes restés fidèles aux matatus. L'occasion de vous proposer le juste prix africain ! A votre avis, combien de personnes (adultes, enfants et bébés confondus) fait-on rentrer dans ce type de minibus prévu initialement pour 14 personnes ?
      On cuisine un rolex (l'incontournable en-cas ougandais fait de chapati + omelette) à la personne qui propose le nombre le plus proche ! On vous laisse répondre directement en commentaire. :)
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    • Dia 20

      Day 20: From Kenia to Uganda (Jinja)

      21 de fevereiro de 2019, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Today was my first ride in the Nomad truck. It’s a custom build overland truck for Trans Africa tours 🚌 Its quite nice actually, seats like on a normal bus, USB chargers on every seat, lockers for our luggage, seat belts etc. It fits over 20 people - but we were only 8, so lots of space for everyone 😉 it’s name is Karen, by the way 👌

      Anyways, we were driving from Kenia to Uganda today ... it took about 12 hours to get to our final destination. But I didn’t mind. I enjoyed looking out of the window, observing the landscape and waving to local children (they were pretty excited about the big truck passing by). So far Uganda is really beautiful ... such a green country ... I’m super excited about the upcoming days 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬

      I’m staying at Lake Victoria tonight by the way (close to the city of Jinja) - the source of the river Nile. Look it up on the map, it’s pretty big 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬
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    • Dia 12

      Schaumparty & Baustellenübernachtung

      16 de setembro de 2021, Uganda ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Donnerstag haben wir alle gemeinsam die Klassenräume geschrubbt. Dafür musste sehr viel Wasser aus dem Brunnen geholt, und in den ersten Stock getragen werden. Außerdem sollten die Holzpfosten nun doch komplett eingeölt werden. Ziel war es das Holz wetterbeständiger zu machen. Da uns bewusst war wie schlecht das Öl für die Umwelt ist haben wir die Aufgabe mit gemischten Gefühlen erledigt. Aus den Pfosten wird ein Zaun, der notwendig ist, weil es zu teuer ist das ganze Gelände einzumauern. Leider sind Entführungen von Kindern hier wohl doch immer wieder ein Thema...

      Da die Solaranlagen nun angeschlossen waren wurde beschlossen, dass wir die Nacht auf der Baustelle schlafen. Wie man sich vorstellen kann waren wir ziemlich verschwitzt und dreckig von dem Tag. Wir haben uns mit feuchten Tüchern versucht frisch zu machen und unsere moskitofesten Pullis angezogen. Um 19 Uhr wird es hier schlagartig dunkel. Erst gegen 21:30 Uhr kamen Tony und Osman wieder auf der Baustelle an und haben uns „Rolex“ (Pfannkuchen mit Omelett) zum Essen mitgebracht. Die Laune war eher nicht so gut weil wir wirklich erschöpft vom Tag waren. Nachdem wir gegessen haben, haben wir in den kleinen Räumen die Moskitonetze aufgebaut. Diese Herausforderung hat Lukas hervorragend gemeistert! Die anderen zwei Freiwilligen haben jeweils zu zweit mit Grace und Henry auf einer Matratze geschlafen. Da unsere Matratzen jeweils nur ca. 70 Zentimeter breit und der Platz auch durch das Moskitonetz relativ limitiert war, wurde es eine Nacht mit sehr viel Körperkontakt und ohne viel Bewegungsfreiheit. Man hat die Moskitos ums Netz schwirren gehört, die nur allzu gerne unser Blut trinken wollten und auch das Geräusch der Grillen wurde in der Nacht zunehmend lauter und aggressiver. Wir sind alle sehr oft aufgewacht, auch wenn die Nacht für Lukas und mich wahrscheinlich sehr viel angenehmer war als für die anderen, da wir zumindest neben jemandem vertrauten schlafen konnten. Am nächsten Morgen gab es Toast und Tee aus dem Brunnenwasser. Das die Toilette nur aus dem bereits gezeigten Loch bestand war vor allem für Sophie schwierig. Uns ist bewusst, dass die Hygienesituation die wir von Zuhause kennen Luxus ist und einem Großteil der Weltbevölkerung in der Form nicht zur Verfügung steht. Trotzdem hat mich der Gedanke wie viele junge und alte Frauen über diesem stinkenden Loch voller Fliegen und anderer Insekten hocken müssen emotional getroffen und auch etwas wütend gemacht, ohne genau zu wissen auf wen.

      In solchen Momenten bin ich sehr froh dass wir diese Erfahrungen zu zweit machen und uns gegenseitig unterstützen können egal was so passiert.

      Nach dem Frühstück ging es dann direkt weiter. Der große Speisesaal sollte ausgeräumt und geputzt werden. Dafür mussten die ganzen Holztische und Stühle in das Schulgebäude getragen werden. Außerdem brauchten wir wieder Wasser. Da wir noch so erschöpft von der Nacht waren sind wir vor dem Mittagessen nochmal draußen eingeschlafen. Mittags gab es wieder Matoke und G-Nut-Soße. Um 14 Uhr sind wir wieder zurück in Tony’s Wohnung gefahren. Die anschließende Dusche hat sich unbeschreiblich gut angefühlt und wir haben es sehr geschätzt wieder in einem richtigen Bett liegen zu können.

      Dieses Wochenende haben wir vor allem viel mit den Kindern gespielt. Lukas hat angefangen mit den Jungs Rechenaufgaben zu üben und sie haben viel Spaß daran. Das war gar nicht so leicht weil die Kinder nur einen einzigen Stift und einen Block Zuhause haben.
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