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    • Day 27


      August 18, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The theme for today was "no expectations and no regrets". We have lost the zest to do many of the things we had planned to do. We decided the most peaceful way to spend the day was on a boat, so we booked a Thames River Cruise.

      It proved a good choice. We went to Greenwich first and the boat was fairly empty. There were a few markets on and we saw the Cutty Sark. We strolled towards the Observatory but didn't have the energy to climb towards the top.

      We reboarded the boat and went all the way to the Westminster Bridge. We didn't disembark there, but stayed on until we got back to Tower Hill.
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    • Day 30


      July 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After disembarking from the Thomas Dugget (refer previous post), we spent the day exploring England's nautical history. First, we boarded the Cutty Sark, a former merchant ship that transported tea from China and wool from Australia to England. Next we headed up the hill to the Royal Observatory, where we learned about how the British learned to chart the stars and measure world time from a single reference point (the Meridian Line), both important navigational aids for sailors crossing the seas. We straddled the Meridian Line, standing with a foot in both the East and Western Hemisphere. All very interesting. For those who are Bridgeton fans, you may recall the Bridgeton clan and one Duke taking a very similar trip, where Daphne states that she's ".... not even certain what this meridian here at Greenwich is.” To which the Duke explains “It’s the point from which all longitude is measured. It used to be that sailors and navigators measured longitudinal distance from their point of departure, but in the last century, the astronomer royal decided to make Greenwich the starting point.” Daphne raised her brows. “That seems rather self-important of us, don’t you think, positioning ourselves at the center of the world?” “Actually, it’s quite convenient to have a universal reference point when one is attempting to navigate the high seas.”Read more

    • Day 4

      Soho and Central London

      April 16 in England ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      We've had some strange weather today. Sunny and warm, to cool and misty to downright cold with hail. But that didn't stop us! We went to Soho and window shopped. It is such a cool, eclectic community. We had lunch at Seven Dials.. The building used to hold bananas. Whole palllet loads were picked green and shipped from Central America, then stacked floor to ceiling to be ripened under the steel glass roof. Our meal was decicious: yum-yum rolls with pork and hoison sauce, rainbow coleslaw, and dumplings. The city is very eclectic. You could eat food from a different country at every meal.Read more

    • Day 71


      May 27, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Another sunny day in London!
      Today we caught the bus and then tube to Embankment, where we met Kathy, our Canadian friend who Gab had met on exchange in France almost 10 years ago.
      We caught the ‘Uber boat’ ferry along the Thames and got a fantastic different view of London from the water! Lucky it was such beautiful weather so we sat outside and enjoyed the view!
      We got off at Greenwich and walked through the old naval college/Queens house up to the Greenwich Meridian line - very cool!
      We then walked along the Thames to North Greenwich, passing the meridian line again as well as the O2 arena and the new cable car.
      We caught the Uber boat back to Embankment and walked through part of West End to a pub called Queens Larder. We shared a pint with Kathy at the pub before meeting her partner, Paul, at an Italian restaurant for dinner.
      We had a delicious mussels spaghetti and sausage pizza for dinner before walking towards Kings Cross where we shared another pint in the pub across the road from the station.
      After a busy day of walking and chatting (having walked over 20,000 steps), we headed home on the tube to bed.
      It was such a lovely time with Kathy after not having seen her for 5 years (back in Melbourne where we spent a weekend together in the city and doing Great Ocean Road)! We picked off just where we left off talking about travel, sport, jobs and life!
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    • Day 4

      A New Culinary Experience

      April 16 in England ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      We went to 3KOBRO for dinner tonight, and the girls introduced me to Korean food. I had Bulgogi Bibimbap and LOVED it. We started the meal with pumpkin croquettes . Also delicious. I'll try the Korean place near us now.Read more

    • Day 2


      July 18 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Ankunft in London, Fahrt nach Greenwich und Besuch von Dominik. Nach einem ersten gemeinsamen Frühstück haben wir den Tag mit einem Spaziergang entlang der Themse gestartet und sind im Greenwichpark angekommen. Auf dem Programm standen ein Picknick im Park, der Besuch der Cutty Sark und ein kurzer Abstecher auf den Greenwich-Market.Read more

    • Day 2


      July 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Šorīt pēc intensīvā koncerta un vēlās aiziešanas gulēt tāds nedaudz samīcīts rīts. Pēc brokastīm ejam vēl pagulēt un no mājām iztaisamies tikai ap pusdienlaiku. Nekas, nekur nesteidzamies.
      Uz mūsu ieliņas visā tās garumā kaut kāds tirdziņš. Visādi interesanti ielas ēdieni un lupatiņas.
      Metro un vilciena kombinācijā aptuveni 50min laikā nonākam līdz Grīnvičas parkam, kur atrodas 0’0’0’ meridiāns, kas sadala rietumu un austrumu puslodi. 18£ naudas gan nesaņēmāmies maksāt, lai tiktu pie pašas līnijas. Caur žogu pa gabalu iespējams uz to paskatīties. To arī izdarām un dodamies tālāk.
      Nejauši uzgājām Grīnvičas tirgu. Arī daudz visādi street-food no kuriem pagaršojām vrapus. Izskatījās gan nedaudz labāk nekā garšoja, bet bija ok.
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    • Day 25

      Day 25: Royal Observatory Greenwich

      December 30, 2023 in England

      This was the highlight of our trip in Greenwich. We always love to learn more about Time zones and the Prime Meridian. We could step on the Prime Meridian, a geographical reference line that passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The Museums are interesting to visit. A funny story that we missed to record the red ball dropping ceremony happening every 1pm every day since 1800s. We were having lunch at the park bench inside the observatory. We saw the ball was about to drop. But Chris said that it would happen every hour. So we thought we had another chance to record it. But, obviously we missed our chance. Oh well, at least we had got a chance to see it with our eyes😅Read more

    • Day 5

      Meridiano di Greenwich

      November 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Considerato il “meridiano zero”, quello da cui dipende l'intero sistema di fusi orari, è il punto di partenza per misurare la distanza a est e a ovest attorno alla Terra

      Quanto costa visitare l'osservatorio di Greenwich? Questo museo patrimonio dell'UNESCO è situato tra il Greenwich Market e il Greenwich Park ed è ad ingresso gratuito.Read more

    • Day 2

      Royal Greenwich Observatory

      February 4 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Das Royal Greenwich Observatory, das als Arbeitsplatz für den Astronomer Royal, den königlichen Hofastronomen, erbaut wurde, lag ursprünglich auf einem Hügel im Greenwich Park in Greenwich, London, von wo aus man die Themse sehen kann. Das Observatorium, genaugenommen der Mittelpunkt des Teleskops im Observatorium, wurde als Bezug für die Festlegung des Nullmeridians (Meridian von Greenwich) und somit der Längengrade, wie auch die Greenwich Mean Time (mittlere Ortszeit am Greenwich-Meridian), genutzt. Er wird im Innenhof als horizontale Meridianlinie durch einen Messingstreifen markiert.

      Das Observatorium wurde am 22. Juni 1675 von König Karl II. von England gegründet und der Bau wurde von John Flamsteed in Auftrag gegeben. Das Flamsteed House (1675–76), der ursprüngliche Teil des Observatoriums, wurde von Sir Christopher Wren entworfen und auf den Fundamenten einer Burg errichtet. Es ist nach dem Observatorium in Paris das zweitälteste seiner Art in Europa.

      Im Jahre 1948 zog das Royal Greenwich Observatory nach Herstmonceux, nahe Hailsham in East Sussex, um klarere Nächte bei der Beobachtung zu haben. Das Isaac Newton Telescope wurde dort 1967 gebaut, wurde aber 1979 in das Roque-de-los-Muchachos-Observatorium auf La Palma, Spanien gebracht. 1990 zog das Royal Greenwich Observatory erneut um, diesmal nach Cambridge. Nach einer Entscheidung des Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council wurde es 1998 geschlossen. Das HM Nautical Almanac Office wurde nach der Schließung ins Rutherford Appleton Laboratory verlegt. Andere Forschungsarbeiten wurden ins UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh gebracht.

      Seit 1995 befinden sich das internationale Studienzentrum der Queen’s University, Kingston, Kanada und das Observatory Science Centre in Herstmonceux Castle.
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    Lewisham, London Borough of Lewisham, LEW, Lewisham kerület, ლიუისჰემი

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