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    • Hari 9

      Der vorletzte Tag

      15 Mei 2022, Scotland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Heute von der Sonne ☀️ geküsst aufgewacht, haben wir uns gleich auf den Weg nach Inverness gemacht. Auch Nessie haben wir einen Besuch abgestattet 👋🏻 und jetzt geht’s weiter zum Whiskey 🥃 Trail

    • Hari 5

      Loch Ness, Delfine und Black Rock Gorge

      6 Ogos 2023, Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute nach dem Frühstück geht es nach Loch Ness. Die Fahrzeit beträgt nicht mal eine halbe Stunde. Nessie war das Wetter wohl zu schön, deshalb hat sie sich sicher nicht blicken lassen. Der Ort ist touristisch so überlaufen, dass wir hier nicht mal halten wollen und so fahren wir schnell Richtung Küste weiter, zum Chanonry Point. Im Internet war zu lesen, dass etwa 3 Stunden vor der Flut die Chance am größten ist, hier Delfine 🐬 zu sehen. Tja und was sollten wir sagen: der Tipp war super. Wir haben immer wieder einzelne Delfine auftauchen sehen, ein paar Mal auch mehrere. Wir können uns gar nicht sattsehen und verweilen eine Weile.
      Danach führt uns unsere Route zur Black Rock Gorge, eine etwa 30 Meter tiefe enge Schlucht aus dunklem Stein. Es ist ein gefühlt sehr tiefes Loch im Boden, mitten im Wald, da wir ja gar nicht auf einen Berg gestiegen sind. Anschließend fahren wir zu den Rogie Falls, das sollen eine Reihe von Wasserfällen sein. Allerdings fäng es unmittelbar vor der Ankunft dort so an zu regnen und die Regenvoraussicht übers Internet ist auch nicht gerade verheißungsvoll, so dass wir nach einer viertel Stunde den Parkplatz ohne das Auto zu verlassen, wieder verließen. Auf dem Weg Richtung Inverness klarte es wieder auf, und wir kommen bei Sonnenschein auf dem Campingplatz wieder an.
      Nach dem Abendessen brechen Daniel, Yara, Maya und Yuna nochmal in die Stadt auf, um einen Film im Kino zu sehen.
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    • Hari 11

      Stonehaven, Schottland

      13 Ogos 2019, Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Loch Ness
      Ein Ausflug zum Loch Ness muß sein, auch wenn das vermutlich die Top Touristenfalle im Commonwealth ist. Von Inverness gut und schnell zu erreichen, in gut 30 Minuten ist man da, in der Seemitte gibt es das Touristenzentrum, das in einem historischen Hotel untergebracht ist und "Research Center" heißt. Immerhin, es gibt ehrlich zu das Ungeheuer wohl keine im See sind. Aber als wasserreichster und längster See Großbritanniens, mit fast 300 Metern Tiefe, seiner dunklen Farbe und dem Umstand das er nach einem Erdrutsch in Norwegen mit Salzwasser geflutet wurde gibt viel Raum für Spekulationen.

      Elgin Cathedral
      Das war so ein Ziel bei dem man viel erwartet und dann wird es noch besser. Die Ruine im derzeitigen Zustand ist schon rund 500 Jahre alt, unglaublich wieviel nach der Zeit noch zu sehen ist. Elgin Cathedral würde 1224 erbaut und war die zweitgrößte Kathedrale (katholische Kirche an einem Bischofssitz) Großbritanniens. Die ganze Anlage ist sehr eindrucks- und würdevoll.

      Ganz in der Nähe von Dunnottar Castle, dem ersten Reiseziel morgen früh, liegt die Kleinstadt Stonehaven. Viele junge Menschen, das angeblich nördlichste beheizte Freibad der Welt, eine preisgekrönte Fish and Chips Bude, ein preisgekrönte Eisladen und eine Hafenpromenade an der noch genau ein Platz frei war für uns. Meerblick und Meeresrauschen inklusive.
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    • Hari 13

      Loch Ness

      16 Jun 2023, Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Drive to Loch Ness in the morning after cooking some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Sha was very excited to see Nessie out the window as we were driving, but was unable to grab her camera for a clear shot.Baca lagi

    • Hari 6

      Loch Ness

      12 Ogos 2023, Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Schließlich führte uns die Reise zu Loch Ness.
      Der See ist 38km lang und 230m tief und somit der wasserreichste und zweit größte See in Schottland. Loch Ness teilt Schottland geografisch in zwei Hälften, was an der Blattverschiebung von zwei aneinander liegenden tektonischen Platten liegt.Baca lagi

    • Hari 12

      Loch Nees

      30 Ogos 2023, Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Loch Nees, erst mal Anhalt schauen 👀 ob wir Nessy 🐉sehen 🤣
      Aktuell fällt nur auf, das hier sehr viele Reifen herum liegen, vielleicht die Lieblings-Speise von Nessy🤔
      Noch kurz einen Stopp am Urquhart Castle, war aber kaputt 🤣Baca lagi

    • Hari 13

      Fotopoint: Loch Ness

      30 Ogos 2023, Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Faszination Loch Ness
      Kaum ist der See in Sicht müssen wir natürlich auch mal gleich anhalten und Ausschau halten, vielleicht taucht sie ja genau jetzt auf 🤪🐉

      Erfolglos fahren wir weiter, vielleicht sehen wir sie beim nächsten Mal

      Da unser Weg jetzt eh am Loch Ness entlang führt halten wir für ein Foto noch kurz am Urquhart Castle an. Nur von außen da man Tickets braucht um auf das Gelände zu kommen. Wussten wir nicht vorher, ist aber auch nicht wirklich tragisch, haben ja trotzdem unsere Fotos machen können 🤪
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    • Hari 76

      Inverness - Loch Ness spotting!

      1 Jun 2023, Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our first stop today was at the famous Lochn Ness. Whilst some of the group decided on a cruise on the lake, we opted to do a bush walk in the hills overlooking the lake. This worked out well because today was a bit cooler with a lot of clouds and some wind (we thought we had somehow managed to skip proper Scottish weather - of course not!!)

      We took in some stunning views of the massive lake as we climbed up through the hills and managed to get ourselves lost due to some poor signage and a sub-par map!
      We had a fun time trying to find our way back and managed to make it back in time for the bus with 10min to spare! We also learnt a few fun facts about the lake, including:
      - Loch Ness is said to be up to 220m deep at its maximum (but it really difficult to measure because of all of the peat in the water - because of this, it is pitch dark at around 10m in depth as opposed to 70m in depth in the ocean).
      - 65 billion people stacked up side by side and on top of each other (8 times the population of the world) in Loch Ness wouldn’t fill it.
      - The first spotting of the Lochness monster (Nessy) was in 565 AD by St Columba and there has been no official sightings of Nessy since the initial one! In fact, National Geographic will pay you £5 million if you give them a "certified" photo of Lochness!

      We then had lunch in a town called Beauly. Mary Queen of Scots visited the place and called it a ‘Beau lieu’ (meaning ‘beautiful place’ in French) so that is how the town was eventually called 'Beauly'. We had a sandwich and hot chocolate (as it was much cooler today) from the local supermarket and ate it on a bench at the local shinty field (a game only played in the Highlands which looks like a type of mixture of hockey and rugby!) We walked through the Beauly Priory which was a church from the 1500s. After the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, the church became a burial site (so there are some very old bodies buried there with their original headstones). Interestingly, the buildings were stripped of the stone from the roof for a fort in Inverness so the old buildings don't have a roof which looks quite cool!

      After lunch, we headed to Culloden, the sight of the battle between the Jacobites and British Government in 1746 (now famously covered in the recent famous TV show, Outlander). We did a tour of the battle grounds and had an incredibly in depth tour of the battle with a very knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide.
      During the tour, we learnt a lot including that:
      - This was the last hand to hand battle on British soil.
      - This was effectively two conflicting parties fighting over which king should rule Scotland (that is, contrary to popular belief, this was not a battle between the Scots and the English as there were Scottish on both sides or a battle between the Catholics and Protestants). There was at the time a German born king on the British throne with a challenge to the throne being made by the descendant of exiled king. People on each side had different reasons for fighting in the conflict for the Jacobites - some believed it was for the independence of Scotland, other for religion and some just for adventure.
      - The descendant on the exiled king, Bonnie Prince Charlie, was leading the ‘Jacobite’ uprising, opposing the side of the British government (also referred to as the 'Red coats'.)
      - The Jacobites had been successful in a few battles and decided not to approach London but instead go to the Wcottish highlands to gain more supporters.
      - The battle was supposed to take place the previous day but it was the 25th birthday of the Duke of Cumberland's (the leader of the Red Coats) and he held a party and all the Red Coats received extra food and drink so they were in good spirits! Meanwhile, the Jacobites had been waiting in the cold at the Battlefield and finally decided that night to have a suprise attack on where the Red Coats' were staying 12 miles away. They marched 11 miles in the pitch dark with very little food in their stomaches (unlike the Red Coats, they has been receiving only 1 biscuit a day) when the Jacobites decided to turn around and march another 11 miles back to the Battlefield when they realised they wouldn't make it in time.
      - A few hours after the Jacobites returned to the battlefield, the Red Coats arrived. Both sides started firing artillery but the Red Coats were far better trained and were more effective (the Red Coats could shoot utility every 40 seconds whereas the Jacobites took around 5 minutes). The Jacobites were fuelled with passion for the exiled king but lacked the military prowess of the British government
      - Shortly after this, the Jacobites started running from their line to the Red Coats' line (called 'The Highland Charge'). The Highland Charge had been very effective at other Jacobite battles but it was ineffective at Culloden because of the boggy and swampy ground.
      - The Red Coats surrounded the Jacobites and continued shooting. Within 2-3 minutes, around 700 Jacobites had died and by an hour of the battle, the remaining Jacobites were forced to retrest.
      - During the battle, Bonnie Prince Charlie (leader of the Jacobites) managed to flee.
      - During the battle, 1500 of 5000 Jacobites died, whilst only 50 of 8000 government died within 1 hour of the battle starting once the jacobites were forced to retreat.
      - Following the battle, there was a regime of propaganda and people who were suspected to be Jacobites were imprisoned and tortured. Approximately 3000 Jacobites were hunted down. In this period in Scottish history, wearing the kilt or tartan was banned.
      - The battle is now seen as very significant to the politics in Europe and history may have looked very different if the result of the battle had been different.

      We also explored the museum at Culloden which unbiasedly told each side of the story of the battle. The musesum also including a very eye-opening re-enactment of the battle (it was quite bloody!)

      We found the whole experience very sombre and moving and, having not known a lot about Scottish history before this trip, we certainly took something away from this visit.

      We made one last stop at the Clava Gardens on the way back to Inverness to see the ‘standing stones’. These are stones whose history is largely unknown but which form very unique shapes and whose shadows are said to line up during the summer and winter solstices (so they may have been used for farming!)

      We then got back to the hotel and freshened up before heading out to dinner. For dinner, we went to a traditional pub with some of the group where we shared a haggis (very delicious!) and watched some live Scottish music which of course included bagpipes - very entertaining and impressive!

      We then went for a trivia night in a local pub and after being second for the first two rounds, our Scottish knowledge failed us and we unfortunately finished outside of the prizes after the third and final round.
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    • Hari 25

      Wanderung am Ness entlang

      9 Julai 2019, Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bis zum Loch hat es noch nicht gereicht da es am Morgen ziemlich geregnet hat bin ich erst um Mittag los, da auf der rechten Seite der Dammweg plötzlich aufhörte musste ich umkehren sonst hätte ich auf der Autobahn weiterlaufen müssen😟
      Morgen versuche ich es mit dem Bus, das Wetter ist aber nicht vielversprechend.
      "Scottish rubbish Weather"
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    • Hari 13

      Loch Ness

      7 September 2016, Scotland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Nessie lives here (was not home)

      Loch Ness is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands extending for approximately 23 miles southwest of Inverness. Its surface is 52 ft above sea level. Famous of the monster of Loch NessBaca lagi

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