Ainahau Triangle

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    • Päivä 5

      Day 5

      22. elokuuta 2019, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Sunburn is baaaaaaaaad.

      Walked to the turtle meet point - names were on the list today - phew!
      We didn’t put sunscreen on cause they said they had some special reef safe sunscreen so we were trying to avoid the sun as much as possible before getting on the boat.
      Fucking hate this sand.

      Got on the boat. They drove out a little bit (not too far) to turtle canyon. They gave us our gear and in we went.
      Lots of turtle! 🤗🤗🤗
      Saw at least 10 and got quite close to one cause it came up to have a breath. I love their heads. And eye shape.
      Saw lots of fishies too.

      Then went on a boat ride. Bumpy AF. Got drenched and Jo vomitted.
      They gave her a bucket just in time. lol
      It was promoted as dolphin spotting but it was way too choppy.

      So the sunscreen they gave us was so thick and disgusting AND DID NOT WORK.
      I am red raw! Sunburn on top of sunburn - send help. 😭😭😭😭

      Me Jo and Pierce then went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. So busy and the menu was like 100 pages.
      Jo got some cheesecake at the end. They had a solid 50 flavors to chose from.

      We had dinner as group minus Pierce cause he has a sore back and potentially infected ear (had water stuck since day 1)
      We went to a nice resturant where we played trivia games on the tablet on the table.
      NEK MINUTE they charge us $2 at the end for playing.
      I wasn’t hungry cause we ate late so I just had a tiny salad and cup of soup cause I knew if I didn’t eat I’d regret it later.
      We walked in and out of shops on our way home - they have 1 million M&M flavors including jalapeños.
      When back we headed to the Beverley’s apartment for a quick stop to say bye as they fly home tomorrow.

      I am so sore. Can’t move without pain. It was a shirts off evening in our room. Didn’t care. Tits flying everywhere.
      Sonali helped me by putting cold towels on my back and when I got up to pee I felt them and I had actually heated them up.

      Dumb American quote.
      *people walking past hawaiian Christmas ornament shop*
      “Oh! Do they have Christmas in Hawaii ???”
      Fuck me.
      Yes you fuckwit.
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    • Päivä 4

      Day 4

      21. elokuuta 2019, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Sonali had a terrific night. Found herself husband No. 43.
      I left her in bed and went with Jo and Pierce to the beach for our turtle tour, only Jo accidentally booked it for tomorrow. Alas!

      We decided to try find Cathy and Kate who rumor had it were already at the beach.
      Couldn’t find them and I was getting cranky cause the sand was so thick it wouldn’t fit through a sieve.
      Lots of rocks. I also popped a blister and it was really ouchy.
      Went back & collected Sonali, I put on bandaids, And put on sunscreen when the Beverley’s suddenly appeared so we all went for lunch together at the beach bar. I didn’t eat anything cause I threw back a Big Mac before the turtle tour thinking it would invite sea sickness if I had an empty stomach on a boat.
      I loved the cocktails I had though.

      The famous beach and backdrop was beautiful. (Waikiki beach)
      Fav part of Hawaii so far.
      After lunch Sonali, Jo and I went for a swim in the water. The temperature was lovely. Sand was better at this section but still not as good as ours.
      Bloody hate sand 🙄
      Loved the waves and really tried to make myself take in where I was and the beautiful spot I was in.
      I’m very blessed.

      Had a quick lie on the towel to dry before we then went walking around.
      We found a Nat Geo art gallery which had some fantastic pieces. What an amazing job to have. You’d go bonkers waiting around for the perfect shot but man, seeing animals in the wild continuously would be splendid.
      Pity I can barley work an iPhone camera.

      We then wandered into some markets.
      Crazy Asian ladies were running the stores with the standard I give you discount “just for you” crap.
      We were still wet so they wouldn’t let us try on the clothes so we went home to shower and change the went back. We bought a dress each and I bought a hat for Will cause I lost his last one.
      I also bought myself a hat earlier in the day.
      Fucking the stupidest shit. Price tag says $10 get to the counter and it’s $10.50.
      Why they any just include the tax ahead of time is beyond me.
      We went back to get ready to go to hard rock for dinner. KEEN.

      It was good but was still probably the worst one ive been to.
      Not enough blue cheese with my wings.
      I chose to go back to the hotel afterwards - Sonali, Scott and Cathy went drinking.

      FaceTimed Will. Miss him.


      Also got super sunburnt today 😭🙄😅
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    • Päivä 22

      Die Heimreise

      18. elokuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Kaum zu glauben, aber 3 Wochen Urlaub sind wirklich schon vorbei. Jetzt beginnt unsere Heimreise.

      Über unser Hotel haben wir einen Transfer gebucht, der uns zum Flughafen bringt. Pünktlich werden wir abgeholt und ein sehr netter Fahrer von Island Express bringt uns zum Flughafen. Er kennt die Terminals und Lobbys auswendig, so dass wir direkt bei American Airlines landen.

      Unsere Koffer müssen durch das Agriculture Screening, das geht ratzfatz und schon können wir in einer menschenleeren Schalterhalle unsere Bagage Tags ausdrucken und dann am Baggage Drop unsere Koffer abgeben. Mit 48,5 und 49,5 lb machen wir eine relative Punktlandung, was das Gewicht angeht. Wir haben aber auch alles, was wir nicht rumschleppen wollten, in die Koffer gepackt.

      Hier an Terminal 2 sind seit 16:00 keine Flieger mehr gestartet. Der nächste geplante und pünktliche Flug ist unserer um 20:00. Dadurch ist hier kaum eine Menschenseele unterwegs. Dementsprechend schnell bringen wir die Sicherheitskontrolle hinter uns und sind am Gate. Wir schlendern durch jeden offenen Shop und können so unsere Wartezeit ein wenig verkürzen.

      Überpünktlich können wir boarden und fliegen los in Richtung Dallas. Viel Schlaf bekommen wir leider nicht ab, aber der Flug geht trotzdem schnell vorbei. Kurz nach 8 Uhr morgens (inklusive Zeitverschiebung) verlassen wir in Dallas den Flieger. Da ich nicht wirklich glauben konnte, dass wir weder Gepäck holen und wieder abgeben, noch eine gesonderte Ausreise machen müssen, erkundigen wir uns an einem American Airlines Schalter vorsichtshalber nochmal, bevor wir frühstücken gehen.

      Nach einem gemächlichen Frühstück erkunden wir den Flughafen Dallas Fort Worth. Irgendwie haben weder Udo noch ich Lust zu einem Shopping Center zu fahren, also bleiben wir im Sicherheitsbereich. Aufgrund der schieren Größe des Flughafens kriegen wir gute 6 Stunden locker rum. Einen Teil der Zeit nutzen wir für ein Nickerchen.

      Leider wird unser Flieger mittlerweile als verspätet gemeldet. Schade. Etwas später als geplant, geht es zum letzten Mal zum Boarden. Wenn alles passt, sind wir in 11-12 Stunden zu Hause. Bis auf eine kurze weitere Verzögerung beim Start und einen recht schütteligen Flug läuft alles planmäßig und wir landen um 10:00 Uhr in Frankfurt. Jetzt noch Koffer holen und dann ab nach Hause.

      Schön war es auf Hawaii.
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    • Päivä 7

      Driving Miss Brenda

      25. lokakuuta 2016, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      On Tuesday we rented a car with the intent of driving to the North Shore to see the sights there. Before leaving, Brenda came across an App that acts as a tour guide and indicates points of interest along the way. We coughed up our $6.49 CDN and downloaded the Oahu Shaka Guide onto my smartphone. It turned out to be one of the best investments we made here. The guide took us way off the beaten track to places we never would have seen, pointed out recommended eateries and filled the trip with interesting stories of Hawaiian kings, legends and gods.

      The first stop the guide recommended was to a small gift shop that offered samples of different flavours of Macadamia nuts and Kona coffee. We knew from that point on that we had made a wise purchase!

      As we headed north, we saw Chinaman's hat, learned about the formation of the rugged and beautiful Koolau mountain range and made a quick stop at the very tourist oriented Polynesian Cultural Center.

      At the northernmost tip of the island is the town of Laie where we visited the largest Mormon temple outside of Salt Lake City. There is a huge Mormon population here. We also saw another of Mother Nature's works of art in the form of a sea arch that, according to legend, is actually the remains of the tail of a giant lizard that was killed by the legendary warrior Kana and his magic spear, cut into three pieces and thrown into the sea. Hmmm...I think the ancient Hawaiians may have been into the Maui Wowee.

      Our first glimpse of surfers came at Sunset beach where 10-15 foot tall waves were breaking along the shoreline. We were very impressed until we made our next stop at the Banzai Pipeline where the waves were even bigger and actually formed tubes that the surfers skilfully dove in and out of. In the winter months, waves here can crest at 30 feet! And if the thought of wiping out under that many tons of water isn't enough, there is a jagged coral reef beneath the surface where the waves break. I'll give it a pass, thanks.

      We were then guided inland and up a steep hill to the remains of an ancient temple, in Hawaiian a Luakini Heaiu, in which sacrificial ceremonies and even human sacrifices were performed to help ensure warrior's success in wars. The volcanic rocks that formed the 400 year old temple were hauled up the steep hill from the valley below.

      Back to the seashore and our next stop, Laniakea Beach where we saw a couple of sea turtles frolicking in the waves. The water was too rough for swimming, so we didn't stay there too long.

      Like visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Coliseum in Rome, one must have a Shave Ice when in Hawaii. In the town of Haleiwa we visited the iconic Matsumoto's Shave Ice and, after waiting n line for 20 minutes, we were served our treats. Brenda had ordered the Matsumoto special that was flavoured with pineapple, lemon and coconut. When she got her order, she thought they had given her the wrong one. It was coloured blue, yellow and red. She went back to the counter and they confirmed they got it right. The pineapple syrup is blue. Go figure. Anyway, the overall effect was very pretty and reflected the abundance of rainbows here. Mine was passionfruit, coconut and papaya with a sprinkling of condensed milk over the top. Quite tasty, but I don't really need to have another anytime soon.

      Our next to last stop was at the Dole plantation. With my love of pineapple, I was very anxious to arrive there, sample some of the fruit and maybe even buy a few pineapples for the coming days. I figured the price here would have to be better than in town, right? No middleman, no transport costs, no carrying fees etc, etc... WRONG!!! They were selling boxes containing two large pineapples for over $15.00 US. Robbery. Needless to say, we spent very little time there.

      Our last stop was an "off the beaten track" visit to the geographical center of Oahu which symbolizes the human belly button. The birthstones of Kukaniloko are located here and it was believed that women birthing here could do so with ease and no pain because of the magical powers emanating from the stones. Kukaniloko means "to anchor the cry from within". The women would squat atop one of the stones and had to push their babies out without flinching. These babies would often grow up to become chiefs and leaders of their villages.

      Overall it was a very entertaining day and I would recommend the Shaka Guide to anyone visiting Hawaii.
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    • Päivä 10

      Abschied von Ohau

      20. toukokuuta, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Abenstimmung und Frühstück heute morgen

    • Päivä 9

      Aloha Ohau

      19. toukokuuta, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die Stationen unserer Inselrundfahrt heute- von der Mitte weiter an den traumhaften Küsten entlang.

    • Päivä 8

      Endlich in Honolulu

      18. toukokuuta, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      27 Grad mit Nieselregen und schwül...
      Und bei Dämmerung am Waikiki Beach nach dem Abendessen .

    • Päivä 31

      Waikiki Day & Night ☀️🌙

      1. lokakuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      🇩🇪 Einige Eindrücke von Waikiki. 📸🤩 Mahalo!

      🇮🇹 Alcune impressioni di Waikiki. 📸🤩 Mahalo!

    • Päivä 1

      Shoreline Hotel Waikiki

      1. marraskuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unser Hotel in Honolulu, das Shoreline Hotel Waikiki, liegt nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt vom Strand von Waikiki und nur eine Querstraße entfernt von der Shoppingstraße. Unser Zimmer ist hübsch renoviert und liegt im 10. Stock. Im 14. Stock befindet sich der stylische Pool auf der Dachterrasse. Zur Begrüßung gibt es ein paar leckere Snacks und etwas zu trinken; v.a. die Macadamianüsse in Schokolade sind leeecker. Am auffälligsten an unserem Hotel? Die farbenfrohe Entrichtung und sehr bunte Lobby.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 26

      The day after

      2. helmikuuta 2020, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      On Sunday Dani & Chris hosted a buffet breakfast at the Turtle Bay Resort. It was very relaxed and informal. The food once again was delicious and the ocean front setting in The Pavilion was gorgeous. There were rumours that late in the evening Chris imbibed in his favourite drink, bourbon, and had to be carried to the limousine that would take them back to the resort! Despite this he was still a gracious host at the breakfast. Most of the out-of-town guests were heading back to Canada on an afternoon flight, including Nancy and Rebecca.

      On our way back to Waikiki we stopped at Sunset Beach to watch the surfers. The waves weren’t huge but it was a nice afternoon for the beach. We also stopped at a botanical garden because I happened to see a small sign at the side of the road. For once we made it back to our condo in Waikiki without getting lost!
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