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    • Dag 7

      Da Oklahoma city a Amarillo

      3 augustus 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      In questo hotel è compresa la colazione quindi ne approfittiamo prima di ripartire. La serata di ieri ha segnato alcuni membri del gruppo e in mattinata viaggiamo silenziosamente. Intorno alle 13 ci fermiamo a Elk city e pranziamo in un caratteristico diner che si chiama “Chucks place”, qui alcuni di noi si concedono il classico hamburger con patatine, mentre Nicola opta per un ottimo chili hot dog.
      Il viaggio prosegue ed il paesaggio è caratterizzato da grandi pianure e pochi centri urbani; progressivamente però si fa più arido perché ci stiamo avvicinando alle zone desertiche. Entriamo in Texas e lo capiamo dalle insegne che pubblicizzano steak house, stivali da cowboy, jeans della Wrangler, lungo la strada ci sono anche grandi ranch con bovini e cavalli. Arriviamo ad Amarillo e, prima di andare al motel, andiamo al Cadillac ranch: iconica tappa per chi percorre la route.
      A cena Elisa opta per una cena vegetariana in una tavola calda thai, mentre noi non ci facciamo mancare una bella bistecca e andiamo alla Big texan steak house, famosa per la sfida men vs food che consiste nel mangiare, nel minor tempo possibile, 72 once di bistecca più dei contorni. Dubitiamo di avere la fortuna di vedere qualche concorrente e invece, mentre siamo a cena, ben due signori tentano la sfida, ma non riescono a vincere. Deduciamo che le persone che tentano la gara siano molte visto che noi ne abbiamo viste due per il tempo di nostra permanenza. Uscendo dal locale notiamo un grande cartellone con la foto di un vitello e la scritta “I’m me, not meat! Go vegan”; a questo punto torniamo a casa immersi dall’odore non del tutto gradevole della carne.
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    • Dag 33

      Off to Amarillo, Texas; 6th state

      6 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We got out of the KOA campsite in New Mexico about 1030am. It is about a 2 hour process to take down and pack and the car and about an hour to set up tent with all the beds blown up.

      We had a pretty boring drive to Amarillo, Texas, the largest city in the Texas Panhandle and the biggest city closest to Palo Duro Canyon. It is also a half way stop between Albuquerque and Norman, OK, where we are off to next.

      We stopped for lunch in Santa Rosa, NM. The town seemed pretty run down but there was a kids playground with public bathrooms which fit our needs. It was sandy and lacked grass, and the floor of the playground was pieces of rubber. The park also had coal bbq's which the other family that was there was using and cooking a very delicious bbq meal.

      The most exciting part of the drive was that once we got into Texas for about 40 miles, there was wind turbines. It was pretty impressive.

      Amarillo operates the meat packing area in the country. It has a population of 279,000 and is very spread out on flat land, and low level ranches, along with cows, cows and more cows.

      The KOA was small and the tent site was pretty open to the elements. We were situated right across from bathrooms and playground. The playground is always a helpful babysitter when packing up and unpacking. It was also very warm so we let Inara run around naked and get some sun on her white little body.

      That night we decided to be total tourists and had dinner at "The Big Texan Steakhouse and brewery ". The restaurant picked us up at our campsite, car seats and all. We had a to wait for about 20 min to get seated, as they don't take reservations.

      The dining area was a big room with tables lined up in rows, holding about 6 at a table. The outskirts of the room had booths that we were sat at. There was a second level that only had one row around the room, also booth style. The decor was many large animal heads and hides hanging up. This is a steak house.

      The kids both got served dinner in a cowboy hat, and Elisa and Josh got different cuts of steak. The excitement of the night was when Inara decided to eat a green chili, maybe thinking it was a cucumber? The first 2 bites were fine but then she got into the seeds. Josh was trying to feed her ranch dressing from the mozzarella sticks. Our waiter quickly ran to the kitchen and ran back with milk and bread, even the hostess came over to see if she was ok. She wasn't screaming but she was definetly in pain and tried to drink the milk and get cuddles from Josh.

      The restaurant is home to the free 72 ounce steak, only if you can eat it in an hour. Josh ordered a 21 ounce Lone star cut, served a beautiful medium rare and was full after that, along with 2 beers. Elisa ordered a filet, which came in 2 round pieces. It was unfortunately overcooked and did not have the red juicyneas that Josh's steak did. The restaurant is all about having the best steaks, so we were given a 20% discount.

      Elisa also enjoyed a tasting flight of all the beers. They were all pretty good, including the raspberry wheat beer. We left the restaurant bringing a growler of the Hefenweizen.

      It was a good night and so far Texas isn't as scary as we thought.
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    • Dag 50

      Fountain to Amarillo

      16 augustus 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Nein, die Nacht war nicht wirklich angenehm im Dachstock. Zuerst war es viel zu heiss, anschliessend in der Nacht viel zu kalt (wir hatten nur unsere Seidenschlafsäcke) und die Luftmatratze sehr unbequem. Deshalb verlassen wir das Bett und diesen Ort früh und zmörgelen dann nicht weit weg von der Unterkunft entfernt gemütlich in einem Park. Danach fahren wir etwa 350 Meilen bis wir die bunte Cadillac Ranch erreichen, kurz vor Amarillo. Diese Ranch steht entlang der bekannten Route 66. Sie wurde durch Künstlerhippies aus San Francisco errichtet, auf Wunsch eines Einheimischen Millionärs. Die 10 Cadillacs wurden damals kopfüber halb vergraben, im selben Winkel wie die Pyramide von Gizeh. Dann gehen wir einkaufen (yeah, heute können wir wieder einmal kochen und Martina überstrahlt den ganzen Supermarkt, da sie ihren heiss geliebten Hüttenkäse nach Wochen der Abstinenz wieder findet). Anschliessend erreichen wir unsere neue, sehr härzig und liebevoll eingerichtete Unterkunft, kochen, schreiben den Blog und kümmern uns um die Buchung weiterer Corona-PCR-Tests.

      Ps: Übrigens haben wir in Texas eine Stunde verloren (-7h zur Schweiz)
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    • Dag 51


      17 augustus 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Da es in Amarillo nichts gross zu sehen gibt und wir einen Tag Erholung brauchen, bleiben wir fast den ganzen Tag in der Unterkunft, die wir glücklicherweise für uns alleine haben. :) Wir frühstücken gemütlich und buchen dann alle Airbnbs in Kanada, die wir, falls Kanada die Grenzen am 7.9. doch nicht öffnen, wieder stornieren können. Um 13.00 Uhr haben wir dann ein wichtiges Date mit den Haldevazern. :) Wir geniessen die Unterhaltung mit der härzigen Familie. Anschliessend trainieren wir, duschen und gehen rasch tanken und für Müggi ein Buch kaufen (das andere hat er in der Unterkunft in South Dakota vergessen). Wir kochen Znacht und schauen noch die Serie Lupin weiter und lesen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 26

      day 23: Amarillo

      22 december 2015, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      we left Texas and arrived at Amarillo which was a really Texas looking place especially the hotel it was real old school cowboy set up. we just went into the local restaurant where we were staying that night for tea all dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls, Streety tried to take on the steak challenge which was about 3 kilos of food he managed to eat all the steak but not he veggies. we went next door and just played beerpong and rage cage for the night.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      "Amarillo by Morning" upto Moab UT

      10 maart 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Not as cheery on travel day 2. Especially since the hotel WiFi was so slow downloading 18 NCIS episodes was not happening😥

      We enjoyed the windmill farms of Texas and Mesas of New Mexico. The trip to Walmart in Albuquerque was much less enjoyable as represented by the red donkey below.Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Tag 8: Weatherford - Amarillo

      10 april 2013, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Am Morgen konnten wir dann das Ausmaß der letzten Nacht ansehen. Das Wohnmobil war total vereist und hatte überall Eiszapfen hängen. Sogar unser Tankdeckel war draußen und die Öffnung und der Deckel komplett im Eis versteckt. Einen Eiskratzer hat das Auto leider nicht. :-/
      Es half alles nichts, ein Kehrblech (aus Plastik) und heißes Wasser aus dem Wasserkocher mussten helfen!
      Übrigens der Nachbarort von Weatherford, Hydro, ist bekannt dafür, dass von hier die Idee der Einkaufswagen stammt.
      Nach einer relativ kurzen Fahrt und einer Hand voll Geisterstädten haben wir Texas erreicht! 🙂
      Die erste Stadt, die wir in Texas besucht haben ist Shamrock. Hier steht ein Diner und Motel aus früheren Zeiten, das U-drop Inn. Leider war das Gebäude, das heute ein Museum ist, nicht offen. Vor einigen Jahren wurde es für $ 1,7 Mio restauriert.
      Weiter ging es durch Dörfchen wie McLean, Alanreed und vorbei an der 80qm großen Johnson-Ranch, vorbei an Tankstellen, Dinern und Motels, die meist schon bessere Tage gesehen haben, aber auch einige Schätze bereithielten.
      Die größte Attraktion war das 60m hohe Kreuz. Um das Kreuz herum wurde, mit sehr schönen Figuren, der Leidensweg Christi dargestellt.
      Weiter auf der Strecke passierten wir die Beetle-Ranch in Conway – eine Parodie auf die Cadillac-Ranch, die wir uns Morgen ansehen werden.
      Die Beetle-Ranch ist umgeben von Müll, Schrott, Reifen…
      …und heruntergekommenen Motels.
      Zum Tagesende haben wir einen Stopp im Big Texan eingelegt. Wer ein 72 oz. (ca. 2kg) Steak mit 2 Beilagen in 60 Minuten essen kann, bekommt es kostenlos, jeder 8. schafft es. Bei unserem Besuch war es wieder so weit, der „Steakesser“ hatte sogar noch über 8 Minuten Zeit!
      Wir haben uns zu zweit für ein 21oz. (ca. 588g) Steak entschieden. Everything is bigger in Texas!

      Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Amarillo, أماريلو, Амарило, Амарилло, آماریلو، تگزاس, אמרילו, Ամարիլլո, AMA, アマリロ, 애머릴로, Amarilas, आमारियो, اماریلو, 79101, Amarilyo, آماریلو، ٹیکساس, 阿馬里洛

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