United States
Elko County

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Elko County
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    • Day 12

      Basque Dining in Elko

      June 2, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Half way between Salt Lake City and Reno we had dinner in Elko. By coincidence we chose the STAR restaurant, founded and owned by a Basque immigrant. The fish (cod and salmon) were delicious. For the night we checked in at the thunderbird lodge, a funny model, owned bey an Indian.Read more

    • Day 259

      «Strecke machen» durch Nevada

      March 5 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Aktuell düsen wir gerade nordwärts – hier durch Nevada… von T-Shirt-und-kurze-Hose Spot in den Winter mit Schnee innerhalb von einem Tag… 🥶

      Auch der Übernachtungsplatz in Wells – eine grosse Kreuzung mit fünf Tankstellen, drei Fast-Food-Läden und einem unasphaltierten, sumpfigen Rastplatz voller LKW mit laufenden Motoren – war eine echte Freude. 🤣Read more

    • Day 21

      Battle Mountain, Nevada

      September 11, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Auf der Fahrt von Twin Falls nach Battle M. haben wir ein Museum bescuht, was die Leiden der frühen Siedler auf dem Weg nach Kalifornien durchgemacht haben. Sie mussten viel durchstehen. Hitze, Kälte, Hunger, lange die Eiseskälte ertragen, viele starben, sie aßen sogar Fleisch der Verstorbenen um am Leben zu bleiben. Wenige kamen nach Gebet und Hilfe von Trappern, die sie entdeckten dann durch und die Frau,,,, wurde erfolgreich.
      Das Big Chief Hotel war sehr komfortabel, einfach nur erholt, endlich Wäsche gewaschen. Ich war unterzuckert und ziemlich fertig am Anfang, die Fahrt durch die Hitze... Im Pool erfrischt und nur auf dem Zimmer was gegessen. Nächsten Morgen mit Ma und Pa erfolgreich geskypt.
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    • Day 12

      Across Nevada

      September 12, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      It was farewell to Lake Tahoe today and indeed farewell to California. A quick brekky at the Sunnyside Lodge, followed by a final pack and cleaning of teeth, and we were off on the TART bus like a couple of tarts, to the historic frontier town of Truckee, where we would catch the California Zephyr that starts in San Francisco and goes all the way to Chicago. With this little town, I can't help thinking of the Ricki Lee Jones 1979 song 'Chuck E's in love,' but singing 'Truckee's in love' instead, which clearly makes no sense at all, unless you accept that Truckee loves Stu and Chris.

      We had a few hours to see the glories of Truckee before our train came, so walked the length of the street a few times, stopped and had lunch at a diner, then waited for the Zephyr. Given that Truckee is in the mountains, the train actually has to travel quite slowly, so my imagined rush of wind and a great roar as the Zephyr ground to a stop in front of me didn't really actualise quite like that. There was a clanging bell to be sure, but nothing of great solemnity. The train sort of limped in and didn't so much grind to halt as fizzled to a halt. There were some squealing breaks, so I don't feel cheated completely out of a great rail experience.

      Like I said in an earlier Footprint, the Zephyr is vey comfortable and a pleasure to be on. Since we're on it for thirteen hours and alighting in the wee small hours of the morning in Salt Lake City, we got a sleeping car. Equipped with two fetching bunks and all the mod cons (showing my age there - no-body under 50 uses the phrase mod-cons), we were also favoured by the ticketing gods to dine with others in the dining car. No cafe snack for us, no siree. Chris had a nice burtternut risotto washed down with a Bud, and I had a chicken breast with mashed potatoe and gravy, washed down with a glass of Chardy. We were seated by the maitre d' opposite two individual men who were absolutely enchanting. Before long, the four of us were all comparing stories about governance, indigenous peoples, tax, cruises, accents and the like. Therte were a few hearty laughs, which you might be surprsed at, given the list of topics we covered, but there you are, Chris and I can make tax funny.

      The scenery as you leave California and head into Nevada is quite breath-taking. It is brown and rocky for a way, then eventually it turns into huge mountains and what looks like salt plains. It is all very desolate but there is a great beauty in that too. One of the few staions the train stops at is Winnemucca, made famous by the Tales of the City books by Armistead Maupin. Therre's not much there and even though I couldn't see the Blue Moon brothel, I feel it was still there, even if only in its literary form. Winnemucca is nestled under Winnemucca Mountain which is actually quite impressive.

      As I write, we have dined, read, posted, and are going to listen to music for awhile before turning in. I'm planning on listening to Saint Saens 2nd piano concerto in G Minor which feels just right for where I am and what I'm doing. We are both a bit weary but of good cheer and enjoying our adventure. We have a 3am appointment with the Salt Lake City train station and, hopefully not long after that, a very welcome bed in a nice hotel in the city.

      It's been nice having you along. I hope you are enjoying our little sojourn overseas from the comfort of your own homes. Feel free to temporarily download the Find Penguins app if you want to make some comments. Till next.
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    • Day 38

      Wells, NV

      September 23, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      We're bee-lining to Vegas at this point. We're spending one night here in Wells, NV. Normally just another campground, but today happens to be our 12th anniversary--so we are celebrating with some nice patio weather, wine, cheese, and a board game.Read more

    • Day 30

      Elko, Nevada

      September 27, 2014 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Hello hello ! Ce matin nous sommes parti de Salt Lake en direction d'Elko dans le Nevada.
      Première journée de vrai mauvais temps pour nous (pluie, vent et orage) mais nous avons foie ihih. Notre prochain stop important sera le lac Tahoe, nous espérons y arriver d'ici 2-3 jours. Pour le moment il faudra se contenter de quelques photos de paysages :)

      Holà ! We left Salt Lake this morning and we are now in Elko, Nevada.
      We had really bad weather today but we'll be soon in Cali, that means sun and sun everyday (well, we hope so!). Our next main stop will be at Lake Tahoe, we will probably be there in 2-3 days. So for now I'll only post some landscape pictures eh eh
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    • Day 7


      May 25, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      After a lazy morning we went to a gas station to fill up our tank before continuing our trip. However, when we went in to the gas station to prepay for the fuel, the employee at the counter replied with a simple ”I’m sorry, we’re out of gas.” This didn’t surprise only us but also all the other customers at the gas station as a mumble of ”Huh? What? You don’t have gas?” appeared. After 5 months in the U.S. we weren’t really shocked as we have also experienced for example that the post office had run out of stamps (we got the last 7)..
      Anyways, after filling up our tank we enjoyed 20 degrees and sun while driving up and down the mountains to get to Idaho Falls where we had our lunch. We only had one other stop for fuel and another one when we took a quick drone shot in the Nevada desert before arriving in Elko and our motel for the night. The town and all motels look like they already had their best days years ago. However, we had a really good take-away dinner from a Chinese place nearby (”dinner for two” that could feed at least 4).
      In total today’s trip took about 8h and we drove around 620 km.
      Tomorrow: Susanville.
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    • Day 18


      August 24, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      7.5 hrs to get through the exciting state of Nevada! Here is what we saw:

      -Nevada National Guard Training Facility
      -5 prisons
      -Lots of salt flats
      -Cattle being herded by a real cowboy
      -Long trains
      -Trucks with 3 trailers
      -California Trail
      -Desert & Desolation
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    • Day 2

      Anniversary night at Walmart!

      May 17, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We made it to Elko, Nevada so we could spend the night in the Walmart parking lot! Here's the Atlas we used! That was our goal! Oh.. and don't run into anything...and don't make any bad choices (Rachel's parting advice to her parents!) It was a good day!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Elko County, مقاطعة إلكو, Елко, এলকো কাউন্টি, Condado de Elko, Elko maakond, Elko konderria, شهرستان ایلکو، نوادا, Comté d'Elko, Elko megye, Էլկո շրջան, Contea di Elko, エルコ郡, Tēucyōtl Elko, Elko Kūn, Hrabstwo Elko, الکو کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Elko, Элко, Округ Елко, ایلکو کاؤنٹی، نیواڈا, Quận Elko, Condado han Elko, 埃爾科縣

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