United States
Gloucester County

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    • Day 9

      Bil dagen!

      July 23, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Vi sov lidt længere efter den lange dag i går. Vi stod op, pakkede lidt sammen og fik pandekager og rice puffs. Derefter fik vi pakket alt sammen og flyttet ned i kælderen, hvor bagagen måtte stå til vi kom tilbage med leje bilen. Så gik turen til metro stationen, der skulle vi først med metro og derefter bus ud til Dulles international airport hvor vi kunne hente leje bilen. Det var en lang tur, 1 1/2 time cirka. Vi fik så fat i bilen og satte kurs mod walmart, et supermarked der ligner lidt bilka, bare med endnu større udvalg! 😄 der fik vi handlet en heeeeel masse, vi købte desuden en GPS så det bliver nemmere at finde frem på vores road trip. Da vi så kom ud havde vi fuldstændig glemt hvor bilen stod og vi var overbeviste om den var hvid, så vi løb rundt og ledte indtil jeg spottede en bil for sig selv der lignede vores men var sølv. Jeg prøvede at låse op og det var så den! 😅 vi satte så kurs med hostellet og hentede vores bagage. Derefter satte vi kurs mod motellet i philadelphia, Charlotte er teknik/musik mester og fik styr på musikken i bilen, og teknikken i bilen, den er så fancy så man kan koble musik fra telefonen til bilens højtalere med bluetooth. Det er meget anderledes at køre her i USA mange baner man hele tiden skal være opmærksom på og fart grænser der skifter. 😅 vi havde en hyggelig tur gennem et armish område, folk i gammeldags tøj der kørte i hestevogne. 😊 vi nåede frem omkring 21:30, her er tv så vi skal lige se lidt TLC inden vi går i seng. Godnat! 😄😴😴Read more

    • Day 1

      Packing like a Champ

      April 9, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      I wasn't planning on blogging this trip, especially since it's just a two-and-a-half weeker, but then I read someone else's blog about how to pack for a trip and I was motivated. In her advice, amongst others, she said she brought 12 pairs of underwear. 12. Backpacking. The entire concept behind backpacking is being self sufficient and clever about what to bring, pieces that have multiple purposes. I have 3 pairs of underwear - 2 of which I like and rotate between everyday, one of which is likely to stay in my bag until the very last day when I give up on laundry and wear them for my return. Side note - why is it called a pair of underwear if it's just one piece?

      I have with me my brand new, never been broken into Lowe Alpine Z Duo 30. 30L of beautiful, sleek black organization. Although truth be told - I don't know if it's actually less then 30L or if Jack's 20L bag is actually bigger then that, but my things fit quite snug in my bag, and fit in the exact same "snug-ness" in Jack's bag. Who knows.

      Before every trip, I pack everything I want to bring with me inside the bag, to make sure it all fits, and then I remove what I'll be wearing on the flight. That way I'm 100% sure everything will fit along the way. Pleasures of a small bag - no overhead compartment is too small, no mini bus is too packed, I can keep it with me on any transportation instead of paying the fee to stick it underneath or on top, and it's light enough to carry with me during the day if we don't plan on returning to the same accommodation at night (which is always because for some reason, Jack likes to 'switch it up' everyday).

      Packing list (for warm weather, where we plan on hiking) - keeping in mind, my clothing is mostly men's, so this list is more user friendly for the masculine folk, I'll include a list of Jack's packing after :

      Sexy backpack (30L)
      Pacsafe day bag (with my anxiety, this is my security blanket, definitely not a must, but gives me peace of mind - it has these theft proof features like you can't cut through the fabric and zippers clip shut)

      3 shirts - one long sleeve for cooler days, 2 short sleeve t-shirts (quick dry, antimicrobial to stop them smells)
      2 sports bras (one which looks decent as a swim top)
      3 underwear (quick dry, antimicrobial)
      1 pant (quick dry again, always important to dry overnight)
      1 pair of shorts (you know it, quick dry)
      2 pairs of socks (antimicrobial is most important, it's impressive how long they won't smell)
      1 pair of hiking shoes
      1 pair of walking sandals
      1 belt (my weight fluctuates everyday when traveling, mostly since I can't eat for my first few days, yay anxiety)
      1 thin sweater (since it will be mostly warm weather)
      1 rain jacket
      1 bathing suit bottom (shorts for me)
      1 bluff (that round neck scarf thing - useful for neck sun protection during hikes, can be shaped into a hat if cold, and classic sweat rag)
      1 sarong (my towel, my pillow cover, my added bus padding, my beach cover, anything!)

      All of my clothing fits in 2 packing cubes. Packing cubes are a must - keeps everything organized and compact. So when it's colder I can wear my long sleeve t-shirt, my sweater and my rain jacket while using my bluff as a tuque. Layers.

      Cosmetic bag includes all mini travel size bottles - shampoo (my short hair can live without conditioner for a few weeks), soap bar in a soap box, sunscreen, hair jel, toothbrush and paste, pill bottle of mixed pharmacy, razor, tweezers, and a 'mini' first aid kit which basically consists of 2 band-aids and polysporin (my nursing friends would be ashamed).

      I have a 'laundry baggy' which has a laundry soap bar (not liquid), a travel clothe line, a universal sink plug and I threw in a couple hydration tablets in case Jack decides to get food poisoning again.

      Odds and ends :
      Baseball cap
      Water bottle
      Steripen (our new baby - look it up, this thing sounds awesome - with our water bottle, we should be able to sterilize any tap water abroad and therefore avoid buying bottled water)
      3-way plug splitter (if fighting for a plug in a dorm - I can split one 3 ways)
      Pack of MiniEggs - a must.

      In the day bag:
      Camera (I used to have a DSLR but found it too heavy and big, I now have a Sony a6000)
      Tablet (mostly used for airport entertainment)
      Wallet (obviously)
      Pens (literally only for immigration cards)
      Phone and tablet chargers

      That's it, that's all. Never bring an 'in case', never over think it, everything is washable and dries overnight. Always keep up with laundry - washing underwear and a t-shirt every night takes 4 minutes and allows you to carry a much smaller load. You just have to get used to seeing each in the same outfits on repeat.

      Jack's variations - she's in a 20L Osprey Tempest backpack. Her packing cubes are higher quality then mines which allows her to really keep her clothing compact and organized. As for clothing - she has a summer dress, 1 pant, 1 tank top, 1 undershirt, and 1 t shirt, and has a dress shirt to throw on top of her tank top or undershirt. Obvious all quick dry, mostly antimicrobial. 2 socks, 2 underwear. She keeps her makeup to bare minimum - mascara, eye shadow and lipstick. She has hiking boots, they're huge when comparing to my hiking shoes but with the volcanoes she plans on hiking - apparently necessary. And believe it or not - they fit inside her bag, none of this tied to the outside and flopping around non sense. Her 'day bag' is a miniature purse the size of the travel book. Oh ya - she has the travel book. And an eye mask - princess needs her darkness to sleep.

      That sums it up. That's advice from two very light packers. And when I cross other traveller's with 50-60L bags, my shoulders hurt for them. You take away the movability when you add all that weight and size.

      Have fun travelling! I'll let you know how Guatemala goes! Booked the tickets Friday, left Monday, don't have our first night booked because we're hoping to arrive at 645pm as scheduled, and head straight to the bus station for an overnight bus to Flores. We'll see how that goes!
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    • Day 39


      April 21, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Lang ist mein letzter Beitrag nun her...

      Die Uni hat begonnen, ansonsten hat sich nicht viel getan 😅 noch immer sind wir viel unterwegs und haben ziemlich kurze Nächte. Uni ist bislang echt entspannt. Der Stoff ist relativ entspannt, man muss lediglich viel tun (Hausaufgaben, Berichte schreiben etc.). Diese sind nicht schwer, aber Zeitaufwendig.
      Viel interessanter war dann das Osterwochenende! 😉 Wir waren bei einem Amerikaner in New Jersey daheim eingeladen. Insgesamt waren wir mit 11 Leuten eine Mischung aus Amerikanern und Internationalen. Erst einmal war es eine absolut Klischeehafte amerikanische Nachbarschaft und Haus, so wie man sie sich vorstellt! Das ganze war lediglich ca 40min von Philly entfernt, jedoch war es sehr ländlich und ruhig. Ein absoluter Traum! Endlich mal frische Luft und Ruhe, was es hier sonst nicht gibt in Philly selber. Sogar Tiere wie Murmeltier und Truthähne in freier Wildbahn wurden gesichtet. Die meiste Zeit haben wir aber einfach im grünen Vorgarten verbracht und haben endlich mal die Sonne genossen 😊 die restliche Zeit haben wir eigentlich in der Küche verbracht. Insgesamt ca. 5 Stunden haben wir heute unser (Nachmittags-)Essen vorbereitet. Immerhin reichen die Mengen die wir gekocht haben noch ein paar Tage 🙄 Von einem riesen Schinken über Kartoffeln, Püre und Mac and cheese, Spargel, Brocolli... es war einfach alles dabei 😅 sogar garantiert Diabetes nach dem Kuchen als Nachtisch! Der eine war überwiegend Peanutbutter, der andere Butter und Zucker mit etwas Schoki 😁 ansonsten war die Nacht- mal wieder- sehr kurz, aber äußerst erholsam 😅 Ich hätte ein richtiges (bequemes) Bett, man konnte das Fenster öffnen ohne Gestank und es war unglaublich ruhig! Jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem Zimmer, schreibe diesen Text und höre durchgehend meinen Kühlschrank brummen, die Klimaanalge unter meinem Fenster surren und die Sirenen von draußen. Das war es leider also schon wieder mit der Ruhe 😅
      So, genug berichtet! Den Rest gibt es in den Bildern zu sehen 😉
      Viele Grüße, frohe Ostern und eine gute Nacht 🌙
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    • Day 13

      Så er vi på vejen - Philadelphia 23/7

      July 24, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Vi fik hentet vores bil i Dulles International Airport kl. 12. Så nu kører vi i en Ford fiesta - en fin bil! :)

      Vi kørte først i wallmart for at handle stort ind både vand, gps, køletaske og mad. Det var virkelig ekstremt stort! Man kan jo få alt i det supermarked, alt fra diskeudstyr til 20 forskellige slags juice til tallerkner.
      Fra walmart gik det til vores hostel i Washington, hvor vi skulle hente vores bagage for at fortsætte mod Philadelphia. Vi havde fyldt den lille bil godt op! Både bagsæddet og bagaggerummet var fyldt! MEN det kunne være der!

      På vejen til philadelphia fik vi da lige lært at inderbanen på motorvejen nogen gange bliver til en afkørsel! Meget upraktisk!
      Vi kørte igennem Lancaster, som er et stort område hvor der bor mange Amish folk. Det var virkelig sjovt at se folk gå forbi med kuser på og i hestevogn.

      Vi kom endelig frem til vores motel efter en god dag!
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    • Day 57

      Tag 7 - Washington D.C. - Newark

      June 24, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      heute blieb uns nur noch ein halber Tag für DC. Diesen haben wir im Archives of the USA und in der Nähe des Capitol Hill verbracht.
      Im Archives of the USA war fotografieren strengstens verboten, so dass wir hier leider keine Bilder haben. Sehr interessant war dort anzuschauen das Original der Unabhängigkeitserklärung und viele andere Dokumente in Form eines Museums. Eintritt kostenfrei, wie fast in allen Museen in DC.
      Nun sitzen wir im Bus zurück nach New York und dann weiter nach Newark zum Flughafenhotel, wo es dann morgen nach Chicago und dann nach Calgary geht. Auf der 4h Busfahrt können wir uns mal ein wenig von der Pflastermüdigkeit und der schwülen Wärme ausruhen.

      Hotelbewertung D.C.:

      sehr schönes Hotel mit guter Ausstattung und Wohlfühlatmosphäre
      leider die Lage etwas ungünstig, am Rand zum ärmeren Stadtviertel - also Nachts würden wir hier eher nicht spazieren gehen
      ca. 400m bis zu Metro
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    • Day 27

      Departing USA

      January 13, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Very short checkin queue at the Lufthansa desk in terminal A, within 10 minutes we were checked in all the way to Port Harcourt. Thereafter we had a 2hr wait to board the plane. Boarding commenced at 17:15. Plane was half empty. Flight was smooth. The onboard entertainment system was sluggish and very unresponsive, I watched Free Guy and a bit of Space Jam, slept a bitRead more

    • Day 13

      On the way

      July 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Benjamin franklin bridge,
      1,5 h für 13 $, eigentlich wie bei uns, züge das 3-4 fache als spätbucher.

    • Day 29

      Am Flughafen, während der Wartezeit.

      June 2, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Leider gibt es hier kein Auntie Anne's und kein Chick-fil-A
      Aber es geht auch ohne

    • Day 9

      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

      September 22, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Betsy Ross House-9/22
      LIberty Bell-9/22
      Independence Hall-9/22
      (I am standing in front of Independence Hall)
      (Picture of where both the U.S. Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution were signed.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gloucester County, مقاطعة غلوستر, Глостър, গ্লৌসেস্টের কাউন্টি, Condado de Gloucester, Gloucester konderria, شهرستان گلاستر، نیوجرسی, Comté de Gloucester, Gloucester megye, Գոլստեր շրջան, Contea di Gloucester, グロスター郡, Gloucester Kūn, Hrabstwo Gloucester, گلوکسٹر کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Gloucester, Глостер, Округ Глостер, گلوسٹر کاؤنٹی، نیو جرسی, Quận Gloucester, Condado han Gloucester, 格洛斯特縣

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