United States
Greystone Heights

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    • Day 76

      Day 76 - Heart Attacks at Dollywood

      July 6, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The alarm went off at 7.30am, way too early for us retirees. At 8.30, we made it down to breakfast & stuffed ourselves (well I did).

      Shortly after 9.00am we checked out of the hotel & dashed east along Interstate 40 past Knoxville, then down the 66 to Sevierville & 441 to Dollywood Theme Park.

      Around 10.20am, we parked up in Cotton Candy car park & took the tram to the entrance to Dollywood. The tickets were $74 each, a bit steep, we would need to get our money’s worth! The park didn’t seem to be unduly busy, possibly because thunderstorms were forecast.

      Dollywood is split up into several different areas. Our first port of call was Timber Canyon & we decided to blood ourselves with a wooden rollercoaster, Thunderhead. There might have been a clue in the title!

      There was literally no queue & we were allocated the back 2 seats, apparently the best. We set off.............FFF^?~§^!}^{%%#@&£*&£**^¥~ CCKKK.

      I screamed like a little girl & Jackie went white & quiet! The rickety old scary ride went on for ever & ever. I hated every second of it & I think Jackie liked it less. We got off with legs of jelly, hearts pounding & swearing we would not do another one. It was just as well we failed to notice the restrictions, because heart problems & high blood pressure were just 2 reasons why we shouldn’t of been on it.

      There were a couple of other big rides in Timber Canyon; the Drop Line, chairs that takes you up to a ridiculous height then drop like a stone & another rickety old rollercoaster called Mystery Mine. There was no chance of doing either of these so we headed to Wildwood Grove, predominantly aimed at kids.

      Our next ride was Treetop Tower, where you got into an Acorn shaped capsule that went round a pole up to about 20’ in the air & then back down again. Jackie was embarrassed as we were the only adults not accompanying children. We had to get our money’s worth somehow!

      We then did the Great Tree Swing & luckily we were in the middle because I always feel I’m going to fall out. People of all ages had their arms aloft, but we both clung on for dear life.

      Next was Frogs & Fireflies, a merry-go-round of frog capsules that hopped up & down as it spun round. Even I was embarrassed, when we were told we had to sit in a frog 🐸 capsule each, because the 2 of us would be over the weight limit. We bounced round a few times.

      Next looked perfect, Black Bear Trail, a little track where you sat upon a bear like you would a horse. Whilst queuing for this, the anticipated storm struck & the heavens opened. Over the tannoy came a message that due to lightning less than 10 miles away, all rollercoasters🎢 & aerial rides would be suspended. The Bear ride was fine, but Jackie was ‘too cool for school’ & refused to do the ride on the grounds of the weather. I braved it & after chivalrously gave Jackie my raincoat to wear. Apparently, Jackie didn’t need one for this trip!

      We then took shelter & got chatting to an American family. His ambition was to visit Europe for some proper history, including Germany where he served in the Military. He said he was concerned about the immigration problem in UK & the no-go areas in London. Good old Trump & his fake news. We put him straight!

      It was during this chat that Jackie realised she had left her phone in the toilet about 15 minutes ago. She went rushing back & as one might expect it had gone. I rang it & luckily the employee at Face Painting, had had someone hand it in to her. We got it back.

      After about an hour in total, the tannoy announced that all the rides were about to commence again. I can’t explain why, but we queued up for the Firechaser Express. It didn’t seem too scary, but looks can be deceiving. It was another rickety bugger that raced around a track & ended up in a fireworks factory. What could go wrong! Everything started exploding & we were at the back again, when suddenly the ride catapulted us backwards, leaving our stomachs back in the fireworks factory. It was horrible & yet again it resulted in me screaming like a Banshee.

      Gluttons for punishment (& keen to get our money’s worth) we queued up for Mystery Mine. We convinced ourselves it seemed alright, just a couple of upside down bits at the end. Unfortunately we hadn’t taken into consideration the word ‘Mystery’, which involved vertical ups & free falling downs in semi darkness. I actually didn’t mind it so much because I couldn’t see the drops, but Jackie was dishevelled & looked petrified. The photos to buy at the end were interesting, Jackie looked like an inflated rubber doll, complete with ‘something about Mary’ hair. She will of course deny it! I just looked wide eyed & mouthed & absolutely terrified.

      That was too much so we headed back to children’s area of Wildwood Grove for some less strenuous activities. Jackie bought an E number crammed ice cream, then we were buzzing. Next ride was the Mad Mockingbird, which was a swing that could be controlled from within our capsule. I stupidly let Jackie drive & we were all over the place!

      Our final ride we allowed ourselves was the Dragonflier. It was a longest queue wait, about 20 minutes, but it was a nice gentle finish for us. It zoomed round at breakneck speed with our legs dangling down, but had no nasty drops or surprises.

      There were several rides that we refused to go on, that were just way too high or too fast or too wet. We instead saw the informative Bird of Prey display in the Wings of America Theatre & generally bimbled around.

      It was 5.30pm, 7 hours later, that we finally exited Dollywood. We drove to the nearest Walmart for some much needed provisions, the drove south to Gatlinburg where we were staying the night. Gatlinburg was heaving, absolutely heaving, & it took us ages to drive through the main high street to our Chalet on the other side of town.

      We are staying in a skiing chalet with a balcony looking out on to the Great Smoky Mountains. At 8.00pm it was still in the high 90s & as humid as you like. We went down the road to Big Daddy’s Pizzeria. We had a 14” classic pizza & a pitcher of local beer. It was perfect & we both agreed the best pizza we had had on this trip.

      Over dinner we both agreed that we really enjoyed Dollywood, but primarily it is a rollercoaster theme park at the end of the day & everything else is a bit Dolly & a bit ‘cutesy’. I think I have just made that word up, but everything is Applejack, Butterfly, Cotton Candy etc etc & country music plays all over, but with bird tweeting in the background.

      We are still very glad we went, but never again will we visit a theme park!

      Song of the Day - 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Rollercoaster by Black Mountain
      Sheer Heart Attack by Queen
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    • Day 6

      Torsdag d. 23.6.

      June 23, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Vi tog på vandretur for at se et vandfald. Jeg vidste egentlig godt at der måske var bjørne i disse bjerge, for man kan ikke gå en tur i Gatlinburg uden af se figurer af bjørne.
      Vi valgte selvfølgelig den lange vandretur, og det betød at 9 ud af 12 km gik vi alene. Vi så hele tiden bjørnelorte på den sti vi gik på. Not good…. Jeg havde bevæbnet mig med en pind, og læst hvordan man skulle gøre, hvis man stødte på en bjørn. Chefen var helt cool og grinede hele tiden. Jeg var stærkt utryg, på grænsen til bange! På den sidste km inden vandfaldet så vi pludselig, at ca 20 mennesker var stimlet sammen for at kigge på en bjørn som stod 10-15 meter fra os. Uj uj uj…. godt at det ikke var på stykke hvor vi gik alene. Så tror jeg sgu jeg var blevet ramt af panikangst.
      Vandfaldet var kedeligt (vi har jo været i alperne), men vandreturen var særdeles nervepirrende. De længste 12 km i mit liv. Bjørne er altså ikke noget fedt dyr.
      På vej ned med bilen så vi to bjørne mere. Den ene gik lige ud foran vores bil. Sikke nogle oplevelser.
      Til eftermiddag gik vi på Gatlinburg Skywalk i tusind graders varme. Chefen blev virkelig testet af temperaturen og hængebroen med glas under fødderne. Hun var ca. 2 minutter i nedsmeltning.
      Til aften gik vi på er bryggeri, hvor man faktisk også kunne få mad. Jeg bestilte en stor pizza, for første gang siden 1992. Det var en fejl - igen. Bestil…. aldrig…. noget stort i USA. Der var mad til mindst to.
      Restauranten var fyldt med musik, og da de spillede Sweet Caroline, brød gæsterne ud i fællessang. Sweeeet Caroline, oh oh ooh… Fantastisk!
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    • Day 4


      October 30, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We arrived at Gatlinburg after the park and I was exhausted after driving all day. We drove down the main street to our hotel, left our bags, chilled for a while, and went to Calhoun’s for dinner. While walking around the town, we entered a Jesus store that sold all things related to Jesus and of course, republicans.

      Afterward, we had some chicken wings for dinner, split an order this time, to not make the same mistake as in Alabama, mission accomplished, stomachs aren’t bursting now.

      Since it was still early so we decided to play some mini-golf. It was Dani’s first time and you could easily tell hahaha
      The mini golf had some fun facts about the town, and in hole 9 I found out the origin of the town’s name.
      You can tell that Gatlinburg is going to vote Republican, I don’t know why I get that hunch.
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    • Day 5

      Onsdag d. 22.9.

      June 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Vi stod op kl. 05.00, men det var nok fordi vi var gået i seng kl 21.15.
      Turen mod Gatlinburg, blev afbrudt af et par timers pause i byen Sweetwater, hvor vi skulle se den største amerikanske underjordiske sø “The lost sea”. Historien fortalte ikke hvor mange andre søer der var med i opløbet. Det var faktisk rigtig hyggeligt, med en tur i grotten og en sejltur på søen.
      Vi blev snydt af tidszonen og tabte en time undervejs, men resten af tiden skal vi være i samme tidszone.
      Ankomsten til Gatlinburg skete gennem små grimme byer, med den helt rigtige amerikanske stilløshed. De blev afløst af bjergkørsel i smokey mountains, og automatgearerne blev godt nok presset. Da vi kom ud af bjergene mødte der os et vildt turist-cirkus. Det havde overhovedet vi ikke forventet. Et kæmpe menneskemylder.
      Vi fik anvisninger om at sætte vores skrald på den rigtige måde. Der er bjørne i området, og de kommer gerne forbi hotellets trapper. Hmmm okay…
      Vi pakkede og og gik mod centrum for at spise. Synet der mødte os var helt vildt og svært at beskrive. Gatlinburg er en tivoliby i bjergene. Det hele var kulliser, slikboder, ubrugeligt bras, forlystelser og tykke amerikanere. Virkelig gakket.
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    • Day 5

      Afsted fra Nasville

      June 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Afsted tidligt kl. 8. Rasmus ringede heldigvis og fortalte at han havde bestået eksamen med er 7 tal💪🏼💪🏼 Så nu er han administrativ økonom👍🏻
      Vi kørte små 3 timer hen til en grotte jeg havde fundet “næsten” på vejen. Derefter 2 timer til Gatlinbutg. Vi kørte gennem bjergene ved Smoky Mountains. Og kom til en “by” som var lige som Tivoli😳 Nå vores hotel var fint nok - 2 stjerner så må man tage gammelt og brunt😉 men super rent👍🏻
      Vi var fremme kl. 17 og gik kort tid efter ned i byen - hold da fest et spektakel. Efter en times vandring i den 36 varme eftermiddag🥵 fandt vi et travlt spise sted. Jeg fik catfish og Dennis en burger. Og 2 kolde øl havde vi også fortjent. Lang kører dag - bilen er fin.
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    • Day 6

      Varm og hård dag

      June 23, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Dennis havde sovet fantastisk - måske fordi vi havde hver vores seng😂 Jeg sover virkelig dårligt - ikke nok med jeg selv kæmper med min egen temperatur (overgangsalder) så funger Air con her med at værelset stille og roligt bliver varmere og varmere også begynder Air con og det larmer og SÅ bliver der koldt🥶 og stille og roligt så varmt igen🥵 Samtidig med jeg selv får hedegag😡 så jeg sover ca. en halv time af gangen😖 jeg har stillet på Air con og håber den kører roligt i nat.
      Nåh op og afsted - vi vandrede afsted, men indså at vi skule køre i bil op til et sted. Så 4 km. “Spildt” afsted igen i bil. Og så en vild vandretur på 12 km😅 jeg får ondt i benene de næste 4 dage! Dennis var noget nervøs hele vejen pga. bjørne. Vi så da heldigvis også en lidt oppe af en bakke. Og på vej i bilen endnu 2 stk. sejt alligevel. 🐻
      Hold op jeg var træt og det er jo 1000 grader🥵🥵
      Eftermiddag op i en lift - der var så 10.000 grader!!
      Aften pizza og øl og trætte ben😉 og lige endnu engang op med liften.
      gået 33.000 skridt og knap 400 højde meter. Så forstår man hvorfor man er træt🥱
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    • Day 2

      Gatlinburg Skylift Park

      June 7, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      We rode the skylift at Gatlinburg Skylift Park and walked across the extremely long suspension bridge at the top. At the middle of the suspension bridge, there are glass panels that you can walk on.

    • Day 6

      The Peddler

      June 27, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Today is Eddie's birthday, and we went to an early dinner at The Peddler. Old school salad bar took me back in time. The steak peddler comes to each table to cut your steak for you.

      The steak wasn't great here. I've had steak 3 nights in a row. Cherokee Grill was the best. Howard's was great, too. Peddler tried twice and couldn't get it right. I only ate 3 bites, overcooked and too salty.

      It was a nice time together. And the $19 salad bar was pretty awesome.
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